mod: 04 Aug 1999 Basic: - Connect to server and login (connects, gets "hello" and throws up window) * TODO: new user. (need to understand registration) - can log off (shows goodbye, and in application lets you connect to a different server) - can recieve express messages (GEXP style, will get all messages that are there. - can send and "reply" to express messages, uses either single or multi depending on server support. - no who is online - supports the IDEN command - Automaticcaly goes to mail room if you have new messages * can't change password or other config stuff "main" - Splits rooms up into new and no-new - floor support - rooms are now sorted - Go to next room with messages - go to any old room by double-clicking from list _ can get to hidden or guessable-named rooms _ can go to password protected rooms (tested) - can zap rooms * can't list zapped rooms "message" - read new, all, or last-5 message in a room - forward and reverse - enter messages in room (only type 0) - handles Mail room - checks for mail and opens mail room automatically if you have any new * No reply button when in mail room. - can see "next" and "prev" message. (goes through the MSGS list which it gets when you first enter the room) no way to jump around (yet?). - I update (via: SLRP) the user's "highest read" message everytime they read a message higher than the previous. This changes the behavior from the text client, if you enter a room and read 2 new messages out of 5, then go to the next room, the three unread messages will still be unread with the java client while they wouldn't be with the text client. I like it better personally, but hey, that's me. - can view room info everything else isn't done.