From: Art Cancro Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 05:05:26 +0000 (+0000) Subject: * Mercilessly ripped out all of the gratuitously complex GNU libintl X-Git-Tag: v7.86~4378 X-Git-Url:;a=commitdiff_plain;h=3c03e4050f5ae925048f4f0afd87ab1ba0d7101b * Mercilessly ripped out all of the gratuitously complex GNU libintl detection m4 crapola and replaced it with some simple autoconf directives to detect whether the host system has the correct set of NLS functions for supporting per-thread locale. --- diff --git a/webcit/ABOUT-NLS b/webcit/ABOUT-NLS deleted file mode 100644 index 2f50c6693..000000000 --- a/webcit/ABOUT-NLS +++ /dev/null @@ -1,768 +0,0 @@ -Notes on the Free Translation Project -************************************* - -Free software is going international! The Free Translation Project is -a way to get maintainers of free software, translators, and users all -together, so that will gradually become able to speak many languages. -A few packages already provide translations for their messages. - - If you found this `ABOUT-NLS' file inside a distribution, you may -assume that the distributed package does use GNU `gettext' internally, -itself available at your nearest GNU archive site. But you do _not_ -need to install GNU `gettext' prior to configuring, installing or using -this package with messages translated. - - Installers will find here some useful hints. These notes also -explain how users should proceed for getting the programs to use the -available translations. They tell how people wanting to contribute and -work at translations should contact the appropriate team. - - When reporting bugs in the `intl/' directory or bugs which may be -related to internationalization, you should tell about the version of -`gettext' which is used. The information can be found in the -`intl/VERSION' file, in internationalized packages. - -Quick configuration advice -========================== - -If you want to exploit the full power of internationalization, you -should configure it using - - ./configure --with-included-gettext - -to force usage of internationalizing routines provided within this -package, despite the existence of internationalizing capabilities in the -operating system where this package is being installed. So far, only -the `gettext' implementation in the GNU C library version 2 provides as -many features (such as locale alias, message inheritance, automatic -charset conversion or plural form handling) as the implementation here. -It is also not possible to offer this additional functionality on top -of a `catgets' implementation. Future versions of GNU `gettext' will -very likely convey even more functionality. So it might be a good idea -to change to GNU `gettext' as soon as possible. - - So you need _not_ provide this option if you are using GNU libc 2 or -you have installed a recent copy of the GNU gettext package with the -included `libintl'. - -INSTALL Matters -=============== - -Some packages are "localizable" when properly installed; the programs -they contain can be made to speak your own native language. Most such -packages use GNU `gettext'. Other packages have their own ways to -internationalization, predating GNU `gettext'. - - By default, this package will be installed to allow translation of -messages. It will automatically detect whether the system already -provides the GNU `gettext' functions. If not, the GNU `gettext' own -library will be used. This library is wholly contained within this -package, usually in the `intl/' subdirectory, so prior installation of -the GNU `gettext' package is _not_ required. Installers may use -special options at configuration time for changing the default -behaviour. The commands: - - ./configure --with-included-gettext - ./configure --disable-nls - -will respectively bypass any pre-existing `gettext' to use the -internationalizing routines provided within this package, or else, -_totally_ disable translation of messages. - - When you already have GNU `gettext' installed on your system and run -configure without an option for your new package, `configure' will -probably detect the previously built and installed `libintl.a' file and -will decide to use this. This might be not what is desirable. You -should use the more recent version of the GNU `gettext' library. I.e. -if the file `intl/VERSION' shows that the library which comes with this -package is more recent, you should use - - ./configure --with-included-gettext - -to prevent auto-detection. - - The configuration process will not test for the `catgets' function -and therefore it will not be used. The reason is that even an -emulation of `gettext' on top of `catgets' could not provide all the -extensions of the GNU `gettext' library. - - Internationalized packages have usually many `po/LL.po' files, where -LL gives an ISO 639 two-letter code identifying the language. Unless -translations have been forbidden at `configure' time by using the -`--disable-nls' switch, all available translations are installed -together with the package. However, the environment variable `LINGUAS' -may be set, prior to configuration, to limit the installed set. -`LINGUAS' should then contain a space separated list of two-letter -codes, stating which languages are allowed. - -Using This Package -================== - -As a user, if your language has been installed for this package, you -only have to set the `LANG' environment variable to the appropriate -`LL_CC' combination. Here `LL' is an ISO 639 two-letter language code, -and `CC' is an ISO 3166 two-letter country code. For example, let's -suppose that you speak German and live in Germany. At the shell -prompt, merely execute `setenv LANG de_DE' (in `csh'), -`export LANG; LANG=de_DE' (in `sh') or `export LANG=de_DE' (in `bash'). -This can be done from your `.login' or `.profile' file, once and for -all. - - You might think that the country code specification is redundant. -But in fact, some languages have dialects in different countries. For -example, `de_AT' is used for Austria, and `pt_BR' for Brazil. The -country code serves to distinguish the dialects. - - The locale naming convention of `LL_CC', with `LL' denoting the -language and `CC' denoting the country, is the one use on systems based -on GNU libc. On other systems, some variations of this scheme are -used, such as `LL' or `LL_CC.ENCODING'. You can get the list of -locales supported by your system for your country by running the command -`locale -a | grep '^LL''. - - Not all programs have translations for all languages. By default, an -English message is shown in place of a nonexistent translation. If you -understand other languages, you can set up a priority list of languages. -This is done through a different environment variable, called -`LANGUAGE'. GNU `gettext' gives preference to `LANGUAGE' over `LANG' -for the purpose of message handling, but you still need to have `LANG' -set to the primary language; this is required by other parts of the -system libraries. For example, some Swedish users who would rather -read translations in German than English for when Swedish is not -available, set `LANGUAGE' to `sv:de' while leaving `LANG' to `sv_SE'. - - Special advice for Norwegian users: The language code for Norwegian -bokma*l changed from `no' to `nb' recently (in 2003). During the -transition period, while some message catalogs for this language are -installed under `nb' and some older ones under `no', it's recommended -for Norwegian users to set `LANGUAGE' to `nb:no' so that both newer and -older translations are used. - - In the `LANGUAGE' environment variable, but not in the `LANG' -environment variable, `LL_CC' combinations can be abbreviated as `LL' -to denote the language's main dialect. For example, `de' is equivalent -to `de_DE' (German as spoken in Germany), and `pt' to `pt_PT' -(Portuguese as spoken in Portugal) in this context. - -Translating Teams -================= - -For the Free Translation Project to be a success, we need interested -people who like their own language and write it well, and who are also -able to synergize with other translators speaking the same language. -Each translation team has its own mailing list. The up-to-date list of -teams can be found at the Free Translation Project's homepage, -`', in the "National teams" -area. - - If you'd like to volunteer to _work_ at translating messages, you -should become a member of the translating team for your own language. -The subscribing address is _not_ the same as the list itself, it has -`-request' appended. For example, speakers of Swedish can send a -message to `', having this message body: - - subscribe - - Keep in mind that team members are expected to participate -_actively_ in translations, or at solving translational difficulties, -rather than merely lurking around. If your team does not exist yet and -you want to start one, or if you are unsure about what to do or how to -get started, please write to `' to reach the -coordinator for all translator teams. - - The English team is special. It works at improving and uniformizing -the terminology in use. Proven linguistic skill are praised more than -programming skill, here. - -Available Packages -================== - -Languages are not equally supported in all packages. The following -matrix shows the current state of internationalization, as of January -2004. The matrix shows, in regard of each package, for which languages -PO files have been submitted to translation coordination, with a -translation percentage of at least 50%. - - Ready PO files af am ar az be bg bs ca cs da de el en en_GB eo es - +----------------------------------------------------+ - a2ps | [] [] [] [] | - aegis | () | - ant-phone | () | - anubis | | - ap-utils | | - aspell | [] | - bash | [] [] [] [] | - batchelor | | - bfd | [] [] | - binutils | [] [] | - bison | [] [] [] | - bluez-pin | [] [] [] | - clisp | | - clisp | [] [] [] | - console-tools | [] [] | - coreutils | [] [] [] [] | - cpio | [] [] [] | - darkstat | [] () [] | - diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - e2fsprogs | [] [] [] | - enscript | [] [] [] [] | - error | [] [] [] [] [] | - fetchmail | [] () [] [] [] [] | - fileutils | [] [] [] | - findutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - flex | [] [] [] [] | - fslint | | - gas | [] | - gawk | [] [] [] [] | - gbiff | [] | - gcal | [] | - gcc | [] [] | - gettext | [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] | - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-tools | [] [] [] | - gimp-print | [] [] [] [] [] | - gliv | | - glunarclock | [] [] | - gnubiff | [] | - gnucash | [] () [] [] | - gnucash-glossary | [] () [] | - gnupg | [] () [] [] [] [] | - gpe-aerial | [] | - gpe-beam | [] [] | - gpe-calendar | [] [] | - gpe-clock | [] [] | - gpe-conf | [] [] | - gpe-contacts | [] [] | - gpe-edit | [] | - gpe-go | [] | - gpe-login | [] [] | - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] | - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | - gpe-su | [] [] | - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] | - gpe-timesheet | [] | - gpe-today | [] [] | - gpe-todo | [] [] | - gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] | - gprof | [] [] [] | - gpsdrive | () () () | - gramadoir | [] | - grep | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gretl | [] | - gtick | [] () | - hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - id-utils | [] [] | - indent | [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166_1 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166_2 | | - iso_3166_3 | [] | - iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] | - iso_639 | | - jpilot | [] [] [] | - jtag | | - jwhois | [] | - kbd | [] [] [] [] [] | - latrine | () | - ld | [] [] | - libc | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - libgpewidget | [] [] | - libiconv | [] [] [] [] [] | - lifelines | [] () | - lilypond | [] | - lingoteach | | - lingoteach_lessons | () () | - lynx | [] [] [] [] | - m4 | [] [] [] [] | - mailutils | [] [] | - make | [] [] [] | - man-db | [] () [] [] () | - minicom | [] [] [] | - mysecretdiary | [] [] [] | - nano | [] () [] [] [] | - nano_1_0 | [] () [] [] [] | - opcodes | [] | - parted | [] [] [] [] [] | - ptx | [] [] [] [] [] | - python | | - radius | [] | - recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - rpm | [] [] | - screem | | - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sed | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sh-utils | [] [] [] | - shared-mime-info | | - sharutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - silky | () | - skencil | [] () [] | - sketch | [] () [] | - soundtracker | [] [] [] | - sp | [] | - tar | [] [] [] [] | - texinfo | [] [] [] | - textutils | [] [] [] [] | - tin | () () | - tp-robot | | - tuxpaint | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - unicode-han-tra... | | - unicode-transla... | | - util-linux | [] [] [] [] [] | - vorbis-tools | [] [] [] [] | - wastesedge | () | - wdiff | [] [] [] [] | - wget | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - xchat | [] [] [] [] | - xfree86_xkb_xml | [] [] | - xpad | [] | - +----------------------------------------------------+ - af am ar az be bg bs ca cs da de el en en_GB eo es - 4 0 0 1 9 4 1 40 41 60 78 17 1 5 13 68 - - et eu fa fi fr ga gl he hr hu id is it ja ko lg - +-------------------------------------------------+ - a2ps | [] [] [] () () | - aegis | | - ant-phone | [] | - anubis | [] | - ap-utils | [] | - aspell | [] [] | - bash | [] [] | - batchelor | [] [] | - bfd | [] | - binutils | [] [] | - bison | [] [] [] [] | - bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] | - clisp | | - clisp | [] | - console-tools | | - coreutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - cpio | [] [] [] [] | - darkstat | () [] [] [] | - diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - e2fsprogs | | - enscript | [] [] | - error | [] [] [] [] | - fetchmail | [] | - fileutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - findutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - flex | [] [] [] | - fslint | [] | - gas | [] | - gawk | [] [] [] | - gbiff | [] | - gcal | [] | - gcc | [] | - gettext | [] [] [] | - gettext-examples | [] [] | - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-tools | [] [] [] | - gimp-print | [] [] | - gliv | () | - glunarclock | [] [] [] [] | - gnubiff | [] | - gnucash | () [] | - gnucash-glossary | [] | - gnupg | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-aerial | [] | - gpe-beam | [] | - gpe-calendar | [] [] [] | - gpe-clock | [] | - gpe-conf | [] | - gpe-contacts | [] [] | - gpe-edit | [] [] | - gpe-go | [] | - gpe-login | [] [] | - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] | - gpe-sketchbook | [] | - gpe-su | [] | - gpe-taskmanager | [] | - gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] | - gpe-today | [] [] | - gpe-todo | [] [] | - gphoto2 | [] [] [] | - gprof | [] [] | - gpsdrive | () () () | - gramadoir | [] [] | - grep | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gretl | [] [] | - gtick | [] [] [] | - hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - id-utils | [] [] [] [] | - indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166_1 | [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166_2 | | - iso_3166_3 | | - iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_639 | | - jpilot | [] () | - jtag | [] | - jwhois | [] [] [] [] | - kbd | [] | - latrine | [] | - ld | [] | - libc | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - libgpewidget | [] [] [] [] | - libiconv | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - lifelines | () | - lilypond | [] | - lingoteach | [] [] | - lingoteach_lessons | | - lynx | [] [] [] [] | - m4 | [] [] [] [] | - mailutils | | - make | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - man-db | () () | - minicom | [] [] [] [] | - mysecretdiary | [] [] | - nano | [] [] [] [] | - nano_1_0 | [] [] [] [] | - opcodes | [] | - parted | [] [] [] | - ptx | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - python | | - radius | [] | - recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - rpm | [] [] | - screem | | - scrollkeeper | [] | - sed | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sh-utils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] | - sharutils | [] [] [] [] [] | - silky | () [] () () | - skencil | [] | - sketch | [] | - soundtracker | [] [] | - sp | [] () | - tar | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - texinfo | [] [] [] [] | - textutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - tin | [] () | - tp-robot | [] | - tuxpaint | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - unicode-han-tra... | | - unicode-transla... | [] [] | - util-linux | [] [] [] [] () [] | - vorbis-tools | [] | - wastesedge | () | - wdiff | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - wget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - xchat | [] [] [] | - xfree86_xkb_xml | [] [] | - xpad | [] [] | - +-------------------------------------------------+ - et eu fa fi fr ga gl he hr hu id is it ja ko lg - 22 2 1 26 106 28 24 8 10 41 33 1 26 33 12 0 - - lt lv mk mn ms mt nb nl nn no nso pl pt pt_BR ro ru - +-----------------------------------------------------+ - a2ps | [] [] () () [] [] [] | - aegis | () () () | - ant-phone | [] [] | - anubis | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - ap-utils | [] () [] | - aspell | [] | - bash | [] [] [] | - batchelor | [] | - bfd | [] | - binutils | [] | - bison | [] [] [] [] [] | - bluez-pin | [] [] [] | - clisp | | - clisp | [] | - console-tools | [] | - coreutils | [] [] | - cpio | [] [] [] [] [] | - darkstat | [] [] [] [] | - diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - e2fsprogs | [] | - enscript | [] [] [] [] | - error | [] [] [] | - fetchmail | [] [] () [] | - fileutils | [] [] [] | - findutils | [] [] [] [] [] | - flex | [] [] [] [] | - fslint | [] [] | - gas | | - gawk | [] [] [] | - gbiff | [] [] | - gcal | | - gcc | | - gettext | [] [] [] | - gettext-examples | [] [] [] | - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] | - gettext-tools | [] [] | - gimp-print | [] | - gliv | [] [] [] | - glunarclock | [] [] [] [] | - gnubiff | [] | - gnucash | [] [] () [] | - gnucash-glossary | [] [] | - gnupg | [] | - gpe-aerial | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-beam | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-calendar | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-conf | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-contacts | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-edit | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-go | [] [] [] | - gpe-login | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-su | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-today | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-todo | [] [] [] [] | - gphoto2 | [] | - gprof | [] [] | - gpsdrive | () () [] | - gramadoir | () [] | - grep | [] [] [] [] [] | - gretl | | - gtick | [] [] [] | - hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - id-utils | [] [] [] [] | - indent | [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166 | [] [] [] | - iso_3166_1 | [] [] | - iso_3166_2 | | - iso_3166_3 | [] | - iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_639 | [] | - jpilot | () () | - jtag | | - jwhois | [] [] [] [] () | - kbd | [] [] [] | - latrine | [] | - ld | | - libc | [] [] [] [] | - libgpewidget | [] [] [] | - libiconv | [] [] [] [] [] | - lifelines | | - lilypond | | - lingoteach | | - lingoteach_lessons | | - lynx | [] [] [] | - m4 | [] [] [] [] [] | - mailutils | [] [] [] | - make | [] [] [] [] | - man-db | [] | - minicom | [] [] [] [] | - mysecretdiary | [] [] [] | - nano | [] [] [] [] [] | - nano_1_0 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - opcodes | [] [] | - parted | [] [] [] [] | - ptx | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - python | | - radius | [] [] | - recode | [] [] [] [] | - rpm | [] [] [] | - screem | | - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] [] | - sed | [] [] [] | - sh-utils | [] [] | - shared-mime-info | [] [] | - sharutils | [] [] | - silky | () | - skencil | [] [] | - sketch | [] [] | - soundtracker | | - sp | | - tar | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - texinfo | [] [] [] [] | - textutils | [] [] | - tin | | - tp-robot | [] | - tuxpaint | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - unicode-han-tra... | | - unicode-transla... | | - util-linux | [] [] [] | - vorbis-tools | [] [] [] | - wastesedge | | - wdiff | [] [] [] [] [] | - wget | [] [] [] | - xchat | [] [] [] | - xfree86_xkb_xml | [] [] | - xpad | [] [] | - +-----------------------------------------------------+ - lt lv mk mn ms mt nb nl nn no nso pl pt pt_BR ro ru - 1 2 0 3 12 0 10 69 6 7 1 40 26 36 76 63 - - sk sl sr sv ta th tr uk ven vi wa xh zh_CN zh_TW zu - +-----------------------------------------------------+ - a2ps | [] [] [] [] | 16 - aegis | | 0 - ant-phone | | 3 - anubis | [] [] | 9 - ap-utils | () | 3 - aspell | | 4 - bash | | 9 - batchelor | | 3 - bfd | [] [] | 6 - binutils | [] [] [] | 8 - bison | [] [] | 14 - bluez-pin | [] [] [] | 14 - clisp | | 0 - clisp | | 5 - console-tools | | 3 - coreutils | [] [] [] [] | 16 - cpio | [] [] | 14 - darkstat | [] [] [] () () | 12 - diffutils | [] [] [] | 23 - e2fsprogs | [] [] | 6 - enscript | [] [] | 12 - error | [] [] [] | 15 - fetchmail | [] [] | 11 - fileutils | [] [] [] [] [] | 17 - findutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 29 - flex | [] [] | 13 - fslint | | 3 - gas | [] | 3 - gawk | [] [] | 12 - gbiff | | 4 - gcal | [] [] | 4 - gcc | [] | 4 - gettext | [] [] [] [] [] | 16 - gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] | 14 - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 22 - gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 14 - gimp-print | [] [] | 10 - gliv | | 3 - glunarclock | [] [] [] | 13 - gnubiff | | 3 - gnucash | [] [] | 9 - gnucash-glossary | [] [] [] | 8 - gnupg | [] [] [] [] | 17 - gpe-aerial | [] | 7 - gpe-beam | [] | 8 - gpe-calendar | [] [] [] [] | 13 - gpe-clock | [] [] [] | 10 - gpe-conf | [] [] | 9 - gpe-contacts | [] [] [] | 11 - gpe-edit | [] [] [] [] [] | 12 - gpe-go | | 5 - gpe-login | [] [] [] [] [] | 13 - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] | 13 - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | 9 - gpe-su | [] [] [] | 10 - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] | 10 - gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] | 12 - gpe-today | [] [] [] [] [] | 13 - gpe-todo | [] [] [] [] | 12 - gphoto2 | [] [] [] | 11 - gprof | [] [] | 9 - gpsdrive | [] [] | 3 - gramadoir | [] | 5 - grep | [] [] [] [] | 26 - gretl | | 3 - gtick | | 7 - hello | [] [] [] [] [] | 34 - id-utils | [] [] | 12 - indent | [] [] [] [] | 21 - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 27 - iso_3166_1 | [] [] [] | 16 - iso_3166_2 | | 0 - iso_3166_3 | | 2 - iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 24 - iso_639 | | 1 - jpilot | [] [] [] [] [] | 9 - jtag | [] | 2 - jwhois | () [] [] | 11 - kbd | [] [] | 11 - latrine | | 2 - ld | [] [] | 5 - libc | [] [] [] [] | 20 - libgpewidget | [] [] [] [] | 13 - libiconv | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 27 - lifelines | [] | 2 - lilypond | [] | 3 - lingoteach | | 2 - lingoteach_lessons | () | 0 - lynx | [] [] [] | 14 - m4 | [] [] | 15 - mailutils | | 5 - make | [] [] [] | 16 - man-db | [] | 5 - minicom | | 11 - mysecretdiary | [] [] | 10 - nano | [] [] [] [] | 17 - nano_1_0 | [] [] [] | 17 - opcodes | [] [] | 6 - parted | [] [] [] | 15 - ptx | [] [] | 22 - python | | 0 - radius | | 4 - recode | [] [] [] | 20 - rpm | [] [] | 9 - screem | [] [] | 2 - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] | 15 - sed | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 24 - sh-utils | [] [] | 14 - shared-mime-info | [] [] | 7 - sharutils | [] [] [] [] | 17 - silky | () | 3 - skencil | [] | 6 - sketch | [] | 6 - soundtracker | [] [] | 7 - sp | [] | 3 - tar | [] [] [] [] [] | 24 - texinfo | [] [] [] | 14 - textutils | [] [] [] [] | 16 - tin | | 1 - tp-robot | | 2 - tuxpaint | [] [] [] [] [] | 29 - unicode-han-tra... | | 0 - unicode-transla... | | 2 - util-linux | [] [] | 15 - vorbis-tools | | 8 - wastesedge | | 0 - wdiff | [] [] [] | 18 - wget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 24 - xchat | [] [] [] [] [] | 15 - xfree86_xkb_xml | [] [] [] [] [] | 11 - xpad | | 5 - +-----------------------------------------------------+ - 63 teams sk sl sr sv ta th tr uk ven vi wa xh zh_CN zh_TW zu - 131 domains 47 19 28 83 0 0 59 13 1 1 11 0 22 22 0 1373 - - Some counters in the preceding matrix are higher than the number of -visible blocks let us expect. This is because a few extra PO files are -used for implementing regional variants of languages, or language -dialects. - - For a PO file in the matrix above to be effective, the package to -which it applies should also have been internationalized and -distributed as such by its maintainer. There might be an observable -lag between the mere existence a PO file and its wide availability in a -distribution. - - If January 2004 seems to be old, you may fetch a more recent copy of -this `ABOUT-NLS' file on most GNU archive sites. The most up-to-date -matrix with full percentage details can be found at -`'. - -Using `gettext' in new packages -=============================== - -If you are writing a freely available program and want to -internationalize it you are welcome to use GNU `gettext' in your -package. Of course you have to respect the GNU Library General Public -License which covers the use of the GNU `gettext' library. This means -in particular that even non-free programs can use `libintl' as a shared -library, whereas only free software can use `libintl' as a static -library or use modified versions of `libintl'. - - Once the sources are changed appropriately and the setup can handle -the use of `gettext' the only thing missing are the translations. The -Free Translation Project is also available for packages which are not -developed inside the GNU project. Therefore the information given above -applies also for every other Free Software Project. Contact -`' to make the `.pot' files available to -the translation teams. - diff --git a/webcit/ChangeLog b/webcit/ChangeLog index 033a2458c..ce8738500 100644 --- a/webcit/ChangeLog +++ b/webcit/ChangeLog @@ -1,5 +1,11 @@ $Id$ +Sun Dec 11 00:03:04 EST 2005 ajc +* Mercilessly ripped out all of the gratuitously complex GNU libintl + detection m4 crapola and replaced it with some simple autoconf directives + to detect whether the host system has the correct set of NLS functions for + supporting per-thread locale. + Sat Dec 10 20:48:40 EST 2005 ajc * wclib.js: transmit the "no floors expanded" condition to the server. diff --git a/webcit/ b/webcit/ index 66283dfe2..923f8906b 100644 --- a/webcit/ +++ b/webcit/ @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ prefix=@prefix@ top_builddir=`pwd` LIB_SUBDIRS= -PROG_SUBDIRS=po +PROG_SUBDIRS=@PROG_SUBDIRS@ SUBDIRS=$(LIB_SUBDIRS) $(PROG_SUBDIRS) # End of configuration section @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ all: all-progs-recursive webserver setup clean: rm -f *.o webcit webserver + rm -fr locale/* distclean: clean rm -f Makefile config.cache config.log config.status \ @@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ Makefile: $(srcdir)/ config.status config.status: $(srcdir)/configure $(SHELL) ./config.status --recheck -$(srcdir)/configure: $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/aclocal.m4 +$(srcdir)/configure: $(srcdir)/ cd $(srcdir) && $(AUTOCONF) install: diff --git a/webcit/aclocal.m4 b/webcit/aclocal.m4 deleted file mode 100644 index a2c2f1e0a..000000000 --- a/webcit/aclocal.m4 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2726 +0,0 @@ -# generated automatically by aclocal 1.9.2 -*- Autoconf -*- - -# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 -# Free Software Foundation, Inc. -# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation -# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, -# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. - -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without -# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A -# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -# codeset.m4 serial AM1 (gettext-0.10.40) -dnl Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -dnl From Bruno Haible. - -AC_DEFUN([AM_LANGINFO_CODESET], -[ - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for nl_langinfo and CODESET], am_cv_langinfo_codeset, - [AC_TRY_LINK([#include ], - [char* cs = nl_langinfo(CODESET);], - am_cv_langinfo_codeset=yes, - am_cv_langinfo_codeset=no) - ]) - if test $am_cv_langinfo_codeset = yes; then - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET, 1, - [Define if you have and nl_langinfo(CODESET).]) - fi -]) - -# gettext.m4 serial 28 (gettext-0.13) -dnl Copyright (C) 1995-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. -dnl -dnl This file can can be used in projects which are not available under -dnl the GNU General Public License or the GNU Library General Public -dnl License but which still want to provide support for the GNU gettext -dnl functionality. -dnl Please note that the actual code of the GNU gettext library is covered -dnl by the GNU Library General Public License, and the rest of the GNU -dnl gettext package package is covered by the GNU General Public License. -dnl They are *not* in the public domain. - -dnl Authors: -dnl Ulrich Drepper , 1995-2000. -dnl Bruno Haible , 2000-2003. - -dnl Macro to add for using GNU gettext. - -dnl Usage: AM_GNU_GETTEXT([INTLSYMBOL], [NEEDSYMBOL], [INTLDIR]). -dnl INTLSYMBOL can be one of 'external', 'no-libtool', 'use-libtool'. The -dnl default (if it is not specified or empty) is 'no-libtool'. -dnl INTLSYMBOL should be 'external' for packages with no intl directory, -dnl and 'no-libtool' or 'use-libtool' for packages with an intl directory. -dnl If INTLSYMBOL is 'use-libtool', then a libtool library -dnl $(top_builddir)/intl/ will be created (shared and/or static, -dnl depending on --{enable,disable}-{shared,static} and on the presence of -dnl AM-DISABLE-SHARED). If INTLSYMBOL is 'no-libtool', a static library -dnl $(top_builddir)/intl/libintl.a will be created. -dnl If NEEDSYMBOL is specified and is 'need-ngettext', then GNU gettext -dnl implementations (in libc or libintl) without the ngettext() function -dnl will be ignored. If NEEDSYMBOL is specified and is -dnl 'need-formatstring-macros', then GNU gettext implementations that don't -dnl support the ISO C 99 formatstring macros will be ignored. -dnl INTLDIR is used to find the intl libraries. If empty, -dnl the value `$(top_builddir)/intl/' is used. -dnl -dnl The result of the configuration is one of three cases: -dnl 1) GNU gettext, as included in the intl subdirectory, will be compiled -dnl and used. -dnl Catalog format: GNU --> install in $(datadir) -dnl Catalog extension: .mo after installation, .gmo in source tree -dnl 2) GNU gettext has been found in the system's C library. -dnl Catalog format: GNU --> install in $(datadir) -dnl Catalog extension: .mo after installation, .gmo in source tree -dnl 3) No internationalization, always use English msgid. -dnl Catalog format: none -dnl Catalog extension: none -dnl If INTLSYMBOL is 'external', only cases 2 and 3 can occur. -dnl The use of .gmo is historical (it was needed to avoid overwriting the -dnl GNU format catalogs when building on a platform with an X/Open gettext), -dnl but we keep it in order not to force irrelevant filename changes on the -dnl maintainers. -dnl -AC_DEFUN([AM_GNU_GETTEXT], -[ - dnl Argument checking. - ifelse([$1], [], , [ifelse([$1], [external], , [ifelse([$1], [no-libtool], , [ifelse([$1], [use-libtool], , - [errprint([ERROR: invalid first argument to AM_GNU_GETTEXT -])])])])]) - ifelse([$2], [], , [ifelse([$2], [need-ngettext], , [ifelse([$2], [need-formatstring-macros], , - [errprint([ERROR: invalid second argument to AM_GNU_GETTEXT -])])])]) - define(gt_included_intl, ifelse([$1], [external], [no], [yes])) - define(gt_libtool_suffix_prefix, ifelse([$1], [use-libtool], [l], [])) - - AC_REQUIRE([AM_PO_SUBDIRS])dnl - ifelse(gt_included_intl, yes, [ - AC_REQUIRE([AM_INTL_SUBDIR])dnl - ]) - - dnl Prerequisites of AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY. - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PREPARE_PREFIX]) - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_RPATH]) - - dnl Sometimes libintl requires libiconv, so first search for libiconv. - dnl Ideally we would do this search only after the - dnl if test "$USE_NLS" = "yes"; then - dnl if test "$gt_cv_func_gnugettext_libc" != "yes"; then - dnl tests. But if invokes AM_ICONV after AM_GNU_GETTEXT - dnl the configure script would need to contain the same shell code - dnl again, outside any 'if'. There are two solutions: - dnl - Invoke AM_ICONV_LINKFLAGS_BODY here, outside any 'if'. - dnl - Control the expansions in more detail using AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE. - dnl Since AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE is only in autoconf >= 2.52 and not - dnl documented, we avoid it. - ifelse(gt_included_intl, yes, , [ - AC_REQUIRE([AM_ICONV_LINKFLAGS_BODY]) - ]) - - dnl Set USE_NLS. - AM_NLS - - ifelse(gt_included_intl, yes, [ - BUILD_INCLUDED_LIBINTL=no - USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL=no - ]) - LIBINTL= - LTLIBINTL= - POSUB= - - dnl If we use NLS figure out what method - if test "$USE_NLS" = "yes"; then - gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext=no - ifelse(gt_included_intl, yes, [ - AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether included gettext is requested]) - AC_ARG_WITH(included-gettext, - [ --with-included-gettext use the GNU gettext library included here], - nls_cv_force_use_gnu_gettext=$withval, - nls_cv_force_use_gnu_gettext=no) - AC_MSG_RESULT($nls_cv_force_use_gnu_gettext) - - nls_cv_use_gnu_gettext="$nls_cv_force_use_gnu_gettext" - if test "$nls_cv_force_use_gnu_gettext" != "yes"; then - ]) - dnl User does not insist on using GNU NLS library. Figure out what - dnl to use. If GNU gettext is available we use this. Else we have - dnl to fall back to GNU NLS library. - - dnl Add a version number to the cache macros. - define([gt_api_version], ifelse([$2], [need-formatstring-macros], 3, ifelse([$2], [need-ngettext], 2, 1))) - define([gt_cv_func_gnugettext_libc], [gt_cv_func_gnugettext]gt_api_version[_libc]) - define([gt_cv_func_gnugettext_libintl], [gt_cv_func_gnugettext]gt_api_version[_libintl]) - - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for GNU gettext in libc], gt_cv_func_gnugettext_libc, - [AC_TRY_LINK([#include -]ifelse([$2], [need-formatstring-macros], -[#ifndef __GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION -#define __GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION(major) ((major) == 0 ? 0 : -1) -#endif -changequote(,)dnl -typedef int array [2 * (__GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION(0) >= 1) - 1]; -changequote([,])dnl -], [])[extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; -extern int *_nl_domain_bindings;], - [bindtextdomain ("", ""); -return (int) gettext ("")]ifelse([$2], [need-ngettext], [ + (int) ngettext ("", "", 0)], [])[ + _nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_domain_bindings], - gt_cv_func_gnugettext_libc=yes, - gt_cv_func_gnugettext_libc=no)]) - - if test "$gt_cv_func_gnugettext_libc" != "yes"; then - dnl Sometimes libintl requires libiconv, so first search for libiconv. - ifelse(gt_included_intl, yes, , [ - AM_ICONV_LINK - ]) - dnl Search for libintl and define LIBINTL, LTLIBINTL and INCINTL - dnl accordingly. Don't use AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY([intl],[iconv]) - dnl because that would add "-liconv" to LIBINTL and LTLIBINTL - dnl even if libiconv doesn't exist. - AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY([intl]) - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for GNU gettext in libintl], - gt_cv_func_gnugettext_libintl, - [gt_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" - CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS $INCINTL" - gt_save_LIBS="$LIBS" - LIBS="$LIBS $LIBINTL" - dnl Now see whether libintl exists and does not depend on libiconv. - AC_TRY_LINK([#include -]ifelse([$2], [need-formatstring-macros], -[#ifndef __GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION -#define __GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION(major) ((major) == 0 ? 0 : -1) -#endif -changequote(,)dnl -typedef int array [2 * (__GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION(0) >= 1) - 1]; -changequote([,])dnl -], [])[extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; -extern -#ifdef __cplusplus -"C" -#endif -const char *_nl_expand_alias ();], - [bindtextdomain ("", ""); -return (int) gettext ("")]ifelse([$2], [need-ngettext], [ + (int) ngettext ("", "", 0)], [])[ + _nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_expand_alias (0)], - gt_cv_func_gnugettext_libintl=yes, - gt_cv_func_gnugettext_libintl=no) - dnl Now see whether libintl exists and depends on libiconv. - if test "$gt_cv_func_gnugettext_libintl" != yes && test -n "$LIBICONV"; then - LIBS="$LIBS $LIBICONV" - AC_TRY_LINK([#include -]ifelse([$2], [need-formatstring-macros], -[#ifndef __GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION -#define __GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION(major) ((major) == 0 ? 0 : -1) -#endif -changequote(,)dnl -typedef int array [2 * (__GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION(0) >= 1) - 1]; -changequote([,])dnl -], [])[extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; -extern -#ifdef __cplusplus -"C" -#endif -const char *_nl_expand_alias ();], - [bindtextdomain ("", ""); -return (int) gettext ("")]ifelse([$2], [need-ngettext], [ + (int) ngettext ("", "", 0)], [])[ + _nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_expand_alias (0)], - [LIBINTL="$LIBINTL $LIBICONV" - LTLIBINTL="$LTLIBINTL $LTLIBICONV" - gt_cv_func_gnugettext_libintl=yes - ]) - fi - CPPFLAGS="$gt_save_CPPFLAGS" - LIBS="$gt_save_LIBS"]) - fi - - dnl If an already present or preinstalled GNU gettext() is found, - dnl use it. But if this macro is used in GNU gettext, and GNU - dnl gettext is already preinstalled in libintl, we update this - dnl libintl. (Cf. the install rule in intl/ - if test "$gt_cv_func_gnugettext_libc" = "yes" \ - || { test "$gt_cv_func_gnugettext_libintl" = "yes" \ - && test "$PACKAGE" != gettext-runtime \ - && test "$PACKAGE" != gettext-tools; }; then - gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext=yes - else - dnl Reset the values set by searching for libintl. - LIBINTL= - LTLIBINTL= - INCINTL= - fi - - ifelse(gt_included_intl, yes, [ - if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" != "yes"; then - dnl GNU gettext is not found in the C library. - dnl Fall back on included GNU gettext library. - nls_cv_use_gnu_gettext=yes - fi - fi - - if test "$nls_cv_use_gnu_gettext" = "yes"; then - dnl Mark actions used to generate GNU NLS library. - BUILD_INCLUDED_LIBINTL=yes - USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL=yes - LIBINTL="ifelse([$3],[],\${top_builddir}/intl,[$3])/libintl.[]gt_libtool_suffix_prefix[]a $LIBICONV" - LTLIBINTL="ifelse([$3],[],\${top_builddir}/intl,[$3])/libintl.[]gt_libtool_suffix_prefix[]a $LTLIBICONV" - LIBS=`echo " $LIBS " | sed -e 's/ -lintl / /' -e 's/^ //' -e 's/ $//'` - fi - - if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" = "yes" \ - || test "$nls_cv_use_gnu_gettext" = "yes"; then - dnl Mark actions to use GNU gettext tools. - - fi - ]) - - if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" = "yes" \ - || test "$nls_cv_use_gnu_gettext" = "yes"; then - AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_NLS, 1, - [Define to 1 if translation of program messages to the user's native language - is requested.]) - else - USE_NLS=no - fi - fi - - AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use NLS]) - AC_MSG_RESULT([$USE_NLS]) - if test "$USE_NLS" = "yes"; then - AC_MSG_CHECKING([where the gettext function comes from]) - if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" = "yes"; then - if test "$gt_cv_func_gnugettext_libintl" = "yes"; then - gt_source="external libintl" - else - gt_source="libc" - fi - else - gt_source="included intl directory" - fi - AC_MSG_RESULT([$gt_source]) - fi - - if test "$USE_NLS" = "yes"; then - - if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" = "yes"; then - if test "$gt_cv_func_gnugettext_libintl" = "yes"; then - AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to link with libintl]) - AC_MSG_RESULT([$LIBINTL]) - AC_LIB_APPENDTOVAR([CPPFLAGS], [$INCINTL]) - fi - - dnl For backward compatibility. Some packages may be using this. - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GETTEXT, 1, - [Define if the GNU gettext() function is already present or preinstalled.]) - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DCGETTEXT, 1, - [Define if the GNU dcgettext() function is already present or preinstalled.]) - fi - - dnl We need to process the po/ directory. - POSUB=po - fi - - ifelse(gt_included_intl, yes, [ - dnl If this is used in GNU gettext we have to set BUILD_INCLUDED_LIBINTL - dnl to 'yes' because some of the testsuite requires it. - if test "$PACKAGE" = gettext-runtime || test "$PACKAGE" = gettext-tools; then - BUILD_INCLUDED_LIBINTL=yes - fi - - dnl Make all variables we use known to autoconf. - AC_SUBST(BUILD_INCLUDED_LIBINTL) - AC_SUBST(USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL) - AC_SUBST(CATOBJEXT) - - dnl For backward compatibility. Some configure.ins may be using this. - nls_cv_header_intl= - nls_cv_header_libgt= - - dnl For backward compatibility. Some Makefiles may be using this. - DATADIRNAME=share - AC_SUBST(DATADIRNAME) - - dnl For backward compatibility. Some Makefiles may be using this. - - AC_SUBST(INSTOBJEXT) - - dnl For backward compatibility. Some Makefiles may be using this. - GENCAT=gencat - AC_SUBST(GENCAT) - - dnl For backward compatibility. Some Makefiles may be using this. - if test "$USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL" = yes; then - INTLOBJS="\$(GETTOBJS)" - fi - AC_SUBST(INTLOBJS) - - dnl Enable libtool support if the surrounding package wishes it. - INTL_LIBTOOL_SUFFIX_PREFIX=gt_libtool_suffix_prefix - AC_SUBST(INTL_LIBTOOL_SUFFIX_PREFIX) - ]) - - dnl For backward compatibility. Some Makefiles may be using this. - INTLLIBS="$LIBINTL" - AC_SUBST(INTLLIBS) - - dnl Make all documented variables known to autoconf. - AC_SUBST(LIBINTL) - AC_SUBST(LTLIBINTL) - AC_SUBST(POSUB) -]) - - -dnl Checks for all prerequisites of the intl subdirectory, -dnl except for INTL_LIBTOOL_SUFFIX_PREFIX (and possibly LIBTOOL), INTLOBJS, -dnl USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL, BUILD_INCLUDED_LIBINTL. -AC_DEFUN([AM_INTL_SUBDIR], -[ - AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_INSTALL])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([AM_MKINSTALLDIRS])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CC])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_RANLIB])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([AC_ISC_POSIX])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([AC_HEADER_STDC])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([AC_C_CONST])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([bh_C_SIGNED])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([AC_C_INLINE])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([AC_TYPE_OFF_T])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([AC_TYPE_SIZE_T])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([jm_AC_TYPE_LONG_LONG])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([gt_TYPE_LONGDOUBLE])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([gt_TYPE_WCHAR_T])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([gt_TYPE_WINT_T])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([jm_AC_HEADER_INTTYPES_H]) - AC_REQUIRE([jm_AC_HEADER_STDINT_H]) - AC_REQUIRE([gt_TYPE_INTMAX_T]) - AC_REQUIRE([gt_PRINTF_POSIX]) - AC_REQUIRE([AC_FUNC_ALLOCA])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([AC_FUNC_MMAP])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([jm_GLIBC21])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([gt_INTDIV0])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([jm_AC_TYPE_UINTMAX_T])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([gt_HEADER_INTTYPES_H])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([gt_INTTYPES_PRI])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([gl_XSIZE])dnl - - AC_CHECK_TYPE([ptrdiff_t], , - [AC_DEFINE([ptrdiff_t], [long], - [Define as the type of the result of subtracting two pointers, if the system doesn't define it.]) - ]) - AC_CHECK_HEADERS([argz.h limits.h locale.h nl_types.h malloc.h stddef.h \ -stdlib.h string.h unistd.h sys/param.h]) - AC_CHECK_FUNCS([asprintf fwprintf getcwd getegid geteuid getgid getuid \ -mempcpy munmap putenv setenv setlocale snprintf stpcpy strcasecmp strdup \ -strtoul tsearch wcslen __argz_count __argz_stringify __argz_next \ -__fsetlocking]) - - dnl Use the _snprintf function only if it is declared (because on NetBSD it - dnl is defined as a weak alias of snprintf; we prefer to use the latter). - gt_CHECK_DECL(_snprintf, [#include ]) - gt_CHECK_DECL(_snwprintf, [#include ]) - - dnl Use the *_unlocked functions only if they are declared. - dnl (because some of them were defined without being declared in Solaris - dnl 2.5.1 but were removed in Solaris 2.6, whereas we want binaries built - dnl on Solaris 2.5.1 to run on Solaris 2.6). - dnl Don't use AC_CHECK_DECLS because it isn't supported in autoconf-2.13. - gt_CHECK_DECL(feof_unlocked, [#include ]) - gt_CHECK_DECL(fgets_unlocked, [#include ]) - gt_CHECK_DECL(getc_unlocked, [#include ]) - - case $gt_cv_func_printf_posix in - *yes) HAVE_POSIX_PRINTF=1 ;; - *) HAVE_POSIX_PRINTF=0 ;; - esac - AC_SUBST([HAVE_POSIX_PRINTF]) - if test "$ac_cv_func_asprintf" = yes; then - HAVE_ASPRINTF=1 - else - HAVE_ASPRINTF=0 - fi - AC_SUBST([HAVE_ASPRINTF]) - if test "$ac_cv_func_snprintf" = yes; then - HAVE_SNPRINTF=1 - else - HAVE_SNPRINTF=0 - fi - AC_SUBST([HAVE_SNPRINTF]) - if test "$ac_cv_func_wprintf" = yes; then - HAVE_WPRINTF=1 - else - HAVE_WPRINTF=0 - fi - AC_SUBST([HAVE_WPRINTF]) - - AM_ICONV - AM_LANGINFO_CODESET - if test $ac_cv_header_locale_h = yes; then - AM_LC_MESSAGES - fi - - dnl intl/plural.c is generated from intl/plural.y. It requires bison, - dnl because plural.y uses bison specific features. It requires at least - dnl bison-1.26 because earlier versions generate a plural.c that doesn't - dnl compile. - dnl bison is only needed for the maintainer (who touches plural.y). But in - dnl order to avoid separate Makefiles or --enable-maintainer-mode, we put - dnl the rule in general Makefile. Now, some people carelessly touch the - dnl files or have a broken "make" program, hence the plural.c rule will - dnl sometimes fire. To avoid an error, defines BISON to ":" if it is not - dnl present or too old. - AC_CHECK_PROGS([INTLBISON], [bison]) - if test -z "$INTLBISON"; then - ac_verc_fail=yes - else - dnl Found it, now check the version. - AC_MSG_CHECKING([version of bison]) -changequote(<<,>>)dnl - ac_prog_version=`$INTLBISON --version 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^.*GNU Bison.* \([0-9]*\.[0-9.]*\).*$/\1/p'` - case $ac_prog_version in - '') ac_prog_version="v. ?.??, bad"; ac_verc_fail=yes;; - 1.2[6-9]* | 1.[3-9][0-9]* | [2-9].