WEBCIT for the Citadel System version 6.71 Copyright (C) 1996-2006 by the authors. Portions written by: Art Cancro Nathan Bryant Wilifried Goesgens Nick Grossman Andru Luvisi Dave Lindquist Martin Mouritzen This program is open source software released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. Please read COPYING.txt for more licensing information. WebCit bundles the Prototype JavaScript Framework, writen by Sam Stephenson [http://prototype.conio.net]. These components are licensed to you under the terms of an MIT-style license. WebCit bundles the script.aculo.us JavaScript library, written by Thomas Fuchs [http://script.aculo.us, http://mir.aculo.us]. These components are licensed to you under the terms of an MIT-style license. WebCit bundles the TinyMCE text editor, written by Moxiecode Systems AB (http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/tinymce/docs/credits.html). This component is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. The Citadel logo was designed by Lisa Aurigemma. INTRODUCTION ------------ Citadel is a sophisticated groupware and BBS package which allows multiple users to simultaneously access the system using a variety of user interfaces. This package (WebCit) is a "middleware" package which presents an HTML/HTTP user interface to the Citadel system. What this means in practice is that after you've installed WebCit, users can access all functions of your system using any web browser. Since this may be the first Citadel experience for many new users, the screens have been designed to be attractive and easy to navigate. INSTALLATION ------------ Unline some web-based packages, WebCit contains its own standalone HTTP engine. As a result, you can get it running quickly without all that tedious mucking about with Apache configuration files and directories. WebCit is not intended to replace your Apache server, however -- it *only* provides a front end to Citadel. If you do not have another web server running, you may run WebCit on port 80; however, in the more likely situation that you have Apache or some other web server listening on port 80, you must run WebCit on another port. The default is port 2000. To compile from source, enter the usual commands: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/webcit [or whatever directory you prefer] make make install Package/Ports Maintainers: to make webcit fit smart into LHFS-ified systems read on at the end of this file, Advanced configure options. Then to initialize it: cd /usr/local/webcit ./setup After running setup, you just point your web browser to whatever port you specified, such as: http://your.host.name:2000 ...and log in. The included "setup" program is basically just an installation helper that asks a series of questions and then adds the appropriate line to inittab to start WebCit. For most installations, this will do just fine. If you have special circumstances, or if you'd prefer to configure WebCit manually, you may skip the setup program. Instead, open /etc/inittab and add an entry something like this: wc:2345:respawn:/usr/local/webcit/webserver Several command-line options are also available. Here's the usage for the "webserver" program: webserver [-i ip_addr] [-p http_port] [-s] [-t tracefile] [-c] [-f] [remotehost [remoteport]] *or* webserver [-i ip_addr] [-p http_port] [-s] [-t tracefile] [-c] [-f] uds /your/citadel/directory Explained: -> ip_addr: the IP address on which you wish your WebCit server to run. You can leave this out, in which case WebCit will listen on all available network interfaces. Normally this will be the case, but if you are running multiple Citadel systems on one host, it can be useful. -> http_port: the TCP port on which you wish your WebCit server to run. If you are installing WebCit on a dedicated server, you can use the standard port 80. Otherwise, if port 80 is already occupied by some other web service (probably Apache), then you'll need to select a different port. If you do not specify a port number, WebCit will attempt to use port 2000. -> tracefile: where you want WebCit to log to. This can be a file, a virtual console, or /dev/null to suppress logging altogether. -> The "-c" option causes WebCit to output an extra cookie containing the identity of the WebCit server. The cookie will look like this: Set-cookie: wcserver=your.host.name This is useful if you have a cluster of WebCit servers sitting behind a load balancer, and the load balancer has the ability to use cookies to keep track of which server to send HTTP requests to. -> The "-s" option causes WebCit to present an HTTPS (SSL-encrypted) web service. If you want to do both HTTP and HTTPS, you can simply run two instances of WebCit on two different ports. -> The "-f" option tells WebCit that it is allowed to follow the "X-Forwarded-For:" HTTP headers which may be added if your WebCit service is sitting behind a front end proxy. This will allow users in your "Who is online?" list to appear as connecting from their actual host address instead of the address of the proxy. In addition, the "X-Forwarded-Host:" header from the front end proxy will also be honored, which will help to make automatically generated absolute URL's (for things like GroupDAV and mailing list subscriptions) correct. -> remotehost: the name or IP address of the host on which your Citadel server is running. The default is "localhost". -> remoteport: the port number on which your