Oct 28 01:57 1998 from LoanShark @uncnsrd what i've done with the Makefile.in most recently is to replace all the rules that explicitly generated .o files with a set of suffix rules. these are the `.c.o:', `.c.mo:', and `.c.ro:' targets that appear in the Makefile.in. the idea is, make now knows how to generate files named `foo.o', `foo.mo', or `foo.ro' from a file `foo.c'. a .o file is compiled with standard compiler flags; a .ro (reentrant object) file is also compiled with -D_REENTRANT; and a .mo (module object) is compiled with -D_REENTRANT plus -fPIC and -DPIC to produce position-independent code for a shared library. the suffix rules, together with auto dependency generation, accomplish two things: when you want to link a particular module into a binary, all you have to do is list it, with the appropriate extension, as a dependency of the binary, and add it to the link command line for the target. you don't have to worry about writing a rule to generate the object with the proper flags, or keep the header file dependencies updated. secondly, using different file extensions allows us to compile _REENTRANT and non-REENTRANT versions of files like config.c, tools.c, and snprintf.c that are used in both the clients and the server. autodependency generation is implemented by generating a bunch of .d files (with another suffix rule) using $(CC) - M and "-include"-ing them from the main Makefile. the .d files are made to depend on the .c files they correspond to, and the referenced header files, so they're updated as needed. the only version of make that I know for sure works with this is GNU make, but the Makefile should still work on other versions of Unix make, just without the autodependency stuff. Oct 28 20:49 1998 from LoanShark @uncnsrd one thing I forgot to mention about the autodependency generation: for a file to be included in the autodepend process, it must be listed in the SOURCES macro near the top of Makefile.in. also, I've added an 'install' target to the makefile. this will make it possible to build RPM's, and bring the installation process closer to that of other packages, which if you're using the new configure script goes like this: ./configure [--enable-ansi-color] [--disable-auto-login] [--prefix=/foo] --prefix specifies the location the BBS will run from, /usr/local/citadel by default. to build a highly optimized version without debugging symbols, you could do something like this (with the bourne shell): CC=egcs CFLAGS='-O6 -fomit-frame-pointer' ./configure after configuring, simply type `make', then su to a user who has appropriate permissions, and `make install'. then run setup as usual. are there any other areas that need to be cleared up?