Shaggy: java-powered citadel/ux client by Will Schenk (, chilly @ uncnsrd) Last mod: 04 Aug 1999 This is the java client. It has been re-written to be multithreaded and to use the JFC/Swing library. You need Swing for this application to work; either with Java > 1.1.3, or Java 1.2 (aka Java 2). At the moment, my aim is just use this client to connect, so basically that means that I should get the client to do all the stuff that I use the bbs for. 'm sure that there are many features that I don't use, and so that'll give you an idea of where I'll need input: things like aide commands and editing configuration and other stuff I don't use. :) I've also run into some issues with non-obvious resolutions in how to layout the gui and it's behavior. Ideas are welcome. I'll try and keep the STATUS file up-to-date with the current niftyness of the features and lack thereof. - BUILDING I've including a copy of my "java make script", a perl script called "jmake". Assuming javac is in your path and nothing funky is going on with your $CLASSPATH, typing ./jmake should compile any java source files that are newer than the corrosponding class files. The "main" java file is "", so if you are concerned about anything being out of whack, javac -depend will build the main class, and recursively work down all the classes that it references, so everything needed will be rebuilt. (Contrast with jmake: it builds all java classes in the directory, even those just hanging out there having nothing to do with the citadel client.) - RUNNING At the moment there is no applet class, so it only works as an application. The easiest way to run the client is: java citadel [host] where [host] is the optional network address of the server. host defaults to You'll have to change the code in if you want it to use a different port. ideally, when it's distributed there should be either a zip or jar file (both are actually zip files, only difference is the letters) with all the classes. This makes the applet load faster, and it's cleaner. REMEMBER: if you are using java 1.1.x, you'll need to download the swing libraries. To use the libraries, you will need to put them in the CLASSPATH environment variable, or pass them on the command line. Remember to put "." in the classpath. example: export CLASSPATH=.:/usr/local/jdk/lib/ -- will