// One program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. include "config_ctdlclient.php"; define('VIEW_BBS' ,'0'); /* Bulletin board view */ define('VIEW_MAILBOX' ,'1'); /* Mailbox summary */ define('VIEW_ADDRESSBOOK' ,'2'); /* Address book view */ define('VIEW_CALENDAR' ,'3'); /* Calendar view */ define('VIEW_TASKS' ,'4'); /* Tasks view */ define('VIEW_NOTES' ,'5'); /* Notes view */ define("FMT_CITADEL", 0); define("FMT_FIXED", 1); define("FMT_RFC822", 4); function debugLog($string) { print ($string); } function dbgprintf_wrapin($string, $html) { if (!CITADEL_DEBUG_HTML){ if ($html) debugLog("<< ".$string); } else printf($string); } function dbgprintf_wrapout($string, $html) { if (!CITADEL_DEBUG_HTML){ if ($html) debugLog("<< ".$string); } else printf($string); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // internal functions for server communication //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // serv_gets() -- generic function to read one line of text from the server // function serv_gets($readblock=FALSE) { global $clientsocket; $buf = fgets($clientsocket, 4096); // Read line $buf = substr($buf, 0, (strlen($buf)-1) ); // strip trailing LF if (CITADEL_DEBUG_CITPROTO == 1) { if (!$readblock) dbgprintf_wrapin("
\n", false); dbgprintf_wrapin($buf, true); if (!$readblock) dbgprintf_wrapin ("\n
\n", false); else dbgprintf_wrapin ("
\n", false); } return $buf; } // // serv_get_n() -- generic function to read a binary blob from the server // function serv_get_n($nBytes) { global $clientsocket; if (CITADEL_DEBUG_CITPROTO == 1) { dbgprintf_wrapin ("
\n", false); dbgprintf_wrapin("reading ".$nBytes." bytes from server\n", true); dbgprintf_wrapin ("
\n", false); } $buf = fread($clientsocket, $nBytes); if (CITADEL_DEBUG_CITPROTO == 1) { if (!$buf) dbgprintf_wrapin ("
\n", false); dbgprintf_wrapin($buf, true); if (!$buf) dbgprintf_wrapin ("
\n", false); else dbgprintf_wrapin ("
\n", false); } return $buf; } // // serv_puts() -- generic function to write one line of text to the server // function serv_puts($buf) { global $clientsocket; fwrite($clientsocket, $buf . "\n", (strlen($buf)+1) ); fflush($clientsocket); if (CITADEL_DEBUG_CITPROTO == 1) { dbgprintf_wrapin("
", false); dbgprintf_wrapin($buf, true); dbgprintf_wrapin("
\n", false); } } function read_array() { $nLines = 0; if (CITADEL_DEBUG_CITPROTO == 1) dbgprintf_wrapout("
\n", false); $buf = serv_gets(TRUE); $ret = array(); while (strcasecmp($buf, "000")){ array_push($ret, $buf); $buf = serv_gets(TRUE); $nLines++; } if (CITADEL_DEBUG_CITPROTO == 1){ dbgprintf_wrapout("read ".$nLines." lines from the server.\n", true); dbgprintf_wrapout ("
\n", false); } return $ret; } function read_binary() { $nLines = 0; if (CITADEL_DEBUG_CITPROTO == 1) dbgprintf_wrapout ("
\n", false); $buf = serv_gets(TRUE); if (CITADEL_DEBUG_CITPROTO == 1){ dbgprintf_wrapout("status line from the server\n", true); } $statusline = explode(" ", $buf); if ($statusline[0] == 600) { $buf = serv_get_n($statusline[1]); } if (CITADEL_DEBUG_CITPROTO == 1) dbgprintf_wrapout ("
\n", false); return array($statusline, $buf); } // // text_to_server() -- sends a block of text to the server. Assumes that // the server just sent back a SEND_LISTING response code // and is now expecting a 000-terminated series of lines. // Set 'convert_to_html' to TRUE to convert the block of // text to HTML along the way. // function text_to_server($thetext, $convert_to_html) { // HTML mode if ($convert_to_html) { // Strip CR's; we only want the LF's $thetext = trim($thetext, "\r"); // Replace hard line breaks with
's $thetext = str_replace("\n", "
\n", $thetext); } // Either mode ... send it to the server now $one_line = strtok($thetext, "\n"); while ($one_line !== FALSE) { $one_line = trim($one_line, "\n\r"); if ($one_line == "000") $one_line = "-000" ; serv_puts($one_line); $one_line = strtok("\n"); } serv_puts("000"); // Tell the server we're done... serv_puts("ECHO echo test."); // FIXME echo "Echo test: " . serv_gets() . "
