To send mail on this system, go to the Mail> room (using the command .G Mail) and press E to enter a message. You will be prompted with: Enter Recipient: At this point you may enter the name of another user on the system. Private mail is only readable by the sender and recipient. There is no need to delete mail after it is read; it will scroll out automatically. To send mail to another user on the Citadel network, simply type the user's name, followed by @ and then the system name. For example, Enter Recipient: Joe Schmoe @ citadrool To send mail to a user on the Internet, type their network address at the recipient prompt. Citadel/UX will send it over the network: Enter Recipient: Your e-mail address on other Citadels is ^username @ ^nodename Your e-mail address on the Internet is cit^usernum@^fqdn