*) -changequote([,])dnl - ac_prog_version="$ac_prog_version, ok"; ac_verc_fail=no;; - *) ac_prog_version="$ac_prog_version, bad"; ac_verc_fail=yes;; - esac - AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_prog_version]) - fi - if test $ac_verc_fail = yes; then - INTLBISON=: - fi -]) - - -dnl gt_CHECK_DECL(FUNC, INCLUDES) -dnl Check whether a function is declared. -AC_DEFUN([gt_CHECK_DECL], -[ - AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $1 is declared], ac_cv_have_decl_$1, - [AC_TRY_COMPILE([$2], [ -#ifndef $1 - char *p = (char *) $1; -#endif -], ac_cv_have_decl_$1=yes, ac_cv_have_decl_$1=no)]) - if test $ac_cv_have_decl_$1 = yes; then - gt_value=1 - else - gt_value=0 - fi - AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([HAVE_DECL_]translit($1, [a-z], [A-Z]), [$gt_value], - [Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `$1', and to 0 if you don't.]) -]) - - -dnl Usage: AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION([gettext-version]) -AC_DEFUN([AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION], []) - -# glibc21.m4 serial 2 (fileutils-4.1.3, gettext-0.10.40) -dnl Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -# Test for the GNU C Library, version 2.1 or newer. -# From Bruno Haible. - -AC_DEFUN([jm_GLIBC21], - [ - AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether we are using the GNU C Library 2.1 or newer, - ac_cv_gnu_library_2_1, - [AC_EGREP_CPP([Lucky GNU user], - [ -#include -#ifdef __GNU_LIBRARY__ - #if (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 1) || (__GLIBC__ > 2) - Lucky GNU user - #endif -#endif - ], - ac_cv_gnu_library_2_1=yes, - ac_cv_gnu_library_2_1=no) - ] - ) - AC_SUBST(GLIBC21) - GLIBC21="$ac_cv_gnu_library_2_1" - ] -) - -# iconv.m4 serial AM4 (gettext-0.11.3) -dnl Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -dnl From Bruno Haible. - -AC_DEFUN([AM_ICONV_LINKFLAGS_BODY], -[ - dnl Prerequisites of AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY. - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PREPARE_PREFIX]) - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_RPATH]) - - dnl Search for libiconv and define LIBICONV, LTLIBICONV and INCICONV - dnl accordingly. - AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY([iconv]) -]) - -AC_DEFUN([AM_ICONV_LINK], -[ - dnl Some systems have iconv in libc, some have it in libiconv (OSF/1 and - dnl those with the standalone portable GNU libiconv installed). - - dnl Search for libiconv and define LIBICONV, LTLIBICONV and INCICONV - dnl accordingly. - AC_REQUIRE([AM_ICONV_LINKFLAGS_BODY]) - - dnl Add $INCICONV to CPPFLAGS before performing the following checks, - dnl because if the user has installed libiconv and not disabled its use - dnl via --without-libiconv-prefix, he wants to use it. The first - dnl AC_TRY_LINK will then fail, the second AC_TRY_LINK will succeed. - am_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" - AC_LIB_APPENDTOVAR([CPPFLAGS], [$INCICONV]) - - AC_CACHE_CHECK(for iconv, am_cv_func_iconv, [ - am_cv_func_iconv="no, consider installing GNU libiconv" - am_cv_lib_iconv=no - AC_TRY_LINK([#include -#include ], - [iconv_t cd = iconv_open("",""); - iconv(cd,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); - iconv_close(cd);], - am_cv_func_iconv=yes) - if test "$am_cv_func_iconv" != yes; then - am_save_LIBS="$LIBS" - LIBS="$LIBS $LIBICONV" - AC_TRY_LINK([#include -#include ], - [iconv_t cd = iconv_open("",""); - iconv(cd,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); - iconv_close(cd);], - am_cv_lib_iconv=yes - am_cv_func_iconv=yes) - LIBS="$am_save_LIBS" - fi - ]) - if test "$am_cv_func_iconv" = yes; then - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ICONV, 1, [Define if you have the iconv() function.]) - fi - if test "$am_cv_lib_iconv" = yes; then - AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to link with libiconv]) - AC_MSG_RESULT([$LIBICONV]) - else - dnl If $LIBICONV didn't lead to a usable library, we don't need $INCICONV - dnl either. - CPPFLAGS="$am_save_CPPFLAGS" - LIBICONV= - LTLIBICONV= - fi - AC_SUBST(LIBICONV) - AC_SUBST(LTLIBICONV) -]) - -AC_DEFUN([AM_ICONV], -[ - AM_ICONV_LINK - if test "$am_cv_func_iconv" = yes; then - AC_MSG_CHECKING([for iconv declaration]) - AC_CACHE_VAL(am_cv_proto_iconv, [ - AC_TRY_COMPILE([ -#include -#include -extern -#ifdef __cplusplus -"C" -#endif -#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus) -size_t iconv (iconv_t cd, char * *inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char * *outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft); -#else -size_t iconv(); -#endif -], [], am_cv_proto_iconv_arg1="", am_cv_proto_iconv_arg1="const") - am_cv_proto_iconv="extern size_t iconv (iconv_t cd, $am_cv_proto_iconv_arg1 char * *inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char * *outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft);"]) - am_cv_proto_iconv=`echo "[$]am_cv_proto_iconv" | tr -s ' ' | sed -e 's/( /(/'` - AC_MSG_RESULT([$]{ac_t:- - }[$]am_cv_proto_iconv) - AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(ICONV_CONST, $am_cv_proto_iconv_arg1, - [Define as const if the declaration of iconv() needs const.]) - fi -]) - -# intdiv0.m4 serial 1 (gettext-0.11.3) -dnl Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -dnl From Bruno Haible. - -AC_DEFUN([gt_INTDIV0], -[ - AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CC])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST])dnl - - AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether integer division by zero raises SIGFPE], - gt_cv_int_divbyzero_sigfpe, - [ - AC_TRY_RUN([ -#include -#include - -static void -#ifdef __cplusplus -sigfpe_handler (int sig) -#else -sigfpe_handler (sig) int sig; -#endif -{ - /* Exit with code 0 if SIGFPE, with code 1 if any other signal. */ - exit (sig != SIGFPE); -} - -int x = 1; -int y = 0; -int z; -int nan; - -int main () -{ - signal (SIGFPE, sigfpe_handler); -/* IRIX and AIX (when "xlc -qcheck" is used) yield signal SIGTRAP. */ -#if (defined (__sgi) || defined (_AIX)) && defined (SIGTRAP) - signal (SIGTRAP, sigfpe_handler); -#endif -/* Linux/SPARC yields signal SIGILL. */ -#if defined (__sparc__) && defined (__linux__) - signal (SIGILL, sigfpe_handler); -#endif - - z = x / y; - nan = y / y; - exit (1); -} -], gt_cv_int_divbyzero_sigfpe=yes, gt_cv_int_divbyzero_sigfpe=no, - [ - # Guess based on the CPU. - case "$host_cpu" in - alpha* | i[34567]86 | m68k | s390*) - gt_cv_int_divbyzero_sigfpe="guessing yes";; - *) - gt_cv_int_divbyzero_sigfpe="guessing no";; - esac - ]) - ]) - case "$gt_cv_int_divbyzero_sigfpe" in - *yes) value=1;; - *) value=0;; - esac - AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(INTDIV0_RAISES_SIGFPE, $value, - [Define if integer division by zero raises signal SIGFPE.]) -]) - -# intmax.m4 serial 1 (gettext-0.12) -dnl Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -dnl From Bruno Haible. -dnl Test whether the system has the 'intmax_t' type, but don't attempt to -dnl find a replacement if it is lacking. - -AC_DEFUN([gt_TYPE_INTMAX_T], -[ - AC_REQUIRE([jm_AC_HEADER_INTTYPES_H]) - AC_REQUIRE([jm_AC_HEADER_STDINT_H]) - AC_CACHE_CHECK(for intmax_t, gt_cv_c_intmax_t, - [AC_TRY_COMPILE([ -#include -#include -#if HAVE_STDINT_H_WITH_UINTMAX -#include -#endif -#if HAVE_INTTYPES_H_WITH_UINTMAX -#include -#endif -], [intmax_t x = -1;], gt_cv_c_intmax_t=yes, gt_cv_c_intmax_t=no)]) - if test $gt_cv_c_intmax_t = yes; then - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_INTMAX_T, 1, - [Define if you have the 'intmax_t' type in or .]) - fi -]) - -# inttypes-pri.m4 serial 1 (gettext-0.11.4) -dnl Copyright (C) 1997-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -dnl From Bruno Haible. - -# Define PRI_MACROS_BROKEN if exists and defines the PRI* -# macros to non-string values. This is the case on AIX 4.3.3. - -AC_DEFUN([gt_INTTYPES_PRI], -[ - AC_REQUIRE([gt_HEADER_INTTYPES_H]) - if test $gt_cv_header_inttypes_h = yes; then - AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether the inttypes.h PRIxNN macros are broken], - gt_cv_inttypes_pri_broken, - [ - AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include -#ifdef PRId32 -char *p = PRId32; -#endif -], [], gt_cv_inttypes_pri_broken=no, gt_cv_inttypes_pri_broken=yes) - ]) - fi - if test "$gt_cv_inttypes_pri_broken" = yes; then - AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PRI_MACROS_BROKEN, 1, - [Define if exists and defines unusable PRI* macros.]) - fi -]) - -# inttypes.m4 serial 1 (gettext-0.11.4) -dnl Copyright (C) 1997-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -dnl From Paul Eggert. - -# Define HAVE_INTTYPES_H if exists and doesn't clash with -# . - -AC_DEFUN([gt_HEADER_INTTYPES_H], -[ - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for inttypes.h], gt_cv_header_inttypes_h, - [ - AC_TRY_COMPILE( - [#include -#include ], - [], gt_cv_header_inttypes_h=yes, gt_cv_header_inttypes_h=no) - ]) - if test $gt_cv_header_inttypes_h = yes; then - AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_INTTYPES_H, 1, - [Define if exists and doesn't clash with .]) - fi -]) - -# inttypes_h.m4 serial 5 (gettext-0.12) -dnl Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -dnl From Paul Eggert. - -# Define HAVE_INTTYPES_H_WITH_UINTMAX if exists, -# doesn't clash with , and declares uintmax_t. - -AC_DEFUN([jm_AC_HEADER_INTTYPES_H], -[ - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for inttypes.h], jm_ac_cv_header_inttypes_h, - [AC_TRY_COMPILE( - [#include -#include ], - [uintmax_t i = (uintmax_t) -1;], - jm_ac_cv_header_inttypes_h=yes, - jm_ac_cv_header_inttypes_h=no)]) - if test $jm_ac_cv_header_inttypes_h = yes; then - AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_INTTYPES_H_WITH_UINTMAX, 1, - [Define if exists, doesn't clash with , - and declares uintmax_t. ]) - fi -]) - -# lcmessage.m4 serial 3 (gettext-0.11.3) -dnl Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. -dnl -dnl This file can can be used in projects which are not available under -dnl the GNU General Public License or the GNU Library General Public -dnl License but which still want to provide support for the GNU gettext -dnl functionality. -dnl Please note that the actual code of the GNU gettext library is covered -dnl by the GNU Library General Public License, and the rest of the GNU -dnl gettext package package is covered by the GNU General Public License. -dnl They are *not* in the public domain. - -dnl Authors: -dnl Ulrich Drepper , 1995. - -# Check whether LC_MESSAGES is available in . - -AC_DEFUN([AM_LC_MESSAGES], -[ - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for LC_MESSAGES], am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES, - [AC_TRY_LINK([#include ], [return LC_MESSAGES], - am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES=yes, am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES=no)]) - if test $am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES = yes; then - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LC_MESSAGES, 1, - [Define if your file defines LC_MESSAGES.]) - fi -]) - -# lib-ld.m4 serial 3 (gettext-0.13) -dnl Copyright (C) 1996-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -dnl Subroutines of libtool.m4, -dnl with replacements s/AC_/AC_LIB/ and s/lt_cv/acl_cv/ to avoid collision -dnl with libtool.m4. - -dnl From libtool-1.4. Sets the variable with_gnu_ld to yes or no. -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_PROG_LD_GNU], -[AC_CACHE_CHECK([if the linker ($LD) is GNU ld], acl_cv_prog_gnu_ld, -[# I'd rather use --version here, but apparently some GNU ld's only accept -v. -case `$LD -v 2>&1 conf$$.sh - echo "exit 0" >>conf$$.sh - chmod +x conf$$.sh - if (PATH="/nonexistent;."; conf$$.sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then - PATH_SEPARATOR=';' - else - PATH_SEPARATOR=: - fi - rm -f conf$$.sh -fi -ac_prog=ld -if test "$GCC" = yes; then - # Check if gcc -print-prog-name=ld gives a path. - AC_MSG_CHECKING([for ld used by GCC]) - case $host in - *-*-mingw*) - # gcc leaves a trailing carriage return which upsets mingw - ac_prog=`($CC -print-prog-name=ld) 2>&5 | tr -d '\015'` ;; - *) - ac_prog=`($CC -print-prog-name=ld) 2>&5` ;; - esac - case $ac_prog in - # Accept absolute paths. - [[\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*)] - [re_direlt='/[^/][^/]*/\.\./'] - # Canonicalize the path of ld - ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| sed 's%\\\\%/%g'` - while echo $ac_prog | grep "$re_direlt" > /dev/null 2>&1; do - ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| sed "s%$re_direlt%/%"` - done - test -z "$LD" && LD="$ac_prog" - ;; - "") - # If it fails, then pretend we aren't using GCC. - ac_prog=ld - ;; - *) - # If it is relative, then search for the first ld in PATH. - with_gnu_ld=unknown - ;; - esac -elif test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then - AC_MSG_CHECKING([for GNU ld]) -else - AC_MSG_CHECKING([for non-GNU ld]) -fi -AC_CACHE_VAL(acl_cv_path_LD, -[if test -z "$LD"; then - IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}${PATH_SEPARATOR-:}" - for ac_dir in $PATH; do - test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. - if test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog" || test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exeext"; then - acl_cv_path_LD="$ac_dir/$ac_prog" - # Check to see if the program is GNU ld. I'd rather use --version, - # but apparently some GNU ld's only accept -v. - # Break only if it was the GNU/non-GNU ld that we prefer. - case `"$acl_cv_path_LD" -v 2>&1 < /dev/null` in - *GNU* | *'with BFD'*) - test "$with_gnu_ld" != no && break ;; - *) - test "$with_gnu_ld" != yes && break ;; - esac - fi - done - IFS="$ac_save_ifs" -else - acl_cv_path_LD="$LD" # Let the user override the test with a path. -fi]) -LD="$acl_cv_path_LD" -if test -n "$LD"; then - AC_MSG_RESULT($LD) -else - AC_MSG_RESULT(no) -fi -test -z "$LD" && AC_MSG_ERROR([no acceptable ld found in \$PATH]) -AC_LIB_PROG_LD_GNU -]) - -# lib-link.m4 serial 4 (gettext-0.12) -dnl Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -dnl From Bruno Haible. - -dnl AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS(name [, dependencies]) searches for libname and -dnl the libraries corresponding to explicit and implicit dependencies. -dnl Sets and AC_SUBSTs the LIB${NAME} and LTLIB${NAME} variables and -dnl augments the CPPFLAGS variable. -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS], -[ - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PREPARE_PREFIX]) - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_RPATH]) - define([Name],[translit([$1],[./-], [___])]) - define([NAME],[translit([$1],[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-], - [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___])]) - AC_CACHE_CHECK([how to link with lib[]$1], [ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_libs], [ - AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY([$1], [$2]) - ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_libs="$LIB[]NAME" - ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_ltlibs="$LTLIB[]NAME" - ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_cppflags="$INC[]NAME" - ]) - LIB[]NAME="$ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_libs" - LTLIB[]NAME="$ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_ltlibs" - INC[]NAME="$ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_cppflags" - AC_LIB_APPENDTOVAR([CPPFLAGS], [$INC]NAME) - AC_SUBST([LIB]NAME) - AC_SUBST([LTLIB]NAME) - dnl Also set HAVE_LIB[]NAME so that AC_LIB_HAVE_LINKFLAGS can reuse the - dnl results of this search when this library appears as a dependency. - HAVE_LIB[]NAME=yes - undefine([Name]) - undefine([NAME]) -]) - -dnl AC_LIB_HAVE_LINKFLAGS(name, dependencies, includes, testcode) -dnl searches for libname and the libraries corresponding to explicit and -dnl implicit dependencies, together with the specified include files and -dnl the ability to compile and link the specified testcode. If found, it -dnl sets and AC_SUBSTs HAVE_LIB${NAME}=yes and the LIB${NAME} and -dnl LTLIB${NAME} variables and augments the CPPFLAGS variable, and -dnl #defines HAVE_LIB${NAME} to 1. Otherwise, it sets and AC_SUBSTs -dnl HAVE_LIB${NAME}=no and LIB${NAME} and LTLIB${NAME} to empty. -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_HAVE_LINKFLAGS], -[ - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PREPARE_PREFIX]) - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_RPATH]) - define([Name],[translit([$1],[./-], [___])]) - define([NAME],[translit([$1],[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-], - [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___])]) - - dnl Search for lib[]Name and define LIB[]NAME, LTLIB[]NAME and INC[]NAME - dnl accordingly. - AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY([$1], [$2]) - - dnl Add $INC[]NAME to CPPFLAGS before performing the following checks, - dnl because if the user has installed lib[]Name and not disabled its use - dnl via --without-lib[]Name-prefix, he wants to use it. - ac_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" - AC_LIB_APPENDTOVAR([CPPFLAGS], [$INC]NAME) - - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for lib[]$1], [ac_cv_lib[]Name], [ - ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS" - LIBS="$LIBS $LIB[]NAME" - AC_TRY_LINK([$3], [$4], [ac_cv_lib[]Name=yes], [ac_cv_lib[]Name=no]) - LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS" - ]) - if test "$ac_cv_lib[]Name" = yes; then - HAVE_LIB[]NAME=yes - AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIB]NAME, 1, [Define if you have the $1 library.]) - AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to link with lib[]$1]) - AC_MSG_RESULT([$LIB[]NAME]) - else - HAVE_LIB[]NAME=no - dnl If $LIB[]NAME didn't lead to a usable library, we don't need - dnl $INC[]NAME either. - CPPFLAGS="$ac_save_CPPFLAGS" - LIB[]NAME= - LTLIB[]NAME= - fi - AC_SUBST([HAVE_LIB]NAME) - AC_SUBST([LIB]NAME) - AC_SUBST([LTLIB]NAME) - undefine([Name]) - undefine([NAME]) -]) - -dnl Determine the platform dependent parameters needed to use rpath: -dnl libext, shlibext, hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, hardcode_libdir_separator, -dnl hardcode_direct, hardcode_minus_L. -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_RPATH], -[ - AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CC]) dnl we use $CC, $GCC, $LDFLAGS - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PROG_LD]) dnl we use $LD, $with_gnu_ld - AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST]) dnl we use $host - AC_REQUIRE([AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR_DEFAULT]) dnl we use $ac_aux_dir - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for shared library run path origin], acl_cv_rpath, [ - CC="$CC" GCC="$GCC" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" LD="$LD" with_gnu_ld="$with_gnu_ld" \ - ${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} "$ac_aux_dir/config.rpath" "$host" > - . ./ - rm -f ./ - acl_cv_rpath=done - ]) - wl="$acl_cv_wl" - libext="$acl_cv_libext" - shlibext="$acl_cv_shlibext" - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec="$acl_cv_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" - hardcode_libdir_separator="$acl_cv_hardcode_libdir_separator" - hardcode_direct="$acl_cv_hardcode_direct" - hardcode_minus_L="$acl_cv_hardcode_minus_L" - dnl Determine whether the user wants rpath handling at all. - AC_ARG_ENABLE(rpath, - [ --disable-rpath do not hardcode runtime library paths], - :, enable_rpath=yes) -]) - -dnl AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY(name [, dependencies]) searches for libname and -dnl the libraries corresponding to explicit and implicit dependencies. -dnl Sets the LIB${NAME}, LTLIB${NAME} and INC${NAME} variables. -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY], -[ - define([NAME],[translit([$1],[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-], - [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___])]) - dnl By default, look in $includedir and $libdir. - use_additional=yes - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([ - eval additional_includedir=\"$includedir\" - eval additional_libdir=\"$libdir\" - ]) - AC_LIB_ARG_WITH([lib$1-prefix], -[ --with-lib$1-prefix[=DIR] search for lib$1 in DIR/include and DIR/lib - --without-lib$1-prefix don't search for lib$1 in includedir and libdir], -[ - if test "X$withval" = "Xno"; then - use_additional=no - else - if test "X$withval" = "X"; then - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([ - eval additional_includedir=\"$includedir\" - eval additional_libdir=\"$libdir\" - ]) - else - additional_includedir="$withval/include" - additional_libdir="$withval/lib" - fi - fi -]) - dnl Search the library and its dependencies in $additional_libdir and - dnl $LDFLAGS. Using breadth-first-seach. - LIB[]NAME= - LTLIB[]NAME= - INC[]NAME= - rpathdirs= - ltrpathdirs= - names_already_handled= - names_next_round='$1 $2' - while test -n "$names_next_round"; do - names_this_round="$names_next_round" - names_next_round= - for name in $names_this_round; do - already_handled= - for n in $names_already_handled; do - if test "$n" = "$name"; then - already_handled=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$already_handled"; then - names_already_handled="$names_already_handled $name" - dnl See if it was already located by an earlier AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS - dnl or AC_LIB_HAVE_LINKFLAGS call. - uppername=`echo "$name" | sed -e 'y|abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-|ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___|'` - eval value=\"\$HAVE_LIB$uppername\" - if test -n "$value"; then - if test "$value" = yes; then - eval value=\"\$LIB$uppername\" - test -z "$value" || LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$value" - eval value=\"\$LTLIB$uppername\" - test -z "$value" || LTLIB[]NAME="${LTLIB[]NAME}${LTLIB[]NAME:+ }$value" - else - dnl An earlier call to AC_LIB_HAVE_LINKFLAGS has determined - dnl that this library doesn't exist. So just drop it. - : - fi - else - dnl Search the library lib$name in $additional_libdir and $LDFLAGS - dnl and the already constructed $LIBNAME/$LTLIBNAME. - found_dir= - found_la= - found_so= - found_a= - if test $use_additional = yes; then - if test -n "$shlibext" && test -f "$additional_libdir/lib$name.$shlibext"; then - found_dir="$additional_libdir" - found_so="$additional_libdir/lib$name.$shlibext" - if test -f "$additional_libdir/lib$"; then - found_la="$additional_libdir/lib$" - fi - else - if test -f "$additional_libdir/lib$name.$libext"; then - found_dir="$additional_libdir" - found_a="$additional_libdir/lib$name.$libext" - if test -f "$additional_libdir/lib$"; then - found_la="$additional_libdir/lib$" - fi - fi - fi - fi - if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then - for x in $LDFLAGS $LTLIB[]NAME; do - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([eval x=\"$x\"]) - case "$x" in - -L*) - dir=`echo "X$x" | sed -e 's/^X-L//'` - if test -n "$shlibext" && test -f "$dir/lib$name.$shlibext"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_so="$dir/lib$name.$shlibext" - if test -f "$dir/lib$"; then - found_la="$dir/lib$" - fi - else - if test -f "$dir/lib$name.$libext"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_a="$dir/lib$name.$libext" - if test -f "$dir/lib$"; then - found_la="$dir/lib$" - fi - fi - fi - ;; - esac - if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then - break - fi - done - fi - if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then - dnl Found the library. - LTLIB[]NAME="${LTLIB[]NAME}${LTLIB[]NAME:+ }-L$found_dir -l$name" - if test "X$found_so" != "X"; then - dnl Linking with a shared library. We attempt to hardcode its - dnl directory into the executable's runpath, unless it's the - dnl standard /usr/lib. - if test "$enable_rpath" = no || test "X$found_dir" = "X/usr/lib"; then - dnl No hardcoding is needed. - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$found_so" - else - dnl Use an explicit option to hardcode DIR into the resulting - dnl binary. - dnl Potentially add DIR to ltrpathdirs. - dnl The ltrpathdirs will be appended to $LTLIBNAME at the end. - haveit= - for x in $ltrpathdirs; do - if test "X$x" = "X$found_dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - ltrpathdirs="$ltrpathdirs $found_dir" - fi - dnl The hardcoding into $LIBNAME is system dependent. - if test "$hardcode_direct" = yes; then - dnl Using DIR/ during linking hardcodes DIR into the - dnl resulting binary. - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$found_so" - else - if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" && test "$hardcode_minus_L" = no; then - dnl Use an explicit option to hardcode DIR into the resulting - dnl binary. - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$found_so" - dnl Potentially add DIR to rpathdirs. - dnl The rpathdirs will be appended to $LIBNAME at the end. - haveit= - for x in $rpathdirs; do - if test "X$x" = "X$found_dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - rpathdirs="$rpathdirs $found_dir" - fi - else - dnl Rely on "-L$found_dir". - dnl But don't add it if it's already contained in the LDFLAGS - dnl or the already constructed $LIBNAME - haveit= - for x in $LDFLAGS $LIB[]NAME; do - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([eval x=\"$x\"]) - if test "X$x" = "X-L$found_dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }-L$found_dir" - fi - if test "$hardcode_minus_L" != no; then - dnl FIXME: Not sure whether we should use - dnl "-L$found_dir -l$name" or "-L$found_dir $found_so" - dnl here. - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$found_so" - else - dnl We cannot use $hardcode_runpath_var and LD_RUN_PATH - dnl here, because this doesn't fit in flags passed to the - dnl compiler. So give up. No hardcoding. This affects only - dnl very old systems. - dnl FIXME: Not sure whether we should use - dnl "-L$found_dir -l$name" or "-L$found_dir $found_so" - dnl here. - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }-l$name" - fi - fi - fi - fi - else - if test "X$found_a" != "X"; then - dnl Linking with a static library. - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$found_a" - else - dnl We shouldn't come here, but anyway it's good to have a - dnl fallback. - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }-L$found_dir -l$name" - fi - fi - dnl Assume the include files are nearby. - additional_includedir= - case "$found_dir" in - */lib | */lib/) - basedir=`echo "X$found_dir" | sed -e 's,^X,,' -e 's,/lib/*$,,'` - additional_includedir="$basedir/include" - ;; - esac - if test "X$additional_includedir" != "X"; then - dnl Potentially add $additional_includedir to $INCNAME. - dnl But don't add it - dnl 1. if it's the standard /usr/include, - dnl 2. if it's /usr/local/include and we are using GCC on Linux, - dnl 3. if it's already present in $CPPFLAGS or the already - dnl constructed $INCNAME, - dnl 4. if it doesn't exist as a directory. - if test "X$additional_includedir" != "X/usr/include"; then - haveit= - if test "X$additional_includedir" = "X/usr/local/include"; then - if test -n "$GCC"; then - case $host_os in - linux*) haveit=yes;; - esac - fi - fi - if test -z "$haveit"; then - for x in $CPPFLAGS $INC[]NAME; do - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([eval x=\"$x\"]) - if test "X$x" = "X-I$additional_includedir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test -d "$additional_includedir"; then - dnl Really add $additional_includedir to $INCNAME. - INC[]NAME="${INC[]NAME}${INC[]NAME:+ }-I$additional_includedir" - fi - fi - fi - fi - fi - dnl Look for dependencies. - if test -n "$found_la"; then - dnl Read the .la file. It defines the variables - dnl dlname, library_names, old_library, dependency_libs, current, - dnl age, revision, installed, dlopen, dlpreopen, libdir. - save_libdir="$libdir" - case "$found_la" in - */* | *\\*) . "$found_la" ;; - *) . "./$found_la" ;; - esac - libdir="$save_libdir" - dnl We use only dependency_libs. - for dep in $dependency_libs; do - case "$dep" in - -L*) - additional_libdir=`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-L//'` - dnl Potentially add $additional_libdir to $LIBNAME and $LTLIBNAME. - dnl But don't add it - dnl 1. if it's the standard /usr/lib, - dnl 2. if it's /usr/local/lib and we are using GCC on Linux, - dnl 3. if it's already present in $LDFLAGS or the already - dnl constructed $LIBNAME, - dnl 4. if it doesn't exist as a directory. - if test "X$additional_libdir" != "X/usr/lib"; then - haveit= - if test "X$additional_libdir" = "X/usr/local/lib"; then - if test -n "$GCC"; then - case $host_os in - linux*) haveit=yes;; - esac - fi - fi - if test -z "$haveit"; then - haveit= - for x in $LDFLAGS $LIB[]NAME; do - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([eval x=\"$x\"]) - if test "X$x" = "X-L$additional_libdir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test -d "$additional_libdir"; then - dnl Really add $additional_libdir to $LIBNAME. - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }-L$additional_libdir" - fi - fi - haveit= - for x in $LDFLAGS $LTLIB[]NAME; do - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([eval x=\"$x\"]) - if test "X$x" = "X-L$additional_libdir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test -d "$additional_libdir"; then - dnl Really add $additional_libdir to $LTLIBNAME. - LTLIB[]NAME="${LTLIB[]NAME}${LTLIB[]NAME:+ }-L$additional_libdir" - fi - fi - fi - fi - ;; - -R*) - dir=`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-R//'` - if test "$enable_rpath" != no; then - dnl Potentially add DIR to rpathdirs. - dnl The rpathdirs will be appended to $LIBNAME at the end. - haveit= - for x in $rpathdirs; do - if test "X$x" = "X$dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - rpathdirs="$rpathdirs $dir" - fi - dnl Potentially add DIR to ltrpathdirs. - dnl The ltrpathdirs will be appended to $LTLIBNAME at the end. - haveit= - for x in $ltrpathdirs; do - if test "X$x" = "X$dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - ltrpathdirs="$ltrpathdirs $dir" - fi - fi - ;; - -l*) - dnl Handle this in the next round. - names_next_round="$names_next_round "`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-l//'` - ;; - *.la) - dnl Handle this in the next round. Throw away the .la's - dnl directory; it is already contained in a preceding -L - dnl option. - names_next_round="$names_next_round "`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's,^X.*/,,' -e 's,^lib,,' -e 's,\.la$,,'` - ;; - *) - dnl Most likely an immediate library name. - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$dep" - LTLIB[]NAME="${LTLIB[]NAME}${LTLIB[]NAME:+ }$dep" - ;; - esac - done - fi - else - dnl Didn't find the library; assume it is in the system directories - dnl known to the linker and runtime loader. (All the system - dnl directories known to the linker should also be known to the - dnl runtime loader, otherwise the system is severely misconfigured.) - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }-l$name" - LTLIB[]NAME="${LTLIB[]NAME}${LTLIB[]NAME:+ }-l$name" - fi - fi - fi - done - done - if test "X$rpathdirs" != "X"; then - if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_separator"; then - dnl Weird platform: only the last -rpath option counts, the user must - dnl pass all path elements in one option. We can arrange that for a - dnl single library, but not when more than one $LIBNAMEs are used. - alldirs= - for found_dir in $rpathdirs; do - alldirs="${alldirs}${alldirs:+$hardcode_libdir_separator}$found_dir" - done - dnl Note: hardcode_libdir_flag_spec uses $libdir and $wl. - acl_save_libdir="$libdir" - libdir="$alldirs" - eval flag=\"$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" - libdir="$acl_save_libdir" - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$flag" - else - dnl The -rpath options are cumulative. - for found_dir in $rpathdirs; do - acl_save_libdir="$libdir" - libdir="$found_dir" - eval flag=\"$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" - libdir="$acl_save_libdir" - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$flag" - done - fi - fi - if test "X$ltrpathdirs" != "X"; then - dnl When using libtool, the option that works for both libraries and - dnl executables is -R. The -R options are cumulative. - for found_dir in $ltrpathdirs; do - LTLIB[]NAME="${LTLIB[]NAME}${LTLIB[]NAME:+ }-R$found_dir" - done - fi -]) - -dnl AC_LIB_APPENDTOVAR(VAR, CONTENTS) appends the elements of CONTENTS to VAR, -dnl unless already present in VAR. -dnl Works only for CPPFLAGS, not for LIB* variables because that sometimes -dnl contains two or three consecutive elements that belong together. -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_APPENDTOVAR], -[ - for element in [$2]; do - haveit= - for x in $[$1]; do - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([eval x=\"$x\"]) - if test "X$x" = "X$element"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - [$1]="${[$1]}${[$1]:+ }$element" - fi - done -]) - -# lib-prefix.m4 serial 3 (gettext-0.13) -dnl Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -dnl From Bruno Haible. - -dnl AC_LIB_ARG_WITH is synonymous to AC_ARG_WITH in autoconf-2.13, and -dnl similar to AC_ARG_WITH in autoconf 2.52...2.57 except that is doesn't -dnl require excessive bracketing. -ifdef([AC_HELP_STRING], -[AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_ARG_WITH], [AC_ARG_WITH([$1],[[$2]],[$3],[$4])])], -[AC_DEFUN([AC_][LIB_ARG_WITH], [AC_ARG_WITH([$1],[$2],[$3],[$4])])]) - -dnl AC_LIB_PREFIX adds to the CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS the flags that are needed -dnl to access previously installed libraries. The basic assumption is that -dnl a user will want packages to use other packages he previously installed -dnl with the same --prefix option. -dnl This macro is not needed if only AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS is used to locate -dnl libraries, but is otherwise very convenient. -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_PREFIX], -[ - AC_BEFORE([$0], [AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS]) - AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CC]) - AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST]) - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PREPARE_PREFIX]) - dnl By default, look in $includedir and $libdir. - use_additional=yes - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([ - eval additional_includedir=\"$includedir\" - eval additional_libdir=\"$libdir\" - ]) - AC_LIB_ARG_WITH([lib-prefix], -[ --with-lib-prefix[=DIR] search for libraries in DIR/include and DIR/lib - --without-lib-prefix don't search for libraries in includedir and libdir], -[ - if test "X$withval" = "Xno"; then - use_additional=no - else - if test "X$withval" = "X"; then - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([ - eval additional_includedir=\"$includedir\" - eval additional_libdir=\"$libdir\" - ]) - else - additional_includedir="$withval/include" - additional_libdir="$withval/lib" - fi - fi -]) - if test $use_additional = yes; then - dnl Potentially add $additional_includedir to $CPPFLAGS. - dnl But don't add it - dnl 1. if it's the standard /usr/include, - dnl 2. if it's already present in $CPPFLAGS, - dnl 3. if it's /usr/local/include and we are using GCC on Linux, - dnl 4. if it doesn't exist as a directory. - if test "X$additional_includedir" != "X/usr/include"; then - haveit= - for x in $CPPFLAGS; do - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([eval x=\"$x\"]) - if test "X$x" = "X-I$additional_includedir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test "X$additional_includedir" = "X/usr/local/include"; then - if test -n "$GCC"; then - case $host_os in - linux*) haveit=yes;; - esac - fi - fi - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test -d "$additional_includedir"; then - dnl Really add $additional_includedir to $CPPFLAGS. - CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS}${CPPFLAGS:+ }-I$additional_includedir" - fi - fi - fi - fi - dnl Potentially add $additional_libdir to $LDFLAGS. - dnl But don't add it - dnl 1. if it's the standard /usr/lib, - dnl 2. if it's already present in $LDFLAGS, - dnl 3. if it's /usr/local/lib and we are using GCC on Linux, - dnl 4. if it doesn't exist as a directory. - if test "X$additional_libdir" != "X/usr/lib"; then - haveit= - for x in $LDFLAGS; do - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([eval x=\"$x\"]) - if test "X$x" = "X-L$additional_libdir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test "X$additional_libdir" = "X/usr/local/lib"; then - if test -n "$GCC"; then - case $host_os in - linux*) haveit=yes;; - esac - fi - fi - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test -d "$additional_libdir"; then - dnl Really add $additional_libdir to $LDFLAGS. - LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}${LDFLAGS:+ }-L$additional_libdir" - fi - fi - fi - fi - fi -]) - -dnl AC_LIB_PREPARE_PREFIX creates variables acl_final_prefix, -dnl acl_final_exec_prefix, containing the values to which $prefix and -dnl $exec_prefix will expand at the end of the configure script. -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_PREPARE_PREFIX], -[ - dnl Unfortunately, prefix and exec_prefix get only finally determined - dnl at the end of configure. - if test "X$prefix" = "XNONE"; then - acl_final_prefix="$ac_default_prefix" - else - acl_final_prefix="$prefix" - fi - if test "X$exec_prefix" = "XNONE"; then - acl_final_exec_prefix='${prefix}' - else - acl_final_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - fi - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - eval acl_final_exec_prefix=\"$acl_final_exec_prefix\" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" -]) - -dnl AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([statement]) evaluates statement, with the -dnl variables prefix and exec_prefix bound to the values they will have -dnl at the end of the configure script. -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX], -[ - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" - $1 - exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" -]) - -# longdouble.m4 serial 1 (gettext-0.12) -dnl Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -dnl From Bruno Haible. -dnl Test whether the compiler supports the 'long double' type. -dnl Prerequisite: AC_PROG_CC - -AC_DEFUN([gt_TYPE_LONGDOUBLE], -[ - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for long double], gt_cv_c_long_double, - [if test "$GCC" = yes; then - gt_cv_c_long_double=yes - else - AC_TRY_COMPILE([ - /* The Stardent Vistra knows sizeof(long double), but does not support it. */ - long double foo = 0.0; - /* On Ultrix 4.3 cc, long double is 4 and double is 8. */ - int array [2*(sizeof(long double) >= sizeof(double)) - 1]; - ], , - gt_cv_c_long_double=yes, gt_cv_c_long_double=no) - fi]) - if test $gt_cv_c_long_double = yes; then - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE, 1, [Define if you have the 'long double' type.]) - fi -]) - -# longlong.m4 serial 4 -dnl Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -dnl From Paul Eggert. - -# Define HAVE_LONG_LONG if 'long long' works. - -AC_DEFUN([jm_AC_TYPE_LONG_LONG], -[ - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for long long], ac_cv_type_long_long, - [AC_TRY_LINK([long long ll = 1LL; int i = 63;], - [long long llmax = (long long) -1; - return ll << i | ll >> i | llmax / ll | llmax % ll;], - ac_cv_type_long_long=yes, - ac_cv_type_long_long=no)]) - if test $ac_cv_type_long_long = yes; then - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LONG_LONG, 1, - [Define if you have the 'long long' type.]) - fi -]) - -# nls.m4 serial 1 (gettext-0.12) -dnl Copyright (C) 1995-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. -dnl -dnl This file can can be used in projects which are not available under -dnl the GNU General Public License or the GNU Library General Public -dnl License but which still want to provide support for the GNU gettext -dnl functionality. -dnl Please note that the actual code of the GNU gettext library is covered -dnl by the GNU Library General Public License, and the rest of the GNU -dnl gettext package package is covered by the GNU General Public License. -dnl They are *not* in the public domain. - -dnl Authors: -dnl Ulrich Drepper , 1995-2000. -dnl Bruno Haible , 2000-2003. - -AC_DEFUN([AM_NLS], -[ - AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether NLS is requested]) - dnl Default is enabled NLS - AC_ARG_ENABLE(nls, - [ --disable-nls do not use Native Language Support], - USE_NLS=$enableval, USE_NLS=yes) - AC_MSG_RESULT($USE_NLS) - AC_SUBST(USE_NLS) -]) - -AC_DEFUN([AM_MKINSTALLDIRS], -[ - dnl If the AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR macro for autoconf is used we possibly - dnl find the mkinstalldirs script in another subdir but $(top_srcdir). - dnl Try to locate it. - MKINSTALLDIRS= - if test -n "$ac_aux_dir"; then - case "$ac_aux_dir" in - /*) MKINSTALLDIRS="$ac_aux_dir/mkinstalldirs" ;; - *) MKINSTALLDIRS="\$(top_builddir)/$ac_aux_dir/mkinstalldirs" ;; - esac - fi - if test -z "$MKINSTALLDIRS"; then - MKINSTALLDIRS="\$(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs" - fi - AC_SUBST(MKINSTALLDIRS) -]) - -# po.m4 serial 3 (gettext-0.14) -dnl Copyright (C) 1995-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. -dnl -dnl This file can can be used in projects which are not available under -dnl the GNU General Public License or the GNU Library General Public -dnl License but which still want to provide support for the GNU gettext -dnl functionality. -dnl Please note that the actual code of the GNU gettext library is covered -dnl by the GNU Library General Public License, and the rest of the GNU -dnl gettext package package is covered by the GNU General Public License. -dnl They are *not* in the public domain. - -dnl Authors: -dnl Ulrich Drepper , 1995-2000. -dnl Bruno Haible , 2000-2003. - -dnl Checks for all prerequisites of the po subdirectory. -AC_DEFUN([AM_PO_SUBDIRS], -[ - AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_MAKE_SET])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_INSTALL])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([AM_MKINSTALLDIRS])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([AM_NLS])dnl - - dnl Perform the following tests also if --disable-nls has been given, - dnl because they are needed for "make dist" to work. - - dnl Search for GNU msgfmt in the PATH. - dnl The first test excludes Solaris msgfmt and early GNU msgfmt versions. - dnl The second test excludes FreeBSD msgfmt. - AM_PATH_PROG_WITH_TEST(MSGFMT, msgfmt, - [$ac_dir/$ac_word --statistics /dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 && - (if $ac_dir/$ac_word --statistics /dev/null 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep usage >/dev/null; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi)], - :) - AC_PATH_PROG(GMSGFMT, gmsgfmt, $MSGFMT) - - dnl Search for GNU xgettext 0.12 or newer in the PATH. - dnl The first test excludes Solaris xgettext and early GNU xgettext versions. - dnl The second test excludes FreeBSD xgettext. - AM_PATH_PROG_WITH_TEST(XGETTEXT, xgettext, - [$ac_dir/$ac_word --omit-header --copyright-holder= --msgid-bugs-address= /dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 && - (if $ac_dir/$ac_word --omit-header --copyright-holder= --msgid-bugs-address= /dev/null 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep usage >/dev/null; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi)], - :) - dnl Remove leftover from FreeBSD xgettext call. - rm -f messages.po - - dnl Search for GNU msgmerge 0.11 or newer in the PATH. - AM_PATH_PROG_WITH_TEST(MSGMERGE, msgmerge, - [$ac_dir/$ac_word --update -q /dev/null /dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1], :) - - dnl This could go away some day; the PATH_PROG_WITH_TEST already does it. - dnl Test whether we really found GNU msgfmt. - if test "$GMSGFMT" != ":"; then - dnl If it is no GNU msgfmt we define it as : so that the - dnl Makefiles still can work. - if $GMSGFMT --statistics /dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 && - (if $GMSGFMT --statistics /dev/null 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep usage >/dev/null; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi); then - : ; - else - GMSGFMT=`echo "$GMSGFMT" | sed -e 's,^.*/,,'` - AC_MSG_RESULT( - [found $GMSGFMT program is not GNU msgfmt; ignore it]) - GMSGFMT=":" - fi - fi - - dnl This could go away some day; the PATH_PROG_WITH_TEST already does it. - dnl Test whether we really found GNU xgettext. - if test "$XGETTEXT" != ":"; then - dnl If it is no GNU xgettext we define it as : so that the - dnl Makefiles still can work. - if $XGETTEXT --omit-header --copyright-holder= --msgid-bugs-address= /dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 && - (if $XGETTEXT --omit-header --copyright-holder= --msgid-bugs-address= /dev/null 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep usage >/dev/null; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi); then - : ; - else - AC_MSG_RESULT( - [found xgettext program is not GNU xgettext; ignore it]) - XGETTEXT=":" - fi - dnl Remove leftover from FreeBSD xgettext call. - rm -f messages.po - fi - - AC_OUTPUT_COMMANDS([ - for ac_file in $CONFIG_FILES; do - # Support "outfile[:infile[:infile...]]" - case "$ac_file" in - *:*) ac_file=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%:.*%%'` ;; - esac - # PO directories have a generated from - case "$ac_file" in */ - # Adjust a relative srcdir. - ac_dir=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'` - ac_dir_suffix="/`echo "$ac_dir"|sed 's%^\./%%'`" - ac_dots=`echo "$ac_dir_suffix"|sed 's%/[^/]*%../%g'` - # In autoconf-2.13 it is called $ac_given_srcdir. - # In autoconf-2.50 it is called $srcdir. - test -n "$ac_given_srcdir" || ac_given_srcdir="$srcdir" - case "$ac_given_srcdir" in - .) top_srcdir=`echo $ac_dots|sed 's%/$%%'` ;; - /*) top_srcdir="$ac_given_srcdir" ;; - *) top_srcdir="$ac_dots$ac_given_srcdir" ;; - esac - if test -f "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/"; then - rm -f "$ac_dir/POTFILES" - test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: creating $ac_dir/POTFILES" || echo "creating $ac_dir/POTFILES" - cat "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/" | sed -e "/^#/d" -e "/^[ ]*\$/d" -e "s,.*, $top_srcdir/& \\\\," | sed -e "\$s/\(.*\) \\\\/\1/" > "$ac_dir/POTFILES" - POMAKEFILEDEPS="" - # ALL_LINGUAS, POFILES, UPDATEPOFILES, DUMMYPOFILES, GMOFILES depend - # on $ac_dir but don't depend on user-specified configuration - # parameters. - if test -f "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/LINGUAS"; then - # The LINGUAS file contains the set of available languages. - if test -n "$OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS"; then - test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: setting ALL_LINGUAS in is obsolete" || echo "setting ALL_LINGUAS in is obsolete" - fi - ALL_LINGUAS_=`sed -e "/^#/d" "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/LINGUAS"` - # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assigment from automake. - eval 'ALL_LINGUAS''=$ALL_LINGUAS_' - POMAKEFILEDEPS="$POMAKEFILEDEPS LINGUAS" - else - # The set of available languages was given in - eval 'ALL_LINGUAS''=$OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS' - fi - # Compute POFILES - # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(srcdir)/$(lang).po) - # Compute UPDATEPOFILES - # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(lang).po-update) - # Compute DUMMYPOFILES - # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(lang).nop) - # Compute GMOFILES - # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(srcdir)/$(lang).gmo) - case "$ac_given_srcdir" in - .) srcdirpre= ;; - *) srcdirpre='$(srcdir)/' ;; - esac - POFILES= - UPDATEPOFILES= - DUMMYPOFILES= - GMOFILES= - for lang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do - POFILES="$POFILES $srcdirpre$lang.po" - UPDATEPOFILES="$UPDATEPOFILES $lang.po-update" - DUMMYPOFILES="$DUMMYPOFILES $lang.nop" - GMOFILES="$GMOFILES $srcdirpre$" - done - # CATALOGS depends on both $ac_dir and the user's LINGUAS - # environment variable. - INST_LINGUAS= - if test -n "$ALL_LINGUAS"; then - for presentlang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do - useit=no - if test "%UNSET%" != "$LINGUAS"; then - desiredlanguages="$LINGUAS" - else - desiredlanguages="$ALL_LINGUAS" - fi - for desiredlang in $desiredlanguages; do - # Use the presentlang catalog if desiredlang is - # a. equal to presentlang, or - # b. a variant of presentlang (because in this case, - # presentlang can be used as a fallback for messages - # which are not translated in the desiredlang catalog). - case "$desiredlang" in - "$presentlang"*) useit=yes;; - esac - done - if test $useit = yes; then - INST_LINGUAS="$INST_LINGUAS $presentlang" - fi - done - fi - CATALOGS= - if test -n "$INST_LINGUAS"; then - for lang in $INST_LINGUAS; do - CATALOGS="$CATALOGS $" - done - fi - test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: creating $ac_dir/Makefile" || echo "creating $ac_dir/Makefile" - sed -e "/^POTFILES =/r $ac_dir/POTFILES" -e "/^# Makevars/r $ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/Makevars" -e "s|@POFILES@|$POFILES|g" -e "s|@UPDATEPOFILES@|$UPDATEPOFILES|g" -e "s|@DUMMYPOFILES@|$DUMMYPOFILES|g" -e "s|@GMOFILES@|$GMOFILES|g" -e "s|@CATALOGS@|$CATALOGS|g" -e "s|@POMAKEFILEDEPS@|$POMAKEFILEDEPS|g" "$ac_dir/" > "$ac_dir/Makefile" - for f in "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir"/Rules-*; do - if test -f "$f"; then - case "$f" in - *.orig | *.bak | *~) ;; - *) cat "$f" >> "$ac_dir/Makefile" ;; - esac - fi - done - fi - ;; - esac - done], - [# Capture the value of obsolete ALL_LINGUAS because we need it to compute - # POFILES, UPDATEPOFILES, DUMMYPOFILES, GMOFILES, CATALOGS. But hide it - # from automake. - eval 'OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS''="$ALL_LINGUAS"' - # Capture the value of LINGUAS because we need it to compute CATALOGS. - LINGUAS="${LINGUAS-%UNSET%}" - ]) -]) - -dnl Postprocesses a Makefile in a directory containing PO files. -AC_DEFUN([AM_POSTPROCESS_PO_MAKEFILE], -[ - # When this code is run, in config.status, two variables have already been - # set: - # - OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS is the value of LINGUAS set in, - # - LINGUAS is the value of the environment variable LINGUAS at configure - # time. - -changequote(,)dnl - # Adjust a relative srcdir. - ac_dir=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'` - ac_dir_suffix="/`echo "$ac_dir"|sed 's%^\./%%'`" - ac_dots=`echo "$ac_dir_suffix"|sed 's%/[^/]*%../%g'` - # In autoconf-2.13 it is called $ac_given_srcdir. - # In autoconf-2.50 it is called $srcdir. - test -n "$ac_given_srcdir" || ac_given_srcdir="$srcdir" - case "$ac_given_srcdir" in - .) top_srcdir=`echo $ac_dots|sed 's%/$%%'` ;; - /*) top_srcdir="$ac_given_srcdir" ;; - *) top_srcdir="$ac_dots$ac_given_srcdir" ;; - esac - - # Find a way to echo strings without interpreting backslash. - if test "X`(echo '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t'; then - gt_echo='echo' - else - if test "X`(printf '%s\n' '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t'; then - gt_echo='printf %s\n' - else - echo_func () { - cat < "$ac_file.tmp" - if grep -l '@TCLCATALOGS@' "$ac_file" > /dev/null; then - # Add dependencies that cannot be formulated as a simple suffix rule. - for lang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do - frobbedlang=`echo $lang | sed -e 's/\..*$//' -e 'y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/'` - cat >> "$ac_file.tmp" < /dev/null; then - # Add dependencies that cannot be formulated as a simple suffix rule. - for lang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do - frobbedlang=`echo $lang | sed -e 's/_/-/g'` - cat >> "$ac_file.tmp" <> "$ac_file.tmp" < -#include -/* The string "%2$d %1$d", with dollar characters protected from the shell's - dollar expansion (possibly an autoconf bug). */ -static char format[] = { '%', '2', '$', 'd', ' ', '%', '1', '$', 'd', '\0' }; -static char buf[100]; -int main () -{ - sprintf (buf, format, 33, 55); - return (strcmp (buf, "55 33") != 0); -}], gt_cv_func_printf_posix=yes, gt_cv_func_printf_posix=no, - [ - AC_EGREP_CPP(notposix, [ -#if defined __NetBSD__ || defined _MSC_VER || defined __MINGW32__ || defined __CYGWIN__ - notposix -#endif - ], gt_cv_func_printf_posix="guessing no", - gt_cv_func_printf_posix="guessing yes") - ]) - ]) - case $gt_cv_func_printf_posix in - *yes) - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_POSIX_PRINTF, 1, - [Define if your printf() function supports format strings with positions.]) - ;; - esac -]) - -# progtest.m4 serial 3 (gettext-0.12) -dnl Copyright (C) 1996-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. -dnl -dnl This file can can be used in projects which are not available under -dnl the GNU General Public License or the GNU Library General Public -dnl License but which still want to provide support for the GNU gettext -dnl functionality. -dnl Please note that the actual code of the GNU gettext library is covered -dnl by the GNU Library General Public License, and the rest of the GNU -dnl gettext package package is covered by the GNU General Public License. -dnl They are *not* in the public domain. - -dnl Authors: -dnl Ulrich Drepper , 1996. - -# Search path for a program which passes the given test. - -dnl AM_PATH_PROG_WITH_TEST(VARIABLE, PROG-TO-CHECK-FOR, -dnl TEST-PERFORMED-ON-FOUND_PROGRAM [, VALUE-IF-NOT-FOUND [, PATH]]) -AC_DEFUN([AM_PATH_PROG_WITH_TEST], -[ -# Prepare PATH_SEPARATOR. -# The user is always right. -if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then - echo "#! /bin/sh" >conf$$.sh - echo "exit 0" >>conf$$.sh - chmod +x conf$$.sh - if (PATH="/nonexistent;."; conf$$.sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then - PATH_SEPARATOR=';' - else - PATH_SEPARATOR=: - fi - rm -f conf$$.sh -fi - -# Find out how to test for executable files. Don't use a zero-byte file, -# as systems may use methods other than mode bits to determine executability. -cat >conf$$.file <<_ASEOF -#! /bin/sh -exit 0 -_ASEOF -chmod +x conf$$.file -if test -x conf$$.file >/dev/null 2>&1; then - ac_executable_p="test -x" -else - ac_executable_p="test -f" -fi -rm -f conf$$.file - -# Extract the first word of "$2", so it can be a program name with args. -set dummy $2; ac_word=[$]2 -AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $ac_word]) -AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_path_$1, -[case "[$]$1" in - [[\\/]]* | ?:[[\\/]]*) - ac_cv_path_$1="[$]$1" # Let the user override the test with a path. - ;; - *) - ac_save_IFS="$IFS"; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR - for ac_dir in ifelse([$5], , $PATH, [$5]); do - IFS="$ac_save_IFS" - test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. - for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do - if $ac_executable_p "$ac_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then - if [$3]; then - ac_cv_path_$1="$ac_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" - break 2 - fi - fi - done - done - IFS="$ac_save_IFS" -dnl If no 4th arg is given, leave the cache variable unset, -dnl so AC_PATH_PROGS will keep looking. -ifelse([$4], , , [ test -z "[$]ac_cv_path_$1" && ac_cv_path_$1="$4" -])dnl - ;; -esac])dnl -$1="$ac_cv_path_$1" -if test ifelse([$4], , [-n "[$]$1"], ["[$]$1" != "$4"]); then - AC_MSG_RESULT([$]$1) -else - AC_MSG_RESULT(no) -fi -AC_SUBST($1)dnl -]) - -# signed.m4 serial 1 (gettext-0.10.40) -dnl Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -dnl From Bruno Haible. - -AC_DEFUN([bh_C_SIGNED], -[ - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for signed], bh_cv_c_signed, - [AC_TRY_COMPILE(, [signed char x;], bh_cv_c_signed=yes, bh_cv_c_signed=no)]) - if test $bh_cv_c_signed = no; then - AC_DEFINE(signed, , - [Define to empty if the C compiler doesn't support this keyword.]) - fi -]) - -# size_max.m4 serial 2 -dnl Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -dnl From Bruno Haible. - -AC_DEFUN([gl_SIZE_MAX], -[ - AC_CHECK_HEADERS(stdint.h) - dnl First test whether the system already has SIZE_MAX. - AC_MSG_CHECKING([for SIZE_MAX]) - result= - AC_EGREP_CPP([Found it], [ -#include -#if HAVE_STDINT_H -#include -#endif -#ifdef SIZE_MAX -Found it -#endif -], result=yes) - if test -z "$result"; then - dnl Define it ourselves. Here we assume that the type 'size_t' is not wider - dnl than the type 'unsigned long'. - dnl The _AC_COMPUTE_INT macro works up to LONG_MAX, since it uses 'expr', - dnl which is guaranteed to work from LONG_MIN to LONG_MAX. - _AC_COMPUTE_INT([~(size_t)0 / 10], res_hi, - [#include ], result=?) - _AC_COMPUTE_INT([~(size_t)0 % 10], res_lo, - [#include ], result=?) - _AC_COMPUTE_INT([sizeof (size_t) <= sizeof (unsigned int)], fits_in_uint, - [#include ], result=?) - if test "$fits_in_uint" = 1; then - dnl Even though SIZE_MAX fits in an unsigned int, it must be of type - dnl 'unsigned long' if the type 'size_t' is the same as 'unsigned long'. - AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include - extern size_t foo; - extern unsigned long foo; - ], [], fits_in_uint=0) - fi - if test -z "$result"; then - if test "$fits_in_uint" = 1; then - result="$res_hi$res_lo"U - else - result="$res_hi$res_lo"UL - fi - else - dnl Shouldn't happen, but who knows... - result='~(size_t)0' - fi - fi - AC_MSG_RESULT([$result]) - if test "$result" != yes; then - AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([SIZE_MAX], [$result], - [Define as the maximum value of type 'size_t', if the system doesn't define it.]) - fi -]) - -# stdint_h.m4 serial 3 (gettext-0.12) -dnl Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -dnl From Paul Eggert. - -# Define HAVE_STDINT_H_WITH_UINTMAX if exists, -# doesn't clash with , and declares uintmax_t. - -AC_DEFUN([jm_AC_HEADER_STDINT_H], -[ - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for stdint.h], jm_ac_cv_header_stdint_h, - [AC_TRY_COMPILE( - [#include -#include ], - [uintmax_t i = (uintmax_t) -1;], - jm_ac_cv_header_stdint_h=yes, - jm_ac_cv_header_stdint_h=no)]) - if test $jm_ac_cv_header_stdint_h = yes; then - AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_STDINT_H_WITH_UINTMAX, 1, - [Define if exists, doesn't clash with , - and declares uintmax_t. ]) - fi -]) - -# uintmax_t.m4 serial 7 (gettext-0.12) -dnl Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -dnl From Paul Eggert. - -AC_PREREQ(2.13) - -# Define uintmax_t to 'unsigned long' or 'unsigned long long' -# if it is not already defined in or . - -AC_DEFUN([jm_AC_TYPE_UINTMAX_T], -[ - AC_REQUIRE([jm_AC_HEADER_INTTYPES_H]) - AC_REQUIRE([jm_AC_HEADER_STDINT_H]) - if test $jm_ac_cv_header_inttypes_h = no && test $jm_ac_cv_header_stdint_h = no; then - AC_REQUIRE([jm_AC_TYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG]) - test $ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long = yes \ - && ac_type='unsigned long long' \ - || ac_type='unsigned long' - AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(uintmax_t, $ac_type, - [Define to unsigned long or unsigned long long - if and don't define.]) - else - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_UINTMAX_T, 1, - [Define if you have the 'uintmax_t' type in or .]) - fi -]) - -# ulonglong.m4 serial 3 -dnl Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -dnl From Paul Eggert. - -# Define HAVE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG if 'unsigned long long' works. - -AC_DEFUN([jm_AC_TYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG], -[ - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for unsigned long long], ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long, - [AC_TRY_LINK([unsigned long long ull = 1ULL; int i = 63;], - [unsigned long long ullmax = (unsigned long long) -1; - return ull << i | ull >> i | ullmax / ull | ullmax % ull;], - ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long=yes, - ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long=no)]) - if test $ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long = yes; then - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG, 1, - [Define if you have the 'unsigned long long' type.]) - fi -]) - -# wchar_t.m4 serial 1 (gettext-0.12) -dnl Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -dnl From Bruno Haible. -dnl Test whether has the 'wchar_t' type. -dnl Prerequisite: AC_PROG_CC - -AC_DEFUN([gt_TYPE_WCHAR_T], -[ - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for wchar_t], gt_cv_c_wchar_t, - [AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include - wchar_t foo = (wchar_t)'\0';], , - gt_cv_c_wchar_t=yes, gt_cv_c_wchar_t=no)]) - if test $gt_cv_c_wchar_t = yes; then - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_WCHAR_T, 1, [Define if you have the 'wchar_t' type.]) - fi -]) - -# wint_t.m4 serial 1 (gettext-0.12) -dnl Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -dnl From Bruno Haible. -dnl Test whether has the 'wint_t' type. -dnl Prerequisite: AC_PROG_CC - -AC_DEFUN([gt_TYPE_WINT_T], -[ - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for wint_t], gt_cv_c_wint_t, - [AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include - wint_t foo = (wchar_t)'\0';], , - gt_cv_c_wint_t=yes, gt_cv_c_wint_t=no)]) - if test $gt_cv_c_wint_t = yes; then - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_WINT_T, 1, [Define if you have the 'wint_t' type.]) - fi -]) - -# xsize.m4 serial 2 -dnl Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU -dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General -dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program -dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under -dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. - -AC_DEFUN([gl_XSIZE], -[ - dnl Prerequisites of lib/xsize.h. - AC_REQUIRE([gl_SIZE_MAX]) - AC_CHECK_HEADERS(stdint.h) -]) - -# AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND - -# Copyright (C) 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - -# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) -# any later version. - -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -# GNU General Public License for more details. - -# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA -# 02111-1307, USA. - -# For projects using AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([foo]), Autoconf sets -# $ac_aux_dir to `$srcdir/foo'. In other projects, it is set to -# `$srcdir', `$srcdir/..', or `$srcdir/../..'