\n" ; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // protocol commands //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Identify ourselves to the Citadel server (do one once after connection) /* http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:appproto:connection#iden.identify.the.client.software */ // function ctdl_iden($client_info) { global $clientsocket; if (count($client_info) != 5) die("ctdl_iden takes 5 arguments!"); // Identify client and hostname serv_puts("IDEN ".implode('|', $client_info)); $buf = serv_gets(); } function ctdl_MessageFormatsPrefered($formatlist){ // Also express our message format preferences serv_puts("MSGP ".implode("|", $formatlist)); $buf = serv_gets(); } /* http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:appproto:connection#noop.no.operation */ function ctdl_noop(){ // Also express our message format preferences serv_puts("NOOP "); $buf = serv_gets(); } /* http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:appproto:connection#quit.quit */ function ctdl_quit(){ // Also express our message format preferences serv_puts("QUIT "); $buf = serv_gets(); } /* http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:appproto:connection#mesg.read.system.message */ function ctdl_gtls(){ // Also express our message format preferences serv_puts("GTLS "); $buf = serv_gets(); return $buf; } /* http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:appproto:connection#qnop.quiet.no.operation */ /* this seems to be dangerous. ask IG function ctdl_qnoop(){ // Also express our message format preferences serv_puts("QNOP "); } */ /* http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:appproto:connection#echo.echo.something */ function ctdl_doecho($echotext){ // Also express our message format preferences serv_puts("ECHO ".$echotext); $buf = serv_gets(); } /* http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:appproto:connection#time.get.server.local.time */ /* TODO: what are the other two params? doku is incomplete here. */ function ctdl_time(){ // Also express our message format preferences serv_puts("TIME"); $buf = serv_gets(); } /* http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:appproto:connection#qdir.query.global.directory */ function ctdl_qdir($who){ // Also express our message format preferences serv_puts("QDIR ".$who); $buf = serv_gets(); return array((substr($buf, 0, 1) == "2"), $buf); } /* http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:appproto:connection#auto.autocompletion.of.email.addresses */ function ctdl_auto($who){ // Also express our message format preferences serv_puts("AUTO ".$who); $buf = serv_gets(); if (substr($buf, 0, 1) == "1") { $reply = read_array(); if (count($reply) == 0) return false; return $reply; } else return false; } // // login_existing_user() -- attempt to login using a supplied username/password // Returns an array with two variables: // 0. TRUE or FALSE to determine success or failure // 1. String error message (if relevant) /* http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:appproto:connection#user.send.user.name */ /* http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:appproto:connection#pass.send.password */ // function login_existing_user($user, $pass) { global $clientsocket; serv_puts("USER " . $user); $resp = serv_gets(); if (substr($resp, 0, 3) == 541) // we're already logged in. return array(TRUE, substr($resp, 4)); if (substr($resp, 0, 1) != "3") { return array(FALSE, substr($resp, 4)); } serv_puts("PASS " . $pass); $resp = serv_gets(); if (substr($resp, 0, 1) != "2") { return array(FALSE, substr($resp, 4)); } $_SESSION["username"] = $user; $_SESSION["password"] = $pass; become_logged_in(substr($resp, 4)); return array(TRUE, "Login successful. Have fun."); } // // create_new_user() -- attempt to create a new user // using a supplied username/password // Returns an array with two variables: // 0. TRUE or FALSE to determine success or failure // 1. String error message (if relevant) // function create_new_user($user, $pass) { global $clientsocket; serv_puts("NEWU " . $user); $resp = serv_gets(); if (substr($resp, 0, 1) != "2") { return array(FALSE, substr($resp, 4)); } serv_puts("SETP " . $pass); $resp = serv_gets(); if (substr($resp, 0, 1) != "2") { return array(FALSE, substr($resp, 4)); } $_SESSION["username"] = $user; $_SESSION["password"] = $pass; become_logged_in(substr($resp, 4)); return array(TRUE, "Login successful. Have fun."); } // // Code common to both existing-user and new-user logins // function become_logged_in($server_parms) { $_SESSION["logged_in"] = 1; $tokens = explode("|", $server_parms); $oneline["username"] = $tokens[0]; $oneline["axlevel"] = $tokens[1]; $oneline["calls"] = $tokens[2]; $oneline["posts"] = $tokens[3]; $oneline["userflags"] = $tokens[4]; $oneline["usernum"] = $tokens[5]; $oneline["lastcall"] = $tokens[6]; ctdl_goto("_BASEROOM_"); } // // Learn all sorts of interesting things about the Citadel server to // which we are connected. /* http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:appproto:connection#info.get.server.info */ // function ctdl_get_serv_info() { serv_puts("INFO"); $reply = read_array(); if ((count($reply) == 22) && substr($reply[0], 0, 1) == "1") { $server_info=array(); $server_info["serv_nodename"] = $reply[1]; $server_info["serv_humannode"] = $reply[2]; $server_info["serv_fqdn"] = $reply[3]; $server_info["serv_software"] = $reply[4]; $server_info["serv_city"] = $reply[6]; $server_info["serv_sysadmin"] = $reply[7]; if (CITADEL_DEBUG_CITPROTO == 1) { dbgprintf_wrapout("
", false);
			dbgprintf_wrapout(print_r($server_info, true), true);
", false); } return $server_info; } else { dbgprintf_wrapin ("didn't understand the reply to the INFO command". print_r($reply, TRUE), false); die ("CTDLPHP: didn't understand the reply to the INFO command"); } } // // Learn all sorts of interesting things about the Citadel server to // which we are connected. /* http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:appproto:connection#info.get.server.info */ // function ctdl_get_registration_info() { serv_puts("GREG"); $reply = read_array(); dbgprintf_wrapout(print_r($reply, true), true); // die ("didn't understand the reply to the INFO command"); } // // Display a system banner. (Returns completed HTML.) // (One is probably temporary because it outputs more or less finalized // markup. For now it's just usable.) // /* http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:appproto:connection#mesg.read.system.message */ function ctdl_mesg($msgname) { global $clientsocket; $msgtext = "
\n"; serv_puts("MESG " . $msgname); $response = read_array(); if (substr($response[0], 0, 1) == "1") { array_shift($response); // throw away the status code. $msgtext .= "" . implode( "
\n" ,$response); } else { $msgtext .= "" . substr($response[0], 4) . "
\n"; } $msgtext .= "
\n"; return($msgtext); } // // Delete a Message. // http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:appproto:room_indexes_and_messages#dele.delete.a.message function ctdl_dele($msgname) { global $clientsocket; $msgtext = "
\n"; serv_puts("DELE " . $msgname); $response = serv_gets(); if (substr($response[0], 0, 1) == "1") { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /* http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:appproto:connection#mesg.read.system.message */ //// TODO: is this still supported? function ctdl_mrtg($what) { global $clientsocket; serv_puts("MRTG ".$what); $response = serv_gets(); if (substr($response, 0, 1) != "1") { return array(0, NULL); } $responses = read_array(); return $responses; } // // Fetch the list of users currently logged in. /* http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:appproto:connection#rwho.read.who.s.online */ // function ctdl_rwho() { global $clientsocket; serv_puts("RWHO"); $response = serv_gets(); if (substr($response, 0, 1) != "1") { return array(0, NULL); } $all_lines = array(); $num_lines = 0; $responses = read_array(); foreach ($responses as $response) { $tokens = explode("|", $response); $oneline = array(); $oneline["session"] = $tokens[0]; $oneline["user"] = $tokens[1]; $oneline["room"] = $tokens[2]; $oneline["host"] = $tokens[3]; $oneline["client"] = $tokens[4]; $oneline["idlesince"] = $tokens[5]; $oneline["lastcmd"] = $tokens[6]; $oneline["flags"] = $tokens[7]; $oneline["realname"] = $tokens[8]; $oneline["realroom"] = $tokens[9]; $oneline["realhostname"] = $tokens[10]; $oneline["registered"] = $tokens[11]; // IGnore the rest of the fields for now. if (CITADEL_DEBUG_CITPROTO == 1) { dbgprintf_wrapout("
