CITADEL/UX CLIENT FOR WINDOWS Copyright (c) 1995-1998 by Art Cancro. All Rights Reserved. This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. DESCRIPTION ----------- WinCit is a client program that allows point-and-click access to BBS's running the Citadel/UX software. All functions of the BBS including rooms (message bases), electronic mail, multiuser chat, file upload/download, and paging (express messages) are supported. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------- Hmm... good question. Probably at least a 486 with 8 megabytes of memory to run the program with reasonable performance. This client is designed to run under Windows 95 or Windows NT. It will not run under Windows 3.1 or OS/2. INSTALLATION ------------ If you downloaded this distribution, unpack it into a temporary directory and then run SETUP. After setup is complete, you may delete the files in the temporary directory. If you have floppy disks, simply run SETUP off the first floppy. The setup program should set up a dialing directory with a few BBS's in it. If the directory is missing, simply add the BBS of your choice using the "Add" button. A good place to start would be UNCENSORED! BBS at (port 504). USING THE CLIENT ---------------- This program suffers from a chronical lack of online help. :) Citadel/UX BBS's are not Internet service providers (although some ISP's have their own Citadels set up also). You must first be connected to the Internet, either through a LAN or with a modem connection. If you use a modem, dial up your Internet provider *before* starting WinCit. Then connect to the BBS of your choice.