. -# -# Of course, Automake must honor this variable whenever it calls a -# tool from the auxiliary directory. The problem is that $srcdir (and -# therefore $ac_aux_dir as well) can be either absolute or relative, -# depending on how configure is run. This is pretty annoying, since -# it makes $ac_aux_dir quite unusable in subdirectories: in the top -# source directory, any form will work fine, but in subdirectories a -# relative path needs to be adjusted first. -# -# $ac_aux_dir/missing -# fails when called from a subdirectory if $ac_aux_dir is relative -# $top_srcdir/$ac_aux_dir/missing -# fails if $ac_aux_dir is absolute, -# fails when called from a subdirectory in a VPATH build with -# a relative $ac_aux_dir -# -# The reason of the latter failure is that $top_srcdir and $ac_aux_dir -# are both prefixed by $srcdir. In an in-source build this is usually -# harmless because $srcdir is `.', but things will broke when you -# start a VPATH build or use an absolute $srcdir. -# -# So we could use something similar to $top_srcdir/$ac_aux_dir/missing, -# iff we strip the leading $srcdir from $ac_aux_dir. That would be: -# am_aux_dir='\$(top_srcdir)/'`expr "$ac_aux_dir" : "$srcdir//*\(.*\)"` -# and then we would define $MISSING as -# MISSING="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/missing" -# This will work as long as MISSING is not called from configure, because -# unfortunately $(top_srcdir) has no meaning in configure. -# However there are other variables, like CC, which are often used in -# configure, and could therefore not use this "fixed" $ac_aux_dir. -# -# Another solution, used here, is to always expand $ac_aux_dir to an -# absolute PATH. The drawback is that using absolute paths prevent a -# configured tree to be moved without reconfiguration. - -AC_DEFUN([AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND], -[dnl Rely on autoconf to set up CDPATH properly. -AC_PREREQ([2.50])dnl -# expand $ac_aux_dir to an absolute path -am_aux_dir=`cd $ac_aux_dir && pwd` -]) - -# -*- Autoconf -*- - - -# Copyright (C) 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - -# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) -# any later version. - -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -# GNU General Public License for more details. - -# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA -# 02111-1307, USA. - -# serial 3 - -# AM_MISSING_PROG(NAME, PROGRAM) -# ------------------------------ -AC_DEFUN([AM_MISSING_PROG], -[AC_REQUIRE([AM_MISSING_HAS_RUN]) -$1=${$1-"${am_missing_run}$2"} -AC_SUBST($1)]) - - -# AM_MISSING_HAS_RUN -# ------------------ -# Define MISSING if not defined so far and test if it supports --run. -# If it does, set am_missing_run to use it, otherwise, to nothing. -AC_DEFUN([AM_MISSING_HAS_RUN], -[AC_REQUIRE([AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND])dnl -test x"${MISSING+set}" = xset || MISSING="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/missing" -# Use eval to expand $SHELL -if eval "$MISSING --run true"; then - am_missing_run="$MISSING --run " -else - am_missing_run= - AC_MSG_WARN([`missing' script is too old or missing]) -fi -]) - diff --git a/webcit/ b/webcit/ index 09df7eea8..de39baae7 100644 --- a/webcit/ +++ b/webcit/ @@ -9,17 +9,18 @@ AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE, "$PACKAGE") AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(VERSION, "$VERSION") AC_SUBST(PACKAGE) AC_SUBST(VERSION) +AC_SUBST(PROG_SUBDIRS) AC_CANONICAL_HOST AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_CHECK_PROG(SED, sed, sed, no) AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT(/usr/local/webcit) -AC_ARG_WITH(with_libical, [ --with-libical use libical calendaring library]) -AC_ARG_WITH(with_zlib, [ --with-zlib use zlib compression if present]) -AC_ARG_WITH(with_newt, [ --with-newt use newt window library]) +AC_ARG_WITH(with_libical, [ --with-libical use libical calendaring library]) +AC_ARG_WITH(with_zlib, [ --with-zlib use zlib compression if present]) +AC_ARG_WITH(with_newt, [ --with-newt use newt window library]) AC_ARG_WITH(ssl, - [ --with-ssl=PATH Specify path to OpenSSL installation ], + [ --with-ssl=PATH Specify path to OpenSSL installation ], [ if test "x$withval" != "xno" ; then tryssldir=$withval @@ -63,8 +64,8 @@ if test "$GCC" = yes; then esac fi -missing_dir=`cd $ac_aux_dir && pwd` -AM_MISSING_PROG(AUTOCONF, autoconf, $missing_dir) +dnl ### missing_dir=`cd $ac_aux_dir && pwd` +dnl ### AM_MISSING_PROG(AUTOCONF, autoconf, $missing_dir) dnl Checks for libraries. if test "$LIBS" != -pthread; then @@ -266,9 +267,82 @@ if test "$with_ssl" != "no"; then fi fi -AM_GNU_GETTEXT +dnl Here is the check for a usable iconv + +AC_ARG_ENABLE(iconv, + [ --disable-iconv do not use iconv charset conversion], + ok_iconv=no, ok_iconv=yes) + +if test "$ok_nls" != "no"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(Checking to see if your system supports iconv...) + AC_TRY_RUN([ + #include + main() { + iconv_t ic = (iconv_t)(-1) ; + ic = iconv_open("UTF-8", "us-ascii"); + iconv_close(ic); + exit(0); + } + ], + ok_iconv=yes, + ok_iconv=no + ) +fi + +if test "$ok_iconv" != "no"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(WebCit will be built with character set conversion.) + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ICONV) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(WebCit will be built without character set conversion.) +fi + + + +dnl Here is the check for libintl etc. + +AC_ARG_ENABLE(nls, + [ --disable-nls do not use Native Language Support], + ok_nls=no, ok_nls=yes) + +if test "$ok_nls" != "no"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(Checking to see if your system supports multithreaded NLS...) + AC_TRY_RUN([ + #define _GNU_SOURCE + #include + #include + main() { + char *foo; + uselocale(LC_GLOBAL_LOCALE); + foo = gettext("bar"); + exit(0); + } + ], + ok_nls=yes, + ok_nls=no + ) +fi + +if test "$ok_nls" != "no"; then + AC_CHECK_PROG(ok_nls, xgettext, yes, no) +fi + +if test "$ok_nls" != "no"; then + AC_CHECK_PROG(ok_nls, msgmerge, yes, no) +fi + +if test "$ok_nls" != "no"; then + AC_CHECK_PROG(ok_nls, msgfmt, yes, no) +fi + +if test "$ok_nls" != "no"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(WebCit will be built with national language support.) + AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_NLS) + PROG_SUBDIRS="$PROG_SUBDIRS po" +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(WebCit will be built without national language support.) +fi AC_SUBST(SETUP_LIBS) -AC_OUTPUT(Makefile intl/Makefile po/ po/Makefile ) +AC_OUTPUT(Makefile po/Makefile ) diff --git a/webcit/intl/ChangeLog b/webcit/intl/ChangeLog deleted file mode 100644 index 751291929..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/ChangeLog +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -2004-01-29 GNU - - * Version 0.14.1 released. - diff --git a/webcit/intl/ b/webcit/intl/ deleted file mode 100644 index 05f15329e..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,493 +0,0 @@ -# Makefile for directory with message catalog handling library of GNU gettext -# Copyright (C) 1995-1998, 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -# -# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published -# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) -# any later version. -# -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Library General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public -# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, -# USA. - -PACKAGE = @PACKAGE@ -VERSION = @VERSION@ - -SHELL = /bin/sh - -srcdir = @srcdir@ -top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ -top_builddir = .. -VPATH = $(srcdir) - -prefix = @prefix@ -exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ -transform = @program_transform_name@ -libdir = @libdir@ -includedir = @includedir@ -datadir = @datadir@ -localedir = $(datadir)/locale -gettextsrcdir = $(datadir)/gettext/intl -aliaspath = $(localedir) -subdir = intl - -INSTALL = @INSTALL@ -INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ -MKINSTALLDIRS = @MKINSTALLDIRS@ -mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(MKINSTALLDIRS) - -l = @INTL_LIBTOOL_SUFFIX_PREFIX@ - -AR = ar -CC = @CC@ -LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ -RANLIB = @RANLIB@ -YACC = @INTLBISON@ -y -d -YFLAGS = --name-prefix=__gettext - -DEFS = -DLOCALEDIR=\"$(localedir)\" -DLOCALE_ALIAS_PATH=\"$(aliaspath)\" \ --DLIBDIR=\"$(libdir)\" -DIN_LIBINTL \ --DENABLE_RELOCATABLE=1 -DIN_LIBRARY -DINSTALLDIR=\"$(libdir)\" -DNO_XMALLOC \ --Dset_relocation_prefix=libintl_set_relocation_prefix \ --Drelocate=libintl_relocate \ --DDEPENDS_ON_LIBICONV=1 @DEFS@ -CPPFLAGS = @CPPFLAGS@ -CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ -LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ -LIBS = @LIBS@ - -COMPILE = $(CC) -c $(DEFS) $(INCLUDES) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(XCFLAGS) - -HEADERS = \ - gmo.h \ - gettextP.h \ - hash-string.h \ - loadinfo.h \ - plural-exp.h \ - eval-plural.h \ - localcharset.h \ - relocatable.h \ - xsize.h \ - printf-args.h printf-args.c \ - printf-parse.h wprintf-parse.h printf-parse.c \ - vasnprintf.h vasnwprintf.h vasnprintf.c \ - os2compat.h \ - -SOURCES = \ - bindtextdom.c \ - dcgettext.c \ - dgettext.c \ - gettext.c \ - finddomain.c \ - loadmsgcat.c \ - localealias.c \ - textdomain.c \ - l10nflist.c \ - explodename.c \ - dcigettext.c \ - dcngettext.c \ - dngettext.c \ - ngettext.c \ - plural.y \ - plural-exp.c \ - localcharset.c \ - relocatable.c \ - localename.c \ - log.c \ - printf.c \ - osdep.c \ - os2compat.c \ - intl-compat.c -OBJECTS = \ - bindtextdom.$lo \ - dcgettext.$lo \ - dgettext.$lo \ - gettext.$lo \ - finddomain.$lo \ - loadmsgcat.$lo \ - localealias.$lo \ - textdomain.$lo \ - l10nflist.$lo \ - explodename.$lo \ - dcigettext.$lo \ - dcngettext.$lo \ - dngettext.$lo \ - ngettext.$lo \ - plural.$lo \ - plural-exp.$lo \ - localcharset.$lo \ - relocatable.$lo \ - localename.$lo \ - log.$lo \ - printf.$lo \ - osdep.$lo \ - intl-compat.$lo -DISTFILES.common = \ -config.charset locale.alias ref-add.sin ref-del.sin $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) -DISTFILES.generated = plural.c -DISTFILES.normal = VERSION -DISTFILES.gettext = COPYING.LIB-2.0 COPYING.LIB-2.1 libintl.glibc \ -libgnuintl.h_vms Makefile.vms \ -libgnuintl.h.msvc-static libgnuintl.h.msvc-shared README.woe32 Makefile.msvc -DISTFILES.obsolete = xopen-msg.sed linux-msg.sed cat-compat.c \ -COPYING.LIB-2 gettext.h libgettext.h plural-eval.c libgnuintl.h - -all: all-@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@ -all-yes: libintl.$la libintl.h charset.alias ref-add.sed ref-del.sed -all-no: all-no-@BUILD_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@ -all-no-yes: libgnuintl.$la -all-no-no: - -libintl.a libgnuintl.a: $(OBJECTS) - rm -f $@ - $(AR) cru $@ $(OBJECTS) - $(RANLIB) $@ - $(OBJECTS) - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link \ - $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(XCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ \ - $(OBJECTS) @LTLIBICONV@ $(LIBS) -lc \ - -version-info $(LTV_CURRENT):$(LTV_REVISION):$(LTV_AGE) \ - -rpath $(libdir) \ - -no-undefined - -# Libtool's library version information for libintl. -# Before making a gettext release, the gettext maintainer must change this -# according to the libtool documentation, section "Library interface versions". -# Maintainers of other packages that include the intl directory must *not* -# change these values. -LTV_CURRENT=7 -LTV_REVISION=0 -LTV_AGE=4 - -.SUFFIXES: -.SUFFIXES: .c .y .o .lo .sin .sed - -.c.o: - $(COMPILE) $< - -.y.c: - $(YACC) $(YFLAGS) --output $@ $< - rm -f $*.h - -bindtextdom.lo: $(srcdir)/bindtextdom.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/bindtextdom.c -dcgettext.lo: $(srcdir)/dcgettext.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dcgettext.c -dgettext.lo: $(srcdir)/dgettext.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dgettext.c -gettext.lo: $(srcdir)/gettext.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/gettext.c -finddomain.lo: $(srcdir)/finddomain.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/finddomain.c -loadmsgcat.lo: $(srcdir)/loadmsgcat.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/loadmsgcat.c -localealias.lo: $(srcdir)/localealias.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/localealias.c -textdomain.lo: $(srcdir)/textdomain.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/textdomain.c -l10nflist.lo: $(srcdir)/l10nflist.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/l10nflist.c -explodename.lo: $(srcdir)/explodename.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/explodename.c -dcigettext.lo: $(srcdir)/dcigettext.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dcigettext.c -dcngettext.lo: $(srcdir)/dcngettext.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dcngettext.c -dngettext.lo: $(srcdir)/dngettext.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dngettext.c -ngettext.lo: $(srcdir)/ngettext.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/ngettext.c -plural.lo: $(srcdir)/plural.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/plural.c -plural-exp.lo: $(srcdir)/plural-exp.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/plural-exp.c -localcharset.lo: $(srcdir)/localcharset.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/localcharset.c -relocatable.lo: $(srcdir)/relocatable.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/relocatable.c -localename.lo: $(srcdir)/localename.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/localename.c -log.lo: $(srcdir)/log.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/log.c -printf.lo: $(srcdir)/printf.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/printf.c -osdep.lo: $(srcdir)/osdep.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/osdep.c -intl-compat.lo: $(srcdir)/intl-compat.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/intl-compat.c - -ref-add.sed: $(srcdir)/ref-add.sin - sed -e '/^#/d' -e 's/@''PACKAGE''@/@PACKAGE@/g' $(srcdir)/ref-add.sin > t-ref-add.sed - mv t-ref-add.sed ref-add.sed -ref-del.sed: $(srcdir)/ref-del.sin - sed -e '/^#/d' -e 's/@''PACKAGE''@/@PACKAGE@/g' $(srcdir)/ref-del.sin > t-ref-del.sed - mv t-ref-del.sed ref-del.sed - -INCLUDES = -I. -I$(srcdir) -I.. - -libgnuintl.h: $(srcdir)/ - sed -e 's,@''HAVE_POSIX_PRINTF''@,@HAVE_POSIX_PRINTF@,g' \ - -e 's,@''HAVE_ASPRINTF''@,@HAVE_ASPRINTF@,g' \ - -e 's,@''HAVE_SNPRINTF''@,@HAVE_SNPRINTF@,g' \ - -e 's,@''HAVE_WPRINTF''@,@HAVE_WPRINTF@,g' \ - < $(srcdir)/ > libgnuintl.h - -libintl.h: libgnuintl.h - cp libgnuintl.h libintl.h - -charset.alias: $(srcdir)/config.charset - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/config.charset '@host@' > t-$@ - mv t-$@ $@ - -check: all - -# We must not install the libintl.h/libintl.a files if we are on a -# system which has the GNU gettext() function in its C library or in a -# separate library. -# If you want to use the one which comes with this version of the -# package, you have to use `configure --with-included-gettext'. -install: install-exec install-data -install-exec: all - if { test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-runtime" || test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; } \ - && test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = yes; then \ - $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) $(DESTDIR)$(includedir); \ - $(INSTALL_DATA) libintl.h $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/libintl.h; \ - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install \ - $(INSTALL_DATA) libintl.$la $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libintl.$la; \ - if test "@RELOCATABLE@" = yes; then \ - dependencies=`sed -n -e 's,^dependency_libs=\(.*\),\1,p' < $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/ | sed -e "s,^',," -e "s,'\$$,,"`; \ - if test -n "$$dependencies"; then \ - rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/; \ - fi; \ - fi; \ - else \ - : ; \ - fi - if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools" \ - && test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = no; then \ - $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir); \ - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install \ - $(INSTALL_DATA) libgnuintl.$la $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libgnuintl.$la; \ - rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/; \ - $(INSTALL_DATA) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/ $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/; \ - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=uninstall \ - rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libgnuintl.$la; \ - else \ - : ; \ - fi - if test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = yes; then \ - test @GLIBC21@ != no || $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir); \ - temp=$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/t-charset.alias; \ - dest=$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/charset.alias; \ - if test -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/charset.alias; then \ - orig=$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/charset.alias; \ - sed -f ref-add.sed $$orig > $$temp; \ - $(INSTALL_DATA) $$temp $$dest; \ - rm -f $$temp; \ - else \ - if test @GLIBC21@ = no; then \ - orig=charset.alias; \ - sed -f ref-add.sed $$orig > $$temp; \ - $(INSTALL_DATA) $$temp $$dest; \ - rm -f $$temp; \ - fi; \ - fi; \ - $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(localedir); \ - test -f $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/locale.alias \ - && orig=$(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/locale.alias \ - || orig=$(srcdir)/locale.alias; \ - temp=$(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/t-locale.alias; \ - dest=$(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/locale.alias; \ - sed -f ref-add.sed $$orig > $$temp; \ - $(INSTALL_DATA) $$temp $$dest; \ - rm -f $$temp; \ - else \ - : ; \ - fi -install-data: all - if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then \ - $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir); \ - $(INSTALL_DATA) VERSION $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir)/VERSION; \ - $(INSTALL_DATA) ChangeLog.inst $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir)/ChangeLog; \ - dists="COPYING.LIB-2.0 COPYING.LIB-2.1 $(DISTFILES.common)"; \ - for file in $$dists; do \ - $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/$$file \ - $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir)/$$file; \ - done; \ - chmod a+x $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir)/config.charset; \ - dists="$(DISTFILES.generated)"; \ - for file in $$dists; do \ - if test -f $$file; then dir=.; else dir=$(srcdir); fi; \ - $(INSTALL_DATA) $$dir/$$file \ - $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir)/$$file; \ - done; \ - dists="$(DISTFILES.obsolete)"; \ - for file in $$dists; do \ - rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir)/$$file; \ - done; \ - else \ - : ; \ - fi - -install-strip: install - -installdirs: - if { test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-runtime" || test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; } \ - && test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = yes; then \ - $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) $(DESTDIR)$(includedir); \ - else \ - : ; \ - fi - if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools" \ - && test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = no; then \ - $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir); \ - else \ - : ; \ - fi - if test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = yes; then \ - test @GLIBC21@ != no || $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir); \ - $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(localedir); \ - else \ - : ; \ - fi - if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then \ - $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir); \ - else \ - : ; \ - fi - -# Define this as empty until I found a useful application. -installcheck: - -uninstall: - if { test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-runtime" || test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; } \ - && test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = yes; then \ - rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/libintl.h; \ - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=uninstall \ - rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libintl.$la; \ - else \ - : ; \ - fi - if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools" \ - && test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = no; then \ - rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/; \ - else \ - : ; \ - fi - if test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = yes; then \ - if test -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/charset.alias; then \ - temp=$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/t-charset.alias; \ - dest=$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/charset.alias; \ - sed -f ref-del.sed $$dest > $$temp; \ - if grep '^# Packages using this file: $$' $$temp > /dev/null; then \ - rm -f $$dest; \ - else \ - $(INSTALL_DATA) $$temp $$dest; \ - fi; \ - rm -f $$temp; \ - fi; \ - if test -f $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/locale.alias; then \ - temp=$(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/t-locale.alias; \ - dest=$(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/locale.alias; \ - sed -f ref-del.sed $$dest > $$temp; \ - if grep '^# Packages using this file: $$' $$temp > /dev/null; then \ - rm -f $$dest; \ - else \ - $(INSTALL_DATA) $$temp $$dest; \ - fi; \ - rm -f $$temp; \ - fi; \ - else \ - : ; \ - fi - if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then \ - for file in VERSION ChangeLog COPYING.LIB-2.0 COPYING.LIB-2.1 $(DISTFILES.common) $(DISTFILES.generated); do \ - rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir)/$$file; \ - done; \ - else \ - : ; \ - fi - -info dvi ps pdf html: - -$(OBJECTS): ../config.h libgnuintl.h -bindtextdom.$lo dcgettext.$lo dcigettext.$lo dcngettext.$lo dgettext.$lo dngettext.$lo finddomain.$lo gettext.$lo intl-compat.$lo loadmsgcat.$lo localealias.$lo ngettext.$lo textdomain.$lo: $(srcdir)/gettextP.h $(srcdir)/gmo.h $(srcdir)/loadinfo.h -dcigettext.$lo loadmsgcat.$lo: $(srcdir)/hash-string.h -explodename.$lo l10nflist.$lo: $(srcdir)/loadinfo.h -dcigettext.$lo loadmsgcat.$lo plural.$lo plural-exp.$lo: $(srcdir)/plural-exp.h -dcigettext.$lo: $(srcdir)/eval-plural.h -localcharset.$lo: $(srcdir)/localcharset.h -localealias.$lo localcharset.$lo relocatable.$lo: $(srcdir)/relocatable.h -printf.$lo: $(srcdir)/printf-args.h $(srcdir)/printf-args.c $(srcdir)/printf-parse.h $(srcdir)/wprintf-parse.h $(srcdir)/xsize.h $(srcdir)/printf-parse.c $(srcdir)/vasnprintf.h $(srcdir)/vasnwprintf.h $(srcdir)/vasnprintf.c - -tags: TAGS - -TAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) - here=`pwd`; cd $(srcdir) && etags -o $$here/TAGS $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) - -ctags: CTAGS - -CTAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) - here=`pwd`; cd $(srcdir) && ctags -o $$here/CTAGS $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) - -id: ID - -ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) - here=`pwd`; cd $(srcdir) && mkid -f$$here/ID $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) - - -mostlyclean: - rm -f *.a *.la *.o *.obj *.lo core core.* - rm -f libgnuintl.h libintl.h charset.alias ref-add.sed ref-del.sed - rm -f -r .libs _libs - -clean: mostlyclean - -distclean: clean - rm -f Makefile ID TAGS - if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-runtime" || test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then \ - rm -f ChangeLog.inst $(DISTFILES.normal); \ - else \ - : ; \ - fi - -maintainer-clean: distclean - @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use;" - @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild." - - -# GNU gettext needs not contain the file `VERSION' but contains some -# other files which should not be distributed in other packages. -distdir = ../$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/$(subdir) -dist distdir: Makefile - if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then \ - : ; \ - else \ - if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-runtime"; then \ - additional="$(DISTFILES.gettext)"; \ - else \ - additional="$(DISTFILES.normal)"; \ - fi; \ - $(MAKE) $(DISTFILES.common) $(DISTFILES.generated) $$additional; \ - for file in ChangeLog $(DISTFILES.common) $(DISTFILES.generated) $$additional; do \ - if test -f $$file; then dir=.; else dir=$(srcdir); fi; \ - cp -p $$dir/$$file $(distdir); \ - done; \ - fi - -Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status - cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status -# This would be more efficient, but doesn't work any more with autoconf-2.57, -# when AC_CONFIG_FILES([intl/Makefile:somedir/]) is used. -# cd $(top_builddir) && CONFIG_FILES=$(subdir)/$@ CONFIG_HEADERS= $(SHELL) ./config.status - -# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make not to export all variables. -# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded. -.NOEXPORT: diff --git a/webcit/intl/VERSION b/webcit/intl/VERSION deleted file mode 100644 index b4b846ca7..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/VERSION +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GNU gettext library from gettext-0.14.1 diff --git a/webcit/intl/bindtextdom.c b/webcit/intl/bindtextdom.c deleted file mode 100644 index dcdc40085..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/bindtextdom.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,363 +0,0 @@ -/* Implementation of the bindtextdomain(3) function - Copyright (C) 1995-1998, 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#include -#include -#include - -#ifdef _LIBC -# include -#else -# include "libgnuintl.h" -#endif -#include "gettextP.h" - -#ifdef _LIBC -/* We have to handle multi-threaded applications. */ -# include -#else -/* Provide dummy implementation if this is outside glibc. */ -# define __libc_rwlock_define(CLASS, NAME) -# define __libc_rwlock_wrlock(NAME) -# define __libc_rwlock_unlock(NAME) -#endif - -/* The internal variables in the standalone libintl.a must have different - names than the internal variables in GNU libc, otherwise programs - using libintl.a cannot be linked statically. */ -#if !defined _LIBC -# define _nl_default_dirname libintl_nl_default_dirname -# define _nl_domain_bindings libintl_nl_domain_bindings -#endif - -/* Some compilers, like SunOS4 cc, don't have offsetof in . */ -#ifndef offsetof -# define offsetof(type,ident) ((size_t)&(((type*)0)->ident)) -#endif - -/* @@ end of prolog @@ */ - -/* Contains the default location of the message catalogs. */ -extern const char _nl_default_dirname[]; -#ifdef _LIBC -extern const char _nl_default_dirname_internal[] attribute_hidden; -#else -# define INTUSE(name) name -#endif - -/* List with bindings of specific domains. */ -extern struct binding *_nl_domain_bindings; - -/* Lock variable to protect the global data in the gettext implementation. */ -__libc_rwlock_define (extern, _nl_state_lock attribute_hidden) - - -/* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. They must not clash - with existing names and they should follow ANSI C. But this source - code is also used in GNU C Library where the names have a __ - prefix. So we have to make a difference here. */ -#ifdef _LIBC -# define BINDTEXTDOMAIN __bindtextdomain -# define BIND_TEXTDOMAIN_CODESET __bind_textdomain_codeset -# ifndef strdup -# define strdup(str) __strdup (str) -# endif -#else -# define BINDTEXTDOMAIN libintl_bindtextdomain -# define BIND_TEXTDOMAIN_CODESET libintl_bind_textdomain_codeset -#endif - -/* Specifies the directory name *DIRNAMEP and the output codeset *CODESETP - to be used for the DOMAINNAME message catalog. - If *DIRNAMEP or *CODESETP is NULL, the corresponding attribute is not - modified, only the current value is returned. - If DIRNAMEP or CODESETP is NULL, the corresponding attribute is neither - modified nor returned. */ -static void -set_binding_values (const char *domainname, - const char **dirnamep, const char **codesetp) -{ - struct binding *binding; - int modified; - - /* Some sanity checks. */ - if (domainname == NULL || domainname[0] == '\0') - { - if (dirnamep) - *dirnamep = NULL; - if (codesetp) - *codesetp = NULL; - return; - } - - __libc_rwlock_wrlock (_nl_state_lock); - - modified = 0; - - for (binding = _nl_domain_bindings; binding != NULL; binding = binding->next) - { - int compare = strcmp (domainname, binding->domainname); - if (compare == 0) - /* We found it! */ - break; - if (compare < 0) - { - /* It is not in the list. */ - binding = NULL; - break; - } - } - - if (binding != NULL) - { - if (dirnamep) - { - const char *dirname = *dirnamep; - - if (dirname == NULL) - /* The current binding has be to returned. */ - *dirnamep = binding->dirname; - else - { - /* The domain is already bound. If the new value and the old - one are equal we simply do nothing. Otherwise replace the - old binding. */ - char *result = binding->dirname; - if (strcmp (dirname, result) != 0) - { - if (strcmp (dirname, INTUSE(_nl_default_dirname)) == 0) - result = (char *) INTUSE(_nl_default_dirname); - else - { -#if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE_STRDUP - result = strdup (dirname); -#else - size_t len = strlen (dirname) + 1; - result = (char *) malloc (len); - if (__builtin_expect (result != NULL, 1)) - memcpy (result, dirname, len); -#endif - } - - if (__builtin_expect (result != NULL, 1)) - { - if (binding->dirname != INTUSE(_nl_default_dirname)) - free (binding->dirname); - - binding->dirname = result; - modified = 1; - } - } - *dirnamep = result; - } - } - - if (codesetp) - { - const char *codeset = *codesetp; - - if (codeset == NULL) - /* The current binding has be to returned. */ - *codesetp = binding->codeset; - else - { - /* The domain is already bound. If the new value and the old - one are equal we simply do nothing. Otherwise replace the - old binding. */ - char *result = binding->codeset; - if (result == NULL || strcmp (codeset, result) != 0) - { -#if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE_STRDUP - result = strdup (codeset); -#else - size_t len = strlen (codeset) + 1; - result = (char *) malloc (len); - if (__builtin_expect (result != NULL, 1)) - memcpy (result, codeset, len); -#endif - - if (__builtin_expect (result != NULL, 1)) - { - if (binding->codeset != NULL) - free (binding->codeset); - - binding->codeset = result; - binding->codeset_cntr++; - modified = 1; - } - } - *codesetp = result; - } - } - } - else if ((dirnamep == NULL || *dirnamep == NULL) - && (codesetp == NULL || *codesetp == NULL)) - { - /* Simply return the default values. */ - if (dirnamep) - *dirnamep = INTUSE(_nl_default_dirname); - if (codesetp) - *codesetp = NULL; - } - else - { - /* We have to create a new binding. */ - size_t len = strlen (domainname) + 1; - struct binding *new_binding = - (struct binding *) malloc (offsetof (struct binding, domainname) + len); - - if (__builtin_expect (new_binding == NULL, 0)) - goto failed; - - memcpy (new_binding->domainname, domainname, len); - - if (dirnamep) - { - const char *dirname = *dirnamep; - - if (dirname == NULL) - /* The default value. */ - dirname = INTUSE(_nl_default_dirname); - else - { - if (strcmp (dirname, INTUSE(_nl_default_dirname)) == 0) - dirname = INTUSE(_nl_default_dirname); - else - { - char *result; -#if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE_STRDUP - result = strdup (dirname); - if (__builtin_expect (result == NULL, 0)) - goto failed_dirname; -#else - size_t len = strlen (dirname) + 1; - result = (char *) malloc (len); - if (__builtin_expect (result == NULL, 0)) - goto failed_dirname; - memcpy (result, dirname, len); -#endif - dirname = result; - } - } - *dirnamep = dirname; - new_binding->dirname = (char *) dirname; - } - else - /* The default value. */ - new_binding->dirname = (char *) INTUSE(_nl_default_dirname); - - new_binding->codeset_cntr = 0; - - if (codesetp) - { - const char *codeset = *codesetp; - - if (codeset != NULL) - { - char *result; - -#if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE_STRDUP - result = strdup (codeset); - if (__builtin_expect (result == NULL, 0)) - goto failed_codeset; -#else - size_t len = strlen (codeset) + 1; - result = (char *) malloc (len); - if (__builtin_expect (result == NULL, 0)) - goto failed_codeset; - memcpy (result, codeset, len); -#endif - codeset = result; - new_binding->codeset_cntr++; - } - *codesetp = codeset; - new_binding->codeset = (char *) codeset; - } - else - new_binding->codeset = NULL; - - /* Now enqueue it. */ - if (_nl_domain_bindings == NULL - || strcmp (domainname, _nl_domain_bindings->domainname) < 0) - { - new_binding->next = _nl_domain_bindings; - _nl_domain_bindings = new_binding; - } - else - { - binding = _nl_domain_bindings; - while (binding->next != NULL - && strcmp (domainname, binding->next->domainname) > 0) - binding = binding->next; - - new_binding->next = binding->next; - binding->next = new_binding; - } - - modified = 1; - - /* Here we deal with memory allocation failures. */ - if (0) - { - failed_codeset: - if (new_binding->dirname != INTUSE(_nl_default_dirname)) - free (new_binding->dirname); - failed_dirname: - free (new_binding); - failed: - if (dirnamep) - *dirnamep = NULL; - if (codesetp) - *codesetp = NULL; - } - } - - /* If we modified any binding, we flush the caches. */ - if (modified) - ++_nl_msg_cat_cntr; - - __libc_rwlock_unlock (_nl_state_lock); -} - -/* Specify that the DOMAINNAME message catalog will be found - in DIRNAME rather than in the system locale data base. */ -char * -BINDTEXTDOMAIN (const char *domainname, const char *dirname) -{ - set_binding_values (domainname, &dirname, NULL); - return (char *) dirname; -} - -/* Specify the character encoding in which the messages from the - DOMAINNAME message catalog will be returned. */ -char * -BIND_TEXTDOMAIN_CODESET (const char *domainname, const char *codeset) -{ - set_binding_values (domainname, NULL, &codeset); - return (char *) codeset; -} - -#ifdef _LIBC -/* Aliases for function names in GNU C Library. */ -weak_alias (__bindtextdomain, bindtextdomain); -weak_alias (__bind_textdomain_codeset, bind_textdomain_codeset); -#endif diff --git a/webcit/intl/config.charset b/webcit/intl/config.charset deleted file mode 100755 index 43d45fb75..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/config.charset +++ /dev/null @@ -1,608 +0,0 @@ -#! /bin/sh -# Output a system dependent table of character encoding aliases. -# -# Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -# -# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published -# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) -# any later version. -# -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Library General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public -# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, -# USA. -# -# The table consists of lines of the form -# ALIAS CANONICAL -# -# ALIAS is the (system dependent) result of "nl_langinfo (CODESET)". -# ALIAS is compared in a case sensitive way. -# -# CANONICAL is the GNU canonical name for this character encoding. -# It must be an encoding supported by libiconv. Support by GNU libc is -# also desirable. CANONICAL is case insensitive. Usually an upper case -# MIME charset name is preferred. -# The current list of GNU canonical charset names is as follows. -# -# name MIME? used by which systems -# ASCII, ANSI_X3.4-1968 glibc solaris freebsd darwin -# ISO-8859-1 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris freebsd darwin -# ISO-8859-2 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris freebsd darwin -# ISO-8859-3 Y glibc solaris -# ISO-8859-4 Y osf solaris freebsd darwin -# ISO-8859-5 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris freebsd darwin -# ISO-8859-6 Y glibc aix hpux solaris -# ISO-8859-7 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris -# ISO-8859-8 Y glibc aix hpux osf solaris -# ISO-8859-9 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris -# ISO-8859-13 glibc -# ISO-8859-14 glibc -# ISO-8859-15 glibc aix osf solaris freebsd -# KOI8-R Y glibc solaris freebsd darwin -# KOI8-U Y glibc freebsd darwin -# KOI8-T glibc -# CP437 dos -# CP775 dos -# CP850 aix osf dos -# CP852 dos -# CP855 dos -# CP856 aix -# CP857 dos -# CP861 dos -# CP862 dos -# CP864 dos -# CP865 dos -# CP866 freebsd darwin dos -# CP869 dos -# CP874 woe32 dos -# CP922 aix -# CP932 aix woe32 dos -# CP943 aix -# CP949 osf woe32 dos -# CP950 woe32 dos -# CP1046 aix -# CP1124 aix -# CP1125 dos -# CP1129 aix -# CP1250 woe32 -# CP1251 glibc solaris darwin woe32 -# CP1252 aix woe32 -# CP1253 woe32 -# CP1254 woe32 -# CP1255 glibc woe32 -# CP1256 woe32 -# CP1257 woe32 -# GB2312 Y glibc aix hpux irix solaris freebsd darwin -# EUC-JP Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris freebsd darwin -# EUC-KR Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris freebsd darwin -# EUC-TW glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris -# BIG5 Y glibc aix hpux osf solaris freebsd darwin -# BIG5-HKSCS glibc solaris -# GBK glibc aix osf solaris woe32 dos -# GB18030 glibc solaris -# SHIFT_JIS Y hpux osf solaris freebsd darwin -# JOHAB glibc solaris woe32 -# TIS-620 glibc aix hpux osf solaris -# VISCII Y glibc -# TCVN5712-1 glibc -# GEORGIAN-PS glibc -# HP-ROMAN8 hpux -# HP-ARABIC8 hpux -# HP-GREEK8 hpux -# HP-HEBREW8 hpux -# HP-TURKISH8 hpux -# HP-KANA8 hpux -# DEC-KANJI osf -# DEC-HANYU osf -# UTF-8 Y glibc aix hpux osf solaris -# -# Note: Names which are not marked as being a MIME name should not be used in -# Internet protocols for information interchange (mail, news, etc.). -# -# Note: ASCII and ANSI_X3.4-1968 are synonymous canonical names. Applications -# must understand both names and treat them as equivalent. -# -# The first argument passed to this file is the canonical host specification, -# CPU_TYPE-MANUFACTURER-OPERATING_SYSTEM -# or -# CPU_TYPE-MANUFACTURER-KERNEL-OPERATING_SYSTEM - -host="$1" -os=`echo "$host" | sed -e 's/^[^-]*-[^-]*-\(.*\)$/\1/'` -echo "# This file contains a table of character encoding aliases," -echo "# suitable for operating system '${os}'." -echo "# It was automatically generated from config.charset." -# List of references, updated during installation: -echo "# Packages using this file: " -case "$os" in - linux-gnulibc1*) - # Linux libc5 doesn't have nl_langinfo(CODESET); therefore - # localcharset.c falls back to using the full locale name - # from the environment variables. - echo "C ASCII" - echo "POSIX ASCII" - for l in af af_ZA ca ca_ES da da_DK de de_AT de_BE de_CH de_DE de_LU \ - en en_AU en_BW en_CA en_DK en_GB en_IE en_NZ en_US en_ZA \ - en_ZW es es_AR es_BO es_CL es_CO es_DO es_EC es_ES es_GT \ - es_HN es_MX es_PA es_PE es_PY es_SV es_US es_UY es_VE et \ - et_EE eu eu_ES fi fi_FI fo fo_FO fr fr_BE fr_CA fr_CH fr_FR \ - fr_LU ga ga_IE gl gl_ES id id_ID in in_ID is is_IS it it_CH \ - it_IT kl kl_GL nl nl_BE nl_NL no no_NO pt pt_BR pt_PT sv \ - sv_FI sv_SE; do - echo "$l ISO-8859-1" - echo "$l.iso-8859-1 ISO-8859-1" - echo "$l.iso-8859-15 ISO-8859-15" - echo "$l.iso-8859-15@euro ISO-8859-15" - echo "$l@euro ISO-8859-15" - echo "$l.cp-437 CP437" - echo "$l.cp-850 CP850" - echo "$l.cp-1252 CP1252" - echo "$l.cp-1252@euro CP1252" - #echo "$l.atari-st ATARI-ST" # not a commonly used encoding - echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" - echo "$l.utf-8@euro UTF-8" - done - for l in cs cs_CZ hr hr_HR hu hu_HU pl pl_PL ro ro_RO sk sk_SK sl \ - sl_SI sr sr_CS sr_YU; do - echo "$l ISO-8859-2" - echo "$l.iso-8859-2 ISO-8859-2" - echo "$l.cp-852 CP852" - echo "$l.cp-1250 CP1250" - echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" - done - for l in mk mk_MK ru ru_RU; do - echo "$l ISO-8859-5" - echo "$l.iso-8859-5 ISO-8859-5" - echo "$l.koi8-r KOI8-R" - echo "$l.cp-866 CP866" - echo "$l.cp-1251 CP1251" - echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" - done - for l in ar ar_SA; do - echo "$l ISO-8859-6" - echo "$l.iso-8859-6 ISO-8859-6" - echo "$l.cp-864 CP864" - #echo "$l.cp-868 CP868" # not a commonly used encoding - echo "$l.cp-1256 CP1256" - echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" - done - for l in el el_GR gr gr_GR; do - echo "$l ISO-8859-7" - echo "$l.iso-8859-7 ISO-8859-7" - echo "$l.cp-869 CP869" - echo "$l.cp-1253 CP1253" - echo "$l.cp-1253@euro CP1253" - echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" - echo "$l.utf-8@euro UTF-8" - done - for l in he he_IL iw iw_IL; do - echo "$l ISO-8859-8" - echo "$l.iso-8859-8 ISO-8859-8" - echo "$l.cp-862 CP862" - echo "$l.cp-1255 CP1255" - echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" - done - for l in tr tr_TR; do - echo "$l ISO-8859-9" - echo "$l.iso-8859-9 ISO-8859-9" - echo "$l.cp-857 CP857" - echo "$l.cp-1254 CP1254" - echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" - done - for l in lt lt_LT lv lv_LV; do - #echo "$l BALTIC" # not a commonly used encoding, wrong encoding name - echo "$l ISO-8859-13" - done - for l in ru_UA uk uk_UA; do - echo "$l KOI8-U" - done - for l in zh zh_CN; do - #echo "$l GB_2312-80" # not a commonly used encoding, wrong encoding name - echo "$l GB2312" - done - for l in ja ja_JP ja_JP.EUC; do - echo "$l EUC-JP" - done - for l in ko ko_KR; do - echo "$l EUC-KR" - done - for l in th th_TH; do - echo "$l TIS-620" - done - for l in fa fa_IR; do - #echo "$l ISIRI-3342" # a broken encoding - echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" - done - ;; - linux* | *-gnu*) - # With glibc-2.1 or newer, we don't need any canonicalization, - # because glibc has iconv and both glibc and libiconv support all - # GNU canonical names directly. Therefore, the Makefile does not - # need to install the alias file at all. - # The following applies only to glibc-2.0.x and older libcs. - echo "ISO_646.IRV:1983 ASCII" - ;; - aix*) - echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" - echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" - echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" - echo "ISO8859-6 ISO-8859-6" - echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" - echo "ISO8859-8 ISO-8859-8" - echo "ISO8859-9 ISO-8859-9" - echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" - echo "IBM-850 CP850" - echo "IBM-856 CP856" - echo "IBM-921 ISO-8859-13" - echo "IBM-922 CP922" - echo "IBM-932 CP932" - echo "IBM-943 CP943" - echo "IBM-1046 CP1046" - echo "IBM-1124 CP1124" - echo "IBM-1129 CP1129" - echo "IBM-1252 CP1252" - echo "IBM-eucCN GB2312" - echo "IBM-eucJP EUC-JP" - echo "IBM-eucKR EUC-KR" - echo "IBM-eucTW EUC-TW" - echo "big5 BIG5" - echo "GBK GBK" - echo "TIS-620 TIS-620" - echo "UTF-8 UTF-8" - ;; - hpux*) - echo "iso88591 ISO-8859-1" - echo "iso88592 ISO-8859-2" - echo "iso88595 ISO-8859-5" - echo "iso88596 ISO-8859-6" - echo "iso88597 ISO-8859-7" - echo "iso88598 ISO-8859-8" - echo "iso88599 ISO-8859-9" - echo "iso885915 ISO-8859-15" - echo "roman8 HP-ROMAN8" - echo "arabic8 HP-ARABIC8" - echo "greek8 HP-GREEK8" - echo "hebrew8 HP-HEBREW8" - echo "turkish8 HP-TURKISH8" - echo "kana8 HP-KANA8" - echo "tis620 TIS-620" - echo "big5 BIG5" - echo "eucJP EUC-JP" - echo "eucKR EUC-KR" - echo "eucTW EUC-TW" - echo "hp15CN GB2312" - #echo "ccdc ?" # what is this? - echo "SJIS SHIFT_JIS" - echo "utf8 UTF-8" - ;; - irix*) - echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" - echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" - echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" - echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" - echo "ISO8859-9 ISO-8859-9" - echo "eucCN GB2312" - echo "eucJP EUC-JP" - echo "eucKR EUC-KR" - echo "eucTW EUC-TW" - ;; - osf*) - echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" - echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" - echo "ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" - echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" - echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" - echo "ISO8859-8 ISO-8859-8" - echo "ISO8859-9 ISO-8859-9" - echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" - echo "cp850 CP850" - echo "big5 BIG5" - echo "dechanyu DEC-HANYU" - echo "dechanzi GB2312" - echo "deckanji DEC-KANJI" - echo "deckorean EUC-KR" - echo "eucJP EUC-JP" - echo "eucKR EUC-KR" - echo "eucTW EUC-TW" - echo "GBK GBK" - echo "KSC5601 CP949" - echo "sdeckanji EUC-JP" - echo "SJIS SHIFT_JIS" - echo "TACTIS TIS-620" - echo "UTF-8 UTF-8" - ;; - solaris*) - echo "646 ASCII" - echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" - echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" - echo "ISO8859-3 ISO-8859-3" - echo "ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" - echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" - echo "ISO8859-6 ISO-8859-6" - echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" - echo "ISO8859-8 ISO-8859-8" - echo "ISO8859-9 ISO-8859-9" - echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" - echo "koi8-r KOI8-R" - echo "ansi-1251 CP1251" - echo "BIG5 BIG5" - echo "Big5-HKSCS BIG5-HKSCS" - echo "gb2312 GB2312" - echo "GBK GBK" - echo "GB18030 GB18030" - echo "cns11643 EUC-TW" - echo "5601 EUC-KR" - echo "ko_KR.johap92 JOHAB" - echo "eucJP EUC-JP" - echo "PCK SHIFT_JIS" - echo "TIS620.2533 TIS-620" - #echo "sun_eu_greek ?" # what is this? - echo "UTF-8 UTF-8" - ;; - freebsd* | os2*) - # FreeBSD 4.2 doesn't have nl_langinfo(CODESET); therefore - # localcharset.c falls back to using the full locale name - # from the environment variables. - # Likewise for OS/2. OS/2 has XFree86 just like FreeBSD. Just - # reuse FreeBSD's locale data for OS/2. - echo "C ASCII" - echo "US-ASCII ASCII" - for l in la_LN lt_LN; do - echo "$l.ASCII ASCII" - done - for l in da_DK de_AT de_CH de_DE en_AU en_CA en_GB en_US es_ES \ - fi_FI fr_BE fr_CA fr_CH fr_FR is_IS it_CH it_IT la_LN \ - lt_LN nl_BE nl_NL no_NO pt_PT sv_SE; do - echo "$l.ISO_8859-1 ISO-8859-1" - echo "$l.DIS_8859-15 ISO-8859-15" - done - for l in cs_CZ hr_HR hu_HU la_LN lt_LN pl_PL sl_SI; do - echo "$l.ISO_8859-2 ISO-8859-2" - done - for l in la_LN lt_LT; do - echo "$l.ISO_8859-4 ISO-8859-4" - done - for l in ru_RU ru_SU; do - echo "$l.KOI8-R KOI8-R" - echo "$l.ISO_8859-5 ISO-8859-5" - echo "$l.CP866 CP866" - done - echo "uk_UA.KOI8-U KOI8-U" - echo "zh_TW.BIG5 BIG5" - echo "zh_TW.Big5 BIG5" - echo "zh_CN.EUC GB2312" - echo "ja_JP.EUC EUC-JP" - echo "ja_JP.SJIS SHIFT_JIS" - echo "ja_JP.Shift_JIS SHIFT_JIS" - echo "ko_KR.EUC EUC-KR" - ;; - netbsd*) - echo "646 ASCII" - echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" - echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" - echo "ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" - echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" - echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" - echo "eucCN GB2312" - echo "eucJP EUC-JP" - echo "eucKR EUC-KR" - echo "eucTW EUC-TW" - echo "BIG5 BIG5" - echo "SJIS SHIFT_JIS" - ;; - darwin*) - # Darwin 6.8 doesn't have nl_langinfo(CODESET); therefore - # localcharset.c falls back to using the full locale name - # from the environment variables. - echo "C ASCII" - for l in en_AU en_CA en_GB en_US la_LN; do - echo "$l.US-ASCII ASCII" - done - for l in da_DK de_AT de_CH de_DE en_AU en_CA en_GB en_US es_ES \ - fi_FI fr_BE fr_CA fr_CH fr_FR is_IS it_CH it_IT nl_BE \ - nl_NL no_NO pt_PT sv_SE; do - echo "$l ISO-8859-1" - echo "$l.ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" - echo "$l.ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" - done - for l in la_LN; do - echo "$l.ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" - echo "$l.ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" - done - for l in cs_CZ hr_HR hu_HU la_LN pl_PL sl_SI; do - echo "$l.ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" - done - for l in la_LN lt_LT; do - echo "$l.ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" - done - for l in ru_RU; do - echo "$l.KOI8-R KOI8-R" - echo "$l.ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" - echo "$l.CP866 CP866" - done - for l in bg_BG; do - echo "$l.CP1251 CP1251" - done - echo "uk_UA.KOI8-U KOI8-U" - echo "zh_TW.BIG5 BIG5" - echo "zh_TW.Big5 BIG5" - echo "zh_CN.EUC GB2312" - echo "ja_JP.EUC EUC-JP" - echo "ja_JP.SJIS SHIFT_JIS" - echo "ko_KR.EUC EUC-KR" - ;; - beos*) - # BeOS has a single locale, and it has UTF-8 encoding. - echo "* UTF-8" - ;; - msdosdjgpp*) - # DJGPP 2.03 doesn't have nl_langinfo(CODESET); therefore - # localcharset.c falls back to using the full locale name - # from the environment variables. - echo "#" - echo "# The encodings given here may not all be correct." - echo "# If you find that the encoding given for your language and" - echo "# country is not the one your DOS machine actually uses, just" - echo "# correct it in this file, and send a mail to" - echo "# Juan Manuel Guerrero " - echo "# and Bruno Haible ." - echo "#" - echo "C ASCII" - # ISO-8859-1 languages - echo "ca CP850" - echo "ca_ES CP850" - echo "da CP865" # not CP850 ?? - echo "da_DK CP865" # not CP850 ?? - echo "de CP850" - echo "de_AT CP850" - echo "de_CH CP850" - echo "de_DE CP850" - echo "en CP850" - echo "en_AU CP850" # not CP437 ?? - echo "en_CA CP850" - echo "en_GB CP850" - echo "en_NZ CP437" - echo "en_US CP437" - echo "en_ZA CP850" # not CP437 ?? - echo "es CP850" - echo "es_AR CP850" - echo "es_BO CP850" - echo "es_CL CP850" - echo "es_CO CP850" - echo "es_CR CP850" - echo "es_CU CP850" - echo "es_DO CP850" - echo "es_EC CP850" - echo "es_ES CP850" - echo "es_GT CP850" - echo "es_HN CP850" - echo "es_MX CP850" - echo "es_NI CP850" - echo "es_PA CP850" - echo "es_PY CP850" - echo "es_PE CP850" - echo "es_SV CP850" - echo "es_UY CP850" - echo "es_VE CP850" - echo "et CP850" - echo "et_EE CP850" - echo "eu CP850" - echo "eu_ES CP850" - echo "fi CP850" - echo "fi_FI CP850" - echo "fr CP850" - echo "fr_BE CP850" - echo "fr_CA CP850" - echo "fr_CH CP850" - echo "fr_FR CP850" - echo "ga CP850" - echo "ga_IE CP850" - echo "gd CP850" - echo "gd_GB CP850" - echo "gl CP850" - echo "gl_ES CP850" - echo "id CP850" # not CP437 ?? - echo "id_ID CP850" # not CP437 ?? - echo "is CP861" # not CP850 ?? - echo "is_IS CP861" # not CP850 ?? - echo "it CP850" - echo "it_CH CP850" - echo "it_IT CP850" - echo "lt CP775" - echo "lt_LT CP775" - echo "lv CP775" - echo "lv_LV CP775" - echo "nb CP865" # not CP850 ?? - echo "nb_NO CP865" # not CP850 ?? - echo "nl CP850" - echo "nl_BE CP850" - echo "nl_NL CP850" - echo "nn CP865" # not CP850 ?? - echo "nn_NO CP865" # not CP850 ?? - echo "no CP865" # not CP850 ?? - echo "no_NO CP865" # not CP850 ?? - echo "pt CP850" - echo "pt_BR CP850" - echo "pt_PT CP850" - echo "sv CP850" - echo "sv_SE CP850" - # ISO-8859-2 languages - echo "cs CP852" - echo "cs_CZ CP852" - echo "hr CP852" - echo "hr_HR CP852" - echo "hu CP852" - echo "hu_HU CP852" - echo "pl CP852" - echo "pl_PL CP852" - echo "ro CP852" - echo "ro_RO CP852" - echo "sk CP852" - echo "sk_SK CP852" - echo "sl CP852" - echo "sl_SI CP852" - echo "sq CP852" - echo "sq_AL CP852" - echo "sr CP852" # CP852 or CP866 or CP855 ?? - echo "sr_CS CP852" # CP852 or CP866 or CP855 ?? - echo "sr_YU CP852" # CP852 or CP866 or CP855 ?? - # ISO-8859-3 languages - echo "mt CP850" - echo "mt_MT CP850" - # ISO-8859-5 languages - echo "be CP866" - echo "be_BE CP866" - echo "bg CP866" # not CP855 ?? - echo "bg_BG CP866" # not CP855 ?? - echo "mk CP866" # not CP855 ?? - echo "mk_MK CP866" # not CP855 ?? - echo "ru CP866" - echo "ru_RU CP866" - echo "uk CP1125" - echo "uk_UA CP1125" - # ISO-8859-6 languages - echo "ar CP864" - echo "ar_AE CP864" - echo "ar_DZ CP864" - echo "ar_EG CP864" - echo "ar_IQ CP864" - echo "ar_IR CP864" - echo "ar_JO CP864" - echo "ar_KW CP864" - echo "ar_MA CP864" - echo "ar_OM CP864" - echo "ar_QA CP864" - echo "ar_SA CP864" - echo "ar_SY CP864" - # ISO-8859-7 languages - echo "el CP869" - echo "el_GR CP869" - # ISO-8859-8 languages - echo "he CP862" - echo "he_IL CP862" - # ISO-8859-9 languages - echo "tr CP857" - echo "tr_TR CP857" - # Japanese - echo "ja CP932" - echo "ja_JP CP932" - # Chinese - echo "zh_CN GBK" - echo "zh_TW CP950" # not CP938 ?? - # Korean - echo "kr CP949" # not CP934 ?? - echo "kr_KR CP949" # not CP934 ?? - # Thai - echo "th CP874" - echo "th_TH CP874" - # Other - echo "eo CP850" - echo "eo_EO CP850" - ;; -esac diff --git a/webcit/intl/dcgettext.c b/webcit/intl/dcgettext.c deleted file mode 100644 index 850acdee9..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/dcgettext.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -/* Implementation of the dcgettext(3) function. - Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#include "gettextP.h" -#ifdef _LIBC -# include -#else -# include "libgnuintl.h" -#endif - -/* @@ end of prolog @@ */ - -/* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. They must not clash - with existing names and they should follow ANSI C. But this source - code is also used in GNU C Library where the names have a __ - prefix. So we have to make a difference here. */ -#ifdef _LIBC -# define DCGETTEXT __dcgettext -# define DCIGETTEXT __dcigettext -#else -# define DCGETTEXT libintl_dcgettext -# define DCIGETTEXT libintl_dcigettext -#endif - -/* Look up MSGID in the DOMAINNAME message catalog for the current CATEGORY - locale. */ -char * -DCGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid, int category) -{ - return DCIGETTEXT (domainname, msgid, NULL, 0, 0, category); -} - -#ifdef _LIBC -/* Alias for function name in GNU C Library. */ -INTDEF(__dcgettext) -weak_alias (__dcgettext, dcgettext); -#endif diff --git a/webcit/intl/dcigettext.c b/webcit/intl/dcigettext.c deleted file mode 100644 index 35238e2cb..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/dcigettext.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1219 +0,0 @@ -/* Implementation of the internal dcigettext function. - Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -/* Tell glibc's to provide a prototype for mempcpy(). - This must come before because may include - , and once has been included, it's too late. */ -#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE -# define _GNU_SOURCE 1 -#endif - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#include - -#ifdef __GNUC__ -# define alloca __builtin_alloca -# define HAVE_ALLOCA 1 -#else -# ifdef _MSC_VER -# include -# define alloca _alloca -# else -# if defined HAVE_ALLOCA_H || defined _LIBC -# include -# else -# ifdef _AIX - #pragma alloca -# else -# ifndef alloca -char *alloca (); -# endif -# endif -# endif -# endif -#endif - -#include -#ifndef errno -extern int errno; -#endif -#ifndef __set_errno -# define __set_errno(val) errno = (val) -#endif - -#include -#include -#include - -#if defined HAVE_UNISTD_H || defined _LIBC -# include -#endif - -#include - -#ifdef _LIBC - /* Guess whether integer division by zero raises signal SIGFPE. - Set to 1 only if you know for sure. In case of doubt, set to 0. */ -# if defined __alpha__ || defined __arm__ || defined __i386__ \ - || defined __m68k__ || defined __s390__ -# define INTDIV0_RAISES_SIGFPE 1 -# else -# define INTDIV0_RAISES_SIGFPE 0 -# endif -#endif -#if !INTDIV0_RAISES_SIGFPE -# include -#endif - -#if defined HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H || defined _LIBC -# include -#endif - -#include "gettextP.h" -#include "plural-exp.h" -#ifdef _LIBC -# include -#else -# include "libgnuintl.h" -#endif -#include "hash-string.h" - -/* Thread safetyness. */ -#ifdef _LIBC -# include -#else -/* Provide dummy implementation if this is outside glibc. */ -# define __libc_lock_define_initialized(CLASS, NAME) -# define __libc_lock_lock(NAME) -# define __libc_lock_unlock(NAME) -# define __libc_rwlock_define_initialized(CLASS, NAME) -# define __libc_rwlock_rdlock(NAME) -# define __libc_rwlock_unlock(NAME) -#endif - -/* Alignment of types. */ -#if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 2 -# define alignof(TYPE) __alignof__ (TYPE) -#else -# define alignof(TYPE) \ - ((int) &((struct { char dummy1; TYPE dummy2; } *) 0)->dummy2) -#endif - -/* The internal variables in the standalone libintl.a must have different - names than the internal variables in GNU libc, otherwise programs - using libintl.a cannot be linked statically. */ -#if !defined _LIBC -# define _nl_default_default_domain libintl_nl_default_default_domain -# define _nl_current_default_domain libintl_nl_current_default_domain -# define _nl_default_dirname libintl_nl_default_dirname -# define _nl_domain_bindings libintl_nl_domain_bindings -#endif - -/* Some compilers, like SunOS4 cc, don't have offsetof in . */ -#ifndef offsetof -# define offsetof(type,ident) ((size_t)&(((type*)0)->ident)) -#endif - -/* @@ end of prolog @@ */ - -#ifdef _LIBC -/* Rename the non ANSI C functions. This is required by the standard - because some ANSI C functions will require linking with this object - file and the name space must not be polluted. */ -# define getcwd __getcwd -# ifndef stpcpy -# define stpcpy __stpcpy -# endif -# define tfind __tfind -#else -# if !defined HAVE_GETCWD -char *getwd (); -# define getcwd(buf, max) getwd (buf) -# else -# if VMS -# define getcwd(buf, max) (getcwd) (buf, max, 0) -# else -char *getcwd (); -# endif -# endif -# ifndef HAVE_STPCPY -static char *stpcpy (char *dest, const char *src); -# endif -# ifndef HAVE_MEMPCPY -static void *mempcpy (void *dest, const void *src, size_t n); -# endif -#endif - -/* Amount to increase buffer size by in each try. */ -#define PATH_INCR 32 - -/* The following is from pathmax.h. */ -/* Non-POSIX BSD systems might have gcc's limits.h, which doesn't define - PATH_MAX but might cause redefinition warnings when sys/param.h is - later included (as on MORE/BSD 4.3). */ -#if defined _POSIX_VERSION || (defined HAVE_LIMITS_H && !defined __GNUC__) -# include -#endif - -#ifndef _POSIX_PATH_MAX -# define _POSIX_PATH_MAX 255 -#endif - -#if !defined PATH_MAX && defined _PC_PATH_MAX -# define PATH_MAX (pathconf ("/", _PC_PATH_MAX) < 1 ? 1024 : pathconf ("/", _PC_PATH_MAX)) -#endif - -/* Don't include sys/param.h if it already has been. */ -#if defined HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H && !defined PATH_MAX && !defined MAXPATHLEN -# include -#endif - -#if !defined PATH_MAX && defined MAXPATHLEN -# define PATH_MAX MAXPATHLEN -#endif - -#ifndef PATH_MAX -# define PATH_MAX _POSIX_PATH_MAX -#endif - -/* Pathname support. - ISSLASH(C) tests whether C is a directory separator character. - IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(P) tests whether P is an absolute path. If it is not, - it may be concatenated to a directory pathname. - IS_PATH_WITH_DIR(P) tests whether P contains a directory specification. - */ -#if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined __EMX__ || defined __DJGPP__ - /* Win32, OS/2, DOS */ -# define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/' || (C) == '\\') -# define HAS_DEVICE(P) \ - ((((P)[0] >= 'A' && (P)[0] <= 'Z') || ((P)[0] >= 'a' && (P)[0] <= 'z')) \ - && (P)[1] == ':') -# define IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(P) (ISSLASH ((P)[0]) || HAS_DEVICE (P)) -# define IS_PATH_WITH_DIR(P) \ - (strchr (P, '/') != NULL || strchr (P, '\\') != NULL || HAS_DEVICE (P)) -#else - /* Unix */ -# define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/') -# define IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(P) ISSLASH ((P)[0]) -# define IS_PATH_WITH_DIR(P) (strchr (P, '/') != NULL) -#endif - -/* This is the type used for the search tree where known translations - are stored. */ -struct known_translation_t -{ - /* Domain in which to search. */ - char *domainname; - - /* The category. */ - int category; - - /* State of the catalog counter at the point the string was found. */ - int counter; - - /* Catalog where the string was found. */ - struct loaded_l10nfile *domain; - - /* And finally the translation. */ - const char *translation; - size_t translation_length; - - /* Pointer to the string in question. */ - char msgid[ZERO]; -}; - -/* Root of the search tree with known translations. We can use this - only if the system provides the `tsearch' function family. */ -#if defined HAVE_TSEARCH || defined _LIBC -# include - -static void *root; - -# ifdef _LIBC -# define tsearch __tsearch -# endif - -/* Function to compare two entries in the table of known translations. */ -static int -transcmp (const void *p1, const void *p2) -{ - const struct known_translation_t *s1; - const struct known_translation_t *s2; - int result; - - s1 = (const struct known_translation_t *) p1; - s2 = (const struct known_translation_t *) p2; - - result = strcmp (s1->msgid, s2->msgid); - if (result == 0) - { - result = strcmp (s1->domainname, s2->domainname); - if (result == 0) - /* We compare the category last (though this is the cheapest - operation) since it is hopefully always the same (namely - LC_MESSAGES). */ - result = s1->category - s2->category; - } - - return result; -} -#endif - -#ifndef INTVARDEF -# define INTVARDEF(name) -#endif -#ifndef INTUSE -# define INTUSE(name) name -#endif - -/* Name of the default domain used for gettext(3) prior any call to - textdomain(3). The default value for this is "messages". */ -const char _nl_default_default_domain[] attribute_hidden = "messages"; - -/* Value used as the default domain for gettext(3). */ -const char *_nl_current_default_domain attribute_hidden - = _nl_default_default_domain; - -/* Contains the default location of the message catalogs. */ -#if defined __EMX__ -extern const char _nl_default_dirname[]; -#else -const char _nl_default_dirname[] = LOCALEDIR; -INTVARDEF (_nl_default_dirname) -#endif - -/* List with bindings of specific domains created by bindtextdomain() - calls. */ -struct binding *_nl_domain_bindings; - -/* Prototypes for local functions. */ -static char *plural_lookup (struct loaded_l10nfile *domain, - unsigned long int n, - const char *translation, size_t translation_len) - internal_function; -static const char *guess_category_value (int category, - const char *categoryname) - internal_function; -#ifdef _LIBC -# include "../locale/localeinfo.h" -# define category_to_name(category) _nl_category_names[category] -#else -static const char *category_to_name (int category) internal_function; -#endif - - -/* For those loosing systems which don't have `alloca' we have to add - some additional code emulating it. */ -#ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA -/* Nothing has to be done. */ -# define freea(p) /* nothing */ -# define ADD_BLOCK(list, address) /* nothing */ -# define FREE_BLOCKS(list) /* nothing */ -#else -struct block_list -{ - void *address; - struct block_list *next; -}; -# define ADD_BLOCK(list, addr) \ - do { \ - struct block_list *newp = (struct block_list *) malloc (sizeof (*newp)); \ - /* If we cannot get a free block we cannot add the new element to \ - the list. */ \ - if (newp != NULL) { \ - newp->address = (addr); \ - newp->next = (list); \ - (list) = newp; \ - } \ - } while (0) -# define FREE_BLOCKS(list) \ - do { \ - while (list != NULL) { \ - struct block_list *old = list; \ - list = list->next; \ - free (old->address); \ - free (old); \ - } \ - } while (0) -# undef alloca -# define alloca(size) (malloc (size)) -# define freea(p) free (p) -#endif /* have alloca */ - - -#ifdef _LIBC -/* List of blocks allocated for translations. */ -typedef struct transmem_list -{ - struct transmem_list *next; - char data[ZERO]; -} transmem_block_t; -static struct transmem_list *transmem_list; -#else -typedef unsigned char transmem_block_t; -#endif - - -/* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. They must not clash - with existing names and they should follow ANSI C. But this source - code is also used in GNU C Library where the names have a __ - prefix. So we have to make a difference here. */ -#ifdef _LIBC -# define DCIGETTEXT __dcigettext -#else -# define DCIGETTEXT libintl_dcigettext -#endif - -/* Lock variable to protect the global data in the gettext implementation. */ -#ifdef _LIBC -__libc_rwlock_define_initialized (, _nl_state_lock attribute_hidden) -#endif - -/* Checking whether the binaries runs SUID must be done and glibc provides - easier methods therefore we make a difference here. */ -#ifdef _LIBC -# define ENABLE_SECURE __libc_enable_secure -# define DETERMINE_SECURE -#else -# ifndef HAVE_GETUID -# define getuid() 0 -# endif -# ifndef HAVE_GETGID -# define getgid() 0 -# endif -# ifndef HAVE_GETEUID -# define geteuid() getuid() -# endif -# ifndef HAVE_GETEGID -# define getegid() getgid() -# endif -static int enable_secure; -# define ENABLE_SECURE (enable_secure == 1) -# define DETERMINE_SECURE \ - if (enable_secure == 0) \ - { \ - if (getuid () != geteuid () || getgid () != getegid ()) \ - enable_secure = 1; \ - else \ - enable_secure = -1; \ - } -#endif - -/* Get the function to evaluate the plural expression. */ -#include "eval-plural.h" - -/* Look up MSGID in the DOMAINNAME message catalog for the current - CATEGORY locale and, if PLURAL is nonzero, search over string - depending on the plural form determined by N. */ -char * -DCIGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, - int plural, unsigned long int n, int category) -{ -#ifndef HAVE_ALLOCA - struct block_list *block_list = NULL; -#endif - struct loaded_l10nfile *domain; - struct binding *binding; - const char *categoryname; - const char *categoryvalue; - char *dirname, *xdomainname; - char *single_locale; - char *retval; - size_t retlen; - int saved_errno; -#if defined HAVE_TSEARCH || defined _LIBC - struct known_translation_t *search; - struct known_translation_t **foundp = NULL; - size_t msgid_len; -#endif - size_t domainname_len; - - /* If no real MSGID is given return NULL. */ - if (msgid1 == NULL) - return NULL; - -#ifdef _LIBC - if (category < 0 || category >= __LC_LAST || category == LC_ALL) - /* Bogus. */ - return (plural == 0 - ? (char *) msgid1 - /* Use the Germanic plural rule. */ - : n == 1 ? (char *) msgid1 : (char *) msgid2); -#endif - - __libc_rwlock_rdlock (_nl_state_lock); - - /* If DOMAINNAME is NULL, we are interested in the default domain. If - CATEGORY is not LC_MESSAGES this might not make much sense but the - definition left this undefined. */ - if (domainname == NULL) - domainname = _nl_current_default_domain; - - /* OS/2 specific: backward compatibility with older libintl versions */ -#ifdef LC_MESSAGES_COMPAT - if (category == LC_MESSAGES_COMPAT) - category = LC_MESSAGES; -#endif - -#if defined HAVE_TSEARCH || defined _LIBC - msgid_len = strlen (msgid1) + 1; - - /* Try to find the translation among those which we found at - some time. */ - search = (struct known_translation_t *) - alloca (offsetof (struct known_translation_t, msgid) + msgid_len); - memcpy (search->msgid, msgid1, msgid_len); - search->domainname = (char *) domainname; - search->category = category; - - foundp = (struct known_translation_t **) tfind (search, &root, transcmp); - freea (search); - if (foundp != NULL && (*foundp)->counter == _nl_msg_cat_cntr) - { - /* Now deal with plural. */ - if (plural) - retval = plural_lookup ((*foundp)->domain, n, (*foundp)->translation, - (*foundp)->translation_length); - else - retval = (char *) (*foundp)->translation; - - __libc_rwlock_unlock (_nl_state_lock); - return retval; - } -#endif - - /* Preserve the `errno' value. */ - saved_errno = errno; - - /* See whether this is a SUID binary or not. */ - DETERMINE_SECURE; - - /* First find matching binding. */ - for (binding = _nl_domain_bindings; binding != NULL; binding = binding->next) - { - int compare = strcmp (domainname, binding->domainname); - if (compare == 0) - /* We found it! */ - break; - if (compare < 0) - { - /* It is not in the list. */ - binding = NULL; - break; - } - } - - if (binding == NULL) - dirname = (char *) INTUSE(_nl_default_dirname); - else if (IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH (binding->dirname)) - dirname = binding->dirname; - else - { - /* We have a relative path. Make it absolute now. */ - size_t dirname_len = strlen (binding->dirname) + 1; - size_t path_max; - char *ret; - - path_max = (unsigned int) PATH_MAX; - path_max += 2; /* The getcwd docs say to do this. */ - - for (;;) - { - dirname = (char *) alloca (path_max + dirname_len); - ADD_BLOCK (block_list, dirname); - - __set_errno (0); - ret = getcwd (dirname, path_max); - if (ret != NULL || errno != ERANGE) - break; - - path_max += path_max / 2; - path_max += PATH_INCR; - } - - if (ret == NULL) - /* We cannot get the current working directory. Don't signal an - error but simply return the default string. */ - goto return_untranslated; - - stpcpy (stpcpy (strchr (dirname, '\0'), "/"), binding->dirname); - } - - /* Now determine the symbolic name of CATEGORY and its value. */ - categoryname = category_to_name (category); - categoryvalue = guess_category_value (category, categoryname); - - domainname_len = strlen (domainname); - xdomainname = (char *) alloca (strlen (categoryname) - + domainname_len + 5); - ADD_BLOCK (block_list, xdomainname); - - stpcpy (mempcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (xdomainname, categoryname), "/"), - domainname, domainname_len), - ".mo"); - - /* Creating working area. */ - single_locale = (char *) alloca (strlen (categoryvalue) + 1); - ADD_BLOCK (block_list, single_locale); - - - /* Search for the given string. This is a loop because we perhaps - got an ordered list of languages to consider for the translation. */ - while (1) - { - /* Make CATEGORYVALUE point to the next element of the list. */ - while (categoryvalue[0] != '\0' && categoryvalue[0] == ':') - ++categoryvalue; - if (categoryvalue[0] == '\0') - { - /* The whole contents of CATEGORYVALUE has been searched but - no valid entry has been found. We solve this situation - by implicitly appending a "C" entry, i.e. no translation - will take place. */ - single_locale[0] = 'C'; - single_locale[1] = '\0'; - } - else - { - char *cp = single_locale; - while (categoryvalue[0] != '\0' && categoryvalue[0] != ':') - *cp++ = *categoryvalue++; - *cp = '\0'; - - /* When this is a SUID binary we must not allow accessing files - outside the dedicated directories. */ - if (ENABLE_SECURE && IS_PATH_WITH_DIR (single_locale)) - /* Ingore this entry. */ - continue; - } - - /* If the current locale value is C (or POSIX) we don't load a - domain. Return the MSGID. */ - if (strcmp (single_locale, "C") == 0 - || strcmp (single_locale, "POSIX") == 0) - break; - - /* Find structure describing the message catalog matching the - DOMAINNAME and CATEGORY. */ - domain = _nl_find_domain (dirname, single_locale, xdomainname, binding); - - if (domain != NULL) - { - retval = _nl_find_msg (domain, binding, msgid1, &retlen); - - if (retval == NULL) - { - int cnt; - - for (cnt = 0; domain->successor[cnt] != NULL; ++cnt) - { - retval = _nl_find_msg (domain->successor[cnt], binding, - msgid1, &retlen); - - if (retval != NULL) - { - domain = domain->successor[cnt]; - break; - } - } - } - - if (retval != NULL) - { - /* Found the translation of MSGID1 in domain DOMAIN: - starting at RETVAL, RETLEN bytes. */ - FREE_BLOCKS (block_list); -#if defined HAVE_TSEARCH || defined _LIBC - if (foundp == NULL) - { - /* Create a new entry and add it to the search tree. */ - struct known_translation_t *newp; - - newp = (struct known_translation_t *) - malloc (offsetof (struct known_translation_t, msgid) - + msgid_len + domainname_len + 1); - if (newp != NULL) - { - newp->domainname = - mempcpy (newp->msgid, msgid1, msgid_len); - memcpy (newp->domainname, domainname, domainname_len + 1); - newp->category = category; - newp->counter = _nl_msg_cat_cntr; - newp->domain = domain; - newp->translation = retval; - newp->translation_length = retlen; - - /* Insert the entry in the search tree. */ - foundp = (struct known_translation_t **) - tsearch (newp, &root, transcmp); - if (foundp == NULL - || __builtin_expect (*foundp != newp, 0)) - /* The insert failed. */ - free (newp); - } - } - else - { - /* We can update the existing entry. */ - (*foundp)->counter = _nl_msg_cat_cntr; - (*foundp)->domain = domain; - (*foundp)->translation = retval; - (*foundp)->translation_length = retlen; - } -#endif - __set_errno (saved_errno); - - /* Now deal with plural. */ - if (plural) - retval = plural_lookup (domain, n, retval, retlen); - - __libc_rwlock_unlock (_nl_state_lock); - return retval; - } - } - } - - return_untranslated: - /* Return the untranslated MSGID. */ - FREE_BLOCKS (block_list); - __libc_rwlock_unlock (_nl_state_lock); -#ifndef _LIBC - if (!ENABLE_SECURE) - { - extern void _nl_log_untranslated (const char *logfilename, - const char *domainname, - const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, - int plural); - const char *logfilename = getenv ("GETTEXT_LOG_UNTRANSLATED"); - - if (logfilename != NULL && logfilename[0] != '\0') - _nl_log_untranslated (logfilename, domainname, msgid1, msgid2, plural); - } -#endif - __set_errno (saved_errno); - return (plural == 0 - ? (char *) msgid1 - /* Use the Germanic plural rule. */ - : n == 1 ? (char *) msgid1 : (char *) msgid2); -} - - -char * -internal_function -_nl_find_msg (struct loaded_l10nfile *domain_file, - struct binding *domainbinding, const char *msgid, - size_t *lengthp) -{ - struct loaded_domain *domain; - nls_uint32 nstrings; - size_t act; - char *result; - size_t resultlen; - - if (domain_file->decided == 0) - _nl_load_domain (domain_file, domainbinding); - - if (domain_file->data == NULL) - return NULL; - - domain = (struct loaded_domain *) domain_file->data; - - nstrings = domain->nstrings; - - /* Locate the MSGID and its translation. */ - if (domain->hash_tab != NULL) - { - /* Use the hashing table. */ - nls_uint32 len = strlen (msgid); - nls_uint32 hash_val = hash_string (msgid); - nls_uint32 idx = hash_val % domain->hash_size; - nls_uint32 incr = 1 + (hash_val % (domain->hash_size - 2)); - - while (1) - { - nls_uint32 nstr = - W (domain->must_swap_hash_tab, domain->hash_tab[idx]); - - if (nstr == 0) - /* Hash table entry is empty. */ - return NULL; - - nstr--; - - /* Compare msgid with the original string at index nstr. - We compare the lengths with >=, not ==, because plural entries - are represented by strings with an embedded NUL. */ - if (nstr < nstrings - ? W (domain->must_swap, domain->orig_tab[nstr].length) >= len - && (strcmp (msgid, - domain->data + W (domain->must_swap, - domain->orig_tab[nstr].offset)) - == 0) - : domain->orig_sysdep_tab[nstr - nstrings].length > len - && (strcmp (msgid, - domain->orig_sysdep_tab[nstr - nstrings].pointer) - == 0)) - { - act = nstr; - goto found; - } - - if (idx >= domain->hash_size - incr) - idx -= domain->hash_size - incr; - else - idx += incr; - } - /* NOTREACHED */ - } - else - { - /* Try the default method: binary search in the sorted array of - messages. */ - size_t top, bottom; - - bottom = 0; - top = nstrings; - while (bottom < top) - { - int cmp_val; - - act = (bottom + top) / 2; - cmp_val = strcmp (msgid, (domain->data - + W (domain->must_swap, - domain->orig_tab[act].offset))); - if (cmp_val < 0) - top = act; - else if (cmp_val > 0) - bottom = act + 1; - else - goto found; - } - /* No translation was found. */ - return NULL; - } - - found: - /* The translation was found at index ACT. If we have to convert the - string to use a different character set, this is the time. */ - if (act < nstrings) - { - result = (char *) - (domain->data + W (domain->must_swap, domain->trans_tab[act].offset)); - resultlen = W (domain->must_swap, domain->trans_tab[act].length) + 1; - } - else - { - result = (char *) domain->trans_sysdep_tab[act - nstrings].pointer; - resultlen = domain->trans_sysdep_tab[act - nstrings].length; - } - -#if defined _LIBC || HAVE_ICONV - if (domain->codeset_cntr - != (domainbinding != NULL ? domainbinding->codeset_cntr : 0)) - { - /* The domain's codeset has changed through bind_textdomain_codeset() - since the message catalog was initialized or last accessed. We - have to reinitialize the converter. */ - _nl_free_domain_conv (domain); - _nl_init_domain_conv (domain_file, domain, domainbinding); - } - - if ( -# ifdef _LIBC - domain->conv != (__gconv_t) -1 -# else -# if HAVE_ICONV - domain->conv != (iconv_t) -1 -# endif -# endif - ) - { - /* We are supposed to do a conversion. First allocate an - appropriate table with the same structure as the table - of translations in the file, where we can put the pointers - to the converted strings in. - There is a slight complication with plural entries. They - are represented by consecutive NUL terminated strings. We - handle this case by converting RESULTLEN bytes, including - NULs. */ - - if (domain->conv_tab == NULL - && ((domain->conv_tab = - (char **) calloc (nstrings + domain->n_sysdep_strings, - sizeof (char *))) - == NULL)) - /* Mark that we didn't succeed allocating a table. */ - domain->conv_tab = (char **) -1; - - if (__builtin_expect (domain->conv_tab == (char **) -1, 0)) - /* Nothing we can do, no more memory. */ - goto converted; - - if (domain->conv_tab[act] == NULL) - { - /* We haven't used this string so far, so it is not - translated yet. Do this now. */ - /* We use a bit more efficient memory handling. - We allocate always larger blocks which get used over - time. This is faster than many small allocations. */ - __libc_lock_define_initialized (static, lock) -# define INITIAL_BLOCK_SIZE 4080 - static unsigned char *freemem; - static size_t freemem_size; - - const unsigned char *inbuf; - unsigned char *outbuf; - int malloc_count; -# ifndef _LIBC - transmem_block_t *transmem_list = NULL; -# endif - - __libc_lock_lock (lock); - - inbuf = (const unsigned char *) result; - outbuf = freemem + sizeof (size_t); - - malloc_count = 0; - while (1) - { - transmem_block_t *newmem; -# ifdef _LIBC - size_t non_reversible; - int res; - - if (freemem_size < sizeof (size_t)) - goto resize_freemem; - - res = __gconv (domain->conv, - &inbuf, inbuf + resultlen, - &outbuf, - outbuf + freemem_size - sizeof (size_t), - &non_reversible); - - if (res == __GCONV_OK || res == __GCONV_EMPTY_INPUT) - break; - - if (res != __GCONV_FULL_OUTPUT) - { - __libc_lock_unlock (lock); - goto converted; - } - - inbuf = result; -# else -# if HAVE_ICONV - const char *inptr = (const char *) inbuf; - size_t inleft = resultlen; - char *outptr = (char *) outbuf; - size_t outleft; - - if (freemem_size < sizeof (size_t)) - goto resize_freemem; - - outleft = freemem_size - sizeof (size_t); - if (iconv (domain->conv, - (ICONV_CONST char **) &inptr, &inleft, - &outptr, &outleft) - != (size_t) (-1)) - { - outbuf = (unsigned char *) outptr; - break; - } - if (errno != E2BIG) - { - __libc_lock_unlock (lock); - goto converted; - } -# endif -# endif - - resize_freemem: - /* We must allocate a new buffer or resize the old one. */ - if (malloc_count > 0) - { - ++malloc_count; - freemem_size = malloc_count * INITIAL_BLOCK_SIZE; - newmem = (transmem_block_t *) realloc (transmem_list, - freemem_size); -# ifdef _LIBC - if (newmem != NULL) - transmem_list = transmem_list->next; - else - { - struct transmem_list *old = transmem_list; - - transmem_list = transmem_list->next; - free (old); - } -# endif - } - else - { - malloc_count = 1; - freemem_size = INITIAL_BLOCK_SIZE; - newmem = (transmem_block_t *) malloc (freemem_size); - } - if (__builtin_expect (newmem == NULL, 0)) - { - freemem = NULL; - freemem_size = 0; - __libc_lock_unlock (lock); - goto converted; - } - -# ifdef _LIBC - /* Add the block to the list of blocks we have to free - at some point. */ - newmem->next = transmem_list; - transmem_list = newmem; - - freemem = newmem->data; - freemem_size -= offsetof (struct transmem_list, data); -# else - transmem_list = newmem; - freemem = newmem; -# endif - - outbuf = freemem + sizeof (size_t); - } - - /* We have now in our buffer a converted string. Put this - into the table of conversions. */ - *(size_t *) freemem = outbuf - freemem - sizeof (size_t); - domain->conv_tab[act] = (char *) freemem; - /* Shrink freemem, but keep it aligned. */ - freemem_size -= outbuf - freemem; - freemem = outbuf; - freemem += freemem_size & (alignof (size_t) - 1); - freemem_size = freemem_size & ~ (alignof (size_t) - 1); - - __libc_lock_unlock (lock); - } - - /* Now domain->conv_tab[act] contains the translation of all - the plural variants. */ - result = domain->conv_tab[act] + sizeof (size_t); - resultlen = *(size_t *) domain->conv_tab[act]; - } - - converted: - /* The result string is converted. */ - -#endif /* _LIBC || HAVE_ICONV */ - - *lengthp = resultlen; - return result; -} - - -/* Look up a plural variant. */ -static char * -internal_function -plural_lookup (struct loaded_l10nfile *domain, unsigned long int n, - const char *translation, size_t translation_len) -{ - struct loaded_domain *domaindata = (struct loaded_domain *) domain->data; - unsigned long int index; - const char *p; - - index = plural_eval (domaindata->plural, n); - if (index >= domaindata->nplurals) - /* This should never happen. It means the plural expression and the - given maximum value do not match. */ - index = 0; - - /* Skip INDEX strings at TRANSLATION. */ - p = translation; - while (index-- > 0) - { -#ifdef _LIBC - p = __rawmemchr (p, '\0'); -#else - p = strchr (p, '\0'); -#endif - /* And skip over the NUL byte. */ - p++; - - if (p >= translation + translation_len) - /* This should never happen. It means the plural expression - evaluated to a value larger than the number of variants - available for MSGID1. */ - return (char *) translation; - } - return (char *) p; -} - -#ifndef _LIBC -/* Return string representation of locale CATEGORY. */ -static const char * -internal_function -category_to_name (int category) -{ - const char *retval; - - switch (category) - { -#ifdef LC_COLLATE - case LC_COLLATE: - retval = "LC_COLLATE"; - break; -#endif -#ifdef LC_CTYPE - case LC_CTYPE: - retval = "LC_CTYPE"; - break; -#endif -#ifdef LC_MONETARY - case LC_MONETARY: - retval = "LC_MONETARY"; - break; -#endif -#ifdef LC_NUMERIC - case LC_NUMERIC: - retval = "LC_NUMERIC"; - break; -#endif -#ifdef LC_TIME - case LC_TIME: - retval = "LC_TIME"; - break; -#endif -#ifdef LC_MESSAGES - case LC_MESSAGES: - retval = "LC_MESSAGES"; - break; -#endif -#ifdef LC_RESPONSE - case LC_RESPONSE: - retval = "LC_RESPONSE"; - break; -#endif -#ifdef LC_ALL - case LC_ALL: - /* This might not make sense but is perhaps better than any other - value. */ - retval = "LC_ALL"; - break; -#endif - default: - /* If you have a better idea for a default value let me know. */ - retval = "LC_XXX"; - } - - return retval; -} -#endif - -/* Guess value of current locale from value of the environment variables. */ -static const char * -internal_function -guess_category_value (int category, const char *categoryname) -{ - const char *language; - const char *retval; - - /* The highest priority value is the `LANGUAGE' environment - variable. But we don't use the value if the currently selected - locale is the C locale. This is a GNU extension. */ - language = getenv ("LANGUAGE"); - if (language != NULL && language[0] == '\0') - language = NULL; - - /* We have to proceed with the POSIX methods of looking to `LC_ALL', - `LC_xxx', and `LANG'. On some systems this can be done by the - `setlocale' function itself. */ -#ifdef _LIBC - retval = __current_locale_name (category); -#else - retval = _nl_locale_name (category, categoryname); -#endif - - /* Ignore LANGUAGE if the locale is set to "C" because - 1. "C" locale usually uses the ASCII encoding, and most international - messages use non-ASCII characters. These characters get displayed - as question marks (if using glibc's iconv()) or as invalid 8-bit - characters (because other iconv()s refuse to convert most non-ASCII - characters to ASCII). In any case, the output is ugly. - 2. The precise output of some programs in the "C" locale is specified - by POSIX and should not depend on environment variables like - "LANGUAGE". We allow such programs to use gettext(). */ - return language != NULL && strcmp (retval, "C") != 0 ? language : retval; -} - -/* @@ begin of epilog @@ */ - -/* We don't want libintl.a to depend on any other library. So we - avoid the non-standard function stpcpy. In GNU C Library this - function is available, though. Also allow the symbol HAVE_STPCPY - to be defined. */ -#if !_LIBC && !HAVE_STPCPY -static char * -stpcpy (char *dest, const char *src) -{ - while ((*dest++ = *src++) != '\0') - /* Do nothing. */ ; - return dest - 1; -} -#endif - -#if !_LIBC && !HAVE_MEMPCPY -static void * -mempcpy (void *dest, const void *src, size_t n) -{ - return (void *) ((char *) memcpy (dest, src, n) + n); -} -#endif - - -#ifdef _LIBC -/* If we want to free all resources we have to do some work at - program's end. */ -libc_freeres_fn (free_mem) -{ - void *old; - - while (_nl_domain_bindings != NULL) - { - struct binding *oldp = _nl_domain_bindings; - _nl_domain_bindings = _nl_domain_bindings->next; - if (oldp->dirname != INTUSE(_nl_default_dirname)) - /* Yes, this is a pointer comparison. */ - free (oldp->dirname); - free (oldp->codeset); - free (oldp); - } - - if (_nl_current_default_domain != _nl_default_default_domain) - /* Yes, again a pointer comparison. */ - free ((char *) _nl_current_default_domain); - - /* Remove the search tree with the known translations. */ - __tdestroy (root, free); - root = NULL; - - while (transmem_list != NULL) - { - old = transmem_list; - transmem_list = transmem_list->next; - free (old); - } -} -#endif diff --git a/webcit/intl/dcngettext.c b/webcit/intl/dcngettext.c deleted file mode 100644 index 48a3e09e0..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/dcngettext.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -/* Implementation of the dcngettext(3) function. - Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#include "gettextP.h" -#ifdef _LIBC -# include -#else -# include "libgnuintl.h" -#endif - -/* @@ end of prolog @@ */ - -/* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. They must not clash - with existing names and they should follow ANSI C. But this source - code is also used in GNU C Library where the names have a __ - prefix. So we have to make a difference here. */ -#ifdef _LIBC -# define DCNGETTEXT __dcngettext -# define DCIGETTEXT __dcigettext -#else -# define DCNGETTEXT libintl_dcngettext -# define DCIGETTEXT libintl_dcigettext -#endif - -/* Look up MSGID in the DOMAINNAME message catalog for the current CATEGORY - locale. */ -char * -DCNGETTEXT (const char *domainname, - const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, unsigned long int n, - int category) -{ - return DCIGETTEXT (domainname, msgid1, msgid2, 1, n, category); -} - -#ifdef _LIBC -/* Alias for function name in GNU C Library. */ -weak_alias (__dcngettext, dcngettext); -#endif diff --git a/webcit/intl/dgettext.c b/webcit/intl/dgettext.c deleted file mode 100644 index b64b0f5d3..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/dgettext.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -/* Implementation of the dgettext(3) function. - Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#include "gettextP.h" - -#include - -#ifdef _LIBC -# include -#else -# include "libgnuintl.h" -#endif - -/* @@ end of prolog @@ */ - -/* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. They must not clash - with existing names and they should follow ANSI C. But this source - code is also used in GNU C Library where the names have a __ - prefix. So we have to make a difference here. */ -#ifdef _LIBC -# define DGETTEXT __dgettext -# define DCGETTEXT INTUSE(__dcgettext) -#else -# define DGETTEXT libintl_dgettext -# define DCGETTEXT libintl_dcgettext -#endif - -/* Look up MSGID in the DOMAINNAME message catalog of the current - LC_MESSAGES locale. */ -char * -DGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid) -{ - return DCGETTEXT (domainname, msgid, LC_MESSAGES); -} - -#ifdef _LIBC -/* Alias for function name in GNU C Library. */ -weak_alias (__dgettext, dgettext); -#endif diff --git a/webcit/intl/dngettext.c b/webcit/intl/dngettext.c deleted file mode 100644 index 7815637f0..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/dngettext.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -/* Implementation of the dngettext(3) function. - Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#include "gettextP.h" - -#include - -#ifdef _LIBC -# include -#else -# include "libgnuintl.h" -#endif - -/* @@ end of prolog @@ */ - -/* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. They must not clash - with existing names and they should follow ANSI C. But this source - code is also used in GNU C Library where the names have a __ - prefix. So we have to make a difference here. */ -#ifdef _LIBC -# define DNGETTEXT __dngettext -# define DCNGETTEXT __dcngettext -#else -# define DNGETTEXT libintl_dngettext -# define DCNGETTEXT libintl_dcngettext -#endif - -/* Look up MSGID in the DOMAINNAME message catalog of the current - LC_MESSAGES locale and skip message according to the plural form. */ -char * -DNGETTEXT (const char *domainname, - const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, unsigned long int n) -{ - return DCNGETTEXT (domainname, msgid1, msgid2, n, LC_MESSAGES); -} - -#ifdef _LIBC -/* Alias for function name in GNU C Library. */ -weak_alias (__dngettext, dngettext); -#endif diff --git a/webcit/intl/eval-plural.h b/webcit/intl/eval-plural.h deleted file mode 100644 index 01bd5af5f..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/eval-plural.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,108 +0,0 @@ -/* Plural expression evaluation. - Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifndef STATIC -#define STATIC static -#endif - -/* Evaluate the plural expression and return an index value. */ -STATIC -unsigned long int -internal_function -plural_eval (struct expression *pexp, unsigned long int n) -{ - switch (pexp->nargs) - { - case 0: - switch (pexp->operation) - { - case var: - return n; - case num: - return pexp->val.num; - default: - break; - } - /* NOTREACHED */ - break; - case 1: - { - /* pexp->operation must be lnot. */ - unsigned long int arg = plural_eval (pexp->val.args[0], n); - return ! arg; - } - case 2: - { - unsigned long int leftarg = plural_eval (pexp->val.args[0], n); - if (pexp->operation == lor) - return leftarg || plural_eval (pexp->val.args[1], n); - else if (pexp->operation == land) - return leftarg && plural_eval (pexp->val.args[1], n); - else - { - unsigned long int rightarg = plural_eval (pexp->val.args[1], n); - - switch (pexp->operation) - { - case mult: - return leftarg * rightarg; - case divide: -#if !INTDIV0_RAISES_SIGFPE - if (rightarg == 0) - raise (SIGFPE); -#endif - return leftarg / rightarg; - case module: -#if !INTDIV0_RAISES_SIGFPE - if (rightarg == 0) - raise (SIGFPE); -#endif - return leftarg % rightarg; - case plus: - return leftarg + rightarg; - case minus: - return leftarg - rightarg; - case less_than: - return leftarg < rightarg; - case greater_than: - return leftarg > rightarg; - case less_or_equal: - return leftarg <= rightarg; - case greater_or_equal: - return leftarg >= rightarg; - case equal: - return leftarg == rightarg; - case not_equal: - return leftarg != rightarg; - default: - break; - } - } - /* NOTREACHED */ - break; - } - case 3: - { - /* pexp->operation must be qmop. */ - unsigned long int boolarg = plural_eval (pexp->val.args[0], n); - return plural_eval (pexp->val.args[boolarg ? 1 : 2], n); - } - } - /* NOTREACHED */ - return 0; -} diff --git a/webcit/intl/explodename.c b/webcit/intl/explodename.c deleted file mode 100644 index 52c25e727..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/explodename.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,185 +0,0 @@ -/* Copyright (C) 1995-1998, 2000-2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - Contributed by Ulrich Drepper , 1995. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#include -#include -#include - -#include "loadinfo.h" - -/* On some strange systems still no definition of NULL is found. Sigh! */ -#ifndef NULL -# if defined __STDC__ && __STDC__ -# define NULL ((void *) 0) -# else -# define NULL 0 -# endif -#endif - -/* @@ end of prolog @@ */ - -char * -_nl_find_language (const char *name) -{ - while (name[0] != '\0' && name[0] != '_' && name[0] != '@' - && name[0] != '+' && name[0] != ',') - ++name; - - return (char *) name; -} - - -int -_nl_explode_name (char *name, - const char **language, const char **modifier, - const char **territory, const char **codeset, - const char **normalized_codeset, const char **special, - const char **sponsor, const char **revision) -{ - enum { undecided, xpg, cen } syntax; - char *cp; - int mask; - - *modifier = NULL; - *territory = NULL; - *codeset = NULL; - *normalized_codeset = NULL; - *special = NULL; - *sponsor = NULL; - *revision = NULL; - - /* Now we determine the single parts of the locale name. First - look for the language. Termination symbols are `_' and `@' if - we use XPG4 style, and `_', `+', and `,' if we use CEN syntax. */ - mask = 0; - syntax = undecided; - *language = cp = name; - cp = _nl_find_language (*language); - - if (*language == cp) - /* This does not make sense: language has to be specified. Use - this entry as it is without exploding. Perhaps it is an alias. */ - cp = strchr (*language, '\0'); - else if (cp[0] == '_') - { - /* Next is the territory. */ - cp[0] = '\0'; - *territory = ++cp; - - while (cp[0] != '\0' && cp[0] != '.' && cp[0] != '@' - && cp[0] != '+' && cp[0] != ',' && cp[0] != '_') - ++cp; - - mask |= TERRITORY; - - if (cp[0] == '.') - { - /* Next is the codeset. */ - syntax = xpg; - cp[0] = '\0'; - *codeset = ++cp; - - while (cp[0] != '\0' && cp[0] != '@') - ++cp; - - mask |= XPG_CODESET; - - if (*codeset != cp && (*codeset)[0] != '\0') - { - *normalized_codeset = _nl_normalize_codeset (*codeset, - cp - *codeset); - if (strcmp (*codeset, *normalized_codeset) == 0) - free ((char *) *normalized_codeset); - else - mask |= XPG_NORM_CODESET; - } - } - } - - if (cp[0] == '@' || (syntax != xpg && cp[0] == '+')) - { - /* Next is the modifier. */ - syntax = cp[0] == '@' ? xpg : cen; - cp[0] = '\0'; - *modifier = ++cp; - - while (syntax == cen && cp[0] != '\0' && cp[0] != '+' - && cp[0] != ',' && cp[0] != '_') - ++cp; - - mask |= XPG_MODIFIER | CEN_AUDIENCE; - } - - if (syntax != xpg && (cp[0] == '+' || cp[0] == ',' || cp[0] == '_')) - { - syntax = cen; - - if (cp[0] == '+') - { - /* Next is special application (CEN syntax). */ - cp[0] = '\0'; - *special = ++cp; - - while (cp[0] != '\0' && cp[0] != ',' && cp[0] != '_') - ++cp; - - mask |= CEN_SPECIAL; - } - - if (cp[0] == ',') - { - /* Next is sponsor (CEN syntax). */ - cp[0] = '\0'; - *sponsor = ++cp; - - while (cp[0] != '\0' && cp[0] != '_') - ++cp; - - mask |= CEN_SPONSOR; - } - - if (cp[0] == '_') - { - /* Next is revision (CEN syntax). */ - cp[0] = '\0'; - *revision = ++cp; - - mask |= CEN_REVISION; - } - } - - /* For CEN syntax values it might be important to have the - separator character in the file name, not for XPG syntax. */ - if (syntax == xpg) - { - if (*territory != NULL && (*territory)[0] == '\0') - mask &= ~TERRITORY; - - if (*codeset != NULL && (*codeset)[0] == '\0') - mask &= ~XPG_CODESET; - - if (*modifier != NULL && (*modifier)[0] == '\0') - mask &= ~XPG_MODIFIER; - } - - return mask; -} diff --git a/webcit/intl/finddomain.c b/webcit/intl/finddomain.c deleted file mode 100644 index 4992a8c9e..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/finddomain.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,192 +0,0 @@ -/* Handle list of needed message catalogs - Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - Written by Ulrich Drepper , 1995. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#if defined HAVE_UNISTD_H || defined _LIBC -# include -#endif - -#include "gettextP.h" -#ifdef _LIBC -# include -#else -# include "libgnuintl.h" -#endif - -/* @@ end of prolog @@ */ -/* List of already loaded domains. */ -static struct loaded_l10nfile *_nl_loaded_domains; - - -/* Return a data structure describing the message catalog described by - the DOMAINNAME and CATEGORY parameters with respect to the currently - established bindings. */ -struct loaded_l10nfile * -internal_function -_nl_find_domain (const char *dirname, char *locale, - const char *domainname, struct binding *domainbinding) -{ - struct loaded_l10nfile *retval; - const char *language; - const char *modifier; - const char *territory; - const char *codeset; - const char *normalized_codeset; - const char *special; - const char *sponsor; - const char *revision; - const char *alias_value; - int mask; - - /* LOCALE can consist of up to four recognized parts for the XPG syntax: - - language[_territory[.codeset]][@modifier] - - and six parts for the CEN syntax: - - language[_territory][+audience][+special][,[sponsor][_revision]] - - Beside the first part all of them are allowed to be missing. If - the full specified locale is not found, the less specific one are - looked for. The various parts will be stripped off according to - the following order: - (1) revision - (2) sponsor - (3) special - (4) codeset - (5) normalized codeset - (6) territory - (7) audience/modifier - */ - - /* If we have already tested for this locale entry there has to - be one data set in the list of loaded domains. */ - retval = _nl_make_l10nflist (&_nl_loaded_domains, dirname, - strlen (dirname) + 1, 0, locale, NULL, NULL, - NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, domainname, 0); - if (retval != NULL) - { - /* We know something about this locale. */ - int cnt; - - if (retval->decided == 0) - _nl_load_domain (retval, domainbinding); - - if (retval->data != NULL) - return retval; - - for (cnt = 0; retval->successor[cnt] != NULL; ++cnt) - { - if (retval->successor[cnt]->decided == 0) - _nl_load_domain (retval->successor[cnt], domainbinding); - - if (retval->successor[cnt]->data != NULL) - break; - } - return cnt >= 0 ? retval : NULL; - /* NOTREACHED */ - } - - /* See whether the locale value is an alias. If yes its value - *overwrites* the alias name. No test for the original value is - done. */ - alias_value = _nl_expand_alias (locale); - if (alias_value != NULL) - { -#if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE_STRDUP - locale = strdup (alias_value); - if (locale == NULL) - return NULL; -#else - size_t len = strlen (alias_value) + 1; - locale = (char *) malloc (len); - if (locale == NULL) - return NULL; - - memcpy (locale, alias_value, len); -#endif - } - - /* Now we determine the single parts of the locale name. First - look for the language. Termination symbols are `_' and `@' if - we use XPG4 style, and `_', `+', and `,' if we use CEN syntax. */ - mask = _nl_explode_name (locale, &language, &modifier, &territory, - &codeset, &normalized_codeset, &special, - &sponsor, &revision); - - /* Create all possible locale entries which might be interested in - generalization. */ - retval = _nl_make_l10nflist (&_nl_loaded_domains, dirname, - strlen (dirname) + 1, mask, language, territory, - codeset, normalized_codeset, modifier, special, - sponsor, revision, domainname, 1); - if (retval == NULL) - /* This means we are out of core. */ - return NULL; - - if (retval->decided == 0) - _nl_load_domain (retval, domainbinding); - if (retval->data == NULL) - { - int cnt; - for (cnt = 0; retval->successor[cnt] != NULL; ++cnt) - { - if (retval->successor[cnt]->decided == 0) - _nl_load_domain (retval->successor[cnt], domainbinding); - if (retval->successor[cnt]->data != NULL) - break; - } - } - - /* The room for an alias was dynamically allocated. Free it now. */ - if (alias_value != NULL) - free (locale); - - /* The space for normalized_codeset is dynamically allocated. Free it. */ - if (mask & XPG_NORM_CODESET) - free ((void *) normalized_codeset); - - return retval; -} - - -#ifdef _LIBC -libc_freeres_fn (free_mem) -{ - struct loaded_l10nfile *runp = _nl_loaded_domains; - - while (runp != NULL) - { - struct loaded_l10nfile *here = runp; - if (runp->data != NULL) - _nl_unload_domain ((struct loaded_domain *) runp->data); - runp = runp->next; - free ((char *) here->filename); - free (here); - } -} -#endif diff --git a/webcit/intl/gettext.c b/webcit/intl/gettext.c deleted file mode 100644 index 92c42faa7..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/gettext.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -/* Implementation of gettext(3) function. - Copyright (C) 1995, 1997, 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#ifdef _LIBC -# define __need_NULL -# include -#else -# include /* Just for NULL. */ -#endif - -#include "gettextP.h" -#ifdef _LIBC -# include -#else -# include "libgnuintl.h" -#endif - -/* @@ end of prolog @@ */ - -/* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. They must not clash - with existing names and they should follow ANSI C. But this source - code is also used in GNU C Library where the names have a __ - prefix. So we have to make a difference here. */ -#ifdef _LIBC -# define GETTEXT __gettext -# define DCGETTEXT INTUSE(__dcgettext) -#else -# define GETTEXT libintl_gettext -# define DCGETTEXT libintl_dcgettext -#endif - -/* Look up MSGID in the current default message catalog for the current - LC_MESSAGES locale. If not found, returns MSGID itself (the default - text). */ -char * -GETTEXT (const char *msgid) -{ - return DCGETTEXT (NULL, msgid, LC_MESSAGES); -} - -#ifdef _LIBC -/* Alias for function name in GNU C Library. */ -weak_alias (__gettext, gettext); -#endif diff --git a/webcit/intl/gettextP.h b/webcit/intl/gettextP.h deleted file mode 100644 index 4d66c3de3..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/gettextP.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,215 +0,0 @@ -/* Header describing internals of libintl library. - Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - Written by Ulrich Drepper , 1995. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifndef _GETTEXTP_H -#define _GETTEXTP_H - -#include /* Get size_t. */ - -#ifdef _LIBC -# include "../iconv/gconv_int.h" -#else -# if HAVE_ICONV -# include -# endif -#endif - -#include "loadinfo.h" - -#include "gmo.h" /* Get nls_uint32. */ - -/* @@ end of prolog @@ */ - -#ifndef internal_function -# define internal_function -#endif - -#ifndef attribute_hidden -# define attribute_hidden -#endif - -/* Tell the compiler when a conditional or integer expression is - almost always true or almost always false. */ -#ifndef HAVE_BUILTIN_EXPECT -# define __builtin_expect(expr, val) (expr) -#endif - -#ifndef W -# define W(flag, data) ((flag) ? SWAP (data) : (data)) -#endif - - -#ifdef _LIBC -# include -# define SWAP(i) bswap_32 (i) -#else -static inline nls_uint32 -SWAP (i) - nls_uint32 i; -{ - return (i << 24) | ((i & 0xff00) << 8) | ((i >> 8) & 0xff00) | (i >> 24); -} -#endif - - -/* In-memory representation of system dependent string. */ -struct sysdep_string_desc -{ - /* Length of addressed string, including the trailing NUL. */ - size_t length; - /* Pointer to addressed string. */ - const char *pointer; -}; - -/* The representation of an opened message catalog. */ -struct loaded_domain -{ - /* Pointer to memory containing the .mo file. */ - const char *data; - /* 1 if the memory is mmap()ed, 0 if the memory is malloc()ed. */ - int use_mmap; - /* Size of mmap()ed memory. */ - size_t mmap_size; - /* 1 if the .mo file uses a different endianness than this machine. */ - int must_swap; - /* Pointer to additional malloc()ed memory. */ - void *malloced; - - /* Number of static strings pairs. */ - nls_uint32 nstrings; - /* Pointer to descriptors of original strings in the file. */ - const struct string_desc *orig_tab; - /* Pointer to descriptors of translated strings in the file. */ - const struct string_desc *trans_tab; - - /* Number of system dependent strings pairs. */ - nls_uint32 n_sysdep_strings; - /* Pointer to descriptors of original sysdep strings. */ - const struct sysdep_string_desc *orig_sysdep_tab; - /* Pointer to descriptors of translated sysdep strings. */ - const struct sysdep_string_desc *trans_sysdep_tab; - - /* Size of hash table. */ - nls_uint32 hash_size; - /* Pointer to hash table. */ - const nls_uint32 *hash_tab; - /* 1 if the hash table uses a different endianness than this machine. */ - int must_swap_hash_tab; - - int codeset_cntr; -#ifdef _LIBC - __gconv_t conv; -#else -# if HAVE_ICONV - iconv_t conv; -# endif -#endif - char **conv_tab; - - struct expression *plural; - unsigned long int nplurals; -}; - -/* We want to allocate a string at the end of the struct. But ISO C - doesn't allow zero sized arrays. */ -#ifdef __GNUC__ -# define ZERO 0 -#else -# define ZERO 1 -#endif - -/* A set of settings bound to a message domain. Used to store settings - from bindtextdomain() and bind_textdomain_codeset(). */ -struct binding -{ - struct binding *next; - char *dirname; - int codeset_cntr; /* Incremented each time codeset changes. */ - char *codeset; - char domainname[ZERO]; -}; - -/* A counter which is incremented each time some previous translations - become invalid. - This variable is part of the external ABI of the GNU libintl. */ -extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; - -#ifndef _LIBC -const char *_nl_locale_name (int category, const char *categoryname); -#endif - -struct loaded_l10nfile *_nl_find_domain (const char *__dirname, char *__locale, - const char *__domainname, - struct binding *__domainbinding) - internal_function; -void _nl_load_domain (struct loaded_l10nfile *__domain, - struct binding *__domainbinding) - internal_function; -void _nl_unload_domain (struct loaded_domain *__domain) - internal_function; -const char *_nl_init_domain_conv (struct loaded_l10nfile *__domain_file, - struct loaded_domain *__domain, - struct binding *__domainbinding) - internal_function; -void _nl_free_domain_conv (struct loaded_domain *__domain) - internal_function; - -char *_nl_find_msg (struct loaded_l10nfile *domain_file, - struct binding *domainbinding, const char *msgid, - size_t *lengthp) - internal_function; - -#ifdef _LIBC -extern char *__gettext (const char *__msgid); -extern char *__dgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid); -extern char *__dcgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid, - int __category); -extern char *__ngettext (const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, - unsigned long int __n); -extern char *__dngettext (const char *__domainname, - const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, - unsigned long int n); -extern char *__dcngettext (const char *__domainname, - const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, - unsigned long int __n, int __category); -extern char *__dcigettext (const char *__domainname, - const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, - int __plural, unsigned long int __n, - int __category); -extern char *__textdomain (const char *__domainname); -extern char *__bindtextdomain (const char *__domainname, - const char *__dirname); -extern char *__bind_textdomain_codeset (const char *__domainname, - const char *__codeset); -#else -/* Declare the exported libintl_* functions, in a way that allows us to - call them under their real name. */ -# undef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE -# undef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS -# define _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS -# include "libgnuintl.h" -extern char *libintl_dcigettext (const char *__domainname, - const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, - int __plural, unsigned long int __n, - int __category); -#endif - -/* @@ begin of epilog @@ */ - -#endif /* gettextP.h */ diff --git a/webcit/intl/gmo.h b/webcit/intl/gmo.h deleted file mode 100644 index e7c9cc14b..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/gmo.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,149 +0,0 @@ -/* Description of GNU message catalog format: general file layout. - Copyright (C) 1995, 1997, 2000-2002, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifndef _GETTEXT_H -#define _GETTEXT_H 1 - -#include - -/* @@ end of prolog @@ */ - -/* The magic number of the GNU message catalog format. */ -#define _MAGIC 0x950412de -#define _MAGIC_SWAPPED 0xde120495 - -/* Revision number of the currently used .mo (binary) file format. */ -#define MO_REVISION_NUMBER 0 -#define MO_REVISION_NUMBER_WITH_SYSDEP_I 1 - -/* The following contortions are an attempt to use the C preprocessor - to determine an unsigned integral type that is 32 bits wide. An - alternative approach is to use autoconf's AC_CHECK_SIZEOF macro, but - as of version autoconf-2.13, the AC_CHECK_SIZEOF macro doesn't work - when cross-compiling. */ - -#if __STDC__ -# define UINT_MAX_32_BITS 4294967295U -#else -# define UINT_MAX_32_BITS 0xFFFFFFFF -#endif - -/* If UINT_MAX isn't defined, assume it's a 32-bit type. - This should be valid for all systems GNU cares about because - that doesn't include 16-bit systems, and only modern systems - (that certainly have ) have 64+-bit integral types. */ - -#ifndef UINT_MAX -# define UINT_MAX UINT_MAX_32_BITS -#endif - -#if UINT_MAX == UINT_MAX_32_BITS -typedef unsigned nls_uint32; -#else -# if USHRT_MAX == UINT_MAX_32_BITS -typedef unsigned short nls_uint32; -# else -# if ULONG_MAX == UINT_MAX_32_BITS -typedef unsigned long nls_uint32; -# else - /* The following line is intended to throw an error. Using #error is - not portable enough. */ - "Cannot determine unsigned 32-bit data type." -# endif -# endif -#endif - - -/* Header for binary .mo file format. */ -struct mo_file_header -{ - /* The magic number. */ - nls_uint32 magic; - /* The revision number of the file format. */ - nls_uint32 revision; - - /* The following are only used in .mo files with major revision 0 or 1. */ - - /* The number of strings pairs. */ - nls_uint32 nstrings; - /* Offset of table with start offsets of original strings. */ - nls_uint32 orig_tab_offset; - /* Offset of table with start offsets of translated strings. */ - nls_uint32 trans_tab_offset; - /* Size of hash table. */ - nls_uint32 hash_tab_size; - /* Offset of first hash table entry. */ - nls_uint32 hash_tab_offset; - - /* The following are only used in .mo files with minor revision >= 1. */ - - /* The number of system dependent segments. */ - nls_uint32 n_sysdep_segments; - /* Offset of table describing system dependent segments. */ - nls_uint32 sysdep_segments_offset; - /* The number of system dependent strings pairs. */ - nls_uint32 n_sysdep_strings; - /* Offset of table with start offsets of original sysdep strings. */ - nls_uint32 orig_sysdep_tab_offset; - /* Offset of table with start offsets of translated sysdep strings. */ - nls_uint32 trans_sysdep_tab_offset; -}; - -/* Descriptor for static string contained in the binary .mo file. */ -struct string_desc -{ - /* Length of addressed string, not including the trailing NUL. */ - nls_uint32 length; - /* Offset of string in file. */ - nls_uint32 offset; -}; - -/* The following are only used in .mo files with minor revision >= 1. */ - -/* Descriptor for system dependent string segment. */ -struct sysdep_segment -{ - /* Length of addressed string, including the trailing NUL. */ - nls_uint32 length; - /* Offset of string in file. */ - nls_uint32 offset; -}; - -/* Descriptor for system dependent string. */ -struct sysdep_string -{ - /* Offset of static string segments in file. */ - nls_uint32 offset; - /* Alternating sequence of static and system dependent segments. - The last segment is a static segment, including the trailing NUL. */ - struct segment_pair - { - /* Size of static segment. */ - nls_uint32 segsize; - /* Reference to system dependent string segment, or ~0 at the end. */ - nls_uint32 sysdepref; - } segments[1]; -}; - -/* Marker for the end of the segments[] array. This has the value 0xFFFFFFFF, - regardless whether 'int' is 16 bit, 32 bit, or 64 bit. */ -#define SEGMENTS_END ((nls_uint32) ~0) - -/* @@ begin of epilog @@ */ - -#endif /* gettext.h */ diff --git a/webcit/intl/hash-string.h b/webcit/intl/hash-string.h deleted file mode 100644 index 093e3b1c1..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/hash-string.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -/* Description of GNU message catalog format: string hashing function. - Copyright (C) 1995, 1997-1998, 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -/* @@ end of prolog @@ */ - -/* We assume to have `unsigned long int' value with at least 32 bits. */ -#define HASHWORDBITS 32 - - -/* Defines the so called `hashpjw' function by P.J. Weinberger - [see Aho/Sethi/Ullman, COMPILERS: Principles, Techniques and Tools, - 1986, 1987 Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.] */ -static inline unsigned long int -hash_string (const char *str_param) -{ - unsigned long int hval, g; - const char *str = str_param; - - /* Compute the hash value for the given string. */ - hval = 0; - while (*str != '\0') - { - hval <<= 4; - hval += (unsigned char) *str++; - g = hval & ((unsigned long int) 0xf << (HASHWORDBITS - 4)); - if (g != 0) - { - hval ^= g >> (HASHWORDBITS - 8); - hval ^= g; - } - } - return hval; -} diff --git a/webcit/intl/intl-compat.c b/webcit/intl/intl-compat.c deleted file mode 100644 index 96f9d955d..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/intl-compat.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,131 +0,0 @@ -/* intl-compat.c - Stub functions to call gettext functions from GNU gettext - Library. - Copyright (C) 1995, 2000-2003 Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#include "gettextP.h" - -/* @@ end of prolog @@ */ - -/* This file redirects the gettext functions (without prefix) to those - defined in the included GNU libintl library (with "libintl_" prefix). - It is compiled into libintl in order to make the AM_GNU_GETTEXT test - of gettext <= 0.11.2 work with the libintl library >= 0.11.3 which - has the redirections primarily in the include file. - It is also compiled into libgnuintl so that can be used - as LD_PRELOADable library on glibc systems, to provide the extra - features that the functions in the libc don't have (namely, logging). */ - - -#undef gettext -#undef dgettext -#undef dcgettext -#undef ngettext -#undef dngettext -#undef dcngettext -#undef textdomain -#undef bindtextdomain -#undef bind_textdomain_codeset - - -/* When building a DLL, we must export some functions. Note that because - the functions are only defined for binary backward compatibility, we - don't need to use __declspec(dllimport) in any case. */ -#if defined _MSC_VER && BUILDING_DLL -# define DLL_EXPORTED __declspec(dllexport) -#else -# define DLL_EXPORTED -#endif - - -DLL_EXPORTED -char * -gettext (const char *msgid) -{ - return libintl_gettext (msgid); -} - - -DLL_EXPORTED -char * -dgettext (const char *domainname, const char *msgid) -{ - return libintl_dgettext (domainname, msgid); -} - - -DLL_EXPORTED -char * -dcgettext (const char *domainname, const char *msgid, int category) -{ - return libintl_dcgettext (domainname, msgid, category); -} - - -DLL_EXPORTED -char * -ngettext (const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, unsigned long int n) -{ - return libintl_ngettext (msgid1, msgid2, n); -} - - -DLL_EXPORTED -char * -dngettext (const char *domainname, - const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, unsigned long int n) -{ - return libintl_dngettext (domainname, msgid1, msgid2, n); -} - - -DLL_EXPORTED -char * -dcngettext (const char *domainname, - const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, unsigned long int n, - int category) -{ - return libintl_dcngettext (domainname, msgid1, msgid2, n, category); -} - - -DLL_EXPORTED -char * -textdomain (const char *domainname) -{ - return libintl_textdomain (domainname); -} - - -DLL_EXPORTED -char * -bindtextdomain (const char *domainname, const char *dirname) -{ - return libintl_bindtextdomain (domainname, dirname); -} - - -DLL_EXPORTED -char * -bind_textdomain_codeset (const char *domainname, const char *codeset) -{ - return libintl_bind_textdomain_codeset (domainname, codeset); -} diff --git a/webcit/intl/l10nflist.c b/webcit/intl/l10nflist.c deleted file mode 100644 index eb995aafa..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/l10nflist.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,421 +0,0 @@ -/* Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - Contributed by Ulrich Drepper , 1995. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -/* Tell glibc's to provide a prototype for stpcpy(). - This must come before because may include - , and once has been included, it's too late. */ -#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE -# define _GNU_SOURCE 1 -#endif - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#include - -#if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE_ARGZ_H -# include -#endif -#include -#include -#include - -#include "loadinfo.h" - -/* On some strange systems still no definition of NULL is found. Sigh! */ -#ifndef NULL -# if defined __STDC__ && __STDC__ -# define NULL ((void *) 0) -# else -# define NULL 0 -# endif -#endif - -/* @@ end of prolog @@ */ - -#ifdef _LIBC -/* Rename the non ANSI C functions. This is required by the standard - because some ANSI C functions will require linking with this object - file and the name space must not be polluted. */ -# ifndef stpcpy -# define stpcpy(dest, src) __stpcpy(dest, src) -# endif -#else -# ifndef HAVE_STPCPY -static char *stpcpy (char *dest, const char *src); -# endif -#endif - -/* Pathname support. - ISSLASH(C) tests whether C is a directory separator character. - IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(P) tests whether P is an absolute path. If it is not, - it may be concatenated to a directory pathname. - */ -#if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined __EMX__ || defined __DJGPP__ - /* Win32, OS/2, DOS */ -# define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/' || (C) == '\\') -# define HAS_DEVICE(P) \ - ((((P)[0] >= 'A' && (P)[0] <= 'Z') || ((P)[0] >= 'a' && (P)[0] <= 'z')) \ - && (P)[1] == ':') -# define IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(P) (ISSLASH ((P)[0]) || HAS_DEVICE (P)) -#else - /* Unix */ -# define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/') -# define IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(P) ISSLASH ((P)[0]) -#endif - -/* Define function which are usually not available. */ - -#if !defined _LIBC && !defined HAVE___ARGZ_COUNT -/* Returns the number of strings in ARGZ. */ -static size_t -argz_count__ (const char *argz, size_t len) -{ - size_t count = 0; - while (len > 0) - { - size_t part_len = strlen (argz); - argz += part_len + 1; - len -= part_len + 1; - count++; - } - return count; -} -# undef __argz_count -# define __argz_count(argz, len) argz_count__ (argz, len) -#else -# ifdef _LIBC -# define __argz_count(argz, len) INTUSE(__argz_count) (argz, len) -# endif -#endif /* !_LIBC && !HAVE___ARGZ_COUNT */ - -#if !defined _LIBC && !defined HAVE___ARGZ_STRINGIFY -/* Make '\0' separated arg vector ARGZ printable by converting all the '\0's - except the last into the character SEP. */ -static void -argz_stringify__ (char *argz, size_t len, int sep) -{ - while (len > 0) - { - size_t part_len = strlen (argz); - argz += part_len; - len -= part_len + 1; - if (len > 0) - *argz++ = sep; - } -} -# undef __argz_stringify -# define __argz_stringify(argz, len, sep) argz_stringify__ (argz, len, sep) -#else -# ifdef _LIBC -# define __argz_stringify(argz, len, sep) \ - INTUSE(__argz_stringify) (argz, len, sep) -# endif -#endif /* !_LIBC && !HAVE___ARGZ_STRINGIFY */ - -#if !defined _LIBC && !defined HAVE___ARGZ_NEXT -static char * -argz_next__ (char *argz, size_t argz_len, const char *entry) -{ - if (entry) - { - if (entry < argz + argz_len) - entry = strchr (entry, '\0') + 1; - - return entry >= argz + argz_len ? NULL : (char *) entry; - } - else - if (argz_len > 0) - return argz; - else - return 0; -} -# undef __argz_next -# define __argz_next(argz, len, entry) argz_next__ (argz, len, entry) -#endif /* !_LIBC && !HAVE___ARGZ_NEXT */ - - -/* Return number of bits set in X. */ -static inline int -pop (int x) -{ - /* We assume that no more than 16 bits are used. */ - x = ((x & ~0x5555) >> 1) + (x & 0x5555); - x = ((x & ~0x3333) >> 2) + (x & 0x3333); - x = ((x >> 4) + x) & 0x0f0f; - x = ((x >> 8) + x) & 0xff; - - return x; -} - - -struct loaded_l10nfile * -_nl_make_l10nflist (struct loaded_l10nfile **l10nfile_list, - const char *dirlist, size_t dirlist_len, - int mask, const char *language, const char *territory, - const char *codeset, const char *normalized_codeset, - const char *modifier, const char *special, - const char *sponsor, const char *revision, - const char *filename, int do_allocate) -{ - char *abs_filename; - struct loaded_l10nfile **lastp; - struct loaded_l10nfile *retval; - char *cp; - size_t dirlist_count; - size_t entries; - int cnt; - - /* If LANGUAGE contains an absolute directory specification, we ignore - DIRLIST. */ - if (IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH (language)) - dirlist_len = 0; - - /* Allocate room for the full file name. */ - abs_filename = (char *) malloc (dirlist_len - + strlen (language) - + ((mask & TERRITORY) != 0 - ? strlen (territory) + 1 : 0) - + ((mask & XPG_CODESET) != 0 - ? strlen (codeset) + 1 : 0) - + ((mask & XPG_NORM_CODESET) != 0 - ? strlen (normalized_codeset) + 1 : 0) - + (((mask & XPG_MODIFIER) != 0 - || (mask & CEN_AUDIENCE) != 0) - ? strlen (modifier) + 1 : 0) - + ((mask & CEN_SPECIAL) != 0 - ? strlen (special) + 1 : 0) - + (((mask & CEN_SPONSOR) != 0 - || (mask & CEN_REVISION) != 0) - ? (1 + ((mask & CEN_SPONSOR) != 0 - ? strlen (sponsor) : 0) - + ((mask & CEN_REVISION) != 0 - ? strlen (revision) + 1 : 0)) : 0) - + 1 + strlen (filename) + 1); - - if (abs_filename == NULL) - return NULL; - - /* Construct file name. */ - cp = abs_filename; - if (dirlist_len > 0) - { - memcpy (cp, dirlist, dirlist_len); - __argz_stringify (cp, dirlist_len, PATH_SEPARATOR); - cp += dirlist_len; - cp[-1] = '/'; - } - - cp = stpcpy (cp, language); - - if ((mask & TERRITORY) != 0) - { - *cp++ = '_'; - cp = stpcpy (cp, territory); - } - if ((mask & XPG_CODESET) != 0) - { - *cp++ = '.'; - cp = stpcpy (cp, codeset); - } - if ((mask & XPG_NORM_CODESET) != 0) - { - *cp++ = '.'; - cp = stpcpy (cp, normalized_codeset); - } - if ((mask & (XPG_MODIFIER | CEN_AUDIENCE)) != 0) - { - /* This component can be part of both syntaces but has different - leading characters. For CEN we use `+', else `@'. */ - *cp++ = (mask & CEN_AUDIENCE) != 0 ? '+' : '@'; - cp = stpcpy (cp, modifier); - } - if ((mask & CEN_SPECIAL) != 0) - { - *cp++ = '+'; - cp = stpcpy (cp, special); - } - if ((mask & (CEN_SPONSOR | CEN_REVISION)) != 0) - { - *cp++ = ','; - if ((mask & CEN_SPONSOR) != 0) - cp = stpcpy (cp, sponsor); - if ((mask & CEN_REVISION) != 0) - { - *cp++ = '_'; - cp = stpcpy (cp, revision); - } - } - - *cp++ = '/'; - stpcpy (cp, filename); - - /* Look in list of already loaded domains whether it is already - available. */ - lastp = l10nfile_list; - for (retval = *l10nfile_list; retval != NULL; retval = retval->next) - if (retval->filename != NULL) - { - int compare = strcmp (retval->filename, abs_filename); - if (compare == 0) - /* We found it! */ - break; - if (compare < 0) - { - /* It's not in the list. */ - retval = NULL; - break; - } - - lastp = &retval->next; - } - - if (retval != NULL || do_allocate == 0) - { - free (abs_filename); - return retval; - } - - dirlist_count = (dirlist_len > 0 ? __argz_count (dirlist, dirlist_len) : 1); - - /* Allocate a new loaded_l10nfile. */ - retval = - (struct loaded_l10nfile *) - malloc (sizeof (*retval) - + (((dirlist_count << pop (mask)) + (dirlist_count > 1 ? 1 : 0)) - * sizeof (struct loaded_l10nfile *))); - if (retval == NULL) - return NULL; - - retval->filename = abs_filename; - - /* We set retval->data to NULL here; it is filled in later. - Setting retval->decided to 1 here means that retval does not - correspond to a real file (dirlist_count > 1) or is not worth - looking up (if an unnormalized codeset was specified). */ - retval->decided = (dirlist_count > 1 - || ((mask & XPG_CODESET) != 0 - && (mask & XPG_NORM_CODESET) != 0)); - retval->data = NULL; - - retval->next = *lastp; - *lastp = retval; - - entries = 0; - /* Recurse to fill the inheritance list of RETVAL. - If the DIRLIST is a real list (i.e. DIRLIST_COUNT > 1), the RETVAL - entry does not correspond to a real file; retval->filename contains - colons. In this case we loop across all elements of DIRLIST and - across all bit patterns dominated by MASK. - If the DIRLIST is a single directory or entirely redundant (i.e. - DIRLIST_COUNT == 1), we loop across all bit patterns dominated by - MASK, excluding MASK itself. - In either case, we loop down from MASK to 0. This has the effect - that the extra bits in the locale name are dropped in this order: - first the modifier, then the territory, then the codeset, then the - normalized_codeset. */ - for (cnt = dirlist_count > 1 ? mask : mask - 1; cnt >= 0; --cnt) - if ((cnt & ~mask) == 0 - && ((cnt & CEN_SPECIFIC) == 0 || (cnt & XPG_SPECIFIC) == 0) - && ((cnt & XPG_CODESET) == 0 || (cnt & XPG_NORM_CODESET) == 0)) - { - if (dirlist_count > 1) - { - /* Iterate over all elements of the DIRLIST. */ - char *dir = NULL; - - while ((dir = __argz_next ((char *) dirlist, dirlist_len, dir)) - != NULL) - retval->successor[entries++] - = _nl_make_l10nflist (l10nfile_list, dir, strlen (dir) + 1, - cnt, language, territory, codeset, - normalized_codeset, modifier, special, - sponsor, revision, filename, 1); - } - else - retval->successor[entries++] - = _nl_make_l10nflist (l10nfile_list, dirlist, dirlist_len, - cnt, language, territory, codeset, - normalized_codeset, modifier, special, - sponsor, revision, filename, 1); - } - retval->successor[entries] = NULL; - - return retval; -} - -/* Normalize codeset name. There is no standard for the codeset - names. Normalization allows the user to use any of the common - names. The return value is dynamically allocated and has to be - freed by the caller. */ -const char * -_nl_normalize_codeset (const char *codeset, size_t name_len) -{ - int len = 0; - int only_digit = 1; - char *retval; - char *wp; - size_t cnt; - - for (cnt = 0; cnt < name_len; ++cnt) - if (isalnum ((unsigned char) codeset[cnt])) - { - ++len; - - if (isalpha ((unsigned char) codeset[cnt])) - only_digit = 0; - } - - retval = (char *) malloc ((only_digit ? 3 : 0) + len + 1); - - if (retval != NULL) - { - if (only_digit) - wp = stpcpy (retval, "iso"); - else - wp = retval; - - for (cnt = 0; cnt < name_len; ++cnt) - if (isalpha ((unsigned char) codeset[cnt])) - *wp++ = tolower ((unsigned char) codeset[cnt]); - else if (isdigit ((unsigned char) codeset[cnt])) - *wp++ = codeset[cnt]; - - *wp = '\0'; - } - - return (const char *) retval; -} - - -/* @@ begin of epilog @@ */ - -/* We don't want libintl.a to depend on any other library. So we - avoid the non-standard function stpcpy. In GNU C Library this - function is available, though. Also allow the symbol HAVE_STPCPY - to be defined. */ -#if !_LIBC && !HAVE_STPCPY -static char * -stpcpy (char *dest, const char *src) -{ - while ((*dest++ = *src++) != '\0') - /* Do nothing. */ ; - return dest - 1; -} -#endif diff --git a/webcit/intl/ b/webcit/intl/ deleted file mode 100644 index 3be7eb990..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,383 +0,0 @@ -/* Message catalogs for internationalization. - Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifndef _LIBINTL_H -#define _LIBINTL_H 1 - -#include - -/* The LC_MESSAGES locale category is the category used by the functions - gettext() and dgettext(). It is specified in POSIX, but not in ANSI C. - On systems that don't define it, use an arbitrary value instead. - On Solaris, defines __LOCALE_H (or _LOCALE_H in Solaris 2.5) - then includes (i.e. this file!) and then only defines - LC_MESSAGES. To avoid a redefinition warning, don't define LC_MESSAGES - in this case. */ -#if !defined LC_MESSAGES && !(defined __LOCALE_H || (defined _LOCALE_H && defined __sun)) -# define LC_MESSAGES 1729 -#endif - -/* We define an additional symbol to signal that we use the GNU - implementation of gettext. */ -#define __USE_GNU_GETTEXT 1 - -/* Provide information about the supported file formats. Returns the - maximum minor revision number supported for a given major revision. */ -#define __GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION(major) \ - ((major) == 0 ? 1 : -1) - -/* Resolve a platform specific conflict on DJGPP. GNU gettext takes - precedence over _conio_gettext. */ -#ifdef __DJGPP__ -# undef gettext -#endif - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - - -/* We redirect the functions to those prefixed with "libintl_". This is - necessary, because some systems define gettext/textdomain/... in the C - library (namely, Solaris 2.4 and newer, and GNU libc 2.0 and newer). - If we used the unprefixed names, there would be cases where the - definition in the C library would override the one in the - shared library. Recall that on ELF systems, the symbols are looked - up in the following order: - 1. in the executable, - 2. in the shared libraries specified on the link command line, in order, - 3. in the dependencies of the shared libraries specified on the link - command line, - 4. in the dlopen()ed shared libraries, in the order in which they were - dlopen()ed. - The definition in the C library would override the one in if - either - * -lc is given on the link command line and -lintl isn't, or - * -lc is given on the link command line before -lintl, or - * is a dependency of a dlopen()ed shared library but not - linked to the executable at link time. - Since Solaris gettext() behaves differently than GNU gettext(), this - would be unacceptable. - - The redirection happens by default through macros in C, so that &gettext - is independent of the compilation unit, but through inline functions in - C++, in order not to interfere with the name mangling of class fields or - class methods called 'gettext'. */ - -/* The user can define _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE or _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS. - If he doesn't, we choose the method. A third possible method is - _INTL_REDIRECT_ASM, supported only by GCC. */ -#if !(defined _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE || defined _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS) -# if __GNUC__ >= 2 && !defined __APPLE_CC__ && !defined __MINGW32__ && !(__GNUC__ == 2 && defined _AIX) && (defined __STDC__ || defined __cplusplus) -# define _INTL_REDIRECT_ASM -# else -# ifdef __cplusplus -# define _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE -# else -# define _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS -# endif -# endif -#endif -/* Auxiliary macros. */ -#ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_ASM -# define _INTL_ASM(cname) __asm__ (_INTL_ASMNAME (__USER_LABEL_PREFIX__, #cname)) -# define _INTL_ASMNAME(prefix,cnamestring) _INTL_STRINGIFY (prefix) cnamestring -# define _INTL_STRINGIFY(prefix) #prefix -#else -# define _INTL_ASM(cname) -#endif - -/* Look up MSGID in the current default message catalog for the current - LC_MESSAGES locale. If not found, returns MSGID itself (the default - text). */ -#ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE -extern char *libintl_gettext (const char *__msgid); -static inline char *gettext (const char *__msgid) -{ - return libintl_gettext (__msgid); -} -#else -#ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS -# define gettext libintl_gettext -#endif -extern char *gettext (const char *__msgid) - _INTL_ASM (libintl_gettext); -#endif - -/* Look up MSGID in the DOMAINNAME message catalog for the current - LC_MESSAGES locale. */ -#ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE -extern char *libintl_dgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid); -static inline char *dgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid) -{ - return libintl_dgettext (__domainname, __msgid); -} -#else -#ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS -# define dgettext libintl_dgettext -#endif -extern char *dgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid) - _INTL_ASM (libintl_dgettext); -#endif - -/* Look up MSGID in the DOMAINNAME message catalog for the current CATEGORY - locale. */ -#ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE -extern char *libintl_dcgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid, - int __category); -static inline char *dcgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid, - int __category) -{ - return libintl_dcgettext (__domainname, __msgid, __category); -} -#else -#ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS -# define dcgettext libintl_dcgettext -#endif -extern char *dcgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid, - int __category) - _INTL_ASM (libintl_dcgettext); -#endif - - -/* Similar to `gettext' but select the plural form corresponding to the - number N. */ -#ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE -extern char *libintl_ngettext (const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, - unsigned long int __n); -static inline char *ngettext (const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, - unsigned long int __n) -{ - return libintl_ngettext (__msgid1, __msgid2, __n); -} -#else -#ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS -# define ngettext libintl_ngettext -#endif -extern char *ngettext (const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, - unsigned long int __n) - _INTL_ASM (libintl_ngettext); -#endif - -/* Similar to `dgettext' but select the plural form corresponding to the - number N. */ -#ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE -extern char *libintl_dngettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid1, - const char *__msgid2, unsigned long int __n); -static inline char *dngettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid1, - const char *__msgid2, unsigned long int __n) -{ - return libintl_dngettext (__domainname, __msgid1, __msgid2, __n); -} -#else -#ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS -# define dngettext libintl_dngettext -#endif -extern char *dngettext (const char *__domainname, - const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, - unsigned long int __n) - _INTL_ASM (libintl_dngettext); -#endif - -/* Similar to `dcgettext' but select the plural form corresponding to the - number N. */ -#ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE -extern char *libintl_dcngettext (const char *__domainname, - const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, - unsigned long int __n, int __category); -static inline char *dcngettext (const char *__domainname, - const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, - unsigned long int __n, int __category) -{ - return libintl_dcngettext (__domainname, __msgid1, __msgid2, __n, __category); -} -#else -#ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS -# define dcngettext libintl_dcngettext -#endif -extern char *dcngettext (const char *__domainname, - const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, - unsigned long int __n, int __category) - _INTL_ASM (libintl_dcngettext); -#endif - - -/* Set the current default message catalog to DOMAINNAME. - If DOMAINNAME is null, return the current default. - If DOMAINNAME is "", reset to the default of "messages". */ -#ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE -extern char *libintl_textdomain (const char *__domainname); -static inline char *textdomain (const char *__domainname) -{ - return libintl_textdomain (__domainname); -} -#else -#ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS -# define textdomain libintl_textdomain -#endif -extern char *textdomain (const char *__domainname) - _INTL_ASM (libintl_textdomain); -#endif - -/* Specify that the DOMAINNAME message catalog will be found - in DIRNAME rather than in the system locale data base. */ -#ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE -extern char *libintl_bindtextdomain (const char *__domainname, - const char *__dirname); -static inline char *bindtextdomain (const char *__domainname, - const char *__dirname) -{ - return libintl_bindtextdomain (__domainname, __dirname); -} -#else -#ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS -# define bindtextdomain libintl_bindtextdomain -#endif -extern char *bindtextdomain (const char *__domainname, const char *__dirname) - _INTL_ASM (libintl_bindtextdomain); -#endif - -/* Specify the character encoding in which the messages from the - DOMAINNAME message catalog will be returned. */ -#ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE -extern char *libintl_bind_textdomain_codeset (const char *__domainname, - const char *__codeset); -static inline char *bind_textdomain_codeset (const char *__domainname, - const char *__codeset) -{ - return libintl_bind_textdomain_codeset (__domainname, __codeset); -} -#else -#ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS -# define bind_textdomain_codeset libintl_bind_textdomain_codeset -#endif -extern char *bind_textdomain_codeset (const char *__domainname, - const char *__codeset) - _INTL_ASM (libintl_bind_textdomain_codeset); -#endif - - -/* Support for format strings with positions in *printf(), following the - POSIX/XSI specification. - Note: These replacements for the *printf() functions are visible only - in source files that #include or #include "gettext.h". - Packages that use *printf() in source files that don't refer to _() - or gettext() but for which the format string could be the return value - of _() or gettext() need to add this #include. Oh well. */ - -#if !@HAVE_POSIX_PRINTF@ - -#include -#include - -/* Get va_list. */ -#if __STDC__ || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER -# include -#else -# include -#endif - -#undef fprintf -#define fprintf libintl_fprintf -extern int fprintf (FILE *, const char *, ...); -#undef vfprintf -#define vfprintf libintl_vfprintf -extern int vfprintf (FILE *, const char *, va_list); - -#undef printf -#define printf libintl_printf -extern int printf (const char *, ...); -#undef vprintf -#define vprintf libintl_vprintf -extern int vprintf (const char *, va_list); - -#undef sprintf -#define sprintf libintl_sprintf -extern int sprintf (char *, const char *, ...); -#undef vsprintf -#define vsprintf libintl_vsprintf -extern int vsprintf (char *, const char *, va_list); - -#if @HAVE_SNPRINTF@ - -#undef snprintf -#define snprintf libintl_snprintf -extern int snprintf (char *, size_t, const char *, ...); -#undef vsnprintf -#define vsnprintf libintl_vsnprintf -extern int vsnprintf (char *, size_t, const char *, va_list); - -#endif - -#if @HAVE_ASPRINTF@ - -#undef asprintf -#define asprintf libintl_asprintf -extern int asprintf (char **, const char *, ...); -#undef vasprintf -#define vasprintf libintl_vasprintf -extern int vasprintf (char **, const char *, va_list); - -#endif - -#if @HAVE_WPRINTF@ - -#undef fwprintf -#define fwprintf libintl_fwprintf -extern int fwprintf (FILE *, const wchar_t *, ...); -#undef vfwprintf -#define vfwprintf libintl_vfwprintf -extern int vfwprintf (FILE *, const wchar_t *, va_list); - -#undef wprintf -#define wprintf libintl_wprintf -extern int wprintf (const wchar_t *, ...); -#undef vwprintf -#define vwprintf libintl_vwprintf -extern int vwprintf (const wchar_t *, va_list); - -#undef swprintf -#define swprintf libintl_swprintf -extern int swprintf (wchar_t *, size_t, const wchar_t *, ...); -#undef vswprintf -#define vswprintf libintl_vswprintf -extern int vswprintf (wchar_t *, size_t, const wchar_t *, va_list); - -#endif - -#endif - - -/* Support for relocatable packages. */ - -/* Sets the original and the current installation prefix of the package. - Relocation simply replaces a pathname starting with the original prefix - by the corresponding pathname with the current prefix instead. Both - prefixes should be directory names without trailing slash (i.e. use "" - instead of "/"). */ -#define libintl_set_relocation_prefix libintl_set_relocation_prefix -extern void - libintl_set_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix, - const char *curr_prefix); - - -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#endif /* libintl.h */ diff --git a/webcit/intl/loadinfo.h b/webcit/intl/loadinfo.h deleted file mode 100644 index 65e5ebd1f..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/loadinfo.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ -/* Copyright (C) 1996-1999, 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - This file is part of the GNU C Library. - Contributed by Ulrich Drepper , 1996. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifndef _LOADINFO_H -#define _LOADINFO_H 1 - -/* Declarations of locale dependent catalog lookup functions. - Implemented in - - localealias.c Possibly replace a locale name by another. - explodename.c Split a locale name into its various fields. - l10nflist.c Generate a list of filenames of possible message catalogs. - finddomain.c Find and open the relevant message catalogs. - - The main function _nl_find_domain() in finddomain.c is declared - in gettextP.h. - */ - -#ifndef internal_function -# define internal_function -#endif - -/* Tell the compiler when a conditional or integer expression is - almost always true or almost always false. */ -#ifndef HAVE_BUILTIN_EXPECT -# define __builtin_expect(expr, val) (expr) -#endif - -/* Separator in PATH like lists of pathnames. */ -#if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined __EMX__ || defined __DJGPP__ - /* Win32, OS/2, DOS */ -# define PATH_SEPARATOR ';' -#else - /* Unix */ -# define PATH_SEPARATOR ':' -#endif - -/* Encoding of locale name parts. */ -#define CEN_REVISION 1 -#define CEN_SPONSOR 2 -#define CEN_SPECIAL 4 -#define XPG_NORM_CODESET 8 -#define XPG_CODESET 16 -#define TERRITORY 32 -#define CEN_AUDIENCE 64 -#define XPG_MODIFIER 128 - -#define CEN_SPECIFIC (CEN_REVISION|CEN_SPONSOR|CEN_SPECIAL|CEN_AUDIENCE) -#define XPG_SPECIFIC (XPG_CODESET|XPG_NORM_CODESET|XPG_MODIFIER) - - -struct loaded_l10nfile -{ - const char *filename; - int decided; - - const void *data; - - struct loaded_l10nfile *next; - struct loaded_l10nfile *successor[1]; -}; - - -/* Normalize codeset name. There is no standard for the codeset - names. Normalization allows the user to use any of the common - names. The return value is dynamically allocated and has to be - freed by the caller. */ -extern const char *_nl_normalize_codeset (const char *codeset, - size_t name_len); - -/* Lookup a locale dependent file. - *L10NFILE_LIST denotes a pool of lookup results of locale dependent - files of the same kind, sorted in decreasing order of ->filename. - DIRLIST and DIRLIST_LEN are an argz list of directories in which to - look, containing at least one directory (i.e. DIRLIST_LEN > 0). - MASK, LANGUAGE, TERRITORY, CODESET, NORMALIZED_CODESET, MODIFIER, - SPECIAL, SPONSOR, REVISION are the pieces of the locale name, as - produced by _nl_explode_name(). FILENAME is the filename suffix. - The return value is the lookup result, either found in *L10NFILE_LIST, - or - if DO_ALLOCATE is nonzero - freshly allocated, or possibly NULL. - If the return value is non-NULL, it is added to *L10NFILE_LIST, and - its ->next field denotes the chaining inside *L10NFILE_LIST, and - furthermore its ->successor[] field contains a list of other lookup - results from which this lookup result inherits. */ -extern struct loaded_l10nfile * -_nl_make_l10nflist (struct loaded_l10nfile **l10nfile_list, - const char *dirlist, size_t dirlist_len, int mask, - const char *language, const char *territory, - const char *codeset, const char *normalized_codeset, - const char *modifier, const char *special, - const char *sponsor, const char *revision, - const char *filename, int do_allocate); - -/* Lookup the real locale name for a locale alias NAME, or NULL if - NAME is not a locale alias (but possibly a real locale name). - The return value is statically allocated and must not be freed. */ -extern const char *_nl_expand_alias (const char *name); - -/* Split a locale name NAME into its pieces: language, modifier, - territory, codeset, special, sponsor, revision. - NAME gets destructively modified: NUL bytes are inserted here and - there. *LANGUAGE gets assigned NAME. Each of *MODIFIER, *TERRITORY, - *CODESET, *SPECIAL, *SPONSOR, *REVISION gets assigned either a - pointer into the old NAME string, or NULL. *NORMALIZED_CODESET - gets assigned the expanded *CODESET, if it is different from *CODESET; - this one is dynamically allocated and has to be freed by the caller. - The return value is a bitmask, where each bit corresponds to one - filled-in value: - XPG_MODIFIER, CEN_AUDIENCE for *MODIFIER, - TERRITORY for *TERRITORY, - XPG_CODESET for *CODESET, - XPG_NORM_CODESET for *NORMALIZED_CODESET, - CEN_SPECIAL for *SPECIAL, - CEN_SPONSOR for *SPONSOR, - CEN_REVISION for *REVISION. - */ -extern int _nl_explode_name (char *name, const char **language, - const char **modifier, const char **territory, - const char **codeset, - const char **normalized_codeset, - const char **special, const char **sponsor, - const char **revision); - -/* Split a locale name NAME into a leading language part and all the - rest. Return a pointer to the first character after the language, - i.e. to the first byte of the rest. */ -extern char *_nl_find_language (const char *name); - -#endif /* loadinfo.h */ diff --git a/webcit/intl/loadmsgcat.c b/webcit/intl/loadmsgcat.c deleted file mode 100644 index 99c51b4c5..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/loadmsgcat.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1420 +0,0 @@ -/* Load needed message catalogs. - Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -/* Tell glibc's to provide a prototype for mempcpy(). - This must come before because may include - , and once has been included, it's too late. */ -#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE -# define _GNU_SOURCE 1 -#endif - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#ifdef __GNUC__ -# undef alloca -# define alloca __builtin_alloca -# define HAVE_ALLOCA 1 -#else -# ifdef _MSC_VER -# include -# define alloca _alloca -# else -# if defined HAVE_ALLOCA_H || defined _LIBC -# include -# else -# ifdef _AIX - #pragma alloca -# else -# ifndef alloca -char *alloca (); -# endif -# endif -# endif -# endif -#endif - -#include -#include - -#if defined HAVE_UNISTD_H || defined _LIBC -# include -#endif - -#ifdef _LIBC -# include -# include -#endif - -#if (defined HAVE_MMAP && defined HAVE_MUNMAP && !defined DISALLOW_MMAP) \ - || (defined _LIBC && defined _POSIX_MAPPED_FILES) -# include -# undef HAVE_MMAP -# define HAVE_MMAP 1 -#else -# undef HAVE_MMAP -#endif - -#if defined HAVE_STDINT_H_WITH_UINTMAX || defined _LIBC -# include -#endif -#if defined HAVE_INTTYPES_H || defined _LIBC -# include -#endif - -#include "gmo.h" -#include "gettextP.h" -#include "hash-string.h" -#include "plural-exp.h" - -#ifdef _LIBC -# include "../locale/localeinfo.h" -#endif - -/* Provide fallback values for macros that ought to be defined in . - Note that our fallback values need not be literal strings, because we don't - use them with preprocessor string concatenation. */ -#if !defined PRId8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRId8 -# define PRId8 "d" -#endif -#if !defined PRIi8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIi8 -# define PRIi8 "i" -#endif -#if !defined PRIo8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIo8 -# define PRIo8 "o" -#endif -#if !defined PRIu8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIu8 -# define PRIu8 "u" -#endif -#if !defined PRIx8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIx8 -# define PRIx8 "x" -#endif -#if !defined PRIX8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIX8 -# define PRIX8 "X" -#endif -#if !defined PRId16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRId16 -# define PRId16 "d" -#endif -#if !defined PRIi16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIi16 -# define PRIi16 "i" -#endif -#if !defined PRIo16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIo16 -# define PRIo16 "o" -#endif -#if !defined PRIu16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIu16 -# define PRIu16 "u" -#endif -#if !defined PRIx16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIx16 -# define PRIx16 "x" -#endif -#if !defined PRIX16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIX16 -# define PRIX16 "X" -#endif -#if !defined PRId32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRId32 -# define PRId32 "d" -#endif -#if !defined PRIi32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIi32 -# define PRIi32 "i" -#endif -#if !defined PRIo32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIo32 -# define PRIo32 "o" -#endif -#if !defined PRIu32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIu32 -# define PRIu32 "u" -#endif -#if !defined PRIx32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIx32 -# define PRIx32 "x" -#endif -#if !defined PRIX32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIX32 -# define PRIX32 "X" -#endif -#if !defined PRId64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRId64 -# define PRId64 (sizeof (long) == 8 ? "ld" : "lld") -#endif -#if !defined PRIi64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIi64 -# define PRIi64 (sizeof (long) == 8 ? "li" : "lli") -#endif -#if !defined PRIo64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIo64 -# define PRIo64 (sizeof (long) == 8 ? "lo" : "llo") -#endif -#if !defined PRIu64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIu64 -# define PRIu64 (sizeof (long) == 8 ? "lu" : "llu") -#endif -#if !defined PRIx64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIx64 -# define PRIx64 (sizeof (long) == 8 ? "lx" : "llx") -#endif -#if !defined PRIX64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIX64 -# define PRIX64 (sizeof (long) == 8 ? "lX" : "llX") -#endif -#if !defined PRIdLEAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIdLEAST8 -# define PRIdLEAST8 "d" -#endif -#if !defined PRIiLEAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIiLEAST8 -# define PRIiLEAST8 "i" -#endif -#if !defined PRIoLEAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIoLEAST8 -# define PRIoLEAST8 "o" -#endif -#if !defined PRIuLEAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIuLEAST8 -# define PRIuLEAST8 "u" -#endif -#if !defined PRIxLEAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIxLEAST8 -# define PRIxLEAST8 "x" -#endif -#if !defined PRIXLEAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIXLEAST8 -# define PRIXLEAST8 "X" -#endif -#if !defined PRIdLEAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIdLEAST16 -# define PRIdLEAST16 "d" -#endif -#if !defined PRIiLEAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIiLEAST16 -# define PRIiLEAST16 "i" -#endif -#if !defined PRIoLEAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIoLEAST16 -# define PRIoLEAST16 "o" -#endif -#if !defined PRIuLEAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIuLEAST16 -# define PRIuLEAST16 "u" -#endif -#if !defined PRIxLEAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIxLEAST16 -# define PRIxLEAST16 "x" -#endif -#if !defined PRIXLEAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIXLEAST16 -# define PRIXLEAST16 "X" -#endif -#if !defined PRIdLEAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIdLEAST32 -# define PRIdLEAST32 "d" -#endif -#if !defined PRIiLEAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIiLEAST32 -# define PRIiLEAST32 "i" -#endif -#if !defined PRIoLEAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIoLEAST32 -# define PRIoLEAST32 "o" -#endif -#if !defined PRIuLEAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIuLEAST32 -# define PRIuLEAST32 "u" -#endif -#if !defined PRIxLEAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIxLEAST32 -# define PRIxLEAST32 "x" -#endif -#if !defined PRIXLEAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIXLEAST32 -# define PRIXLEAST32 "X" -#endif -#if !defined PRIdLEAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIdLEAST64 -# define PRIdLEAST64 PRId64 -#endif -#if !defined PRIiLEAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIiLEAST64 -# define PRIiLEAST64 PRIi64 -#endif -#if !defined PRIoLEAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIoLEAST64 -# define PRIoLEAST64 PRIo64 -#endif -#if !defined PRIuLEAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIuLEAST64 -# define PRIuLEAST64 PRIu64 -#endif -#if !defined PRIxLEAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIxLEAST64 -# define PRIxLEAST64 PRIx64 -#endif -#if !defined PRIXLEAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIXLEAST64 -# define PRIXLEAST64 PRIX64 -#endif -#if !defined PRIdFAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIdFAST8 -# define PRIdFAST8 "d" -#endif -#if !defined PRIiFAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIiFAST8 -# define PRIiFAST8 "i" -#endif -#if !defined PRIoFAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIoFAST8 -# define PRIoFAST8 "o" -#endif -#if !defined PRIuFAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIuFAST8 -# define PRIuFAST8 "u" -#endif -#if !defined PRIxFAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIxFAST8 -# define PRIxFAST8 "x" -#endif -#if !defined PRIXFAST8 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIXFAST8 -# define PRIXFAST8 "X" -#endif -#if !defined PRIdFAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIdFAST16 -# define PRIdFAST16 "d" -#endif -#if !defined PRIiFAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIiFAST16 -# define PRIiFAST16 "i" -#endif -#if !defined PRIoFAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIoFAST16 -# define PRIoFAST16 "o" -#endif -#if !defined PRIuFAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIuFAST16 -# define PRIuFAST16 "u" -#endif -#if !defined PRIxFAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIxFAST16 -# define PRIxFAST16 "x" -#endif -#if !defined PRIXFAST16 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIXFAST16 -# define PRIXFAST16 "X" -#endif -#if !defined PRIdFAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIdFAST32 -# define PRIdFAST32 "d" -#endif -#if !defined PRIiFAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIiFAST32 -# define PRIiFAST32 "i" -#endif -#if !defined PRIoFAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIoFAST32 -# define PRIoFAST32 "o" -#endif -#if !defined PRIuFAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIuFAST32 -# define PRIuFAST32 "u" -#endif -#if !defined PRIxFAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIxFAST32 -# define PRIxFAST32 "x" -#endif -#if !defined PRIXFAST32 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIXFAST32 -# define PRIXFAST32 "X" -#endif -#if !defined PRIdFAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIdFAST64 -# define PRIdFAST64 PRId64 -#endif -#if !defined PRIiFAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIiFAST64 -# define PRIiFAST64 PRIi64 -#endif -#if !defined PRIoFAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIoFAST64 -# define PRIoFAST64 PRIo64 -#endif -#if !defined PRIuFAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIuFAST64 -# define PRIuFAST64 PRIu64 -#endif -#if !defined PRIxFAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIxFAST64 -# define PRIxFAST64 PRIx64 -#endif -#if !defined PRIXFAST64 || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIXFAST64 -# define PRIXFAST64 PRIX64 -#endif -#if !defined PRIdMAX || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIdMAX -# define PRIdMAX (sizeof (uintmax_t) == sizeof (long) ? "ld" : "lld") -#endif -#if !defined PRIiMAX || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIiMAX -# define PRIiMAX (sizeof (uintmax_t) == sizeof (long) ? "li" : "lli") -#endif -#if !defined PRIoMAX || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIoMAX -# define PRIoMAX (sizeof (uintmax_t) == sizeof (long) ? "lo" : "llo") -#endif -#if !defined PRIuMAX || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIuMAX -# define PRIuMAX (sizeof (uintmax_t) == sizeof (long) ? "lu" : "llu") -#endif -#if !defined PRIxMAX || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIxMAX -# define PRIxMAX (sizeof (uintmax_t) == sizeof (long) ? "lx" : "llx") -#endif -#if !defined PRIXMAX || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIXMAX -# define