", false);
			dbgprintf_wrapout(print_r($oneline, true), true);
", false);; } $num_lines = array_push($all_lines, $oneline); } return array($num_lines, $all_lines); } // // Goto a room. // function ctdl_goto($to_where) { serv_puts("GOTO " . $to_where); $response = serv_gets(); $results = explode ("|", $response); $status_room = array_shift($results); $status = substr($status_room, 0, 3); if (substr($status, 0, 1) == "2") { $room = substr($status_room, 4); array_unshift($results, $room); $room_state=array( "state" => TRUE, "statereply" => $status, "roomname" => $results[ 0], "nunreadmsg" => $results[ 1], "nmessages" => $results[ 2], "rinfopresent" => $results[ 3], "flags" => $results[ 4], "msgidmax" => $results[ 5], "msgidreadmax" => $results[ 6], "ismailroom" => $results[ 7], "isroomaide" => $results[ 8], "nnewmessages" => $results[ 9], "floorid" => $results[10], "viewselected" => $results[11], "defaultview" => $results[12], "istrashcan" => $results[13]); $_SESSION["room"] = $room; if (CITADEL_DEBUG_CITPROTO == 1) { dbgprintf_wrapout("
", false);
			dbgprintf_wrapout(print_r($room_state, true), true);
", false); } return $room_state; } else { return array("state" => FALSE, "statereply" => $status); } } // // Fetch the list of known rooms. // function ctdl_knrooms() { global $clientsocket; serv_puts("LKRA"); $response = serv_gets(); if (substr($response, 0, 1) != "1") { return array(0, NULL); } $results = read_array(); $all_lines = array(); $num_lines = 0; foreach ($results as $result){ $oneline = array(); $tokens = explode("|",$result); $oneline["name"] = $tokens[0]; $oneline["flags"] = $tokens[1]; $oneline["floor"] = $tokens[2]; $oneline["order"] = $tokens[3]; $oneline["flags2"] = $tokens[4]; $oneline["access"] = $tokens[5]; if ($oneline["access"] & 8) { $oneline["hasnewmsgs"] = TRUE; } else { $oneline["hasnewmsgs"] = FALSE; } if (CITADEL_DEBUG_CITPROTO == 1) { dbgprintf_wrapout("
", false);
			dbgprintf_wrapout(print_r($oneline, true), true);
", false); } $num_lines = array_push($all_lines, $oneline); } return array($num_lines, $all_lines); } // // Fetch the list of known floors. // /* http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:appproto:rooms#lflr.list.all.known.floors */ function ctdl_knfloors() { global $clientsocket; serv_puts("LFLR"); $response = serv_gets(); if (substr($response, 0, 1) != "1") { return array(0, NULL); } $results = read_array(); $all_lines = array(); $num_lines = 0; foreach ($results as $result){ $oneline = array(); $tokens = explode("|",$result); $oneline["id"] = $tokens[0]; $oneline["name"] = $tokens[1]; $oneline["nref"] = $tokens[2]; if (CITADEL_DEBUG_CITPROTO == 1) { dbgprintf_wrapout("
", false);
			dbgprintf_wrapout(print_r($oneline, true), true);
", false); } $num_lines = array_push($all_lines, $oneline); } return array($num_lines, $all_lines); } /* http://www.citadel.org/doku.php/documentation:appproto:rooms#cflr.create.a.new.floor */ // // Fetch the list of messages in one room. // Returns: count, response, message array // function ctdl_msgs($mode, $count) { global $clientsocket; serv_puts("MSGS " . $mode . "|" . $count); $responses = read_array(); dbgprintf_wrapout(print_r($responses, true), false); $response = array_shift($responses); $num_msgs = count($responses); if (substr($response, 0, 1) != "1") { return array(0, substr($response, 4), NULL); } if (CITADEL_DEBUG_CITPROTO == 1) { dbgprintf_wrapout("found ".$num_msgs." messages.", true); } return array($num_msgs, $response, $responses); } // Load a message from the server. function ctdl_fetch_message($msgnum) { global $clientsocket; serv_puts("MSG4 " . $msgnum); if (CITADEL_DEBUG_CITPROTO == 1) dbgprintf_wrapout("
