(NOTE: the new networker is not finished yet, and as such, has been disabled in the current release.) Description of the files in the "netconfigs" directory These files contain a set of network configurations for a room. They are stored in the directory $BBSDIR/netconfigs and are named according to each room's internal ID number. When a room is deleted, its network configuration file is deleted as well. The configuration file contains one or more lines of text, each line containing a configuration option. These lines may specify message pointers, room sharing instructions, mailing list recipients, etc. Fields are separated by the vertical bar character ("|") and there will always be at least one field on each line. INSTRUCTION: lastsent SYNTAX: lastsent|0000000 DESCRIPTION: Defines the *local* message number of the last message in this room which we have performed outbound network processing on. Any batch job which sends out messages should do stuff. INSTRUCTION: listrecp SYNTAX: listrecp|friko@mumjiboolean.com DESCRIPTION: Defines a recipient to whom all messages in this room should be sent. This is used for "list serve" applications.