The Citadel/UX Chat program functions very much like IRC. Similar '/' commands, etc. For those of you who have been using Chat, the 5.7x and above versions of Citadel/UX have a slightly different functionality for Chat than you're used now follows the room that you are in. If you are in an invite only room for example and type 'c' to get into chat ONLY the people that are invited into that room will be able to access that chat room. Basically thus: If you are in a public room (call it General Babble) and there are other users at the General Babble> prompt they will all be able to chat in that room. If there are other users in other chat rooms that will show up when you start chat: General Babble> Chat Entering chat mode (type /quit to exit, /help for other cmds) :: Note: you are the only one here. There are 2 users chatting in other rooms. Test: (entering chat) :: Users currently in chat: Test (General Babble(chat)): Patriot (Lobby (chat)): IGnatius T Foobar (private room (chat)): > As you can see, user Test is in the General Babble chat room, while user 'Patriot' is in the Lobby chat room and IG's in an invite only room. Note that unless they're in the SAME chat room they won't see each other's messages.