PRIXMAX (sizeof (uintmax_t) == sizeof (long) ? "lX" : "llX") -#endif -#if !defined PRIdPTR || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIdPTR -# define PRIdPTR \ - (sizeof (void *) == sizeof (long) ? "ld" : \ - sizeof (void *) == sizeof (int) ? "d" : \ - "lld") -#endif -#if !defined PRIiPTR || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIiPTR -# define PRIiPTR \ - (sizeof (void *) == sizeof (long) ? "li" : \ - sizeof (void *) == sizeof (int) ? "i" : \ - "lli") -#endif -#if !defined PRIoPTR || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIoPTR -# define PRIoPTR \ - (sizeof (void *) == sizeof (long) ? "lo" : \ - sizeof (void *) == sizeof (int) ? "o" : \ - "llo") -#endif -#if !defined PRIuPTR || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIuPTR -# define PRIuPTR \ - (sizeof (void *) == sizeof (long) ? "lu" : \ - sizeof (void *) == sizeof (int) ? "u" : \ - "llu") -#endif -#if !defined PRIxPTR || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIxPTR -# define PRIxPTR \ - (sizeof (void *) == sizeof (long) ? "lx" : \ - sizeof (void *) == sizeof (int) ? "x" : \ - "llx") -#endif -#if !defined PRIXPTR || PRI_MACROS_BROKEN -# undef PRIXPTR -# define PRIXPTR \ - (sizeof (void *) == sizeof (long) ? "lX" : \ - sizeof (void *) == sizeof (int) ? "X" : \ - "llX") -#endif - -/* @@ end of prolog @@ */ - -#ifdef _LIBC -/* Rename the non ISO C functions. This is required by the standard - because some ISO C functions will require linking with this object - file and the name space must not be polluted. */ -# define open __open -# define close __close -# define read __read -# define mmap __mmap -# define munmap __munmap -#endif - -/* For those losing systems which don't have `alloca' we have to add - some additional code emulating it. */ -#ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA -# define freea(p) /* nothing */ -#else -# define alloca(n) malloc (n) -# define freea(p) free (p) -#endif - -/* For systems that distinguish between text and binary I/O. - O_BINARY is usually declared in . */ -#if !defined O_BINARY && defined _O_BINARY - /* For MSC-compatible compilers. */ -# define O_BINARY _O_BINARY -# define O_TEXT _O_TEXT -#endif -#ifdef __BEOS__ - /* BeOS 5 has O_BINARY and O_TEXT, but they have no effect. */ -# undef O_BINARY -# undef O_TEXT -#endif -/* On reasonable systems, binary I/O is the default. */ -#ifndef O_BINARY -# define O_BINARY 0 -#endif - - -/* We need a sign, whether a new catalog was loaded, which can be associated - with all translations. This is important if the translations are - cached by one of GCC's features. */ -int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; - - -/* Expand a system dependent string segment. Return NULL if unsupported. */ -static const char * -get_sysdep_segment_value (const char *name) -{ - /* Test for an ISO C 99 section 7.8.1 format string directive. - Syntax: - P R I { d | i | o | u | x | X } - { { | LEAST | FAST } { 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 } | MAX | PTR } */ - /* We don't use a table of 14 times 6 'const char *' strings here, because - data relocations cost startup time. */ - if (name[0] == 'P' && name[1] == 'R' && name[2] == 'I') - { - if (name[3] == 'd' || name[3] == 'i' || name[3] == 'o' || name[3] == 'u' - || name[3] == 'x' || name[3] == 'X') - { - if (name[4] == '8' && name[5] == '\0') - { - if (name[3] == 'd') - return PRId8; - if (name[3] == 'i') - return PRIi8; - if (name[3] == 'o') - return PRIo8; - if (name[3] == 'u') - return PRIu8; - if (name[3] == 'x') - return PRIx8; - if (name[3] == 'X') - return PRIX8; - abort (); - } - if (name[4] == '1' && name[5] == '6' && name[6] == '\0') - { - if (name[3] == 'd') - return PRId16; - if (name[3] == 'i') - return PRIi16; - if (name[3] == 'o') - return PRIo16; - if (name[3] == 'u') - return PRIu16; - if (name[3] == 'x') - return PRIx16; - if (name[3] == 'X') - return PRIX16; - abort (); - } - if (name[4] == '3' && name[5] == '2' && name[6] == '\0') - { - if (name[3] == 'd') - return PRId32; - if (name[3] == 'i') - return PRIi32; - if (name[3] == 'o') - return PRIo32; - if (name[3] == 'u') - return PRIu32; - if (name[3] == 'x') - return PRIx32; - if (name[3] == 'X') - return PRIX32; - abort (); - } - if (name[4] == '6' && name[5] == '4' && name[6] == '\0') - { - if (name[3] == 'd') - return PRId64; - if (name[3] == 'i') - return PRIi64; - if (name[3] == 'o') - return PRIo64; - if (name[3] == 'u') - return PRIu64; - if (name[3] == 'x') - return PRIx64; - if (name[3] == 'X') - return PRIX64; - abort (); - } - if (name[4] == 'L' && name[5] == 'E' && name[6] == 'A' - && name[7] == 'S' && name[8] == 'T') - { - if (name[9] == '8' && name[10] == '\0') - { - if (name[3] == 'd') - return PRIdLEAST8; - if (name[3] == 'i') - return PRIiLEAST8; - if (name[3] == 'o') - return PRIoLEAST8; - if (name[3] == 'u') - return PRIuLEAST8; - if (name[3] == 'x') - return PRIxLEAST8; - if (name[3] == 'X') - return PRIXLEAST8; - abort (); - } - if (name[9] == '1' && name[10] == '6' && name[11] == '\0') - { - if (name[3] == 'd') - return PRIdLEAST16; - if (name[3] == 'i') - return PRIiLEAST16; - if (name[3] == 'o') - return PRIoLEAST16; - if (name[3] == 'u') - return PRIuLEAST16; - if (name[3] == 'x') - return PRIxLEAST16; - if (name[3] == 'X') - return PRIXLEAST16; - abort (); - } - if (name[9] == '3' && name[10] == '2' && name[11] == '\0') - { - if (name[3] == 'd') - return PRIdLEAST32; - if (name[3] == 'i') - return PRIiLEAST32; - if (name[3] == 'o') - return PRIoLEAST32; - if (name[3] == 'u') - return PRIuLEAST32; - if (name[3] == 'x') - return PRIxLEAST32; - if (name[3] == 'X') - return PRIXLEAST32; - abort (); - } - if (name[9] == '6' && name[10] == '4' && name[11] == '\0') - { - if (name[3] == 'd') - return PRIdLEAST64; - if (name[3] == 'i') - return PRIiLEAST64; - if (name[3] == 'o') - return PRIoLEAST64; - if (name[3] == 'u') - return PRIuLEAST64; - if (name[3] == 'x') - return PRIxLEAST64; - if (name[3] == 'X') - return PRIXLEAST64; - abort (); - } - } - if (name[4] == 'F' && name[5] == 'A' && name[6] == 'S' - && name[7] == 'T') - { - if (name[8] == '8' && name[9] == '\0') - { - if (name[3] == 'd') - return PRIdFAST8; - if (name[3] == 'i') - return PRIiFAST8; - if (name[3] == 'o') - return PRIoFAST8; - if (name[3] == 'u') - return PRIuFAST8; - if (name[3] == 'x') - return PRIxFAST8; - if (name[3] == 'X') - return PRIXFAST8; - abort (); - } - if (name[8] == '1' && name[9] == '6' && name[10] == '\0') - { - if (name[3] == 'd') - return PRIdFAST16; - if (name[3] == 'i') - return PRIiFAST16; - if (name[3] == 'o') - return PRIoFAST16; - if (name[3] == 'u') - return PRIuFAST16; - if (name[3] == 'x') - return PRIxFAST16; - if (name[3] == 'X') - return PRIXFAST16; - abort (); - } - if (name[8] == '3' && name[9] == '2' && name[10] == '\0') - { - if (name[3] == 'd') - return PRIdFAST32; - if (name[3] == 'i') - return PRIiFAST32; - if (name[3] == 'o') - return PRIoFAST32; - if (name[3] == 'u') - return PRIuFAST32; - if (name[3] == 'x') - return PRIxFAST32; - if (name[3] == 'X') - return PRIXFAST32; - abort (); - } - if (name[8] == '6' && name[9] == '4' && name[10] == '\0') - { - if (name[3] == 'd') - return PRIdFAST64; - if (name[3] == 'i') - return PRIiFAST64; - if (name[3] == 'o') - return PRIoFAST64; - if (name[3] == 'u') - return PRIuFAST64; - if (name[3] == 'x') - return PRIxFAST64; - if (name[3] == 'X') - return PRIXFAST64; - abort (); - } - } - if (name[4] == 'M' && name[5] == 'A' && name[6] == 'X' - && name[7] == '\0') - { - if (name[3] == 'd') - return PRIdMAX; - if (name[3] == 'i') - return PRIiMAX; - if (name[3] == 'o') - return PRIoMAX; - if (name[3] == 'u') - return PRIuMAX; - if (name[3] == 'x') - return PRIxMAX; - if (name[3] == 'X') - return PRIXMAX; - abort (); - } - if (name[4] == 'P' && name[5] == 'T' && name[6] == 'R' - && name[7] == '\0') - { - if (name[3] == 'd') - return PRIdPTR; - if (name[3] == 'i') - return PRIiPTR; - if (name[3] == 'o') - return PRIoPTR; - if (name[3] == 'u') - return PRIuPTR; - if (name[3] == 'x') - return PRIxPTR; - if (name[3] == 'X') - return PRIXPTR; - abort (); - } - } - } - /* Test for a glibc specific printf() format directive flag. */ - if (name[0] == 'I' && name[1] == '\0') - { -#if defined _LIBC || __GLIBC__ > 2 || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 2) - /* The 'I' flag, in numeric format directives, replaces ASCII digits - with the 'outdigits' defined in the LC_CTYPE locale facet. This is - used for Farsi (Persian) and maybe Arabic. */ - return "I"; -#else - return ""; -#endif - } - /* Other system dependent strings are not valid. */ - return NULL; -} - -/* Initialize the codeset dependent parts of an opened message catalog. - Return the header entry. */ -const char * -internal_function -_nl_init_domain_conv (struct loaded_l10nfile *domain_file, - struct loaded_domain *domain, - struct binding *domainbinding) -{ - /* Find out about the character set the file is encoded with. - This can be found (in textual form) in the entry "". If this - entry does not exist or if this does not contain the `charset=' - information, we will assume the charset matches the one the - current locale and we don't have to perform any conversion. */ - char *nullentry; - size_t nullentrylen; - - /* Preinitialize fields, to avoid recursion during _nl_find_msg. */ - domain->codeset_cntr = - (domainbinding != NULL ? domainbinding->codeset_cntr : 0); -#ifdef _LIBC - domain->conv = (__gconv_t) -1; -#else -# if HAVE_ICONV - domain->conv = (iconv_t) -1; -# endif -#endif - domain->conv_tab = NULL; - - /* Get the header entry. */ - nullentry = _nl_find_msg (domain_file, domainbinding, "", &nullentrylen); - - if (nullentry != NULL) - { -#if defined _LIBC || HAVE_ICONV - const char *charsetstr; - - charsetstr = strstr (nullentry, "charset="); - if (charsetstr != NULL) - { - size_t len; - char *charset; - const char *outcharset; - - charsetstr += strlen ("charset="); - len = strcspn (charsetstr, " \t\n"); - - charset = (char *) alloca (len + 1); -# if defined _LIBC || HAVE_MEMPCPY - *((char *) mempcpy (charset, charsetstr, len)) = '\0'; -# else - memcpy (charset, charsetstr, len); - charset[len] = '\0'; -# endif - - /* The output charset should normally be determined by the - locale. But sometimes the locale is not used or not correctly - set up, so we provide a possibility for the user to override - this. Moreover, the value specified through - bind_textdomain_codeset overrides both. */ - if (domainbinding != NULL && domainbinding->codeset != NULL) - outcharset = domainbinding->codeset; - else - { - outcharset = getenv ("OUTPUT_CHARSET"); - if (outcharset == NULL || outcharset[0] == '\0') - { -# ifdef _LIBC - outcharset = _NL_CURRENT (LC_CTYPE, CODESET); -# else -# if HAVE_ICONV - extern const char *locale_charset (void); - outcharset = locale_charset (); -# endif -# endif - } - } - -# ifdef _LIBC - /* We always want to use transliteration. */ - outcharset = norm_add_slashes (outcharset, "TRANSLIT"); - charset = norm_add_slashes (charset, NULL); - if (__gconv_open (outcharset, charset, &domain->conv, - GCONV_AVOID_NOCONV) - != __GCONV_OK) - domain->conv = (__gconv_t) -1; -# else -# if HAVE_ICONV - /* When using GNU libc >= 2.2 or GNU libiconv >= 1.5, - we want to use transliteration. */ -# if (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 2) || __GLIBC__ > 2 \ - || _LIBICONV_VERSION >= 0x0105 - if (strchr (outcharset, '/') == NULL) - { - char *tmp; - - len = strlen (outcharset); - tmp = (char *) alloca (len + 10 + 1); - memcpy (tmp, outcharset, len); - memcpy (tmp + len, "//TRANSLIT", 10 + 1); - outcharset = tmp; - - domain->conv = iconv_open (outcharset, charset); - - freea (outcharset); - } - else -# endif - domain->conv = iconv_open (outcharset, charset); -# endif -# endif - - freea (charset); - } -#endif /* _LIBC || HAVE_ICONV */ - } - - return nullentry; -} - -/* Frees the codeset dependent parts of an opened message catalog. */ -void -internal_function -_nl_free_domain_conv (struct loaded_domain *domain) -{ - if (domain->conv_tab != NULL && domain->conv_tab != (char **) -1) - free (domain->conv_tab); - -#ifdef _LIBC - if (domain->conv != (__gconv_t) -1) - __gconv_close (domain->conv); -#else -# if HAVE_ICONV - if (domain->conv != (iconv_t) -1) - iconv_close (domain->conv); -# endif -#endif -} - -/* Load the message catalogs specified by FILENAME. If it is no valid - message catalog do nothing. */ -void -internal_function -_nl_load_domain (struct loaded_l10nfile *domain_file, - struct binding *domainbinding) -{ - int fd; - size_t size; -#ifdef _LIBC - struct stat64 st; -#else - struct stat st; -#endif - struct mo_file_header *data = (struct mo_file_header *) -1; - int use_mmap = 0; - struct loaded_domain *domain; - int revision; - const char *nullentry; - - domain_file->decided = 1; - domain_file->data = NULL; - - /* Note that it would be useless to store domainbinding in domain_file - because domainbinding might be == NULL now but != NULL later (after - a call to bind_textdomain_codeset). */ - - /* If the record does not represent a valid locale the FILENAME - might be NULL. This can happen when according to the given - specification the locale file name is different for XPG and CEN - syntax. */ - if (domain_file->filename == NULL) - return; - - /* Try to open the addressed file. */ - fd = open (domain_file->filename, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); - if (fd == -1) - return; - - /* We must know about the size of the file. */ - if ( -#ifdef _LIBC - __builtin_expect (fstat64 (fd, &st) != 0, 0) -#else - __builtin_expect (fstat (fd, &st) != 0, 0) -#endif - || __builtin_expect ((size = (size_t) st.st_size) != st.st_size, 0) - || __builtin_expect (size < sizeof (struct mo_file_header), 0)) - { - /* Something went wrong. */ - close (fd); - return; - } - -#ifdef HAVE_MMAP - /* Now we are ready to load the file. If mmap() is available we try - this first. If not available or it failed we try to load it. */ - data = (struct mo_file_header *) mmap (NULL, size, PROT_READ, - MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0); - - if (__builtin_expect (data != (struct mo_file_header *) -1, 1)) - { - /* mmap() call was successful. */ - close (fd); - use_mmap = 1; - } -#endif - - /* If the data is not yet available (i.e. mmap'ed) we try to load - it manually. */ - if (data == (struct mo_file_header *) -1) - { - size_t to_read; - char *read_ptr; - - data = (struct mo_file_header *) malloc (size); - if (data == NULL) - return; - - to_read = size; - read_ptr = (char *) data; - do - { - long int nb = (long int) read (fd, read_ptr, to_read); - if (nb <= 0) - { -#ifdef EINTR - if (nb == -1 && errno == EINTR) - continue; -#endif - close (fd); - return; - } - read_ptr += nb; - to_read -= nb; - } - while (to_read > 0); - - close (fd); - } - - /* Using the magic number we can test whether it really is a message - catalog file. */ - if (__builtin_expect (data->magic != _MAGIC && data->magic != _MAGIC_SWAPPED, - 0)) - { - /* The magic number is wrong: not a message catalog file. */ -#ifdef HAVE_MMAP - if (use_mmap) - munmap ((caddr_t) data, size); - else -#endif - free (data); - return; - } - - domain = (struct loaded_domain *) malloc (sizeof (struct loaded_domain)); - if (domain == NULL) - return; - domain_file->data = domain; - - domain->data = (char *) data; - domain->use_mmap = use_mmap; - domain->mmap_size = size; - domain->must_swap = data->magic != _MAGIC; - domain->malloced = NULL; - - /* Fill in the information about the available tables. */ - revision = W (domain->must_swap, data->revision); - /* We support only the major revisions 0 and 1. */ - switch (revision >> 16) - { - case 0: - case 1: - domain->nstrings = W (domain->must_swap, data->nstrings); - domain->orig_tab = (const struct string_desc *) - ((char *) data + W (domain->must_swap, data->orig_tab_offset)); - domain->trans_tab = (const struct string_desc *) - ((char *) data + W (domain->must_swap, data->trans_tab_offset)); - domain->hash_size = W (domain->must_swap, data->hash_tab_size); - domain->hash_tab = - (domain->hash_size > 2 - ? (const nls_uint32 *) - ((char *) data + W (domain->must_swap, data->hash_tab_offset)) - : NULL); - domain->must_swap_hash_tab = domain->must_swap; - - /* Now dispatch on the minor revision. */ - switch (revision & 0xffff) - { - case 0: - domain->n_sysdep_strings = 0; - domain->orig_sysdep_tab = NULL; - domain->trans_sysdep_tab = NULL; - break; - case 1: - default: - { - nls_uint32 n_sysdep_strings; - - if (domain->hash_tab == NULL) - /* This is invalid. These minor revisions need a hash table. */ - goto invalid; - - n_sysdep_strings = - W (domain->must_swap, data->n_sysdep_strings); - if (n_sysdep_strings > 0) - { - nls_uint32 n_sysdep_segments; - const struct sysdep_segment *sysdep_segments; - const char **sysdep_segment_values; - const nls_uint32 *orig_sysdep_tab; - const nls_uint32 *trans_sysdep_tab; - nls_uint32 n_inmem_sysdep_strings; - size_t memneed; - char *mem; - struct sysdep_string_desc *inmem_orig_sysdep_tab; - struct sysdep_string_desc *inmem_trans_sysdep_tab; - nls_uint32 *inmem_hash_tab; - unsigned int i, j; - - /* Get the values of the system dependent segments. */ - n_sysdep_segments = - W (domain->must_swap, data->n_sysdep_segments); - sysdep_segments = (const struct sysdep_segment *) - ((char *) data - + W (domain->must_swap, data->sysdep_segments_offset)); - sysdep_segment_values = - alloca (n_sysdep_segments * sizeof (const char *)); - for (i = 0; i < n_sysdep_segments; i++) - { - const char *name = - (char *) data - + W (domain->must_swap, sysdep_segments[i].offset); - nls_uint32 namelen = - W (domain->must_swap, sysdep_segments[i].length); - - if (!(namelen > 0 && name[namelen - 1] == '\0')) - { - freea (sysdep_segment_values); - goto invalid; - } - - sysdep_segment_values[i] = get_sysdep_segment_value (name); - } - - orig_sysdep_tab = (const nls_uint32 *) - ((char *) data - + W (domain->must_swap, data->orig_sysdep_tab_offset)); - trans_sysdep_tab = (const nls_uint32 *) - ((char *) data - + W (domain->must_swap, data->trans_sysdep_tab_offset)); - - /* Compute the amount of additional memory needed for the - system dependent strings and the augmented hash table. - At the same time, also drop string pairs which refer to - an undefined system dependent segment. */ - n_inmem_sysdep_strings = 0; - memneed = domain->hash_size * sizeof (nls_uint32); - for (i = 0; i < n_sysdep_strings; i++) - { - int valid = 1; - size_t needs[2]; - - for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) - { - const struct sysdep_string *sysdep_string = - (const struct sysdep_string *) - ((char *) data - + W (domain->must_swap, - j == 0 - ? orig_sysdep_tab[i] - : trans_sysdep_tab[i])); - size_t need = 0; - const struct segment_pair *p = sysdep_string->segments; - - if (W (domain->must_swap, p->sysdepref) != SEGMENTS_END) - for (p = sysdep_string->segments;; p++) - { - nls_uint32 sysdepref; - - need += W (domain->must_swap, p->segsize); - - sysdepref = W (domain->must_swap, p->sysdepref); - if (sysdepref == SEGMENTS_END) - break; - - if (sysdepref >= n_sysdep_segments) - { - /* Invalid. */ - freea (sysdep_segment_values); - goto invalid; - } - - if (sysdep_segment_values[sysdepref] == NULL) - { - /* This particular string pair is invalid. */ - valid = 0; - break; - } - - need += strlen (sysdep_segment_values[sysdepref]); - } - - needs[j] = need; - if (!valid) - break; - } - - if (valid) - { - n_inmem_sysdep_strings++; - memneed += needs[0] + needs[1]; - } - } - memneed += 2 * n_inmem_sysdep_strings - * sizeof (struct sysdep_string_desc); - - if (n_inmem_sysdep_strings > 0) - { - unsigned int k; - - /* Allocate additional memory. */ - mem = (char *) malloc (memneed); - if (mem == NULL) - goto invalid; - - domain->malloced = mem; - inmem_orig_sysdep_tab = (struct sysdep_string_desc *) mem; - mem += n_inmem_sysdep_strings - * sizeof (struct sysdep_string_desc); - inmem_trans_sysdep_tab = (struct sysdep_string_desc *) mem; - mem += n_inmem_sysdep_strings - * sizeof (struct sysdep_string_desc); - inmem_hash_tab = (nls_uint32 *) mem; - mem += domain->hash_size * sizeof (nls_uint32); - - /* Compute the system dependent strings. */ - k = 0; - for (i = 0; i < n_sysdep_strings; i++) - { - int valid = 1; - - for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) - { - const struct sysdep_string *sysdep_string = - (const struct sysdep_string *) - ((char *) data - + W (domain->must_swap, - j == 0 - ? orig_sysdep_tab[i] - : trans_sysdep_tab[i])); - const struct segment_pair *p = - sysdep_string->segments; - - if (W (domain->must_swap, p->sysdepref) - != SEGMENTS_END) - for (p = sysdep_string->segments;; p++) - { - nls_uint32 sysdepref; - - sysdepref = - W (domain->must_swap, p->sysdepref); - if (sysdepref == SEGMENTS_END) - break; - - if (sysdep_segment_values[sysdepref] == NULL) - { - /* This particular string pair is - invalid. */ - valid = 0; - break; - } - } - - if (!valid) - break; - } - - if (valid) - { - for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) - { - const struct sysdep_string *sysdep_string = - (const struct sysdep_string *) - ((char *) data - + W (domain->must_swap, - j == 0 - ? orig_sysdep_tab[i] - : trans_sysdep_tab[i])); - const char *static_segments = - (char *) data - + W (domain->must_swap, sysdep_string->offset); - const struct segment_pair *p = - sysdep_string->segments; - - /* Concatenate the segments, and fill - inmem_orig_sysdep_tab[k] (for j == 0) and - inmem_trans_sysdep_tab[k] (for j == 1). */ - - struct sysdep_string_desc *inmem_tab_entry = - (j == 0 - ? inmem_orig_sysdep_tab - : inmem_trans_sysdep_tab) - + k; - - if (W (domain->must_swap, p->sysdepref) - == SEGMENTS_END) - { - /* Only one static segment. */ - inmem_tab_entry->length = - W (domain->must_swap, p->segsize); - inmem_tab_entry->pointer = static_segments; - } - else - { - inmem_tab_entry->pointer = mem; - - for (p = sysdep_string->segments;; p++) - { - nls_uint32 segsize = - W (domain->must_swap, p->segsize); - nls_uint32 sysdepref = - W (domain->must_swap, p->sysdepref); - size_t n; - - if (segsize > 0) - { - memcpy (mem, static_segments, segsize); - mem += segsize; - static_segments += segsize; - } - - if (sysdepref == SEGMENTS_END) - break; - - n = strlen (sysdep_segment_values[sysdepref]); - memcpy (mem, sysdep_segment_values[sysdepref], n); - mem += n; - } - - inmem_tab_entry->length = - mem - inmem_tab_entry->pointer; - } - } - - k++; - } - } - if (k != n_inmem_sysdep_strings) - abort (); - - /* Compute the augmented hash table. */ - for (i = 0; i < domain->hash_size; i++) - inmem_hash_tab[i] = - W (domain->must_swap_hash_tab, domain->hash_tab[i]); - for (i = 0; i < n_inmem_sysdep_strings; i++) - { - const char *msgid = inmem_orig_sysdep_tab[i].pointer; - nls_uint32 hash_val = hash_string (msgid); - nls_uint32 idx = hash_val % domain->hash_size; - nls_uint32 incr = - 1 + (hash_val % (domain->hash_size - 2)); - - for (;;) - { - if (inmem_hash_tab[idx] == 0) - { - /* Hash table entry is empty. Use it. */ - inmem_hash_tab[idx] = 1 + domain->nstrings + i; - break; - } - - if (idx >= domain->hash_size - incr) - idx -= domain->hash_size - incr; - else - idx += incr; - } - } - - domain->n_sysdep_strings = n_inmem_sysdep_strings; - domain->orig_sysdep_tab = inmem_orig_sysdep_tab; - domain->trans_sysdep_tab = inmem_trans_sysdep_tab; - - domain->hash_tab = inmem_hash_tab; - domain->must_swap_hash_tab = 0; - } - else - { - domain->n_sysdep_strings = 0; - domain->orig_sysdep_tab = NULL; - domain->trans_sysdep_tab = NULL; - } - - freea (sysdep_segment_values); - } - else - { - domain->n_sysdep_strings = 0; - domain->orig_sysdep_tab = NULL; - domain->trans_sysdep_tab = NULL; - } - } - break; - } - break; - default: - /* This is an invalid revision. */ - invalid: - /* This is an invalid .mo file. */ - if (domain->malloced) - free (domain->malloced); -#ifdef HAVE_MMAP - if (use_mmap) - munmap ((caddr_t) data, size); - else -#endif - free (data); - free (domain); - domain_file->data = NULL; - return; - } - - /* Now initialize the character set converter from the character set - the file is encoded with (found in the header entry) to the domain's - specified character set or the locale's character set. */ - nullentry = _nl_init_domain_conv (domain_file, domain, domainbinding); - - /* Also look for a plural specification. */ - EXTRACT_PLURAL_EXPRESSION (nullentry, &domain->plural, &domain->nplurals); -} - - -#ifdef _LIBC -void -internal_function -_nl_unload_domain (struct loaded_domain *domain) -{ - if (domain->plural != &__gettext_germanic_plural) - __gettext_free_exp (domain->plural); - - _nl_free_domain_conv (domain); - - if (domain->malloced) - free (domain->malloced); - -# ifdef _POSIX_MAPPED_FILES - if (domain->use_mmap) - munmap ((caddr_t) domain->data, domain->mmap_size); - else -# endif /* _POSIX_MAPPED_FILES */ - free ((void *) domain->data); - - free (domain); -} -#endif diff --git a/webcit/intl/localcharset.c b/webcit/intl/localcharset.c deleted file mode 100644 index 4865f1037..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/localcharset.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,398 +0,0 @@ -/* Determine a canonical name for the current locale's character encoding. - - Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -/* Written by Bruno Haible . */ - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -/* Specification. */ -#include "localcharset.h" - -#if HAVE_STDDEF_H -# include -#endif - -#include -#if HAVE_STRING_H -# include -#else -# include -#endif -#if HAVE_STDLIB_H -# include -#endif - -#if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ -# undef WIN32 /* avoid warning on mingw32 */ -# define WIN32 -#endif - -#if defined __EMX__ -/* Assume EMX program runs on OS/2, even if compiled under DOS. */ -# define OS2 -#endif - -#if !defined WIN32 -# if HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET -# include -# else -# if HAVE_SETLOCALE -# include -# endif -# endif -#elif defined WIN32 -# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -# include -#endif -#if defined OS2 -# define INCL_DOS -# include -#endif - -#if ENABLE_RELOCATABLE -# include "relocatable.h" -#else -# define relocate(pathname) (pathname) -#endif - -#if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined __EMX__ || defined __DJGPP__ - /* Win32, OS/2, DOS */ -# define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/' || (C) == '\\') -#endif - -#ifndef DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR -# define DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR '/' -#endif - -#ifndef ISSLASH -# define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) -#endif - -#if HAVE_DECL_GETC_UNLOCKED -# undef getc -# define getc getc_unlocked -#endif - -/* The following static variable is declared 'volatile' to avoid a - possible multithread problem in the function get_charset_aliases. If we - are running in a threaded environment, and if two threads initialize - 'charset_aliases' simultaneously, both will produce the same value, - and everything will be ok if the two assignments to 'charset_aliases' - are atomic. But I don't know what will happen if the two assignments mix. */ -#if __STDC__ != 1 -# define volatile /* empty */ -#endif -/* Pointer to the contents of the charset.alias file, if it has already been - read, else NULL. Its format is: - ALIAS_1 '\0' CANONICAL_1 '\0' ... ALIAS_n '\0' CANONICAL_n '\0' '\0' */ -static const char * volatile charset_aliases; - -/* Return a pointer to the contents of the charset.alias file. */ -static const char * -get_charset_aliases () -{ - const char *cp; - - cp = charset_aliases; - if (cp == NULL) - { -#if !(defined VMS || defined WIN32) - FILE *fp; - const char *dir = relocate (LIBDIR); - const char *base = "charset.alias"; - char *file_name; - - /* Concatenate dir and base into freshly allocated file_name. */ - { - size_t dir_len = strlen (dir); - size_t base_len = strlen (base); - int add_slash = (dir_len > 0 && !ISSLASH (dir[dir_len - 1])); - file_name = (char *) malloc (dir_len + add_slash + base_len + 1); - if (file_name != NULL) - { - memcpy (file_name, dir, dir_len); - if (add_slash) - file_name[dir_len] = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; - memcpy (file_name + dir_len + add_slash, base, base_len + 1); - } - } - - if (file_name == NULL || (fp = fopen (file_name, "r")) == NULL) - /* Out of memory or file not found, treat it as empty. */ - cp = ""; - else - { - /* Parse the file's contents. */ - int c; - char buf1[50+1]; - char buf2[50+1]; - char *res_ptr = NULL; - size_t res_size = 0; - size_t l1, l2; - - for (;;) - { - c = getc (fp); - if (c == EOF) - break; - if (c == '\n' || c == ' ' || c == '\t') - continue; - if (c == '#') - { - /* Skip comment, to end of line. */ - do - c = getc (fp); - while (!(c == EOF || c == '\n')); - if (c == EOF) - break; - continue; - } - ungetc (c, fp); - if (fscanf (fp, "%50s %50s", buf1, buf2) < 2) - break; - l1 = strlen (buf1); - l2 = strlen (buf2); - if (res_size == 0) - { - res_size = l1 + 1 + l2 + 1; - res_ptr = (char *) malloc (res_size + 1); - } - else - { - res_size += l1 + 1 + l2 + 1; - res_ptr = (char *) realloc (res_ptr, res_size + 1); - } - if (res_ptr == NULL) - { - /* Out of memory. */ - res_size = 0; - break; - } - strcpy (res_ptr + res_size - (l2 + 1) - (l1 + 1), buf1); - strcpy (res_ptr + res_size - (l2 + 1), buf2); - } - fclose (fp); - if (res_size == 0) - cp = ""; - else - { - *(res_ptr + res_size) = '\0'; - cp = res_ptr; - } - } - - if (file_name != NULL) - free (file_name); - -#else - -# if defined VMS - /* To avoid the troubles of an extra file charset.alias_vms in the - sources of many GNU packages, simply inline the aliases here. */ - /* The list of encodings is taken from the OpenVMS 7.3-1 documentation - "Compaq C Run-Time Library Reference Manual for OpenVMS systems" - section 10.7 "Handling Different Character Sets". */ - cp = "ISO8859-1" "\0" "ISO-8859-1" "\0" - "ISO8859-2" "\0" "ISO-8859-2" "\0" - "ISO8859-5" "\0" "ISO-8859-5" "\0" - "ISO8859-7" "\0" "ISO-8859-7" "\0" - "ISO8859-8" "\0" "ISO-8859-8" "\0" - "ISO8859-9" "\0" "ISO-8859-9" "\0" - /* Japanese */ - "eucJP" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" - "SJIS" "\0" "SHIFT_JIS" "\0" - "DECKANJI" "\0" "DEC-KANJI" "\0" - "SDECKANJI" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" - /* Chinese */ - "eucTW" "\0" "EUC-TW" "\0" - "DECHANYU" "\0" "DEC-HANYU" "\0" - "DECHANZI" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" - /* Korean */ - "DECKOREAN" "\0" "EUC-KR" "\0"; -# endif - -# if defined WIN32 - /* To avoid the troubles of installing a separate file in the same - directory as the DLL and of retrieving the DLL's directory at - runtime, simply inline the aliases here. */ - - cp = "CP936" "\0" "GBK" "\0" - "CP1361" "\0" "JOHAB" "\0" - "CP20127" "\0" "ASCII" "\0" - "CP20866" "\0" "KOI8-R" "\0" - "CP21866" "\0" "KOI8-RU" "\0" - "CP28591" "\0" "ISO-8859-1" "\0" - "CP28592" "\0" "ISO-8859-2" "\0" - "CP28593" "\0" "ISO-8859-3" "\0" - "CP28594" "\0" "ISO-8859-4" "\0" - "CP28595" "\0" "ISO-8859-5" "\0" - "CP28596" "\0" "ISO-8859-6" "\0" - "CP28597" "\0" "ISO-8859-7" "\0" - "CP28598" "\0" "ISO-8859-8" "\0" - "CP28599" "\0" "ISO-8859-9" "\0" - "CP28605" "\0" "ISO-8859-15" "\0"; -# endif -#endif - - charset_aliases = cp; - } - - return cp; -} - -/* Determine the current locale's character encoding, and canonicalize it - into one of the canonical names listed in config.charset. - The result must not be freed; it is statically allocated. - If the canonical name cannot be determined, the result is a non-canonical - name. */ - -#ifdef STATIC -STATIC -#endif -const char * -locale_charset () -{ - const char *codeset; - const char *aliases; - -#if !(defined WIN32 || defined OS2) - -# if HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET - - /* Most systems support nl_langinfo (CODESET) nowadays. */ - codeset = nl_langinfo (CODESET); - -# else - - /* On old systems which lack it, use setlocale or getenv. */ - const char *locale = NULL; - - /* But most old systems don't have a complete set of locales. Some - (like SunOS 4 or DJGPP) have only the C locale. Therefore we don't - use setlocale here; it would return "C" when it doesn't support the - locale name the user has set. */ -# if HAVE_SETLOCALE && 0 - locale = setlocale (LC_CTYPE, NULL); -# endif - if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') - { - locale = getenv ("LC_ALL"); - if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') - { - locale = getenv ("LC_CTYPE"); - if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') - locale = getenv ("LANG"); - } - } - - /* On some old systems, one used to set locale = "iso8859_1". On others, - you set it to "language_COUNTRY.charset". In any case, we resolve it - through the charset.alias file. */ - codeset = locale; - -# endif - -#elif defined WIN32 - - static char buf[2 + 10 + 1]; - - /* Woe32 has a function returning the locale's codepage as a number. */ - sprintf (buf, "CP%u", GetACP ()); - codeset = buf; - -#elif defined OS2 - - const char *locale; - static char buf[2 + 10 + 1]; - ULONG cp[3]; - ULONG cplen; - - /* Allow user to override the codeset, as set in the operating system, - with standard language environment variables. */ - locale = getenv ("LC_ALL"); - if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') - { - locale = getenv ("LC_CTYPE"); - if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') - locale = getenv ("LANG"); - } - if (locale != NULL && locale[0] != '\0') - { - /* If the locale name contains an encoding after the dot, return it. */ - const char *dot = strchr (locale, '.'); - - if (dot != NULL) - { - const char *modifier; - - dot++; - /* Look for the possible @... trailer and remove it, if any. */ - modifier = strchr (dot, '@'); - if (modifier == NULL) - return dot; - if (modifier - dot < sizeof (buf)) - { - memcpy (buf, dot, modifier - dot); - buf [modifier - dot] = '\0'; - return buf; - } - } - - /* Resolve through the charset.alias file. */ - codeset = locale; - } - else - { - /* OS/2 has a function returning the locale's codepage as a number. */ - if (DosQueryCp (sizeof (cp), cp, &cplen)) - codeset = ""; - else - { - sprintf (buf, "CP%u", cp[0]); - codeset = buf; - } - } - -#endif - - if (codeset == NULL) - /* The canonical name cannot be determined. */ - codeset = ""; - - /* Resolve alias. */ - for (aliases = get_charset_aliases (); - *aliases != '\0'; - aliases += strlen (aliases) + 1, aliases += strlen (aliases) + 1) - if (strcmp (codeset, aliases) == 0 - || (aliases[0] == '*' && aliases[1] == '\0')) - { - codeset = aliases + strlen (aliases) + 1; - break; - } - - /* Don't return an empty string. GNU libc and GNU libiconv interpret - the empty string as denoting "the locale's character encoding", - thus GNU libiconv would call this function a second time. */ - if (codeset[0] == '\0') - codeset = "ASCII"; - - return codeset; -} diff --git a/webcit/intl/localcharset.h b/webcit/intl/localcharset.h deleted file mode 100644 index 3b137e73c..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/localcharset.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -/* Determine a canonical name for the current locale's character encoding. - Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - This file is part of the GNU CHARSET Library. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifndef _LOCALCHARSET_H -#define _LOCALCHARSET_H - - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - - -/* Determine the current locale's character encoding, and canonicalize it - into one of the canonical names listed in config.charset. - The result must not be freed; it is statically allocated. - If the canonical name cannot be determined, the result is a non-canonical - name. */ -extern const char * locale_charset (void); - - -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - - -#endif /* _LOCALCHARSET_H */ diff --git a/webcit/intl/locale.alias b/webcit/intl/locale.alias deleted file mode 100644 index bd6bb2562..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/locale.alias +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -# Locale name alias data base. -# Copyright (C) 1996-2001,2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -# -# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published -# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) -# any later version. -# -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Library General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public -# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, -# USA. - -# The format of this file is the same as for the corresponding file of -# the X Window System, which normally can be found in -# /usr/lib/X11/locale/locale.alias -# A single line contains two fields: an alias and a substitution value. -# All entries are case independent. - -# Note: This file is far from being complete. If you have a value for -# your own site which you think might be useful for others too, share -# it with the rest of us. Send it using the `glibcbug' script to -# - -# Packages using this file: - -bokmal nb_NO.ISO-8859-1 -bokmål nb_NO.ISO-8859-1 -catalan ca_ES.ISO-8859-1 -croatian hr_HR.ISO-8859-2 -czech cs_CZ.ISO-8859-2 -danish da_DK.ISO-8859-1 -dansk da_DK.ISO-8859-1 -deutsch de_DE.ISO-8859-1 -dutch nl_NL.ISO-8859-1 -eesti et_EE.ISO-8859-1 -estonian et_EE.ISO-8859-1 -finnish fi_FI.ISO-8859-1 -français fr_FR.ISO-8859-1 -french fr_FR.ISO-8859-1 -galego gl_ES.ISO-8859-1 -galician gl_ES.ISO-8859-1 -german de_DE.ISO-8859-1 -greek el_GR.ISO-8859-7 -hebrew he_IL.ISO-8859-8 -hrvatski hr_HR.ISO-8859-2 -hungarian hu_HU.ISO-8859-2 -icelandic is_IS.ISO-8859-1 -italian it_IT.ISO-8859-1 -japanese ja_JP.eucJP -japanese.euc ja_JP.eucJP -ja_JP ja_JP.eucJP -ja_JP.ujis ja_JP.eucJP -japanese.sjis ja_JP.SJIS -korean ko_KR.eucKR -korean.euc ko_KR.eucKR -ko_KR ko_KR.eucKR -lithuanian lt_LT.ISO-8859-13 -no_NO nb_NO.ISO-8859-1 -no_NO.ISO-8859-1 nb_NO.ISO-8859-1 -norwegian nb_NO.ISO-8859-1 -nynorsk nn_NO.ISO-8859-1 -polish pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 -portuguese pt_PT.ISO-8859-1 -romanian ro_RO.ISO-8859-2 -russian ru_RU.ISO-8859-5 -slovak sk_SK.ISO-8859-2 -slovene sl_SI.ISO-8859-2 -slovenian sl_SI.ISO-8859-2 -spanish es_ES.ISO-8859-1 -swedish sv_SE.ISO-8859-1 -thai th_TH.TIS-620 -turkish tr_TR.ISO-8859-9 diff --git a/webcit/intl/localealias.c b/webcit/intl/localealias.c deleted file mode 100644 index 2eaf8813e..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/localealias.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,414 +0,0 @@ -/* Handle aliases for locale names. - Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -/* Tell glibc's to provide a prototype for mempcpy(). - This must come before because may include - , and once has been included, it's too late. */ -#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE -# define _GNU_SOURCE 1 -#endif - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#include -#include -#if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE___FSETLOCKING -# include -#endif -#include - -#ifdef __GNUC__ -# undef alloca -# define alloca __builtin_alloca -# define HAVE_ALLOCA 1 -#else -# ifdef _MSC_VER -# include -# define alloca _alloca -# else -# if defined HAVE_ALLOCA_H || defined _LIBC -# include -# else -# ifdef _AIX - #pragma alloca -# else -# ifndef alloca -char *alloca (); -# endif -# endif -# endif -# endif -#endif - -#include -#include - -#include "gettextP.h" - -#if ENABLE_RELOCATABLE -# include "relocatable.h" -#else -# define relocate(pathname) (pathname) -#endif - -/* @@ end of prolog @@ */ - -#ifdef _LIBC -/* Rename the non ANSI C functions. This is required by the standard - because some ANSI C functions will require linking with this object - file and the name space must not be polluted. */ -# define strcasecmp __strcasecmp - -# ifndef mempcpy -# define mempcpy __mempcpy -# endif -# define HAVE_MEMPCPY 1 -# define HAVE___FSETLOCKING 1 - -/* We need locking here since we can be called from different places. */ -# include - -__libc_lock_define_initialized (static, lock); -#endif - -#ifndef internal_function -# define internal_function -#endif - -/* Some optimizations for glibc. */ -#ifdef _LIBC -# define FEOF(fp) feof_unlocked (fp) -# define FGETS(buf, n, fp) fgets_unlocked (buf, n, fp) -#else -# define FEOF(fp) feof (fp) -# define FGETS(buf, n, fp) fgets (buf, n, fp) -#endif - -/* For those losing systems which don't have `alloca' we have to add - some additional code emulating it. */ -#ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA -# define freea(p) /* nothing */ -#else -# define alloca(n) malloc (n) -# define freea(p) free (p) -#endif - -#if defined _LIBC_REENTRANT || HAVE_DECL_FGETS_UNLOCKED -# undef fgets -# define fgets(buf, len, s) fgets_unlocked (buf, len, s) -#endif -#if defined _LIBC_REENTRANT || HAVE_DECL_FEOF_UNLOCKED -# undef feof -# define feof(s) feof_unlocked (s) -#endif - - -struct alias_map -{ - const char *alias; - const char *value; -}; - - -#ifndef _LIBC -# define libc_freeres_ptr(decl) decl -#endif - -libc_freeres_ptr (static char *string_space); -static size_t string_space_act; -static size_t string_space_max; -libc_freeres_ptr (static struct alias_map *map); -static size_t nmap; -static size_t maxmap; - - -/* Prototypes for local functions. */ -static size_t read_alias_file (const char *fname, int fname_len) - internal_function; -static int extend_alias_table (void); -static int alias_compare (const struct alias_map *map1, - const struct alias_map *map2); - - -const char * -_nl_expand_alias (const char *name) -{ - static const char *locale_alias_path; - struct alias_map *retval; - const char *result = NULL; - size_t added; - -#ifdef _LIBC - __libc_lock_lock (lock); -#endif - - if (locale_alias_path == NULL) - locale_alias_path = LOCALE_ALIAS_PATH; - - do - { - struct alias_map item; - - item.alias = name; - - if (nmap > 0) - retval = (struct alias_map *) bsearch (&item, map, nmap, - sizeof (struct alias_map), - (int (*) (const void *, - const void *) - ) alias_compare); - else - retval = NULL; - - /* We really found an alias. Return the value. */ - if (retval != NULL) - { - result = retval->value; - break; - } - - /* Perhaps we can find another alias file. */ - added = 0; - while (added == 0 && locale_alias_path[0] != '\0') - { - const char *start; - - while (locale_alias_path[0] == PATH_SEPARATOR) - ++locale_alias_path; - start = locale_alias_path; - - while (locale_alias_path[0] != '\0' - && locale_alias_path[0] != PATH_SEPARATOR) - ++locale_alias_path; - - if (start < locale_alias_path) - added = read_alias_file (start, locale_alias_path - start); - } - } - while (added != 0); - -#ifdef _LIBC - __libc_lock_unlock (lock); -#endif - - return result; -} - - -static size_t -internal_function -read_alias_file (const char *fname, int fname_len) -{ - FILE *fp; - char *full_fname; - size_t added; - static const char aliasfile[] = "/locale.alias"; - - full_fname = (char *) alloca (fname_len + sizeof aliasfile); -#ifdef HAVE_MEMPCPY - mempcpy (mempcpy (full_fname, fname, fname_len), - aliasfile, sizeof aliasfile); -#else - memcpy (full_fname, fname, fname_len); - memcpy (&full_fname[fname_len], aliasfile, sizeof aliasfile); -#endif - - fp = fopen (relocate (full_fname), "r"); - freea (full_fname); - if (fp == NULL) - return 0; - -#ifdef HAVE___FSETLOCKING - /* No threads present. */ - __fsetlocking (fp, FSETLOCKING_BYCALLER); -#endif - - added = 0; - while (!FEOF (fp)) - { - /* It is a reasonable approach to use a fix buffer here because - a) we are only interested in the first two fields - b) these fields must be usable as file names and so must not - be that long - We avoid a multi-kilobyte buffer here since this would use up - stack space which we might not have if the program ran out of - memory. */ - char buf[400]; - char *alias; - char *value; - char *cp; - - if (FGETS (buf, sizeof buf, fp) == NULL) - /* EOF reached. */ - break; - - cp = buf; - /* Ignore leading white space. */ - while (isspace ((unsigned char) cp[0])) - ++cp; - - /* A leading '#' signals a comment line. */ - if (cp[0] != '\0' && cp[0] != '#') - { - alias = cp++; - while (cp[0] != '\0' && !isspace ((unsigned char) cp[0])) - ++cp; - /* Terminate alias name. */ - if (cp[0] != '\0') - *cp++ = '\0'; - - /* Now look for the beginning of the value. */ - while (isspace ((unsigned char) cp[0])) - ++cp; - - if (cp[0] != '\0') - { - size_t alias_len; - size_t value_len; - - value = cp++; - while (cp[0] != '\0' && !isspace ((unsigned char) cp[0])) - ++cp; - /* Terminate value. */ - if (cp[0] == '\n') - { - /* This has to be done to make the following test - for the end of line possible. We are looking for - the terminating '\n' which do not overwrite here. */ - *cp++ = '\0'; - *cp = '\n'; - } - else if (cp[0] != '\0') - *cp++ = '\0'; - - if (nmap >= maxmap) - if (__builtin_expect (extend_alias_table (), 0)) - return added; - - alias_len = strlen (alias) + 1; - value_len = strlen (value) + 1; - - if (string_space_act + alias_len + value_len > string_space_max) - { - /* Increase size of memory pool. */ - size_t new_size = (string_space_max - + (alias_len + value_len > 1024 - ? alias_len + value_len : 1024)); - char *new_pool = (char *) realloc (string_space, new_size); - if (new_pool == NULL) - return added; - - if (__builtin_expect (string_space != new_pool, 0)) - { - size_t i; - - for (i = 0; i < nmap; i++) - { - map[i].alias += new_pool - string_space; - map[i].value += new_pool - string_space; - } - } - - string_space = new_pool; - string_space_max = new_size; - } - - map[nmap].alias = memcpy (&string_space[string_space_act], - alias, alias_len); - string_space_act += alias_len; - - map[nmap].value = memcpy (&string_space[string_space_act], - value, value_len); - string_space_act += value_len; - - ++nmap; - ++added; - } - } - - /* Possibly not the whole line fits into the buffer. Ignore - the rest of the line. */ - while (strchr (buf, '\n') == NULL) - if (FGETS (buf, sizeof buf, fp) == NULL) - /* Make sure the inner loop will be left. The outer loop - will exit at the `feof' test. */ - break; - } - - /* Should we test for ferror()? I think we have to silently ignore - errors. --drepper */ - fclose (fp); - - if (added > 0) - qsort (map, nmap, sizeof (struct alias_map), - (int (*) (const void *, const void *)) alias_compare); - - return added; -} - - -static int -extend_alias_table () -{ - size_t new_size; - struct alias_map *new_map; - - new_size = maxmap == 0 ? 100 : 2 * maxmap; - new_map = (struct alias_map *) realloc (map, (new_size - * sizeof (struct alias_map))); - if (new_map == NULL) - /* Simply don't extend: we don't have any more core. */ - return -1; - - map = new_map; - maxmap = new_size; - return 0; -} - - -static int -alias_compare (const struct alias_map *map1, const struct alias_map *map2) -{ -#if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE_STRCASECMP - return strcasecmp (map1->alias, map2->alias); -#else - const unsigned char *p1 = (const unsigned char *) map1->alias; - const unsigned char *p2 = (const unsigned char *) map2->alias; - unsigned char c1, c2; - - if (p1 == p2) - return 0; - - do - { - /* I know this seems to be odd but the tolower() function in - some systems libc cannot handle nonalpha characters. */ - c1 = isupper (*p1) ? tolower (*p1) : *p1; - c2 = isupper (*p2) ? tolower (*p2) : *p2; - if (c1 == '\0') - break; - ++p1; - ++p2; - } - while (c1 == c2); - - return c1 - c2; -#endif -} diff --git a/webcit/intl/localename.c b/webcit/intl/localename.c deleted file mode 100644 index 5662e54ff..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/localename.