Citadel server is running. The default is port 504, the IANA-designated standard port for Citadel. -> "uds" is a keyword which tells WebCit that you wish to connect to a Citadel server running on the same computer, rather than using a TCP/IP socket. /your/citadel/directory should be set to the actual name of the directory in which you have Citadel installed (such as /usr/local/citadel). If you run Citadel and WebCit on the same computer, this is recommended, as it will run much faster. GRAPHICS -------- WebCit contains graphics, templates, JavaScript code, etc. which are kept in its "static" subdirectory. All site-specific graphics, however, are fetched from the Citadel server. The "images" directory on a Citadel system contains these graphics. The ones which you may be interested in are: -> background.gif: a background texture displayed under all web pages -> hello.gif: your system's logo. It is displayed along with the logon banner, and on the top left corner of each page. If you would like to deploy a "favicon.ico" graphic, please put it in the static/ directory. WebCit will properly serve it from there. CALENDAR SERVICE ---------------- WebCit contains support for calendaring and scheduling. In order to use it you must have libical v0.24 (or newer) on your system. You must also be running a Citadel server with calendaring support. The calendar service will be automatically configured and installed if your host system supports it. WebCit also provides Kolab-compatible free/busy data for calendar clients. Unlike the Kolab server, however, there is no need for each user to "publish" free/busy data -- it is generated on-the-fly from the server-side calendar of the user being queried. Note: in order to support Kolab clients, you must have WebCit running in HTTPS mode on port 443, because that is what Kolab clients will be expecting. HTTPS (encryption) SUPPORT -------------------------- WebCit now supports HTTPS for encrypted connections. When a secure server port is specified via the "-s" flag, an HTTPS service is enabled. The service will look in the "keys" directory for the following files: citadel.key (your server's private key) citadel.csr (a certificate signing request) citadel.cer (your server's public certificate) If any of these files are not found, WebCit will first attempt to link to the SSL files in the Citadel service's directory (if Citadel is running on the same host as WebCit), and if that does not succeed, it will automatically generate a key and certificate. It is up to you to decide whether to use an automatically generated, self-signed certificate, or purchase a certificate signed by a well known authority. INTEGRATING INTO APACHE ----------------------- If you want to include webcit into an Apache, because of you want to have it running alongside your i.e. php applications without adding another ip or using a different port than 443 / 80 (which may be blocked by company firewalls for example) you can do this with apaches mod_proxy. One can do this either to make webcit fill up into a full vhost (like webcit.mydomain.com) or to go into a subdirectory (like www.mydomain.com/webcit). find two config snippets, that can be added to apaches sample ssl config (which you may find in /usr/share/doc/apache2/examples/ssl.conf for example) Warning: you should be somewhat experienced with configuring apache to do that! VHOST context: #here some of your config stuff like logging, serveradmin... NameVirtualHost www.mydomain.com allow from all ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / # make apache give away static content like images... alias /static /var/lib/citadel/www/static SUBDIR context: #here some of your config stuff like logging, serveradmin... NameVirtualHost www.mydomain.com allow from all allow from all allow from all allow from all ProxyPass /webcit/ ProxyPassReverse /webcit/ ProxyPass /listsub/ ProxyPassReverse /listsub/ ProxyPass /groupdav/ ProxyPassReverse /groupdav/ ProxyPass /who_inner_html ProxyPassReverse /who_inner_html # make apache give away static content like images... alias /static /var/lib/citadel/www/static CONCLUSION ---------- That's all you need to know to get started. If you have any questions or comments, please visit UNCENSORED! BBS, the home of Citadel, at uncensored.citadel.org. ADVANCED CONFIGURE OPTIONS -------------------------- To make webcit integrate smothly into your system there are several options available. --with-staticdir defines where webcit should put'n search its templates and images. If you want to go with a different Installation location then the point it is accessed at runtime, you can use --with-staticrundir. This option is meant to ease your needs if you're going to install the static files as 'examples' in a location like /usr/share/doc/webcit/examples, and enable the user to copy them over to another dir (like /var/lib/citadel/www), where they're accessed at runtime. (The debian instatll scripts provided with this package do this to preserve user changes to the template system, see debian/citadel-webcit.postinstall) Further there are possibilities to load the tiny_mce editor into a system uniq location. Webcit uses this standard component compose its messages for mails and postings. Several webcit installations that may differ in design but use the same tiny_mce (which is the default that webcit ships with) (set --with-editordir for that, it defaults to the dir the templates go)