\n" ; echo "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" ; ctdl_goto("My Citadel Config"); list($num_msgs, $response, $msgs) = ctdl_msgs("", ""); echo "num_msgs: " . $num_msgs . "
\n" ; echo "response: " . htmlspecialchars($response) . "
\n" ; $Webcit_Preferences = array(); $Webcit_PrefMsgid = 0; if ($num_msgs > 0) foreach ($msgs as $msgnum) { print_r($msgnum); // Fetch the message from the server list($ok, $response, $fields) = ctdl_fetch_message($msgnum); // Bail out gracefully if the message isn't there. if (!$ok) { echo "Error: " . htmlspecialchars($response) . "
" ; return false; } if (isset($fields['part'])) { $parts = explode('|', $fields['part']); print_r($parts); if ($parts[4]=="text/x-vcard") list($size, $vcard) = download_attachment($msgnum, $result[2]); else ctdl_dele($msgnum); } else if ($fields['subj'] == "__ WebCit Preferences __") { $Webcit_PrefMsgid = $msgnum; $Webcit_Preferences = $fields; } } echo "
\n". $vcard."
"; echo "putting it back in!"; $vcard = "begin:vcard n:Surename;CName;mitte;Mrs;IV title:master fn:CName Surename org:citadel.org adr:blarg;Road To nowhere ;10;Metropolis;NRW;12345;Country tel;home:888888888 tel;work:99999999999 email;internet:user@samplecitadel.org email;internet:me@samplecitadel.org email;internet:myself@samplecitadel.org email;internet:i@samplecitadel.org FBURL;PREF:http://samplecitadel.org/Cname_Lastname.vfb UID:Citadel vCard: personal card for Cname Lastname at samplecitadel.org end:vcard "; preg_replace('/Sir/', 'Mrs',$vcard); echo "Now its:
"; $entarray=array(); $entarray['post']=1; $entarray['format_type']=FMT_RFC822; enter_message_0($entarray, "text/x-vcard; charset=UTF-8", $vcard); if ($Webcit_PrefMsgid != '0') { ctdl_dele($Webcit_PrefMsgid); $entarray=array(); $entarray['post']=1; $entarray['format_type']=FMT_FIXED; $entarray['subject'] = $Webcit_Preferences['subj']; $entarray['anon_flag'] = '0'; enter_message_0($entarray, "", "somevar|somevalue\r\n".$Webcit_Preferences['text']); } ?>
Sample links
Page One
Page Three