Citadel/UX Network Manual See copyright.doc for copyright information OVERVIEW The fundamental structure of the networker is fairly simple, however, it has enough features to make it a bit complicated. This is probably the most difficult part of the entire Citadel/UX package. So before we dive in head first, let's look at the various network files and directories. netproc.c Does all of the actual network processing. rcit.c Feeds standard input into the networker, also has the ability to translate UseNet news format into Citadel/UX binary format. netmailer.c Called by the main program when a user sends a network mail message. citmail.c A local MDA which can allow Citadel users to receive Internet mail. cux2ascii.c A filter which translates Citadel/UX binary format to UseNet news format. network Directory in which all network files reside. network/systems Contains network info for each neighboring system network/systems/sysname Network file for a node called "sysname". network/mail.aliases Aliases for the mailer. network/rnews.xref Cross-references room names to newsgroup names. network/mail.sysinfo Contains routing information for network mail. network/filterlist The "kill file" for your system. SETUP There are a few options in the Global System Configuration which pertain to the network. They are: -> node name: this is the unqualified "short" node name which uniquely identifies your system on a Citadel network. -> fully-qualified domain name (FQDN): this identifies how your computer is named on the Internet. -> Human-readable node name: this is a longer, more verbose name for your system. It is also used as your "node title" on older Cit86Net-based networks. SETTING UP SYSTEMS FILES Please note that it is *much* easier to use the "netsetup" (command-line) or "dnetsetup" (curses-based) utilities to create systems files. You should only work with these files manually if you need to do something special. For each of your neighboring Citadel/UX systems you must create a systems file. The file is called network/systems/sysname, where sysname is the other system's node name. The first line contains a command that transfers a spool file to the network/spoolin directory on the remote system. The string "%s" will be replaced by the name of the spool file by netproc. You may only use %s ONCE in the command line. Usually, some sort of remote copy will be used to do the transfer, but you may use any facility you want, *** as long as the file ends up in the network/spoolin directory on the remote system ***. If you're on the Internet, or any TCP/IP network, your systems file should contain the following copy command: cat %s >>./network/spoolout/remote_system_name This simply stores the outbound spool data in a file in the "spoolout" directory, where it will be picked up by server-to-server transfer programs. After the command line you should enter the names of all the rooms you intend to share with this system. Each room name should be followed by a line containing a zero - this extra field is the "last message sent" (which will be updated by netproc when it is run). Here is a sample systems file for a node called uncnsrd: cat %s >>./network/spoolout/uncnsrd Network Test 0 Gateway 0 The Room 0 The rooms "Network Test", "Gateway", and "The Room" will be spooled to the remote system. These rooms should be designated as network rooms with the .ide ditRoom command. USING NETPROC Calling netproc with no arguments causes it to look in the network/spoolin directory for newly arrived messages, and posts them if it finds any. It then automatically batches up new messages on your system to be sent to your net neighbors, and exports those messages to them. It is recommended that you use the cron program to handle your network processing on a routine basis automatically. Arrange with your netneighbors for both of your systems to batch new messages before actual polls take place, to guarantee that messages travel across the network as quickly as possible. Calling netproc with the -i flag causes it to skip the export phase, and handle incoming messages only. USING CITADEL/UX AS YOUR LOCAL E-MAIL SYSTEM To use Citadel/UX as your local mail system, simply define the "citmail" program as your *local* mail delivery agent. You can plug citmail into any popular mail routing system, including sendmail, smail, MMDF, etc. Once you are using citmail as your local mail delivery agent, all users on your BBS may receive mail. They can use addresses like "" (note the spaces in the user's name are replaced by underscores) or "" (where 1234 is the user's user number). Messages may be posted by mail if you have this program installed. Simply use the prefix "room_" -- for example, a message addressed to " would be posted in the room "Hot Pink Amoebas" at the target system. PLEASE NOTE that for your BBS users to be able to send mail, you should check the mailer command at the top of "netmailer.c" to be sure that it is the correct