", false); $response = serv_gets(TRUE); if (substr($response, 0, 1) != "1") { return array(FALSE, substr($response, 4), NULL); } $fields = array(); while (strcmp($buf = serv_gets(TRUE), "000")) { if (substr($buf, 0, 4) == "text") { if (CITADEL_DEBUG_CITPROTO == 1) dbgprintf_wrapout("

Message Body Follows

", false); // We're in the text body. New loop here. $texts = ctdl_msg4_from_server(); $fields["text"] = $texts[0]; $fields["formated_text"]=$texts[1]; if (CITADEL_DEBUG_CITPROTO == 1) dbgprintf_wrapout ("
", false); return array(TRUE, substr($response, 4), $fields); } else { $fields[substr($buf, 0, 4)] = substr($buf, 5); } } // Message terminated prematurely (no text body) return array(FALSE, substr($response, 4), $fields); } // Load a message from the server. function ctdl_fetch_message_rfc822($msgnum) { global $clientsocket; serv_puts("MSG2 " . $msgnum); if (CITADEL_DEBUG_CITPROTO == 1) dbgprintf_wrapout("
", false); $response = serv_gets(TRUE); if (substr($response, 0, 1) != "1") { return array(FALSE, NULL); } $message = ""; $buf=""; while ($buf = serv_gets(TRUE)) { // dbgprintf_wrapout($buf, true); if ($buf=="000") { $message .= "\n.\n"; break; } $message = $message . "\n" . $buf; $buf = ""; } // dbgprintf_wrapout($message, true); // Message terminated prematurely (no text body) return array(TRUE, $message); } // Support function for ctdl_fetch_message(). This handles the text body // portion of the message, converting various formats to HTML as // appropriate. function ctdl_msg4_from_server() { $txt = ""; $modified_txt = ""; $msgformat = "text/plain"; $in_body = FALSE; $previous_line = ""; while (strcmp($buf = serv_gets(TRUE), "000")) { if ($in_body == FALSE) { if (strlen($buf) == 0) { $in_body = TRUE; } else { if (!strncasecmp($buf, "content-type: ", 14)) { $msgformat = substr($buf, 14); } } } else { if (!strcasecmp($msgformat, "text/html")) { $txt .= $buf; } else if (!strcasecmp($msgformat, "text/plain")) { $txt .= "\r\n".$buf; $modified_ .= "" . htmlspecialchars($buf) . "
\n" ; } else if (!strcasecmp($msgformat, "text/x-citadel-variformat")) { if (substr($previous_line, 0, 1) == " ") { $txt .= "
\n" ; } $txt .= htmlspecialchars($buf); } else { $txt .= htmlspecialchars($buf); } $previous_line = $buf; } } return(array($txt, $modified_txt)); } function download_attachment($msgnum, $attindex) { $command = "DLAT ".$msgnum."|".$attindex; serv_puts($command); $reply = read_binary(); return $reply; } function enter_message_0($msgHdr, $contentType, $data) { $send = array(); if (isset($msgHdr['newusermail'])) array_unshift($send, $msgHdr['newusermail']); else array_unshift($send, ""); if (isset($msgHdr['supplied_euid'])) array_unshift($send, $msgHdr['supplied_euid']); else array_unshift($send, ""); if (isset($msgHdr['bcc'])) array_unshift($send, $msgHdr['bcc']); else array_unshift($send, ""); if (isset($msgHdr['cc'])) array_unshift($send, $msgHdr['cc']); else array_unshift($send, ""); if (isset($msgHdr['do_confirm'])) array_unshift($send, $msgHdr['do_confirm']); else array_unshift($send, ""); if (isset($msgHdr['newusername'])) array_unshift($send, $msgHdr['newusername']); else array_unshift($send, ""); if (isset($msgHdr['subject'])) array_unshift($send, $msgHdr['subject']); else array_unshift($send, ""); if (isset($msgHdr['format_type'])) array_unshift($send, $msgHdr['format_type']); else array_unshift($send, ""); if (isset($msgHdr['anon_flag'])) array_unshift($send, $msgHdr['anon_flag']); else array_unshift($send, ""); if (isset($msgHdr['recp'])) array_unshift($send, $msgHdr['recp']); else array_unshift($send, ""); if (isset($msgHdr['post'])) array_unshift($send, $msgHdr['post']); else array_unshift($send, ""); $params = implode('|', $send); serv_puts("ENT0 ".$params); $reply=serv_gets(); if (substr($reply, 0, 1) != 4) return array(false, array(), array()); serv_puts("Content-type: ".$contentType); serv_puts(""); serv_puts($data."\r\n"); serv_puts("000"); } ?>