mailer command for your system. You might need a command like "sendmail %s" or "smail %s" depending on what MTA you're using. MAIL ALIASES The file network/mail.aliases is a simple list of aliases for the various mailers to use. Each line takes the form alias,name Obviously, neither the alias nor the name can contain commas. The name may also be the system name "sysop", where messages sent to sysop will be posted in the Aide> room. CITADEL/UX NETWORK MAIL Citadel/UX has the ability to transport mail in a simple and transparent fashion not unlike the way public messages are sent. Users may enter recipient names exactly as they appear on top of messages (i.e., user name @ system name). In addition, mail routing is provided, allowing users to send mail to systems which do not directly connect with their own. When entering a message in the Mail> room, a user may type a recipient name on the local system, or on a remote system. If the recipient is not local, citadel.c calls netmailer.c, which is a standalone program that handles network mail. This runs in a multithreaded mode, allowing netmailer to run in the background while the user goes on to do something else. INTELLIGENT NETWORK PROCESSING AND THE MAIL.SYSINFO FILE There is (or soon will be) a file in your network directory called "mail.sysinfo". In earlier releases of the network software, the system administrator had to manually configure this file. Starting with netproc version 2.1, the system should now create and configure the file automatically. Note that all information may not appear in the file immediately. When a message arrives from a system on the network, your system will attempt to add that system to its network map. If the originating system is one of your netneighbors, it will look for a systems file in the network/systems directory to determine whether it is a valid neighbor. If the originating system is not a neighbor, but the message arrived via a valid neighbor, your map will be updated accordingly, with an entry for the new system showing the next hop to get there. So, under normal circumstances you shouldn't have to configure this file at all. But if you need to do something special, or if for some reason netproc detects the topology wrong, here's how to configure mail.sysinfo. There are three types of entries in this file. A "use" entry tells the system which neighbor to route a message through to get to a particular non-neighboring system. A "bin" entry tells the system that a particular neighbor supports net mail. If there are systems that either do not have the netmailer or are not running Citadel/UX, but can be reached by regular electronic mail, you can use the "uum" command. Type "uum" followed by an address (for the user name, use a %s which will be replaced by the user name at the remote system. Here is a sample network map, where our system is called "myself" and all systems have Citadel/UX EXCEPT for "gateway" and "mailsys": gateway---mailsys _____testbbs / / othersys ----- myself ----- thebox / \_______theirsys funboard In this example, our neighbors are "othersys" and "thebox". othersys also connects to funboard, and thebox connects to testbbs and theirsys. If everyone supports netmail, the network/mail.sysinfo file would look like this: funboard use othersys testbbs use thebox theirsys use thebox othersys bin Mail theirsys bin Mail gateway uum othersys!gateway!%s mailsys uum othersys!gateway!mailsys!%s (Keep in mind that your file will contain additional system-generated information.) The "bin" entries specify neighbors, the "use" entries specify routing, and the "uum" entries specify Internet mail. The method of delivery is totally transparent to the user, who only needs to enter the recipient as user@sysname. Note that netproc will probably stuff lots of other info into each entry. THE KILL FILE Tired of idiots lowering the quality of the net? You can set up a "kill file" in ./network/filterlist that can be used to filter out messages from any user, room, or system (or any combination). The three fields should be separated by commas, and the name "*" may be used as a wildcard in any field. Examples: # Filter out user "The Idiot" in "Idiot Room" at "idiotbbs" # The Idiot,Idiot Room,idiotbbs # Filter out the same user, but in every room # The Idiot,*,idiotbbs # Filter out all messages from a system we don't like # *,*,idiotbbs # Filter out messages in a certain room from a certain system # *,The Room,idiotbbs You could also put a "*" wildcard in all three fields, essentially disabling all incoming messages. Obviously you don't want to do this. CONCLUSION That should cover everything you need to get running. By the way, gateway software for StoneHenge and NYTI FordBoard systems is available upon special request. And, a Cit86Net gateway is now available. For the latest version of this program, or to leave comments/suggestions, call my board - UNCENSORED! BBS at (914) 244-3252 (modem) or (Internet).