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1142 +0,0 @@ -/* Determine the current selected locale. - Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -/* Written by Ulrich Drepper , 1995. */ -/* Win32 code written by Tor Lillqvist . */ - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#include -#include - -#if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ -# undef WIN32 /* avoid warning on mingw32 */ -# define WIN32 -#endif - -#ifdef WIN32 -# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -# include -/* List of language codes, sorted by value: - 0x01 LANG_ARABIC - 0x02 LANG_BULGARIAN - 0x03 LANG_CATALAN - 0x04 LANG_CHINESE - 0x05 LANG_CZECH - 0x06 LANG_DANISH - 0x07 LANG_GERMAN - 0x08 LANG_GREEK - 0x09 LANG_ENGLISH - 0x0a LANG_SPANISH - 0x0b LANG_FINNISH - 0x0c LANG_FRENCH - 0x0d LANG_HEBREW - 0x0e LANG_HUNGARIAN - 0x0f LANG_ICELANDIC - 0x10 LANG_ITALIAN - 0x11 LANG_JAPANESE - 0x12 LANG_KOREAN - 0x13 LANG_DUTCH - 0x14 LANG_NORWEGIAN - 0x15 LANG_POLISH - 0x16 LANG_PORTUGUESE - 0x17 LANG_RHAETO_ROMANCE - 0x18 LANG_ROMANIAN - 0x19 LANG_RUSSIAN - 0x1a LANG_CROATIAN == LANG_SERBIAN - 0x1b LANG_SLOVAK - 0x1c LANG_ALBANIAN - 0x1d LANG_SWEDISH - 0x1e LANG_THAI - 0x1f LANG_TURKISH - 0x20 LANG_URDU - 0x21 LANG_INDONESIAN - 0x22 LANG_UKRAINIAN - 0x23 LANG_BELARUSIAN - 0x24 LANG_SLOVENIAN - 0x25 LANG_ESTONIAN - 0x26 LANG_LATVIAN - 0x27 LANG_LITHUANIAN - 0x28 LANG_TAJIK - 0x29 LANG_FARSI - 0x2a LANG_VIETNAMESE - 0x2b LANG_ARMENIAN - 0x2c LANG_AZERI - 0x2d LANG_BASQUE - 0x2e LANG_SORBIAN - 0x2f LANG_MACEDONIAN - 0x30 LANG_SUTU - 0x31 LANG_TSONGA - 0x32 LANG_TSWANA - 0x33 LANG_VENDA - 0x34 LANG_XHOSA - 0x35 LANG_ZULU - 0x36 LANG_AFRIKAANS - 0x37 LANG_GEORGIAN - 0x38 LANG_FAEROESE - 0x39 LANG_HINDI - 0x3a LANG_MALTESE - 0x3b LANG_SAAMI - 0x3c LANG_GAELIC - 0x3d LANG_YIDDISH - 0x3e LANG_MALAY - 0x3f LANG_KAZAK - 0x40 LANG_KYRGYZ - 0x41 LANG_SWAHILI - 0x42 LANG_TURKMEN - 0x43 LANG_UZBEK - 0x44 LANG_TATAR - 0x45 LANG_BENGALI - 0x46 LANG_PUNJABI - 0x47 LANG_GUJARATI - 0x48 LANG_ORIYA - 0x49 LANG_TAMIL - 0x4a LANG_TELUGU - 0x4b LANG_KANNADA - 0x4c LANG_MALAYALAM - 0x4d LANG_ASSAMESE - 0x4e LANG_MARATHI - 0x4f LANG_SANSKRIT - 0x50 LANG_MONGOLIAN - 0x51 LANG_TIBETAN - 0x52 LANG_WELSH - 0x53 LANG_CAMBODIAN - 0x54 LANG_LAO - 0x55 LANG_BURMESE - 0x56 LANG_GALICIAN - 0x57 LANG_KONKANI - 0x58 LANG_MANIPURI - 0x59 LANG_SINDHI - 0x5a LANG_SYRIAC - 0x5b LANG_SINHALESE - 0x5c LANG_CHEROKEE - 0x5d LANG_INUKTITUT - 0x5e LANG_AMHARIC - 0x5f LANG_TAMAZIGHT - 0x60 LANG_KASHMIRI - 0x61 LANG_NEPALI - 0x62 LANG_FRISIAN - 0x63 LANG_PASHTO - 0x64 LANG_TAGALOG - 0x65 LANG_DIVEHI - 0x66 LANG_EDO - 0x67 LANG_FULFULDE - 0x68 LANG_HAUSA - 0x69 LANG_IBIBIO - 0x6a LANG_YORUBA - 0x70 LANG_IGBO - 0x71 LANG_KANURI - 0x72 LANG_OROMO - 0x73 LANG_TIGRINYA - 0x74 LANG_GUARANI - 0x75 LANG_HAWAIIAN - 0x76 LANG_LATIN - 0x77 LANG_SOMALI - 0x78 LANG_YI - 0x79 LANG_PAPIAMENTU -*/ -/* Mingw headers don't have latest language and sublanguage codes. */ -# ifndef LANG_AFRIKAANS -# define LANG_AFRIKAANS 0x36 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_ALBANIAN -# define LANG_ALBANIAN 0x1c -# endif -# ifndef LANG_AMHARIC -# define LANG_AMHARIC 0x5e -# endif -# ifndef LANG_ARABIC -# define LANG_ARABIC 0x01 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_ARMENIAN -# define LANG_ARMENIAN 0x2b -# endif -# ifndef LANG_ASSAMESE -# define LANG_ASSAMESE 0x4d -# endif -# ifndef LANG_AZERI -# define LANG_AZERI 0x2c -# endif -# ifndef LANG_BASQUE -# define LANG_BASQUE 0x2d -# endif -# ifndef LANG_BELARUSIAN -# define LANG_BELARUSIAN 0x23 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_BENGALI -# define LANG_BENGALI 0x45 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_BURMESE -# define LANG_BURMESE 0x55 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_CAMBODIAN -# define LANG_CAMBODIAN 0x53 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_CATALAN -# define LANG_CATALAN 0x03 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_CHEROKEE -# define LANG_CHEROKEE 0x5c -# endif -# ifndef LANG_DIVEHI -# define LANG_DIVEHI 0x65 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_EDO -# define LANG_EDO 0x66 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_ESTONIAN -# define LANG_ESTONIAN 0x25 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_FAEROESE -# define LANG_FAEROESE 0x38 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_FARSI -# define LANG_FARSI 0x29 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_FRISIAN -# define LANG_FRISIAN 0x62 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_FULFULDE -# define LANG_FULFULDE 0x67 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_GAELIC -# define LANG_GAELIC 0x3c -# endif -# ifndef LANG_GALICIAN -# define LANG_GALICIAN 0x56 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_GEORGIAN -# define LANG_GEORGIAN 0x37 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_GUARANI -# define LANG_GUARANI 0x74 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_GUJARATI -# define LANG_GUJARATI 0x47 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_HAUSA -# define LANG_HAUSA 0x68 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_HAWAIIAN -# define LANG_HAWAIIAN 0x75 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_HEBREW -# define LANG_HEBREW 0x0d -# endif -# ifndef LANG_HINDI -# define LANG_HINDI 0x39 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_IBIBIO -# define LANG_IBIBIO 0x69 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_IGBO -# define LANG_IGBO 0x70 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_INDONESIAN -# define LANG_INDONESIAN 0x21 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_INUKTITUT -# define LANG_INUKTITUT 0x5d -# endif -# ifndef LANG_KANNADA -# define LANG_KANNADA 0x4b -# endif -# ifndef LANG_KANURI -# define LANG_KANURI 0x71 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_KASHMIRI -# define LANG_KASHMIRI 0x60 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_KAZAK -# define LANG_KAZAK 0x3f -# endif -# ifndef LANG_KONKANI -# define LANG_KONKANI 0x57 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_KYRGYZ -# define LANG_KYRGYZ 0x40 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_LAO -# define LANG_LAO 0x54 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_LATIN -# define LANG_LATIN 0x76 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_LATVIAN -# define LANG_LATVIAN 0x26 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_LITHUANIAN -# define LANG_LITHUANIAN 0x27 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_MACEDONIAN -# define LANG_MACEDONIAN 0x2f -# endif -# ifndef LANG_MALAY -# define LANG_MALAY 0x3e -# endif -# ifndef LANG_MALAYALAM -# define LANG_MALAYALAM 0x4c -# endif -# ifndef LANG_MALTESE -# define LANG_MALTESE 0x3a -# endif -# ifndef LANG_MANIPURI -# define LANG_MANIPURI 0x58 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_MARATHI -# define LANG_MARATHI 0x4e -# endif -# ifndef LANG_MONGOLIAN -# define LANG_MONGOLIAN 0x50 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_NEPALI -# define LANG_NEPALI 0x61 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_ORIYA -# define LANG_ORIYA 0x48 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_OROMO -# define LANG_OROMO 0x72 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_PAPIAMENTU -# define LANG_PAPIAMENTU 0x79 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_PASHTO -# define LANG_PASHTO 0x63 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_PUNJABI -# define LANG_PUNJABI 0x46 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_RHAETO_ROMANCE -# define LANG_RHAETO_ROMANCE 0x17 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_SAAMI -# define LANG_SAAMI 0x3b -# endif -# ifndef LANG_SANSKRIT -# define LANG_SANSKRIT 0x4f -# endif -# ifndef LANG_SERBIAN -# define LANG_SERBIAN 0x1a -# endif -# ifndef LANG_SINDHI -# define LANG_SINDHI 0x59 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_SINHALESE -# define LANG_SINHALESE 0x5b -# endif -# ifndef LANG_SLOVAK -# define LANG_SLOVAK 0x1b -# endif -# ifndef LANG_SOMALI -# define LANG_SOMALI 0x77 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_SORBIAN -# define LANG_SORBIAN 0x2e -# endif -# ifndef LANG_SUTU -# define LANG_SUTU 0x30 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_SWAHILI -# define LANG_SWAHILI 0x41 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_SYRIAC -# define LANG_SYRIAC 0x5a -# endif -# ifndef LANG_TAGALOG -# define LANG_TAGALOG 0x64 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_TAJIK -# define LANG_TAJIK 0x28 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_TAMAZIGHT -# define LANG_TAMAZIGHT 0x5f -# endif -# ifndef LANG_TAMIL -# define LANG_TAMIL 0x49 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_TATAR -# define LANG_TATAR 0x44 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_TELUGU -# define LANG_TELUGU 0x4a -# endif -# ifndef LANG_THAI -# define LANG_THAI 0x1e -# endif -# ifndef LANG_TIBETAN -# define LANG_TIBETAN 0x51 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_TIGRINYA -# define LANG_TIGRINYA 0x73 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_TSONGA -# define LANG_TSONGA 0x31 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_TSWANA -# define LANG_TSWANA 0x32 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_TURKMEN -# define LANG_TURKMEN 0x42 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_UKRAINIAN -# define LANG_UKRAINIAN 0x22 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_URDU -# define LANG_URDU 0x20 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_UZBEK -# define LANG_UZBEK 0x43 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_VENDA -# define LANG_VENDA 0x33 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_VIETNAMESE -# define LANG_VIETNAMESE 0x2a -# endif -# ifndef LANG_WELSH -# define LANG_WELSH 0x52 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_XHOSA -# define LANG_XHOSA 0x34 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_YI -# define LANG_YI 0x78 -# endif -# ifndef LANG_YIDDISH -# define LANG_YIDDISH 0x3d -# endif -# ifndef LANG_YORUBA -# define LANG_YORUBA 0x6a -# endif -# ifndef LANG_ZULU -# define LANG_ZULU 0x35 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_SAUDI_ARABIA -# define SUBLANG_ARABIC_SAUDI_ARABIA 0x01 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_IRAQ -# define SUBLANG_ARABIC_IRAQ 0x02 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_EGYPT -# define SUBLANG_ARABIC_EGYPT 0x03 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_LIBYA -# define SUBLANG_ARABIC_LIBYA 0x04 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_ALGERIA -# define SUBLANG_ARABIC_ALGERIA 0x05 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_MOROCCO -# define SUBLANG_ARABIC_MOROCCO 0x06 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_TUNISIA -# define SUBLANG_ARABIC_TUNISIA 0x07 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_OMAN -# define SUBLANG_ARABIC_OMAN 0x08 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_YEMEN -# define SUBLANG_ARABIC_YEMEN 0x09 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_SYRIA -# define SUBLANG_ARABIC_SYRIA 0x0a -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_JORDAN -# define SUBLANG_ARABIC_JORDAN 0x0b -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_LEBANON -# define SUBLANG_ARABIC_LEBANON 0x0c -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_KUWAIT -# define SUBLANG_ARABIC_KUWAIT 0x0d -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_UAE -# define SUBLANG_ARABIC_UAE 0x0e -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_BAHRAIN -# define SUBLANG_ARABIC_BAHRAIN 0x0f -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_QATAR -# define SUBLANG_ARABIC_QATAR 0x10 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_AZERI_LATIN -# define SUBLANG_AZERI_LATIN 0x01 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_AZERI_CYRILLIC -# define SUBLANG_AZERI_CYRILLIC 0x02 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_BENGALI_INDIA -# define SUBLANG_BENGALI_INDIA 0x00 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_BENGALI_BANGLADESH -# define SUBLANG_BENGALI_BANGLADESH 0x01 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_CHINESE_MACAU -# define SUBLANG_CHINESE_MACAU 0x05 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SOUTH_AFRICA -# define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SOUTH_AFRICA 0x07 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_JAMAICA -# define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_JAMAICA 0x08 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CARIBBEAN -# define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CARIBBEAN 0x09 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_BELIZE -# define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_BELIZE 0x0a -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_TRINIDAD -# define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_TRINIDAD 0x0b -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_ZIMBABWE -# define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_ZIMBABWE 0x0c -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_PHILIPPINES -# define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_PHILIPPINES 0x0d -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_INDONESIA -# define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_INDONESIA 0x0e -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_HONGKONG -# define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_HONGKONG 0x0f -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_INDIA -# define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_INDIA 0x10 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_MALAYSIA -# define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_MALAYSIA 0x11 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SINGAPORE -# define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SINGAPORE 0x12 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_LUXEMBOURG -# define SUBLANG_FRENCH_LUXEMBOURG 0x05 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_MONACO -# define SUBLANG_FRENCH_MONACO 0x06 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_WESTINDIES -# define SUBLANG_FRENCH_WESTINDIES 0x07 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_REUNION -# define SUBLANG_FRENCH_REUNION 0x08 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_CONGO -# define SUBLANG_FRENCH_CONGO 0x09 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_SENEGAL -# define SUBLANG_FRENCH_SENEGAL 0x0a -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_CAMEROON -# define SUBLANG_FRENCH_CAMEROON 0x0b -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_COTEDIVOIRE -# define SUBLANG_FRENCH_COTEDIVOIRE 0x0c -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_MALI -# define SUBLANG_FRENCH_MALI 0x0d -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_MOROCCO -# define SUBLANG_FRENCH_MOROCCO 0x0e -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_HAITI -# define SUBLANG_FRENCH_HAITI 0x0f -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_GERMAN_LUXEMBOURG -# define SUBLANG_GERMAN_LUXEMBOURG 0x04 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_GERMAN_LIECHTENSTEIN -# define SUBLANG_GERMAN_LIECHTENSTEIN 0x05 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_KASHMIRI_INDIA -# define SUBLANG_KASHMIRI_INDIA 0x02 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_MALAY_MALAYSIA -# define SUBLANG_MALAY_MALAYSIA 0x01 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_MALAY_BRUNEI_DARUSSALAM -# define SUBLANG_MALAY_BRUNEI_DARUSSALAM 0x02 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_NEPALI_INDIA -# define SUBLANG_NEPALI_INDIA 0x02 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_PUNJABI_INDIA -# define SUBLANG_PUNJABI_INDIA 0x00 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_PUNJABI_PAKISTAN -# define SUBLANG_PUNJABI_PAKISTAN 0x01 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_ROMANIA -# define SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_ROMANIA 0x00 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_MOLDOVA -# define SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_MOLDOVA 0x01 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SERBIAN_LATIN -# define SUBLANG_SERBIAN_LATIN 0x02 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SERBIAN_CYRILLIC -# define SUBLANG_SERBIAN_CYRILLIC 0x03 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SINDHI_INDIA -# define SUBLANG_SINDHI_INDIA 0x00 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SINDHI_PAKISTAN -# define SUBLANG_SINDHI_PAKISTAN 0x01 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_GUATEMALA -# define SUBLANG_SPANISH_GUATEMALA 0x04 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_COSTA_RICA -# define SUBLANG_SPANISH_COSTA_RICA 0x05 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_PANAMA -# define SUBLANG_SPANISH_PANAMA 0x06 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC -# define SUBLANG_SPANISH_DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC 0x07 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_VENEZUELA -# define SUBLANG_SPANISH_VENEZUELA 0x08 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_COLOMBIA -# define SUBLANG_SPANISH_COLOMBIA 0x09 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_PERU -# define SUBLANG_SPANISH_PERU 0x0a -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_ARGENTINA -# define SUBLANG_SPANISH_ARGENTINA 0x0b -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_ECUADOR -# define SUBLANG_SPANISH_ECUADOR 0x0c -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_CHILE -# define SUBLANG_SPANISH_CHILE 0x0d -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_URUGUAY -# define SUBLANG_SPANISH_URUGUAY 0x0e -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_PARAGUAY -# define SUBLANG_SPANISH_PARAGUAY 0x0f -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_BOLIVIA -# define SUBLANG_SPANISH_BOLIVIA 0x10 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_EL_SALVADOR -# define SUBLANG_SPANISH_EL_SALVADOR 0x11 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_HONDURAS -# define SUBLANG_SPANISH_HONDURAS 0x12 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_NICARAGUA -# define SUBLANG_SPANISH_NICARAGUA 0x13 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_PUERTO_RICO -# define SUBLANG_SPANISH_PUERTO_RICO 0x14 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SWEDISH_FINLAND -# define SUBLANG_SWEDISH_FINLAND 0x02 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_ARABIC -# define SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_ARABIC 0x01 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_LATIN -# define SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_LATIN 0x02 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ETHIOPIA -# define SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ETHIOPIA 0x00 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ERITREA -# define SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ERITREA 0x01 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_URDU_PAKISTAN -# define SUBLANG_URDU_PAKISTAN 0x01 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_URDU_INDIA -# define SUBLANG_URDU_INDIA 0x02 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_UZBEK_LATIN -# define SUBLANG_UZBEK_LATIN 0x01 -# endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_UZBEK_CYRILLIC -# define SUBLANG_UZBEK_CYRILLIC 0x02 -# endif -#endif - -/* XPG3 defines the result of 'setlocale (category, NULL)' as: - "Directs 'setlocale()' to query 'category' and return the current - setting of 'local'." - However it does not specify the exact format. Neither do SUSV2 and - ISO C 99. So we can use this feature only on selected systems (e.g. - those using GNU C Library). */ -#if defined _LIBC || (defined __GNU_LIBRARY__ && __GNU_LIBRARY__ >= 2) -# define HAVE_LOCALE_NULL -#endif - -/* Determine the current locale's name, and canonicalize it into XPG syntax - language[_territory[.codeset]][@modifier] - The codeset part in the result is not reliable; the locale_charset() - should be used for codeset information instead. - The result must not be freed; it is statically allocated. */ - -const char * -_nl_locale_name (int category, const char *categoryname) -{ - const char *retval; - -#ifndef WIN32 - - /* Use the POSIX methods of looking to 'LC_ALL', 'LC_xxx', and 'LANG'. - On some systems this can be done by the 'setlocale' function itself. */ -# if defined HAVE_SETLOCALE && defined HAVE_LC_MESSAGES && defined HAVE_LOCALE_NULL - retval = setlocale (category, NULL); -# else - /* Setting of LC_ALL overwrites all other. */ - retval = getenv ("LC_ALL"); - if (retval == NULL || retval[0] == '\0') - { - /* Next comes the name of the desired category. */ - retval = getenv (categoryname); - if (retval == NULL || retval[0] == '\0') - { - /* Last possibility is the LANG environment variable. */ - retval = getenv ("LANG"); - if (retval == NULL || retval[0] == '\0') - /* We use C as the default domain. POSIX says this is - implementation defined. */ - retval = "C"; - } - } -# endif - - return retval; - -#else /* WIN32 */ - - /* Return an XPG style locale name language[_territory][@modifier]. - Don't even bother determining the codeset; it's not useful in this - context, because message catalogs are not specific to a single - codeset. */ - - LCID lcid; - LANGID langid; - int primary, sub; - - /* Let the user override the system settings through environment - variables, as on POSIX systems. */ - retval = getenv ("LC_ALL"); - if (retval != NULL && retval[0] != '\0') - return retval; - retval = getenv (categoryname); - if (retval != NULL && retval[0] != '\0') - return retval; - retval = getenv ("LANG"); - if (retval != NULL && retval[0] != '\0') - return retval; - - /* Use native Win32 API locale ID. */ - lcid = GetThreadLocale (); - - /* Strip off the sorting rules, keep only the language part. */ - langid = LANGIDFROMLCID (lcid); - - /* Split into language and territory part. */ - primary = PRIMARYLANGID (langid); - sub = SUBLANGID (langid); - - /* Dispatch on language. - See also . - For details about languages, see . */ - switch (primary) - { - case LANG_AFRIKAANS: return "af_ZA"; - case LANG_ALBANIAN: return "sq_AL"; - case LANG_AMHARIC: return "am_ET"; - case LANG_ARABIC: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_SAUDI_ARABIA: return "ar_SA"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_IRAQ: return "ar_IQ"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_EGYPT: return "ar_EG"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_LIBYA: return "ar_LY"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_ALGERIA: return "ar_DZ"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_MOROCCO: return "ar_MA"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_TUNISIA: return "ar_TN"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_OMAN: return "ar_OM"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_YEMEN: return "ar_YE"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_SYRIA: return "ar_SY"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_JORDAN: return "ar_JO"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_LEBANON: return "ar_LB"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_KUWAIT: return "ar_KW"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_UAE: return "ar_AE"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_BAHRAIN: return "ar_BH"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_QATAR: return "ar_QA"; - } - return "ar"; - case LANG_ARMENIAN: return "hy_AM"; - case LANG_ASSAMESE: return "as_IN"; - case LANG_AZERI: - switch (sub) - { - /* FIXME: Adjust this when Azerbaijani locales appear on Unix. */ - case SUBLANG_AZERI_LATIN: return "az_AZ@latin"; - case SUBLANG_AZERI_CYRILLIC: return "az_AZ@cyrillic"; - } - return "az"; - case LANG_BASQUE: - return "eu"; /* Ambiguous: could be "eu_ES" or "eu_FR". */ - case LANG_BELARUSIAN: return "be_BY"; - case LANG_BENGALI: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_BENGALI_INDIA: return "bn_IN"; - case SUBLANG_BENGALI_BANGLADESH: return "bn_BD"; - } - return "bn"; - case LANG_BULGARIAN: return "bg_BG"; - case LANG_BURMESE: return "my_MM"; - case LANG_CAMBODIAN: return "km_KH"; - case LANG_CATALAN: return "ca_ES"; - case LANG_CHEROKEE: return "chr_US"; - case LANG_CHINESE: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL: return "zh_TW"; - case SUBLANG_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED: return "zh_CN"; - case SUBLANG_CHINESE_HONGKONG: return "zh_HK"; - case SUBLANG_CHINESE_SINGAPORE: return "zh_SG"; - case SUBLANG_CHINESE_MACAU: return "zh_MO"; - } - return "zh"; - case LANG_CROATIAN: /* LANG_CROATIAN == LANG_SERBIAN - * What used to be called Serbo-Croatian - * should really now be two separate - * languages because of political reasons. - * (Says tml, who knows nothing about Serbian - * or Croatian.) - * (I can feel those flames coming already.) - */ - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "hr_HR"; - case SUBLANG_SERBIAN_LATIN: return "sr_CS"; - case SUBLANG_SERBIAN_CYRILLIC: return "sr_CS@cyrillic"; - } - return "hr"; - case LANG_CZECH: return "cs_CZ"; - case LANG_DANISH: return "da_DK"; - case LANG_DIVEHI: return "dv_MV"; - case LANG_DUTCH: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_DUTCH: return "nl_NL"; - case SUBLANG_DUTCH_BELGIAN: /* FLEMISH, VLAAMS */ return "nl_BE"; - } - return "nl"; - case LANG_EDO: return "bin_NG"; - case LANG_ENGLISH: - switch (sub) - { - /* SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US == SUBLANG_DEFAULT. Heh. I thought - * English was the language spoken in England. - * Oh well. - */ - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US: return "en_US"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_UK: return "en_GB"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_AUS: return "en_AU"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CAN: return "en_CA"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_NZ: return "en_NZ"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_EIRE: return "en_IE"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SOUTH_AFRICA: return "en_ZA"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_JAMAICA: return "en_JM"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CARIBBEAN: return "en_GD"; /* Grenada? */ - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_BELIZE: return "en_BZ"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_TRINIDAD: return "en_TT"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_ZIMBABWE: return "en_ZW"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_PHILIPPINES: return "en_PH"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_INDONESIA: return "en_ID"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_HONGKONG: return "en_HK"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_INDIA: return "en_IN"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_MALAYSIA: return "en_MY"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SINGAPORE: return "en_SG"; - } - return "en"; - case LANG_ESTONIAN: return "et_EE"; - case LANG_FAEROESE: return "fo_FO"; - case LANG_FARSI: return "fa_IR"; - case LANG_FINNISH: return "fi_FI"; - case LANG_FRENCH: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_FRENCH: return "fr_FR"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_BELGIAN: /* WALLOON */ return "fr_BE"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_CANADIAN: return "fr_CA"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_SWISS: return "fr_CH"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_LUXEMBOURG: return "fr_LU"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_MONACO: return "fr_MC"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_WESTINDIES: return "fr"; /* Caribbean? */ - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_REUNION: return "fr_RE"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_CONGO: return "fr_CG"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_SENEGAL: return "fr_SN"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_CAMEROON: return "fr_CM"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_COTEDIVOIRE: return "fr_CI"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_MALI: return "fr_ML"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_MOROCCO: return "fr_MA"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_HAITI: return "fr_HT"; - } - return "fr"; - case LANG_FRISIAN: return "fy_NL"; - case LANG_FULFULDE: - /* Spoken in Nigeria, Guinea, Senegal, Mali, Niger, Cameroon, Benin. */ - return "ff_NG"; - case LANG_GAELIC: - switch (sub) - { - case 0x01: /* SCOTTISH */ return "gd_GB"; - case 0x02: /* IRISH */ return "ga_IE"; - } - return "C"; - case LANG_GALICIAN: return "gl_ES"; - case LANG_GEORGIAN: return "ka_GE"; - case LANG_GERMAN: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_GERMAN: return "de_DE"; - case SUBLANG_GERMAN_SWISS: return "de_CH"; - case SUBLANG_GERMAN_AUSTRIAN: return "de_AT"; - case SUBLANG_GERMAN_LUXEMBOURG: return "de_LU"; - case SUBLANG_GERMAN_LIECHTENSTEIN: return "de_LI"; - } - return "de"; - case LANG_GREEK: return "el_GR"; - case LANG_GUARANI: return "gn_PY"; - case LANG_GUJARATI: return "gu_IN"; - case LANG_HAUSA: return "ha_NG"; - case LANG_HAWAIIAN: - /* FIXME: Do they mean Hawaiian ("haw_US", 1000 speakers) - or Hawaii Creole English ("cpe_US", 600000 speakers)? */ - return "cpe_US"; - case LANG_HEBREW: return "he_IL"; - case LANG_HINDI: return "hi_IN"; - case LANG_HUNGARIAN: return "hu_HU"; - case LANG_IBIBIO: return "nic_NG"; - case LANG_ICELANDIC: return "is_IS"; - case LANG_IGBO: return "ig_NG"; - case LANG_INDONESIAN: return "id_ID"; - case LANG_INUKTITUT: return "iu_CA"; - case LANG_ITALIAN: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_ITALIAN: return "it_IT"; - case SUBLANG_ITALIAN_SWISS: return "it_CH"; - } - return "it"; - case LANG_JAPANESE: return "ja_JP"; - case LANG_KANNADA: return "kn_IN"; - case LANG_KANURI: return "kr_NG"; - case LANG_KASHMIRI: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "ks_PK"; - case SUBLANG_KASHMIRI_INDIA: return "ks_IN"; - } - return "ks"; - case LANG_KAZAK: return "kk_KZ"; - case LANG_KONKANI: - /* FIXME: Adjust this when such locales appear on Unix. */ - return "kok_IN"; - case LANG_KOREAN: return "ko_KR"; - case LANG_KYRGYZ: return "ky_KG"; - case LANG_LAO: return "lo_LA"; - case LANG_LATIN: return "la_VA"; - case LANG_LATVIAN: return "lv_LV"; - case LANG_LITHUANIAN: return "lt_LT"; - case LANG_MACEDONIAN: return "mk_MK"; - case LANG_MALAY: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_MALAY_MALAYSIA: return "ms_MY"; - case SUBLANG_MALAY_BRUNEI_DARUSSALAM: return "ms_BN"; - } - return "ms"; - case LANG_MALAYALAM: return "ml_IN"; - case LANG_MALTESE: return "mt_MT"; - case LANG_MANIPURI: - /* FIXME: Adjust this when such locales appear on Unix. */ - return "mni_IN"; - case LANG_MARATHI: return "mr_IN"; - case LANG_MONGOLIAN: - return "mn"; /* Ambiguous: could be "mn_CN" or "mn_MN". */ - case LANG_NEPALI: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "ne_NP"; - case SUBLANG_NEPALI_INDIA: return "ne_IN"; - } - return "ne"; - case LANG_NORWEGIAN: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_NORWEGIAN_BOKMAL: return "no_NO"; - case SUBLANG_NORWEGIAN_NYNORSK: return "nn_NO"; - } - return "no"; - case LANG_ORIYA: return "or_IN"; - case LANG_OROMO: return "om_ET"; - case LANG_PAPIAMENTU: return "pap_AN"; - case LANG_PASHTO: - return "ps"; /* Ambiguous: could be "ps_PK" or "ps_AF". */ - case LANG_POLISH: return "pl_PL"; - case LANG_PORTUGUESE: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE: return "pt_PT"; - /* Hmm. SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN == SUBLANG_DEFAULT. - Same phenomenon as SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US == SUBLANG_DEFAULT. */ - case SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN: return "pt_BR"; - } - return "pt"; - case LANG_PUNJABI: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_PUNJABI_INDIA: return "pa_IN"; /* Gurmukhi script */ - case SUBLANG_PUNJABI_PAKISTAN: return "pa_PK"; /* Arabic script */ - } - return "pa"; - case LANG_RHAETO_ROMANCE: return "rm_CH"; - case LANG_ROMANIAN: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_ROMANIA: return "ro_RO"; - case SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_MOLDOVA: return "ro_MD"; - } - return "ro"; - case LANG_RUSSIAN: - return "ru"; /* Ambiguous: could be "ru_RU" or "ru_UA" or "ru_MD". */ - case LANG_SAAMI: /* actually Northern Sami */ return "se_NO"; - case LANG_SANSKRIT: return "sa_IN"; - case LANG_SINDHI: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_SINDHI_INDIA: return "sd_IN"; - case SUBLANG_SINDHI_PAKISTAN: return "sd_PK"; - } - return "sd"; - case LANG_SINHALESE: return "si_LK"; - case LANG_SLOVAK: return "sk_SK"; - case LANG_SLOVENIAN: return "sl_SI"; - case LANG_SOMALI: return "so_SO"; - case LANG_SORBIAN: - /* FIXME: Adjust this when such locales appear on Unix. */ - return "wen_DE"; - case LANG_SPANISH: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_SPANISH: return "es_ES"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_MEXICAN: return "es_MX"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_MODERN: - return "es_ES@modern"; /* not seen on Unix */ - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_GUATEMALA: return "es_GT"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_COSTA_RICA: return "es_CR"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_PANAMA: return "es_PA"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC: return "es_DO"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_VENEZUELA: return "es_VE"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_COLOMBIA: return "es_CO"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_PERU: return "es_PE"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_ARGENTINA: return "es_AR"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_ECUADOR: return "es_EC"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_CHILE: return "es_CL"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_URUGUAY: return "es_UY"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_PARAGUAY: return "es_PY"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_BOLIVIA: return "es_BO"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_EL_SALVADOR: return "es_SV"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_HONDURAS: return "es_HN"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_NICARAGUA: return "es_NI"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_PUERTO_RICO: return "es_PR"; - } - return "es"; - case LANG_SUTU: return "bnt_TZ"; /* or "st_LS" or "nso_ZA"? */ - case LANG_SWAHILI: return "sw_KE"; - case LANG_SWEDISH: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "sv_SE"; - case SUBLANG_SWEDISH_FINLAND: return "sv_FI"; - } - return "sv"; - case LANG_SYRIAC: return "syr_TR"; /* An extinct language. */ - case LANG_TAGALOG: return "tl_PH"; - case LANG_TAJIK: return "tg_TJ"; - case LANG_TAMAZIGHT: - switch (sub) - { - /* FIXME: Adjust this when Tamazight locales appear on Unix. */ - case SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_ARABIC: return "ber_MA@arabic"; - case SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_LATIN: return "ber_MA@latin"; - } - return "ber_MA"; - case LANG_TAMIL: - return "ta"; /* Ambiguous: could be "ta_IN" or "ta_LK" or "ta_SG". */ - case LANG_TATAR: return "tt_RU"; - case LANG_TELUGU: return "te_IN"; - case LANG_THAI: return "th_TH"; - case LANG_TIBETAN: return "bo_CN"; - case LANG_TIGRINYA: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ETHIOPIA: return "ti_ET"; - case SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ERITREA: return "ti_ER"; - } - return "ti"; - case LANG_TSONGA: return "ts_ZA"; - case LANG_TSWANA: return "tn_BW"; - case LANG_TURKISH: return "tr_TR"; - case LANG_TURKMEN: return "tk_TM"; - case LANG_UKRAINIAN: return "uk_UA"; - case LANG_URDU: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_URDU_PAKISTAN: return "ur_PK"; - case SUBLANG_URDU_INDIA: return "ur_IN"; - } - return "ur"; - case LANG_UZBEK: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_UZBEK_LATIN: return "uz_UZ"; - case SUBLANG_UZBEK_CYRILLIC: return "uz_UZ@cyrillic"; - } - return "uz"; - case LANG_VENDA: return "ve_ZA"; - case LANG_VIETNAMESE: return "vi_VN"; - case LANG_WELSH: return "cy_GB"; - case LANG_XHOSA: return "xh_ZA"; - case LANG_YI: return "sit_CN"; - case LANG_YIDDISH: return "yi_IL"; - case LANG_YORUBA: return "yo_NG"; - case LANG_ZULU: return "zu_ZA"; - default: return "C"; - } - -#endif -} diff --git a/webcit/intl/log.c b/webcit/intl/log.c deleted file mode 100644 index cb6076e80..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/log.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -/* Log file output. - Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -/* Written by Bruno Haible . */ - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#include -#include -#include - -/* Print an ASCII string with quotes and escape sequences where needed. */ -static void -print_escaped (FILE *stream, const char *str) -{ - putc ('"', stream); - for (; *str != '\0'; str++) - if (*str == '\n') - { - fputs ("\\n\"", stream); - if (str[1] == '\0') - return; - fputs ("\n\"", stream); - } - else - { - if (*str == '"' || *str == '\\') - putc ('\\', stream); - putc (*str, stream); - } - putc ('"', stream); -} - -/* Add to the log file an entry denoting a failed translation. */ -void -_nl_log_untranslated (const char *logfilename, const char *domainname, - const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, int plural) -{ - static char *last_logfilename = NULL; - static FILE *last_logfile = NULL; - FILE *logfile; - - /* Can we reuse the last opened logfile? */ - if (last_logfilename == NULL || strcmp (logfilename, last_logfilename) != 0) - { - /* Close the last used logfile. */ - if (last_logfilename != NULL) - { - if (last_logfile != NULL) - { - fclose (last_logfile); - last_logfile = NULL; - } - free (last_logfilename); - last_logfilename = NULL; - } - /* Open the logfile. */ - last_logfilename = (char *) malloc (strlen (logfilename) + 1); - if (last_logfilename == NULL) - return; - strcpy (last_logfilename, logfilename); - last_logfile = fopen (logfilename, "a"); - if (last_logfile == NULL) - return; - } - logfile = last_logfile; - - fprintf (logfile, "domain "); - print_escaped (logfile, domainname); - fprintf (logfile, "\nmsgid "); - print_escaped (logfile, msgid1); - if (plural) - { - fprintf (logfile, "\nmsgid_plural "); - print_escaped (logfile, msgid2); - fprintf (logfile, "\nmsgstr[0] \"\"\n"); - } - else - fprintf (logfile, "\nmsgstr \"\"\n"); - putc ('\n', logfile); -} diff --git a/webcit/intl/ngettext.c b/webcit/intl/ngettext.c deleted file mode 100644 index e73e00c48..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/ngettext.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -/* Implementation of ngettext(3) function. - Copyright (C) 1995, 1997, 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#ifdef _LIBC -# define __need_NULL -# include -#else -# include /* Just for NULL. */ -#endif - -#include "gettextP.h" -#ifdef _LIBC -# include -#else -# include "libgnuintl.h" -#endif - -#include - -/* @@ end of prolog @@ */ - -/* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. They must not clash - with existing names and they should follow ANSI C. But this source - code is also used in GNU C Library where the names have a __ - prefix. So we have to make a difference here. */ -#ifdef _LIBC -# define NGETTEXT __ngettext -# define DCNGETTEXT __dcngettext -#else -# define NGETTEXT libintl_ngettext -# define DCNGETTEXT libintl_dcngettext -#endif - -/* Look up MSGID in the current default message catalog for the current - LC_MESSAGES locale. If not found, returns MSGID itself (the default - text). */ -char * -NGETTEXT (const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, unsigned long int n) -{ - return DCNGETTEXT (NULL, msgid1, msgid2, n, LC_MESSAGES); -} - -#ifdef _LIBC -/* Alias for function name in GNU C Library. */ -weak_alias (__ngettext, ngettext); -#endif diff --git a/webcit/intl/os2compat.c b/webcit/intl/os2compat.c deleted file mode 100644 index c8dc33e7c..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/os2compat.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -/* OS/2 compatibility functions. - Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#define OS2_AWARE -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -#include -#endif - -#include -#include -#include - -/* A version of getenv() that works from DLLs */ -extern unsigned long DosScanEnv (const unsigned char *pszName, unsigned char **ppszValue); - -char * -_nl_getenv (const char *name) -{ - unsigned char *value; - if (DosScanEnv (name, &value)) - return NULL; - else - return value; -} - -/* A fixed size buffer. */ -char libintl_nl_default_dirname[MAXPATHLEN+1]; - -char *_nlos2_libdir = NULL; -char *_nlos2_localealiaspath = NULL; -char *_nlos2_localedir = NULL; - -static __attribute__((constructor)) void -nlos2_initialize () -{ - char *root = getenv ("UNIXROOT"); - char *gnulocaledir = getenv ("GNULOCALEDIR"); - - _nlos2_libdir = gnulocaledir; - if (!_nlos2_libdir) - { - if (root) - { - size_t sl = strlen (root); - _nlos2_libdir = (char *) malloc (sl + strlen (LIBDIR) + 1); - memcpy (_nlos2_libdir, root, sl); - memcpy (_nlos2_libdir + sl, LIBDIR, strlen (LIBDIR) + 1); - } - else - _nlos2_libdir = LIBDIR; - } - - _nlos2_localealiaspath = gnulocaledir; - if (!_nlos2_localealiaspath) - { - if (root) - { - size_t sl = strlen (root); - _nlos2_localealiaspath = (char *) malloc (sl + strlen (LOCALE_ALIAS_PATH) + 1); - memcpy (_nlos2_localealiaspath, root, sl); - memcpy (_nlos2_localealiaspath + sl, LOCALE_ALIAS_PATH, strlen (LOCALE_ALIAS_PATH) + 1); - } - else - _nlos2_localealiaspath = LOCALE_ALIAS_PATH; - } - - _nlos2_localedir = gnulocaledir; - if (!_nlos2_localedir) - { - if (root) - { - size_t sl = strlen (root); - _nlos2_localedir = (char *) malloc (sl + strlen (LOCALEDIR) + 1); - memcpy (_nlos2_localedir, root, sl); - memcpy (_nlos2_localedir + sl, LOCALEDIR, strlen (LOCALEDIR) + 1); - } - else - _nlos2_localedir = LOCALEDIR; - } - - if (strlen (_nlos2_localedir) <= MAXPATHLEN) - strcpy (libintl_nl_default_dirname, _nlos2_localedir); -} diff --git a/webcit/intl/os2compat.h b/webcit/intl/os2compat.h deleted file mode 100644 index 4f74e8c03..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/os2compat.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -/* OS/2 compatibility defines. - This file is intended to be included from config.h - Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -/* When included from os2compat.h we need all the original definitions */ -#ifndef OS2_AWARE - -#undef LIBDIR -#define LIBDIR _nlos2_libdir -extern char *_nlos2_libdir; - -#undef LOCALEDIR -#define LOCALEDIR _nlos2_localedir -extern char *_nlos2_localedir; - -#undef LOCALE_ALIAS_PATH -#define LOCALE_ALIAS_PATH _nlos2_localealiaspath -extern char *_nlos2_localealiaspath; - -#endif - -#undef HAVE_STRCASECMP -#define HAVE_STRCASECMP 1 -#define strcasecmp stricmp -#define strncasecmp strnicmp - -/* We have our own getenv() which works even if library is compiled as DLL */ -#define getenv _nl_getenv - -/* Older versions of gettext used -1 as the value of LC_MESSAGES */ -#define LC_MESSAGES_COMPAT (-1) diff --git a/webcit/intl/osdep.c b/webcit/intl/osdep.c deleted file mode 100644 index b37259838..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/osdep.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -/* OS dependent parts of libintl. - Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#if defined __EMX__ -# include "os2compat.c" -#else -/* Avoid AIX compiler warning. */ -typedef int dummy; -#endif diff --git a/webcit/intl/plural-exp.c b/webcit/intl/plural-exp.c deleted file mode 100644 index 8c04e6426..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/plural-exp.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,154 +0,0 @@ -/* Expression parsing for plural form selection. - Copyright (C) 2000-2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - Written by Ulrich Drepper , 2000. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#include -#include -#include - -#include "plural-exp.h" - -#if (defined __GNUC__ && !defined __APPLE_CC__) \ - || (defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) - -/* These structs are the constant expression for the germanic plural - form determination. It represents the expression "n != 1". */ -static const struct expression plvar = -{ - .nargs = 0, - .operation = var, -}; -static const struct expression plone = -{ - .nargs = 0, - .operation = num, - .val = - { - .num = 1 - } -}; -struct expression GERMANIC_PLURAL = -{ - .nargs = 2, - .operation = not_equal, - .val = - { - .args = - { - [0] = (struct expression *) &plvar, - [1] = (struct expression *) &plone - } - } -}; - -# define INIT_GERMANIC_PLURAL() - -#else - -/* For compilers without support for ISO C 99 struct/union initializers: - Initialization at run-time. */ - -static struct expression plvar; -static struct expression plone; -struct expression GERMANIC_PLURAL; - -static void -init_germanic_plural () -{ - if (plone.val.num == 0) - { - plvar.nargs = 0; - plvar.operation = var; - - plone.nargs = 0; - plone.operation = num; - plone.val.num = 1; - - GERMANIC_PLURAL.nargs = 2; - GERMANIC_PLURAL.operation = not_equal; - GERMANIC_PLURAL.val.args[0] = &plvar; - GERMANIC_PLURAL.val.args[1] = &plone; - } -} - -# define INIT_GERMANIC_PLURAL() init_germanic_plural () - -#endif - -void -internal_function -EXTRACT_PLURAL_EXPRESSION (const char *nullentry, struct expression **pluralp, - unsigned long int *npluralsp) -{ - if (nullentry != NULL) - { - const char *plural; - const char *nplurals; - - plural = strstr (nullentry, "plural="); - nplurals = strstr (nullentry, "nplurals="); - if (plural == NULL || nplurals == NULL) - goto no_plural; - else - { - char *endp; - unsigned long int n; - struct parse_args args; - - /* First get the number. */ - nplurals += 9; - while (*nplurals != '\0' && isspace ((unsigned char) *nplurals)) - ++nplurals; - if (!(*nplurals >= '0' && *nplurals <= '9')) - goto no_plural; -#if defined HAVE_STRTOUL || defined _LIBC - n = strtoul (nplurals, &endp, 10); -#else - for (endp = nplurals, n = 0; *endp >= '0' && *endp <= '9'; endp++) - n = n * 10 + (*endp - '0'); -#endif - if (nplurals == endp) - goto no_plural; - *npluralsp = n; - - /* Due to the restrictions bison imposes onto the interface of the - scanner function we have to put the input string and the result - passed up from the parser into the same structure which address - is passed down to the parser. */ - plural += 7; - args.cp = plural; - if (PLURAL_PARSE (&args) != 0) - goto no_plural; - *pluralp = args.res; - } - } - else - { - /* By default we are using the Germanic form: singular form only - for `one', the plural form otherwise. Yes, this is also what - English is using since English is a Germanic language. */ - no_plural: - INIT_GERMANIC_PLURAL (); - *pluralp = &GERMANIC_PLURAL; - *npluralsp = 2; - } -} diff --git a/webcit/intl/plural-exp.h b/webcit/intl/plural-exp.h deleted file mode 100644 index 49e2c5bfc..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/plural-exp.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -/* Expression parsing and evaluation for plural form selection. - Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - Written by Ulrich Drepper , 2000. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifndef _PLURAL_EXP_H -#define _PLURAL_EXP_H - -#ifndef internal_function -# define internal_function -#endif - -#ifndef attribute_hidden -# define attribute_hidden -#endif - - -/* This is the representation of the expressions to determine the - plural form. */ -struct expression -{ - int nargs; /* Number of arguments. */ - enum operator - { - /* Without arguments: */ - var, /* The variable "n". */ - num, /* Decimal number. */ - /* Unary operators: */ - lnot, /* Logical NOT. */ - /* Binary operators: */ - mult, /* Multiplication. */ - divide, /* Division. */ - module, /* Modulo operation. */ - plus, /* Addition. */ - minus, /* Subtraction. */ - less_than, /* Comparison. */ - greater_than, /* Comparison. */ - less_or_equal, /* Comparison. */ - greater_or_equal, /* Comparison. */ - equal, /* Comparison for equality. */ - not_equal, /* Comparison for inequality. */ - land, /* Logical AND. */ - lor, /* Logical OR. */ - /* Ternary operators: */ - qmop /* Question mark operator. */ - } operation; - union - { - unsigned long int num; /* Number value for `num'. */ - struct expression *args[3]; /* Up to three arguments. */ - } val; -}; - -/* This is the data structure to pass information to the parser and get - the result in a thread-safe way. */ -struct parse_args -{ - const char *cp; - struct expression *res; -}; - - -/* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. This source code is used - 1. in the GNU C Library library, - 2. in the GNU libintl library, - 3. in the GNU gettext tools. - The function names in each situation must be different, to allow for - binary incompatible changes in 'struct expression'. Furthermore, - 1. in the GNU C Library library, the names have a __ prefix, - 2.+3. in the GNU libintl library and in the GNU gettext tools, the names - must follow ANSI C and not start with __. - So we have to distinguish the three cases. */ -#ifdef _LIBC -# define FREE_EXPRESSION __gettext_free_exp -# define PLURAL_PARSE __gettextparse -# define GERMANIC_PLURAL __gettext_germanic_plural -# define EXTRACT_PLURAL_EXPRESSION __gettext_extract_plural -#elif defined (IN_LIBINTL) -# define FREE_EXPRESSION libintl_gettext_free_exp -# define PLURAL_PARSE libintl_gettextparse -# define GERMANIC_PLURAL libintl_gettext_germanic_plural -# define EXTRACT_PLURAL_EXPRESSION libintl_gettext_extract_plural -#else -# define FREE_EXPRESSION free_plural_expression -# define PLURAL_PARSE parse_plural_expression -# define GERMANIC_PLURAL germanic_plural -# define EXTRACT_PLURAL_EXPRESSION extract_plural_expression -#endif - -extern void FREE_EXPRESSION (struct expression *exp) - internal_function; -extern int PLURAL_PARSE (void *arg); -extern struct expression GERMANIC_PLURAL attribute_hidden; -extern void EXTRACT_PLURAL_EXPRESSION (const char *nullentry, - struct expression **pluralp, - unsigned long int *npluralsp) - internal_function; - -#if !defined (_LIBC) && !defined (IN_LIBINTL) -extern unsigned long int plural_eval (struct expression *pexp, - unsigned long int n); -#endif - -#endif /* _PLURAL_EXP_H */ diff --git a/webcit/intl/plural.c b/webcit/intl/plural.c deleted file mode 100644 index 72494f9eb..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/plural.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1490 +0,0 @@ -/* A Bison parser, made from plural.y - by GNU bison 1.35. */ - -#define YYBISON 1 /* Identify Bison output. */ - -#define yyparse __gettextparse -#define yylex __gettextlex -#define yyerror __gettexterror -#define yylval __gettextlval -#define yychar __gettextchar -#define yydebug __gettextdebug -#define yynerrs __gettextnerrs -# define EQUOP2 257 -# define CMPOP2 258 -# define ADDOP2 259 -# define MULOP2 260 -# define NUMBER 261 - -#line 1 "plural.y" - -/* Expression parsing for plural form selection. - Copyright (C) 2000-2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - Written by Ulrich Drepper , 2000. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -/* The bison generated parser uses alloca. AIX 3 forces us to put this - declaration at the beginning of the file. The declaration in bison's - skeleton file comes too late. This must come before - because may include arbitrary system headers. */ -#if defined _AIX && !defined __GNUC__ - #pragma alloca -#endif - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#include -#include -#include "plural-exp.h" - -/* The main function generated by the parser is called __gettextparse, - but we want it to be called PLURAL_PARSE. */ -#ifndef _LIBC -# define __gettextparse PLURAL_PARSE -#endif - -#define YYLEX_PARAM &((struct parse_args *) arg)->cp -#define YYPARSE_PARAM arg - -#line 49 "plural.y" -#ifndef YYSTYPE -typedef union { - unsigned long int num; - enum operator op; - struct expression *exp; -} yystype; -# define YYSTYPE yystype -# define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 -#endif -#line 55 "plural.y" - -/* Prototypes for local functions. */ -static int yylex (YYSTYPE *lval, const char **pexp); -static void yyerror (const char *str); - -/* Allocation of expressions. */ - -static struct expression * -new_exp (int nargs, enum operator op, struct expression * const *args) -{ - int i; - struct expression *newp; - - /* If any of the argument could not be malloc'ed, just return NULL. */ - for (i = nargs - 1; i >= 0; i--) - if (args[i] == NULL) - goto fail; - - /* Allocate a new expression. */ - newp = (struct expression *) malloc (sizeof (*newp)); - if (newp != NULL) - { - newp->nargs = nargs; - newp->operation = op; - for (i = nargs - 1; i >= 0; i--) - newp->val.args[i] = args[i]; - return newp; - } - - fail: - for (i = nargs - 1; i >= 0; i--) - FREE_EXPRESSION (args[i]); - - return NULL; -} - -static inline struct expression * -new_exp_0 (enum operator op) -{ - return new_exp (0, op, NULL); -} - -static inline struct expression * -new_exp_1 (enum operator op, struct expression *right) -{ - struct expression *args[1]; - - args[0] = right; - return new_exp (1, op, args); -} - -static struct expression * -new_exp_2 (enum operator op, struct expression *left, struct expression *right) -{ - struct expression *args[2]; - - args[0] = left; - args[1] = right; - return new_exp (2, op, args); -} - -static inline struct expression * -new_exp_3 (enum operator op, struct expression *bexp, - struct expression *tbranch, struct expression *fbranch) -{ - struct expression *args[3]; - - args[0] = bexp; - args[1] = tbranch; - args[2] = fbranch; - return new_exp (3, op, args); -} - -#ifndef YYDEBUG -# define YYDEBUG 0 -#endif - - - -#define YYFINAL 27 -#define YYFLAG -32768 -#define YYNTBASE 16 - -/* YYTRANSLATE(YYLEX) -- Bison token number corresponding to YYLEX. */ -#define YYTRANSLATE(x) ((unsigned)(x) <= 261 ? yytranslate[x] : 18) - -/* YYTRANSLATE[YYLEX] -- Bison token number corresponding to YYLEX. */ -static const char yytranslate[] = -{ - 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 10, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, - 14, 15, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 12, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 13, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 6, 7, 8, - 9, 11 -}; - -#if YYDEBUG -static const short yyprhs[] = -{ - 0, 0, 2, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, - 35, 37, 39 -}; -static const short yyrhs[] = -{ - 17, 0, 17, 3, 17, 12, 17, 0, 17, 4, - 17, 0, 17, 5, 17, 0, 17, 6, 17, 0, - 17, 7, 17, 0, 17, 8, 17, 0, 17, 9, - 17, 0, 10, 17, 0, 13, 0, 11, 0, 14, - 17, 15, 0 -}; - -#endif - -#if YYDEBUG -/* YYRLINE[YYN] -- source line where rule number YYN was defined. */ -static const short yyrline[] = -{ - 0, 150, 158, 162, 166, 170, 174, 178, 182, 186, - 190, 194, 199 -}; -#endif - - -#if (YYDEBUG) || defined YYERROR_VERBOSE - -/* YYTNAME[TOKEN_NUM] -- String name of the token TOKEN_NUM. */ -static const char *const yytname[] = -{ - "$", "error", "$undefined.", "'?'", "'|'", "'&'", "EQUOP2", "CMPOP2", - "ADDOP2", "MULOP2", "'!'", "NUMBER", "':'", "'n'", "'('", "')'", - "start", "exp", 0 -}; -#endif - -/* YYR1[YYN] -- Symbol number of symbol that rule YYN derives. */ -static const short yyr1[] = -{ - 0, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, - 17, 17, 17 -}; - -/* YYR2[YYN] -- Number of symbols composing right hand side of rule YYN. */ -static const short yyr2[] = -{ - 0, 1, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, - 1, 1, 3 -}; - -/* YYDEFACT[S] -- default rule to reduce with in state S when YYTABLE - doesn't specify something else to do. Zero means the default is an - error. */ -static const short yydefact[] = -{ - 0, 0, 11, 10, 0, 1, 9, 0, 0, 0, - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 0, 3, 4, 5, - 6, 7, 8, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0 -}; - -static const short yydefgoto[] = -{ - 25, 5 -}; - -static const short yypact[] = -{ - -9, -9,-32768,-32768, -9, 34,-32768, 11, -9, -9, - -9, -9, -9, -9, -9,-32768, 24, 39, 43, 16, - 26, -3,-32768, -9, 34, 21, 53,-32768 -}; - -static const short yypgoto[] = -{ - -32768, -1 -}; - - -#define YYLAST 53 - - -static const short yytable[] = -{ - 6, 1, 2, 7, 3, 4, 14, 16, 17, 18, - 19, 20, 21, 22, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, - 14, 26, 24, 12, 13, 14, 15, 8, 9, 10, - 11, 12, 13, 14, 13, 14, 23, 8, 9, 10, - 11, 12, 13, 14, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 11, - 12, 13, 14, 27 -}; - -static const short yycheck[] = -{ - 1, 10, 11, 4, 13, 14, 9, 8, 9, 10, - 11, 12, 13, 14, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, - 9, 0, 23, 7, 8, 9, 15, 3, 4, 5, - 6, 7, 8, 9, 8, 9, 12, 3, 4, 5, - 6, 7, 8, 9, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 6, - 7, 8, 9, 0 -}; -#define YYPURE 1 - -/* -*-C-*- Note some compilers choke on comments on `#line' lines. */ -#line 3 "/usr/local/share/bison/bison.simple" - -/* Skeleton output parser for bison, - - Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software - Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, - Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ - -/* As a special exception, when this file is copied by Bison into a - Bison output file, you may use that output file without restriction. - This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation - in version 1.24 of Bison. */ - -/* This is the parser code that is written into each bison parser when - the %semantic_parser declaration is not specified in the grammar. - It was written by Richard Stallman by simplifying the hairy parser - used when %semantic_parser is specified. */ - -/* All symbols defined below should begin with yy or YY, to avoid - infringing on user name space. This should be done even for local - variables, as they might otherwise be expanded by user macros. - There are some unavoidable exceptions within include files to - define necessary library symbols; they are noted "INFRINGES ON - USER NAME SPACE" below. */ - -#if ! defined (yyoverflow) || defined (YYERROR_VERBOSE) - -/* The parser invokes alloca or malloc; define the necessary symbols. */ - -# if YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA -# define YYSTACK_ALLOC alloca -# else -# ifndef YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA -# if defined (alloca) || defined (_ALLOCA_H) -# define YYSTACK_ALLOC alloca -# else -# ifdef __GNUC__ -# define YYSTACK_ALLOC __builtin_alloca -# endif -# endif -# endif -# endif - -# ifdef YYSTACK_ALLOC - /* Pacify GCC's `empty if-body' warning. */ -# define YYSTACK_FREE(Ptr) do { /* empty */; } while (0) -# else -# if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus) -# include /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ -# define YYSIZE_T size_t -# endif -# define YYSTACK_ALLOC malloc -# define YYSTACK_FREE free -# endif -#endif /* ! defined (yyoverflow) || defined (YYERROR_VERBOSE) */ - - -#if (! defined (yyoverflow) \ - && (! defined (__cplusplus) \ - || (YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL && YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL))) - -/* A type that is properly aligned for any stack member. */ -union yyalloc -{ - short yyss; - YYSTYPE yyvs; -# if YYLSP_NEEDED - YYLTYPE yyls; -# endif -}; - -/* The size of the maximum gap between one aligned stack and the next. */ -# define YYSTACK_GAP_MAX (sizeof (union yyalloc) - 1) - -/* The size of an array large to enough to hold all stacks, each with - N elements. */ -# if YYLSP_NEEDED -# define YYSTACK_BYTES(N) \ - ((N) * (sizeof (short) + sizeof (YYSTYPE) + sizeof (YYLTYPE)) \ - + 2 * YYSTACK_GAP_MAX) -# else -# define YYSTACK_BYTES(N) \ - ((N) * (sizeof (short) + sizeof (YYSTYPE)) \ - + YYSTACK_GAP_MAX) -# endif - -/* Copy COUNT objects from FROM to TO. The source and destination do - not overlap. */ -# ifndef YYCOPY -# if 1 < __GNUC__ -# define YYCOPY(To, From, Count) \ - __builtin_memcpy (To, From, (Count) * sizeof (*(From))) -# else -# define YYCOPY(To, From, Count) \ - do \ - { \ - register YYSIZE_T yyi; \ - for (yyi = 0; yyi < (Count); yyi++) \ - (To)[yyi] = (From)[yyi]; \ - } \ - while (0) -# endif -# endif - -/* Relocate STACK from its old location to the new one. The - local variables YYSIZE and YYSTACKSIZE give the old and new number of - elements in the stack, and YYPTR gives the new location of the - stack. Advance YYPTR to a properly aligned location for the next - stack. */ -# define YYSTACK_RELOCATE(Stack) \ - do \ - { \ - YYSIZE_T yynewbytes; \ - YYCOPY (&yyptr->Stack, Stack, yysize); \ - Stack = &yyptr->Stack; \ - yynewbytes = yystacksize * sizeof (*Stack) + YYSTACK_GAP_MAX; \ - yyptr += yynewbytes / sizeof (*yyptr); \ - } \ - while (0) - -#endif - - -#if ! defined (YYSIZE_T) && defined (__SIZE_TYPE__) -# define YYSIZE_T __SIZE_TYPE__ -#endif -#if ! defined (YYSIZE_T) && defined (size_t) -# define YYSIZE_T size_t -#endif -#if ! defined (YYSIZE_T) -# if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus) -# include /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ -# define YYSIZE_T size_t -# endif -#endif -#if ! defined (YYSIZE_T) -# define YYSIZE_T unsigned int -#endif - -#define yyerrok (yyerrstatus = 0) -#define yyclearin (yychar = YYEMPTY) -#define YYEMPTY -2 -#define YYEOF 0 -#define YYACCEPT goto yyacceptlab -#define YYABORT goto yyabortlab -#define YYERROR goto yyerrlab1 -/* Like YYERROR except do call yyerror. This remains here temporarily - to ease the transition to the new meaning of YYERROR, for GCC. - Once GCC version 2 has supplanted version 1, this can go. */ -#define YYFAIL goto yyerrlab -#define YYRECOVERING() (!!yyerrstatus) -#define YYBACKUP(Token, Value) \ -do \ - if (yychar == YYEMPTY && yylen == 1) \ - { \ - yychar = (Token); \ - yylval = (Value); \ - yychar1 = YYTRANSLATE (yychar); \ - YYPOPSTACK; \ - goto yybackup; \ - } \ - else \ - { \ - yyerror ("syntax error: cannot back up"); \ - YYERROR; \ - } \ -while (0) - -#define YYTERROR 1 -#define YYERRCODE 256 - - -/* YYLLOC_DEFAULT -- Compute the default location (before the actions - are run). - - When YYLLOC_DEFAULT is run, CURRENT is set the location of the - first token. By default, to implement support for ranges, extend - its range to the last symbol. */ - -#ifndef YYLLOC_DEFAULT -# define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) \ - Current.last_line = Rhs[N].last_line; \ - Current.last_column = Rhs[N].last_column; -#endif - - -/* YYLEX -- calling `yylex' with the right arguments. */ - -#if YYPURE -# if YYLSP_NEEDED -# ifdef YYLEX_PARAM -# define YYLEX yylex (&yylval, &yylloc, YYLEX_PARAM) -# else -# define YYLEX yylex (&yylval, &yylloc) -# endif -# else /* !YYLSP_NEEDED */ -# ifdef YYLEX_PARAM -# define YYLEX yylex (&yylval, YYLEX_PARAM) -# else -# define YYLEX yylex (&yylval) -# endif -# endif /* !YYLSP_NEEDED */ -#else /* !YYPURE */ -# define YYLEX yylex () -#endif /* !YYPURE */ - - -/* Enable debugging if requested. */ -#if YYDEBUG - -# ifndef YYFPRINTF -# include /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ -# define YYFPRINTF fprintf -# endif - -# define YYDPRINTF(Args) \ -do { \ - if (yydebug) \ - YYFPRINTF Args; \ -} while (0) -/* Nonzero means print parse trace. It is left uninitialized so that - multiple parsers can coexist. */ -int yydebug; -#else /* !YYDEBUG */ -# define YYDPRINTF(Args) -#endif /* !YYDEBUG */ - -/* YYINITDEPTH -- initial size of the parser's stacks. */ -#ifndef YYINITDEPTH -# define YYINITDEPTH 200 -#endif - -/* YYMAXDEPTH -- maximum size the stacks can grow to (effective only - if the built-in stack extension method is used). - - Do not make this value too large; the results are undefined if - SIZE_MAX < YYSTACK_BYTES (YYMAXDEPTH) - evaluated with infinite-precision integer arithmetic. */ - -#if YYMAXDEPTH == 0 -# undef YYMAXDEPTH -#endif - -#ifndef YYMAXDEPTH -# define YYMAXDEPTH 10000 -#endif - -#ifdef YYERROR_VERBOSE - -# ifndef yystrlen -# if defined (__GLIBC__) && defined (_STRING_H) -# define yystrlen strlen -# else -/* Return the length of YYSTR. */ -static YYSIZE_T -# if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus) -yystrlen (const char *yystr) -# else -yystrlen (yystr) - const char *yystr; -# endif -{ - register const char *yys = yystr; - - while (*yys++ != '\0') - continue; - - return yys - yystr - 1; -} -# endif -# endif - -# ifndef yystpcpy -# if defined (__GLIBC__) && defined (_STRING_H) && defined (_GNU_SOURCE) -# define yystpcpy stpcpy -# else -/* Copy YYSRC to YYDEST, returning the address of the terminating '\0' in - YYDEST. */ -static char * -# if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus) -yystpcpy (char *yydest, const char *yysrc) -# else -yystpcpy (yydest, yysrc) - char *yydest; - const char *yysrc; -# endif -{ - register char *yyd = yydest; - register const char *yys = yysrc; - - while ((*yyd++ = *yys++) != '\0') - continue; - - return yyd - 1; -} -# endif -# endif -#endif - -#line 315 "/usr/local/share/bison/bison.simple" - - -/* The user can define YYPARSE_PARAM as the name of an argument to be passed - into yyparse. The argument should have type void *. - It should actually point to an object. - Grammar actions can access the variable by casting it - to the proper pointer type. */ - -#ifdef YYPARSE_PARAM -# if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus) -# define YYPARSE_PARAM_ARG void *YYPARSE_PARAM -# define YYPARSE_PARAM_DECL -# else -# define YYPARSE_PARAM_ARG YYPARSE_PARAM -# define YYPARSE_PARAM_DECL void *YYPARSE_PARAM; -# endif -#else /* !YYPARSE_PARAM */ -# define YYPARSE_PARAM_ARG -# define YYPARSE_PARAM_DECL -#endif /* !YYPARSE_PARAM */ - -/* Prevent warning if -Wstrict-prototypes. */ -#ifdef __GNUC__ -# ifdef YYPARSE_PARAM -int yyparse (void *); -# else -int yyparse (void); -# endif -#endif - -/* YY_DECL_VARIABLES -- depending whether we use a pure parser, - variables are global, or local to YYPARSE. */ - -#define YY_DECL_NON_LSP_VARIABLES \ -/* The lookahead symbol. */ \ -int yychar; \ - \ -/* The semantic value of the lookahead symbol. */ \ -YYSTYPE yylval; \ - \ -/* Number of parse errors so far. */ \ -int yynerrs; - -#if YYLSP_NEEDED -# define YY_DECL_VARIABLES \ -YY_DECL_NON_LSP_VARIABLES \ - \ -/* Location data for the lookahead symbol. */ \ -YYLTYPE yylloc; -#else -# define YY_DECL_VARIABLES \ -YY_DECL_NON_LSP_VARIABLES -#endif - - -/* If nonreentrant, generate the variables here. */ - -#if !YYPURE -YY_DECL_VARIABLES -#endif /* !YYPURE */ - -int -yyparse (YYPARSE_PARAM_ARG) - YYPARSE_PARAM_DECL -{ - /* If reentrant, generate the variables here. */ -#if YYPURE - YY_DECL_VARIABLES -#endif /* !YYPURE */ - - register int yystate; - register int yyn; - int yyresult; - /* Number of tokens to shift before error messages enabled. */ - int yyerrstatus; - /* Lookahead token as an internal (translated) token number. */ - int yychar1 = 0; - - /* Three stacks and their tools: - `yyss': related to states, - `yyvs': related to semantic values, - `yyls': related to locations. - - Refer to the stacks thru separate pointers, to allow yyoverflow - to reallocate them elsewhere. */ - - /* The state stack. */ - short yyssa[YYINITDEPTH]; - short *yyss = yyssa; - register short *yyssp; - - /* The semantic value stack. */ - YYSTYPE yyvsa[YYINITDEPTH]; - YYSTYPE *yyvs = yyvsa; - register YYSTYPE *yyvsp; - -#if YYLSP_NEEDED - /* The location stack. */ - YYLTYPE yylsa[YYINITDEPTH]; - YYLTYPE *yyls = yylsa; - YYLTYPE *yylsp; -#endif - -#if YYLSP_NEEDED -# define YYPOPSTACK (yyvsp--, yyssp--, yylsp--) -#else -# define YYPOPSTACK (yyvsp--, yyssp--) -#endif - - YYSIZE_T yystacksize = YYINITDEPTH; - - - /* The variables used to return semantic value and location from the - action routines. */ - YYSTYPE yyval; -#if YYLSP_NEEDED - YYLTYPE yyloc; -#endif - - /* When reducing, the number of symbols on the RHS of the reduced - rule. */ - int yylen; - - YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Starting parse\n")); - - yystate = 0; - yyerrstatus = 0; - yynerrs = 0; - yychar = YYEMPTY; /* Cause a token to be read. */ - - /* Initialize stack pointers. - Waste one element of value and location stack - so that they stay on the same level as the state stack. - The wasted elements are never initialized. */ - - yyssp = yyss; - yyvsp = yyvs; -#if YYLSP_NEEDED - yylsp = yyls; -#endif - goto yysetstate; - -/*------------------------------------------------------------. -| yynewstate -- Push a new state, which is found in yystate. | -`------------------------------------------------------------*/ - yynewstate: - /* In all cases, when you get here, the value and location stacks - have just been pushed. so pushing a state here evens the stacks. - */ - yyssp++; - - yysetstate: - *yyssp = yystate; - - if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1) - { - /* Get the current used size of the three stacks, in elements. */ - YYSIZE_T yysize = yyssp - yyss + 1; - -#ifdef yyoverflow - { - /* Give user a chance to reallocate the stack. Use copies of - these so that the &'s don't force the real ones into - memory. */ - YYSTYPE *yyvs1 = yyvs; - short *yyss1 = yyss; - - /* Each stack pointer address is followed by the size of the - data in use in that stack, in bytes. */ -# if YYLSP_NEEDED - YYLTYPE *yyls1 = yyls; - /* This used to be a conditional around just the two extra args, - but that might be undefined if yyoverflow is a macro. */ - yyoverflow ("parser stack overflow", - &yyss1, yysize * sizeof (*yyssp), - &yyvs1, yysize * sizeof (*yyvsp), - &yyls1, yysize * sizeof (*yylsp), - &yystacksize); - yyls = yyls1; -# else - yyoverflow ("parser stack overflow", - &yyss1, yysize * sizeof (*yyssp), - &yyvs1, yysize * sizeof (*yyvsp), - &yystacksize); -# endif - yyss = yyss1; - yyvs = yyvs1; - } -#else /* no yyoverflow */ -# ifndef YYSTACK_RELOCATE - goto yyoverflowlab; -# else - /* Extend the stack our own way. */ - if (yystacksize >= YYMAXDEPTH) - goto yyoverflowlab; - yystacksize *= 2; - if (yystacksize > YYMAXDEPTH) - yystacksize = YYMAXDEPTH; - - { - short *yyss1 = yyss; - union yyalloc *yyptr = - (union yyalloc *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (YYSTACK_BYTES (yystacksize)); - if (! yyptr) - goto yyoverflowlab; - YYSTACK_RELOCATE (yyss); - YYSTACK_RELOCATE (yyvs); -# if YYLSP_NEEDED - YYSTACK_RELOCATE (yyls); -# endif -# undef YYSTACK_RELOCATE - if (yyss1 != yyssa) - YYSTACK_FREE (yyss1); - } -# endif -#endif /* no yyoverflow */ - - yyssp = yyss + yysize - 1; - yyvsp = yyvs + yysize - 1; -#if YYLSP_NEEDED - yylsp = yyls + yysize - 1; -#endif - - YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Stack size increased to %lu\n", - (unsigned long int) yystacksize)); - - if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1) - YYABORT; - } - - YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Entering state %d\n", yystate)); - - goto yybackup; - - -/*-----------. -| yybackup. | -`-----------*/ -yybackup: - -/* Do appropriate processing given the current state. */ -/* Read a lookahead token if we need one and don't already have one. */ -/* yyresume: */ - - /* First try to decide what to do without reference to lookahead token. */ - - yyn = yypact[yystate]; - if (yyn == YYFLAG) - goto yydefault; - - /* Not known => get a lookahead token if don't already have one. */ - - /* yychar is either YYEMPTY or YYEOF - or a valid token in external form. */ - - if (yychar == YYEMPTY) - { - YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Reading a token: ")); - yychar = YYLEX; - } - - /* Convert token to internal form (in yychar1) for indexing tables with */ - - if (yychar <= 0) /* This means end of input. */ - { - yychar1 = 0; - yychar = YYEOF; /* Don't call YYLEX any more */ - - YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Now at end of input.\n")); - } - else - { - yychar1 = YYTRANSLATE (yychar); - -#if YYDEBUG - /* We have to keep this `#if YYDEBUG', since we use variables - which are defined only if `YYDEBUG' is set. */ - if (yydebug) - { - YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Next token is %d (%s", - yychar, yytname[yychar1]); - /* Give the individual parser a way to print the precise - meaning of a token, for further debugging info. */ -# ifdef YYPRINT - YYPRINT (stderr, yychar, yylval); -# endif - YYFPRINTF (stderr, ")\n"); - } -#endif - } - - yyn += yychar1; - if (yyn < 0 || yyn > YYLAST || yycheck[yyn] != yychar1) - goto yydefault; - - yyn = yytable[yyn]; - - /* yyn is what to do for this token type in this state. - Negative => reduce, -yyn is rule number. - Positive => shift, yyn is new state. - New state is final state => don't bother to shift, - just return success. - 0, or most negative number => error. */ - - if (yyn < 0) - { - if (yyn == YYFLAG) - goto yyerrlab; - yyn = -yyn; - goto yyreduce; - } - else if (yyn == 0) - goto yyerrlab; - - if (yyn == YYFINAL) - YYACCEPT; - - /* Shift the lookahead token. */ - YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Shifting token %d (%s), ", - yychar, yytname[yychar1])); - - /* Discard the token being shifted unless it is eof. */ - if (yychar != YYEOF) - yychar = YYEMPTY; - - *++yyvsp = yylval; -#if YYLSP_NEEDED - *++yylsp = yylloc; -#endif - - /* Count tokens shifted since error; after three, turn off error - status. */ - if (yyerrstatus) - yyerrstatus--; - - yystate = yyn; - goto yynewstate; - - -/*-----------------------------------------------------------. -| yydefault -- do the default action for the current state. | -`-----------------------------------------------------------*/ -yydefault: - yyn = yydefact[yystate]; - if (yyn == 0) - goto yyerrlab; - goto yyreduce; - - -/*-----------------------------. -| yyreduce -- Do a reduction. | -`-----------------------------*/ -yyreduce: - /* yyn is the number of a rule to reduce with. */ - yylen = yyr2[yyn]; - - /* If YYLEN is nonzero, implement the default value of the action: - `$$ = $1'. - - Otherwise, the following line sets YYVAL to the semantic value of - the lookahead token. This behavior is undocumented and Bison - users should not rely upon it. Assigning to YYVAL - unconditionally makes the parser a bit smaller, and it avoids a - GCC warning that YYVAL may be used uninitialized. */ - yyval = yyvsp[1-yylen]; - -#if YYLSP_NEEDED - /* Similarly for the default location. Let the user run additional - commands if for instance locations are ranges. */ - yyloc = yylsp[1-yylen]; - YYLLOC_DEFAULT (yyloc, (yylsp - yylen), yylen); -#endif - -#if YYDEBUG - /* We have to keep this `#if YYDEBUG', since we use variables which - are defined only if `YYDEBUG' is set. */ - if (yydebug) - { - int yyi; - - YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Reducing via rule %d (line %d), ", - yyn, yyrline[yyn]); - - /* Print the symbols being reduced, and their result. */ - for (yyi = yyprhs[yyn]; yyrhs[yyi] > 0; yyi++) - YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%s ", yytname[yyrhs[yyi]]); - YYFPRINTF (stderr, " -> %s\n", yytname[yyr1[yyn]]); - } -#endif - - switch (yyn) { - -case 1: -#line 151 "plural.y" -{ - if (yyvsp[0].exp == NULL) - YYABORT; - ((struct parse_args *) arg)->res = yyvsp[0].exp; - } - break; -case 2: -#line 159 "plural.y" -{ - yyval.exp = new_exp_3 (qmop, yyvsp[-4].exp, yyvsp[-2].exp, yyvsp[0].exp); - } - break; -case 3: -#line 163 "plural.y" -{ - yyval.exp = new_exp_2 (lor, yyvsp[-2].exp, yyvsp[0].exp); - } - break; -case 4: -#line 167 "plural.y" -{ - yyval.exp = new_exp_2 (land, yyvsp[-2].exp, yyvsp[0].exp); - } - break; -case 5: -#line 171 "plural.y" -{ - yyval.exp = new_exp_2 (yyvsp[-1].op, yyvsp[-2].exp, yyvsp[0].exp); - } - break; -case 6: -#line 175 "plural.y" -{ - yyval.exp = new_exp_2 (yyvsp[-1].op, yyvsp[-2].exp, yyvsp[0].exp); - } - break; -case 7: -#line 179 "plural.y" -{ - yyval.exp = new_exp_2 (yyvsp[-1].op, yyvsp[-2].exp, yyvsp[0].exp); - } - break; -case 8: -#line 183 "plural.y" -{ - yyval.exp = new_exp_2 (yyvsp[-1].op, yyvsp[-2].exp, yyvsp[0].exp); - } - break; -case 9: -#line 187 "plural.y" -{ - yyval.exp = new_exp_1 (lnot, yyvsp[0].exp); - } - break; -case 10: -#line 191 "plural.y" -{ - yyval.exp = new_exp_0 (var); - } - break; -case 11: -#line 195 "plural.y" -{ - if ((yyval.exp = new_exp_0 (num)) != NULL) - yyval.exp->val.num = yyvsp[0].num; - } - break; -case 12: -#line 200 "plural.y" -{ - yyval.exp = yyvsp[-1].exp; - } - break; -} - -#line 705 "/usr/local/share/bison/bison.simple" - - - yyvsp -= yylen; - yyssp -= yylen; -#if YYLSP_NEEDED - yylsp -= yylen; -#endif - -#if YYDEBUG - if (yydebug) - { - short *yyssp1 = yyss - 1; - YYFPRINTF (stderr, "state stack now"); - while (yyssp1 != yyssp) - YYFPRINTF (stderr, " %d", *++yyssp1); - YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n"); - } -#endif - - *++yyvsp = yyval; -#if YYLSP_NEEDED - *++yylsp = yyloc; -#endif - - /* Now `shift' the result of the reduction. Determine what state - that goes to, based on the state we popped back to and the rule - number reduced by. */ - - yyn = yyr1[yyn]; - - yystate = yypgoto[yyn - YYNTBASE] + *yyssp; - if (yystate >= 0 && yystate <= YYLAST && yycheck[yystate] == *yyssp) - yystate = yytable[yystate]; - else - yystate = yydefgoto[yyn - YYNTBASE]; - - goto yynewstate; - - -/*------------------------------------. -| yyerrlab -- here on detecting error | -`------------------------------------*/ -yyerrlab: - /* If not already recovering from an error, report this error. */ - if (!yyerrstatus) - { - ++yynerrs; - -#ifdef YYERROR_VERBOSE - yyn = yypact[yystate]; - - if (yyn > YYFLAG && yyn < YYLAST) - { - YYSIZE_T yysize = 0; - char *yymsg; - int yyx, yycount; - - yycount = 0; - /* Start YYX at -YYN if negative to avoid negative indexes in - YYCHECK. */ - for (yyx = yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0; - yyx < (int) (sizeof (yytname) / sizeof (char *)); yyx++) - if (yycheck[yyx + yyn] == yyx) - yysize += yystrlen (yytname[yyx]) + 15, yycount++; - yysize += yystrlen ("parse error, unexpected ") + 1; - yysize += yystrlen (yytname[YYTRANSLATE (yychar)]); - yymsg = (char *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (yysize); - if (yymsg != 0) - { - char *yyp = yystpcpy (yymsg, "parse error, unexpected "); - yyp = yystpcpy (yyp, yytname[YYTRANSLATE (yychar)]); - - if (yycount < 5) - { - yycount = 0; - for (yyx = yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0; - yyx < (int) (sizeof (yytname) / sizeof (char *)); - yyx++) - if (yycheck[yyx + yyn] == yyx) - { - const char *yyq = ! yycount ? ", expecting " : " or "; - yyp = yystpcpy (yyp, yyq); - yyp = yystpcpy (yyp, yytname[yyx]); - yycount++; - } - } - yyerror (yymsg); - YYSTACK_FREE (yymsg); - } - else - yyerror ("parse error; also virtual memory exhausted"); - } - else -#endif /* defined (YYERROR_VERBOSE) */ - yyerror ("parse error"); - } - goto yyerrlab1; - - -/*--------------------------------------------------. -| yyerrlab1 -- error raised explicitly by an action | -`--------------------------------------------------*/ -yyerrlab1: - if (yyerrstatus == 3) - { - /* If just tried and failed to reuse lookahead token after an - error, discard it. */ - - /* return failure if at end of input */ - if (yychar == YYEOF) - YYABORT; - YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Discarding token %d (%s).\n", - yychar, yytname[yychar1])); - yychar = YYEMPTY; - } - - /* Else will try to reuse lookahead token after shifting the error - token. */ - - yyerrstatus = 3; /* Each real token shifted decrements this */ - - goto yyerrhandle; - - -/*-------------------------------------------------------------------. -| yyerrdefault -- current state does not do anything special for the | -| error token. | -`-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -yyerrdefault: -#if 0 - /* This is wrong; only states that explicitly want error tokens - should shift them. */ - - /* If its default is to accept any token, ok. Otherwise pop it. */ - yyn = yydefact[yystate]; - if (yyn) - goto yydefault; -#endif - - -/*---------------------------------------------------------------. -| yyerrpop -- pop the current state because it cannot handle the | -| error token | -`---------------------------------------------------------------*/ -yyerrpop: - if (yyssp == yyss) - YYABORT; - yyvsp--; - yystate = *--yyssp; -#if YYLSP_NEEDED - yylsp--; -#endif - -#if YYDEBUG - if (yydebug) - { - short *yyssp1 = yyss - 1; - YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Error: state stack now"); - while (yyssp1 != yyssp) - YYFPRINTF (stderr, " %d", *++yyssp1); - YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n"); - } -#endif - -/*--------------. -| yyerrhandle. | -`--------------*/ -yyerrhandle: - yyn = yypact[yystate]; - if (yyn == YYFLAG) - goto yyerrdefault; - - yyn += YYTERROR; - if (yyn < 0 || yyn > YYLAST || yycheck[yyn] != YYTERROR) - goto yyerrdefault; - - yyn = yytable[yyn]; - if (yyn < 0) - { - if (yyn == YYFLAG) - goto yyerrpop; - yyn = -yyn; - goto yyreduce; - } - else if (yyn == 0) - goto yyerrpop; - - if (yyn == YYFINAL) - YYACCEPT; - - YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Shifting error token, ")); - - *++yyvsp = yylval; -#if YYLSP_NEEDED - *++yylsp = yylloc; -#endif - - yystate = yyn; - goto yynewstate; - - -/*-------------------------------------. -| yyacceptlab -- YYACCEPT comes here. | -`-------------------------------------*/ -yyacceptlab: - yyresult = 0; - goto yyreturn; - -/*-----------------------------------. -| yyabortlab -- YYABORT comes here. | -`-----------------------------------*/ -yyabortlab: - yyresult = 1; - goto yyreturn; - -/*---------------------------------------------. -| yyoverflowab -- parser overflow comes here. | -`---------------------------------------------*/ -yyoverflowlab: - yyerror ("parser stack overflow"); - yyresult = 2; - /* Fall through. */ - -yyreturn: -#ifndef yyoverflow - if (yyss != yyssa) - YYSTACK_FREE (yyss); -#endif - return yyresult; -} -#line 205 "plural.y" - - -void -internal_function -FREE_EXPRESSION (struct expression *exp) -{ - if (exp == NULL) - return; - - /* Handle the recursive case. */ - switch (exp->nargs) - { - case 3: - FREE_EXPRESSION (exp->val.args[2]); - /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 2: - FREE_EXPRESSION (exp->val.args[1]); - /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 1: - FREE_EXPRESSION (exp->val.args[0]); - /* FALLTHROUGH */ - default: - break; - } - - free (exp); -} - - -static int -yylex (YYSTYPE *lval, const char **pexp) -{ - const char *exp = *pexp; - int result; - - while (1) - { - if (exp[0] == '\0') - { - *pexp = exp; - return YYEOF; - } - - if (exp[0] != ' ' && exp[0] != '\t') - break; - - ++exp; - } - - result = *exp++; - switch (result) - { - case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': - case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': - { - unsigned long int n = result - '0'; - while (exp[0] >= '0' && exp[0] <= '9') - { - n *= 10; - n += exp[0] - '0'; - ++exp; - } - lval->num = n; - result = NUMBER; - } - break; - - case '=': - if (exp[0] == '=') - { - ++exp; - lval->op = equal; - result = EQUOP2; - } - else - result = YYERRCODE; - break; - - case '!': - if (exp[0] == '=') - { - ++exp; - lval->op = not_equal; - result = EQUOP2; - } - break; - - case '&': - case '|': - if (exp[0] == result) - ++exp; - else - result = YYERRCODE; - break; - - case '<': - if (exp[0] == '=') - { - ++exp; - lval->op = less_or_equal; - } - else - lval->op = less_than; - result = CMPOP2; - break; - - case '>': - if (exp[0] == '=') - { - ++exp; - lval->op = greater_or_equal; - } - else - lval->op = greater_than; - result = CMPOP2; - break; - - case '*': - lval->op = mult; - result = MULOP2; - break; - - case '/': - lval->op = divide; - result = MULOP2; - break; - - case '%': - lval->op = module; - result = MULOP2; - break; - - case '+': - lval->op = plus; - result = ADDOP2; - break; - - case '-': - lval->op = minus; - result = ADDOP2; - break; - - case 'n': - case '?': - case ':': - case '(': - case ')': - /* Nothing, just return the character. */ - break; - - case ';': - case '\n': - case '\0': - /* Be safe and let the user call this function again. */ - --exp; - result = YYEOF; - break; - - default: - result = YYERRCODE; -#if YYDEBUG != 0 - --exp; -#endif - break; - } - - *pexp = exp; - - return result; -} - - -static void -yyerror (const char *str) -{ - /* Do nothing. We don't print error messages here. */ -} diff --git a/webcit/intl/plural.y b/webcit/intl/plural.y deleted file mode 100644 index 4d33bd7c7..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/plural.y +++ /dev/null @@ -1,381 +0,0 @@ -%{ -/* Expression parsing for plural form selection. - Copyright (C) 2000-2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - Written by Ulrich Drepper , 2000. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -/* The bison generated parser uses alloca. AIX 3 forces us to put this - declaration at the beginning of the file. The declaration in bison's - skeleton file comes too late. This must come before - because may include arbitrary system headers. */ -#if defined _AIX && !defined __GNUC__ - #pragma alloca -#endif - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#include -#include -#include "plural-exp.h" - -/* The main function generated by the parser is called __gettextparse, - but we want it to be called PLURAL_PARSE. */ -#ifndef _LIBC -# define __gettextparse PLURAL_PARSE -#endif - -#define YYLEX_PARAM &((struct parse_args *) arg)->cp -#define YYPARSE_PARAM arg -%} -%pure_parser -%expect 7 - -%union { - unsigned long int num; - enum operator op; - struct expression *exp; -} - -%{ -/* Prototypes for local functions. */ -static int yylex (YYSTYPE *lval, const char **pexp); -static void yyerror (const char *str); - -/* Allocation of expressions. */ - -static struct expression * -new_exp (int nargs, enum operator op, struct expression * const *args) -{ - int i; - struct expression *newp; - - /* If any of the argument could not be malloc'ed, just return NULL. */ - for (i = nargs - 1; i >= 0; i--) - if (args[i] == NULL) - goto fail; - - /* Allocate a new expression. */ - newp = (struct expression *) malloc (sizeof (*newp)); - if (newp != NULL) - { - newp->nargs = nargs; - newp->operation = op; - for (i = nargs - 1; i >= 0; i--) - newp->val.args[i] = args[i]; - return newp; - } - - fail: - for (i = nargs - 1; i >= 0; i--) - FREE_EXPRESSION (args[i]); - - return NULL; -} - -static inline struct expression * -new_exp_0 (enum operator op) -{ - return new_exp (0, op, NULL); -} - -static inline struct expression * -new_exp_1 (enum operator op, struct expression *right) -{ - struct expression *args[1]; - - args[0] = right; - return new_exp (1, op, args); -} - -static struct expression * -new_exp_2 (enum operator op, struct expression *left, struct expression *right) -{ - struct expression *args[2]; - - args[0] = left; - args[1] = right; - return new_exp (2, op, args); -} - -static inline struct expression * -new_exp_3 (enum operator op, struct expression *bexp, - struct expression *tbranch, struct expression *fbranch) -{ - struct expression *args[3]; - - args[0] = bexp; - args[1] = tbranch; - args[2] = fbranch; - return new_exp (3, op, args); -} - -%} - -/* This declares that all operators have the same associativity and the - precedence order as in C. See [Harbison, Steele: C, A Reference Manual]. - There is no unary minus and no bitwise operators. - Operators with the same syntactic behaviour have been merged into a single - token, to save space in the array generated by bison. */ -%right '?' /* ? */ -%left '|' /* || */ -%left '&' /* && */ -%left EQUOP2 /* == != */ -%left CMPOP2 /* < > <= >= */ -%left ADDOP2 /* + - */ -%left MULOP2 /* * / % */ -%right '!' /* ! */ - -%token EQUOP2 CMPOP2 ADDOP2 MULOP2 -%token NUMBER -%type exp - -%% - -start: exp - { - if ($1 == NULL) - YYABORT; - ((struct parse_args *) arg)->res = $1; - } - ; - -exp: exp '?' exp ':' exp - { - $$ = new_exp_3 (qmop, $1, $3, $5); - } - | exp '|' exp - { - $$ = new_exp_2 (lor, $1, $3); - } - | exp '&' exp - { - $$ = new_exp_2 (land, $1, $3); - } - | exp EQUOP2 exp - { - $$ = new_exp_2 ($2, $1, $3); - } - | exp CMPOP2 exp - { - $$ = new_exp_2 ($2, $1, $3); - } - | exp ADDOP2 exp - { - $$ = new_exp_2 ($2, $1, $3); - } - | exp MULOP2 exp - { - $$ = new_exp_2 ($2, $1, $3); - } - | '!' exp - { - $$ = new_exp_1 (lnot, $2); - } - | 'n' - { - $$ = new_exp_0 (var); - } - | NUMBER - { - if (($$ = new_exp_0 (num)) != NULL) - $$->val.num = $1; - } - | '(' exp ')' - { - $$ = $2; - } - ; - -%% - -void -internal_function -FREE_EXPRESSION (struct expression *exp) -{ - if (exp == NULL) - return; - - /* Handle the recursive case. */ - switch (exp->nargs) - { - case 3: - FREE_EXPRESSION (exp->val.args[2]); - /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 2: - FREE_EXPRESSION (exp->val.args[1]); - /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 1: - FREE_EXPRESSION (exp->val.args[0]); - /* FALLTHROUGH */ - default: - break; - } - - free (exp); -} - - -static int -yylex (YYSTYPE *lval, const char **pexp) -{ - const char *exp = *pexp; - int result; - - while (1) - { - if (exp[0] == '\0') - { - *pexp = exp; - return YYEOF; - } - - if (exp[0] != ' ' && exp[0] != '\t') - break; - - ++exp; - } - - result = *exp++; - switch (result) - { - case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': - case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': - { - unsigned long int n = result - '0'; - while (exp[0] >= '0' && exp[0] <= '9') - { - n *= 10; - n += exp[0] - '0'; - ++exp; - } - lval->num = n; - result = NUMBER; - } - break; - - case '=': - if (exp[0] == '=') - { - ++exp; - lval->op = equal; - result = EQUOP2; - } - else - result = YYERRCODE; - break; - - case '!': - if (exp[0] == '=') - { - ++exp; - lval->op = not_equal; - result = EQUOP2; - } - break; - - case '&': - case '|': - if (exp[0] == result) - ++exp; - else - result = YYERRCODE; - break; - - case '<': - if (exp[0] == '=') - { - ++exp; - lval->op = less_or_equal; - } - else - lval->op = less_than; - result = CMPOP2; - break; - - case '>': - if (exp[0] == '=') - { - ++exp; - lval->op = greater_or_equal; - } - else - lval->op = greater_than; - result = CMPOP2; - break; - - case '*': - lval->op = mult; - result = MULOP2; - break; - - case '/': - lval->op = divide; - result = MULOP2; - break; - - case '%': - lval->op = module; - result = MULOP2; - break; - - case '+': - lval->op = plus; - result = ADDOP2; - break; - - case '-': - lval->op = minus; - result = ADDOP2; - break; - - case 'n': - case '?': - case ':': - case '(': - case ')': - /* Nothing, just return the character. */ - break; - - case ';': - case '\n': - case '\0': - /* Be safe and let the user call this function again. */ - --exp; - result = YYEOF; - break; - - default: - result = YYERRCODE; -#if YYDEBUG != 0 - --exp; -#endif - break; - } - - *pexp = exp; - - return result; -} - - -static void -yyerror (const char *str) -{ - /* Do nothing. We don't print error messages here. */ -} diff --git a/webcit/intl/printf-args.c b/webcit/intl/printf-args.c deleted file mode 100644 index f6f3219e7..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/printf-args.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,119 +0,0 @@ -/* Decomposed printf argument list. - Copyright (C) 1999, 2002-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -/* Specification. */ -#include "printf-args.h" - -#ifdef STATIC -STATIC -#endif -int -printf_fetchargs (va_list args, arguments *a) -{ - size_t i; - argument *ap; - - for (i = 0, ap = &a->arg[0]; i < a->count; i++, ap++) - switch (ap->type) - { - case TYPE_SCHAR: - ap->a.a_schar = va_arg (args, /*signed char*/ int); - break; - case TYPE_UCHAR: - ap->a.a_uchar = va_arg (args, /*unsigned char*/ int); - break; - case TYPE_SHORT: - ap->a.a_short = va_arg (args, /*short*/ int); - break; - case TYPE_USHORT: - ap->a.a_ushort = va_arg (args, /*unsigned short*/ int); - break; - case TYPE_INT: - ap->a.a_int = va_arg (args, int); - break; - case TYPE_UINT: - ap->a.a_uint = va_arg (args, unsigned int); - break; - case TYPE_LONGINT: - ap->a.a_longint = va_arg (args, long int); - break; - case TYPE_ULONGINT: - ap->a.a_ulongint = va_arg (args, unsigned long int); - break; -#ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG - case TYPE_LONGLONGINT: - ap->a.a_longlongint = va_arg (args, long long int); - break; - case TYPE_ULONGLONGINT: - ap->a.a_ulonglongint = va_arg (args, unsigned long long int); - break; -#endif - case TYPE_DOUBLE: - ap->a.a_double = va_arg (args, double); - break; -#ifdef HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE - case TYPE_LONGDOUBLE: - ap->a.a_longdouble = va_arg (args, long double); - break; -#endif - case TYPE_CHAR: - ap->a.a_char = va_arg (args, int); - break; -#ifdef HAVE_WINT_T - case TYPE_WIDE_CHAR: - ap->a.a_wide_char = va_arg (args, wint_t); - break; -#endif - case TYPE_STRING: - ap->a.a_string = va_arg (args, const char *); - break; -#ifdef HAVE_WCHAR_T - case TYPE_WIDE_STRING: - ap->a.a_wide_string = va_arg (args, const wchar_t *); - break; -#endif - case TYPE_POINTER: - ap->a.a_pointer = va_arg (args, void *); - break; - case TYPE_COUNT_SCHAR_POINTER: - ap->a.a_count_schar_pointer = va_arg (args, signed char *); - break; - case TYPE_COUNT_SHORT_POINTER: - ap->a.a_count_short_pointer = va_arg (args, short *); - break; - case TYPE_COUNT_INT_POINTER: - ap->a.a_count_int_pointer = va_arg (args, int *); - break; - case TYPE_COUNT_LONGINT_POINTER: - ap->a.a_count_longint_pointer = va_arg (args, long int *); - break; -#ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG - case TYPE_COUNT_LONGLONGINT_POINTER: - ap->a.a_count_longlongint_pointer = va_arg (args, long long int *); - break; -#endif - default: - /* Unknown type. */ - return -1; - } - return 0; -} diff --git a/webcit/intl/printf-args.h b/webcit/intl/printf-args.h deleted file mode 100644 index f11e64c04..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/printf-args.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,137 +0,0 @@ -/* Decomposed printf argument list. - Copyright (C) 1999, 2002-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifndef _PRINTF_ARGS_H -#define _PRINTF_ARGS_H - -/* Get size_t. */ -#include - -/* Get wchar_t. */ -#ifdef HAVE_WCHAR_T -# include -#endif - -/* Get wint_t. */ -#ifdef HAVE_WINT_T -# include -#endif - -/* Get va_list. */ -#include - - -/* Argument types */ -typedef enum -{ - TYPE_NONE, - TYPE_SCHAR, - TYPE_UCHAR, - TYPE_SHORT, - TYPE_USHORT, - TYPE_INT, - TYPE_UINT, - TYPE_LONGINT, - TYPE_ULONGINT, -#ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG - TYPE_LONGLONGINT, - TYPE_ULONGLONGINT, -#endif - TYPE_DOUBLE, -#ifdef HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE - TYPE_LONGDOUBLE, -#endif - TYPE_CHAR, -#ifdef HAVE_WINT_T - TYPE_WIDE_CHAR, -#endif - TYPE_STRING, -#ifdef HAVE_WCHAR_T - TYPE_WIDE_STRING, -#endif - TYPE_POINTER, - TYPE_COUNT_SCHAR_POINTER, - TYPE_COUNT_SHORT_POINTER, - TYPE_COUNT_INT_POINTER, - TYPE_COUNT_LONGINT_POINTER -#ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG -, TYPE_COUNT_LONGLONGINT_POINTER -#endif -} arg_type; - -/* Polymorphic argument */ -typedef struct -{ - arg_type type; - union - { - signed char a_schar; - unsigned char a_uchar; - short a_short; - unsigned short a_ushort; - int a_int; - unsigned int a_uint; - long int a_longint; - unsigned long int a_ulongint; -#ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG - long long int a_longlongint; - unsigned long long int a_ulonglongint; -#endif - float a_float; - double a_double; -#ifdef HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE - long double a_longdouble; -#endif - int a_char; -#ifdef HAVE_WINT_T - wint_t a_wide_char; -#endif - const char* a_string; -#ifdef HAVE_WCHAR_T - const wchar_t* a_wide_string; -#endif - void* a_pointer; - signed char * a_count_schar_pointer; - short * a_count_short_pointer; - int * a_count_int_pointer; - long int * a_count_longint_pointer; -#ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG - long long int * a_count_longlongint_pointer; -#endif - } - a; -} -argument; - -typedef struct -{ - size_t count; - argument *arg; -} -arguments; - - -/* Fetch the arguments, putting them into a. */ -#ifdef STATIC -STATIC -#else -extern -#endif -int printf_fetchargs (va_list args, arguments *a); - -#endif /* _PRINTF_ARGS_H */ diff --git a/webcit/intl/printf-parse.c b/webcit/intl/printf-parse.c deleted file mode 100644 index d19f903d7..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/printf-parse.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,537 +0,0 @@ -/* Formatted output to strings. - Copyright (C) 1999-2000, 2002-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -/* Specification. */ -#if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION -# include "wprintf-parse.h" -#else -# include "printf-parse.h" -#endif - -/* Get size_t, NULL. */ -#include - -/* Get intmax_t. */ -#if HAVE_STDINT_H_WITH_UINTMAX -# include -#endif -#if HAVE_INTTYPES_H_WITH_UINTMAX -# include -#endif - -/* malloc(), realloc(), free(). */ -#include - -/* Checked size_t computations. */ -#include "xsize.h" - -#if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION -# define PRINTF_PARSE wprintf_parse -# define CHAR_T wchar_t -# define DIRECTIVE wchar_t_directive -# define DIRECTIVES wchar_t_directives -#else -# define PRINTF_PARSE printf_parse -# define CHAR_T char -# define DIRECTIVE char_directive -# define DIRECTIVES char_directives -#endif - -#ifdef STATIC -STATIC -#endif -int -PRINTF_PARSE (const CHAR_T *format, DIRECTIVES *d, arguments *a) -{ - const CHAR_T *cp = format; /* pointer into format */ - size_t arg_posn = 0; /* number of regular arguments consumed */ - size_t d_allocated; /* allocated elements of d->dir */ - size_t a_allocated; /* allocated elements of a->arg */ - size_t max_width_length = 0; - size_t max_precision_length = 0; - - d->count = 0; - d_allocated = 1; - d->dir = malloc (d_allocated * sizeof (DIRECTIVE)); - if (d->dir == NULL) - /* Out of memory. */ - return -1; - - a->count = 0; - a_allocated = 0; - a->arg = NULL; - -#define REGISTER_ARG(_index_,_type_) \ - { \ - size_t n = (_index_); \ - if (n >= a_allocated) \ - { \ - size_t memory_size; \ - argument *memory; \ - \ - a_allocated = xtimes (a_allocated, 2); \ - if (a_allocated <= n) \ - a_allocated = xsum (n, 1); \ - memory_size = xtimes (a_allocated, sizeof (argument)); \ - if (size_overflow_p (memory_size)) \ - /* Overflow, would lead to out of memory. */ \ - goto error; \ - memory = (a->arg \ - ? realloc (a->arg, memory_size) \ - : malloc (memory_size)); \ - if (memory == NULL) \ - /* Out of memory. */ \ - goto error; \ - a->arg = memory; \ - } \ - while (a->count <= n) \ - a->arg[a->count++].type = TYPE_NONE; \ - if (a->arg[n].type == TYPE_NONE) \ - a->arg[n].type = (_type_); \ - else if (a->arg[n].type != (_type_)) \ - /* Ambiguous type for positional argument. */ \ - goto error; \ - } - - while (*cp != '\0') - { - CHAR_T c = *cp++; - if (c == '%') - { - size_t arg_index = ARG_NONE; - DIRECTIVE *dp = &d->dir[d->count];/* pointer to next directive */ - - /* Initialize the next directive. */ - dp->dir_start = cp - 1; - dp->flags = 0; - dp->width_start = NULL; - dp->width_end = NULL; - dp->width_arg_index = ARG_NONE; - dp->precision_start = NULL; - dp->precision_end = NULL; - dp->precision_arg_index = ARG_NONE; - dp->arg_index = ARG_NONE; - - /* Test for positional argument. */ - if (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9') - { - const CHAR_T *np; - - for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) - ; - if (*np == '$') - { - size_t n = 0; - - for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) - n = xsum (xtimes (n, 10), *np - '0'); - if (n == 0) - /* Positional argument 0. */ - goto error; - if (size_overflow_p (n)) - /* n too large, would lead to out of memory later. */ - goto error; - arg_index = n - 1; - cp = np + 1; - } - } - - /* Read the flags. */ - for (;;) - { - if (*cp == '\'') - { - dp->flags |= FLAG_GROUP; - cp++; - } - else if (*cp == '-') - { - dp->flags |= FLAG_LEFT; - cp++; - } - else if (*cp == '+') - { - dp->flags |= FLAG_SHOWSIGN; - cp++; - } - else if (*cp == ' ') - { - dp->flags |= FLAG_SPACE; - cp++; - } - else if (*cp == '#') - { - dp->flags |= FLAG_ALT; - cp++; - } - else if (*cp == '0') - { - dp->flags |= FLAG_ZERO; - cp++; - } - else - break; - } - - /* Parse the field width. */ - if (*cp == '*') - { - dp->width_start = cp; - cp++; - dp->width_end = cp; - if (max_width_length < 1) - max_width_length = 1; - - /* Test for positional argument. */ - if (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9') - { - const CHAR_T *np; - - for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) - ; - if (*np == '$') - { - size_t n = 0; - - for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) - n = xsum (xtimes (n, 10), *np - '0'); - if (n == 0) - /* Positional argument 0. */ - goto error; - if (size_overflow_p (n)) - /* n too large, would lead to out of memory later. */ - goto error; - dp->width_arg_index = n - 1; - cp = np + 1; - } - } - if (dp->width_arg_index == ARG_NONE) - { - dp->width_arg_index = arg_posn++; - if (dp->width_arg_index == ARG_NONE) - /* arg_posn wrapped around. */ - goto error; - } - REGISTER_ARG (dp->width_arg_index, TYPE_INT); - } - else if (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9') - { - size_t width_length; - - dp->width_start = cp; - for (; *cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9'; cp++) - ; - dp->width_end = cp; - width_length = dp->width_end - dp->width_start; - if (max_width_length < width_length) - max_width_length = width_length; - } - - /* Parse the precision. */ - if (*cp == '.') - { - cp++; - if (*cp == '*') - { - dp->precision_start = cp - 1; - cp++; - dp->precision_end = cp; - if (max_precision_length < 2) - max_precision_length = 2; - - /* Test for positional argument. */ - if (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9') - { - const CHAR_T *np; - - for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) - ; - if (*np == '$') - { - size_t n = 0; - - for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) - n = xsum (xtimes (n, 10), *np - '0'); - if (n == 0) - /* Positional argument 0. */ - goto error; - if (size_overflow_p (n)) - /* n too large, would lead to out of memory - later. */ - goto error; - dp->precision_arg_index = n - 1; - cp = np + 1; - } - } - if (dp->precision_arg_index == ARG_NONE) - { - dp->precision_arg_index = arg_posn++; - if (dp->precision_arg_index == ARG_NONE) - /* arg_posn wrapped around. */ - goto error; - } - REGISTER_ARG (dp->precision_arg_index, TYPE_INT); - } - else - { - size_t precision_length; - - dp->precision_start = cp - 1; - for (; *cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9'; cp++) - ; - dp->precision_end = cp; - precision_length = dp->precision_end - dp->precision_start; - if (max_precision_length < precision_length) - max_precision_length = precision_length; - } - } - - { - arg_type type; - - /* Parse argument type/size specifiers. */ - { - int flags = 0; - - for (;;) - { - if (*cp == 'h') - { - flags |= (1 << (flags & 1)); - cp++; - } - else if (*cp == 'L') - { - flags |= 4; - cp++; - } - else if (*cp == 'l') - { - flags += 8; - cp++; - } -#ifdef HAVE_INTMAX_T - else if (*cp == 'j') - { - if (sizeof (intmax_t) > sizeof (long)) - { - /* intmax_t = long long */ - flags += 16; - } - else if (sizeof (intmax_t) > sizeof (int)) - { - /* intmax_t = long */ - flags += 8; - } - cp++; - } -#endif - else if (*cp == 'z' || *cp == 'Z') - { - /* 'z' is standardized in ISO C 99, but glibc uses 'Z' - because the warning facility in gcc-2.95.2 understands - only 'Z' (see gcc-2.95.2/gcc/c-common.c:1784). */ - if (sizeof (size_t) > sizeof (long)) - { - /* size_t = long long */ - flags += 16; - } - else if (sizeof (size_t) > sizeof (int)) - { - /* size_t = long */ - flags += 8; - } - cp++; - } - else if (*cp == 't') - { - if (sizeof (ptrdiff_t) > sizeof (long)) - { - /* ptrdiff_t = long long */ - flags += 16; - } - else if (sizeof (ptrdiff_t) > sizeof (int)) - { - /* ptrdiff_t = long */ - flags += 8; - } - cp++; - } - else - break; - } - - /* Read the conversion character. */ - c = *cp++; - switch (c) - { - case 'd': case 'i': -#ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG - if (flags >= 16 || (flags & 4)) - type = TYPE_LONGLONGINT; - else -#endif - if (flags >= 8) - type = TYPE_LONGINT; - else if (flags & 2) - type = TYPE_SCHAR; - else if (flags & 1) - type = TYPE_SHORT; - else - type = TYPE_INT; - break; - case 'o': case 'u': case 'x': case 'X': -#ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG - if (flags >= 16 || (flags & 4)) - type = TYPE_ULONGLONGINT; - else -#endif - if (flags >= 8) - type = TYPE_ULONGINT; - else if (flags & 2) - type = TYPE_UCHAR; - else if (flags & 1) - type = TYPE_USHORT; - else - type = TYPE_UINT; - break; - case 'f': case 'F': case 'e': case 'E': case 'g': case 'G': - case 'a': case 'A': -#ifdef HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE - if (flags >= 16 || (flags & 4)) - type = TYPE_LONGDOUBLE; - else -#endif - type = TYPE_DOUBLE; - break; - case 'c': - if (flags >= 8) -#ifdef HAVE_WINT_T - type = TYPE_WIDE_CHAR; -#else - goto error; -#endif - else - type = TYPE_CHAR; - break; -#ifdef HAVE_WINT_T - case 'C': - type = TYPE_WIDE_CHAR; - c = 'c'; - break; -#endif - case 's': - if (flags >= 8) -#ifdef HAVE_WCHAR_T - type = TYPE_WIDE_STRING; -#else - goto error; -#endif - else - type = TYPE_STRING; - break; -#ifdef HAVE_WCHAR_T - case 'S': - type = TYPE_WIDE_STRING; - c = 's'; - break; -#endif - case 'p': - type = TYPE_POINTER; - break; - case 'n': -#ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG - if (flags >= 16 || (flags & 4)) - type = TYPE_COUNT_LONGLONGINT_POINTER; - else -#endif - if (flags >= 8) - type = TYPE_COUNT_LONGINT_POINTER; - else if (flags & 2) - type = TYPE_COUNT_SCHAR_POINTER; - else if (flags & 1) - type = TYPE_COUNT_SHORT_POINTER; - else - type = TYPE_COUNT_INT_POINTER; - break; - case '%': - type = TYPE_NONE; - break; - default: - /* Unknown conversion character. */ - goto error; - } - } - - if (type != TYPE_NONE) - { - dp->arg_index = arg_index; - if (dp->arg_index == ARG_NONE) - { - dp->arg_index = arg_posn++; - if (dp->arg_index == ARG_NONE) - /* arg_posn wrapped around. */ - goto error; - } - REGISTER_ARG (dp->arg_index, type); - } - dp->conversion = c; - dp->dir_end = cp; - } - - d->count++; - if (d->count >= d_allocated) - { - size_t memory_size; - DIRECTIVE *memory; - - d_allocated = xtimes (d_allocated, 2); - memory_size = xtimes (d_allocated, sizeof (DIRECTIVE)); - if (size_overflow_p (memory_size)) - /* Overflow, would lead to out of memory. */ - goto error; - memory = realloc (d->dir, memory_size); - if (memory == NULL) - /* Out of memory. */ - goto error; - d->dir = memory; - } - } - } - d->dir[d->count].dir_start = cp; - - d->max_width_length = max_width_length; - d->max_precision_length = max_precision_length; - return 0; - -error: - if (a->arg) - free (a->arg); - if (d->dir) - free (d->dir); - return -1; -} - -#undef DIRECTIVES -#undef DIRECTIVE -#undef CHAR_T -#undef PRINTF_PARSE diff --git a/webcit/intl/printf-parse.h b/webcit/intl/printf-parse.h deleted file mode 100644 index 8aec50e2a..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/printf-parse.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -/* Parse printf format string. - Copyright (C) 1999, 2002-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifndef _PRINTF_PARSE_H -#define _PRINTF_PARSE_H - -#include "printf-args.h" - - -/* Flags */ -#define FLAG_GROUP 1 /* ' flag */ -#define FLAG_LEFT 2 /* - flag */ -#define FLAG_SHOWSIGN 4 /* + flag */ -#define FLAG_SPACE 8 /* space flag */ -#define FLAG_ALT 16 /* # flag */ -#define FLAG_ZERO 32 - -/* arg_index value indicating that no argument is consumed. */ -#define ARG_NONE (~(size_t)0) - -/* A parsed directive. */ -typedef struct -{ - const char* dir_start; - const char* dir_end; - int flags; - const char* width_start; - const char* width_end; - size_t width_arg_index; - const char* precision_start; - const char* precision_end; - size_t precision_arg_index; - char conversion; /* d i o u x X f e E g G c s p n U % but not C S */ - size_t arg_index; -} -char_directive; - -/* A parsed format string. */ -typedef struct -{ - size_t count; - char_directive *dir; - size_t max_width_length; - size_t max_precision_length; -} -char_directives; - - -/* Parses the format string. Fills in the number N of directives, and fills - in directives[0], ..., directives[N-1], and sets directives[N].dir_start - to the end of the format string. Also fills in the arg_type fields of the - arguments and the needed count of arguments. */ -#ifdef STATIC -STATIC -#else -extern -#endif -int printf_parse (const char *format, char_directives *d, arguments *a); - -#endif /* _PRINTF_PARSE_H */ diff --git a/webcit/intl/printf.c b/webcit/intl/printf.c deleted file mode 100644 index 878646c2d..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/printf.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,371 +0,0 @@ -/* Formatted output to strings, using POSIX/XSI format strings with positions. - Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - Written by Bruno Haible , 2003. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#ifdef __GNUC__ -# define alloca __builtin_alloca -# define HAVE_ALLOCA 1 -#else -# ifdef _MSC_VER -# include -# define alloca _alloca -# else -# if defined HAVE_ALLOCA_H || defined _LIBC -# include -# else -# ifdef _AIX - #pragma alloca -# else -# ifndef alloca -char *alloca (); -# endif -# endif -# endif -# endif -#endif - -#include - -#if !HAVE_POSIX_PRINTF - -#include -#include - -/* When building a DLL, we must export some functions. Note that because - the functions are only defined for binary backward compatibility, we - don't need to use __declspec(dllimport) in any case. */ -#if defined _MSC_VER && BUILDING_DLL -# define DLL_EXPORTED __declspec(dllexport) -#else -# define DLL_EXPORTED -#endif - -#define STATIC static - -/* Define auxiliary functions declared in "printf-args.h". */ -#include "printf-args.c" - -/* Define auxiliary functions declared in "printf-parse.h". */ -#include "printf-parse.c" - -/* Define functions declared in "vasnprintf.h". */ -#define vasnprintf libintl_vasnprintf -#include "vasnprintf.c" -#if 0 /* not needed */ -#define asnprintf libintl_asnprintf -#include "asnprintf.c" -#endif - -DLL_EXPORTED -int -libintl_vfprintf (FILE *stream, const char *format, va_list args) -{ - if (strchr (format, '$') == NULL) - return vfprintf (stream, format, args); - else - { - size_t length; - char *result = libintl_vasnprintf (NULL, &length, format, args); - int retval = -1; - if (result != NULL) - { - if (fwrite (result, 1, length, stream) == length) - retval = length; - free (result); - } - return retval; - } -} - -DLL_EXPORTED -int -libintl_fprintf (FILE *stream, const char *format, ...) -{ - va_list args; - int retval; - - va_start (args, format); - retval = libintl_vfprintf (stream, format, args); - va_end (args); - return retval; -} - -DLL_EXPORTED -int -libintl_vprintf (const char *format, va_list args) -{ - return libintl_vfprintf (stdout, format, args); -} - -DLL_EXPORTED -int -libintl_printf (const char *format, ...) -{ - va_list args; - int retval; - - va_start (args, format); - retval = libintl_vprintf (format, args); - va_end (args); - return retval; -} - -DLL_EXPORTED -int -libintl_vsprintf (char *resultbuf, const char *format, va_list args) -{ - if (strchr (format, '$') == NULL) - return vsprintf (resultbuf, format, args); - else - { - size_t length = (size_t) ~0 / (4 * sizeof (char)); - char *result = libintl_vasnprintf (resultbuf, &length, format, args); - if (result != resultbuf) - { - free (result); - return -1; - } - else - return length; - } -} - -DLL_EXPORTED -int -libintl_sprintf (char *resultbuf, const char *format, ...) -{ - va_list args; - int retval; - - va_start (args, format); - retval = libintl_vsprintf (resultbuf, format, args); - va_end (args); - return retval; -} - -#if HAVE_SNPRINTF - -# if HAVE_DECL__SNPRINTF - /* Windows. */ -# define system_vsnprintf _vsnprintf -# else - /* Unix. */ -# define system_vsnprintf vsnprintf -# endif - -DLL_EXPORTED -int -libintl_vsnprintf (char *resultbuf, size_t length, const char *format, va_list args) -{ - if (strchr (format, '$') == NULL) - return system_vsnprintf (resultbuf, length, format, args); - else - { - size_t maxlength = length; - char *result = libintl_vasnprintf (resultbuf, &length, format, args); - if (result != resultbuf) - { - if (maxlength > 0) - { - if (length < maxlength) - abort (); - memcpy (resultbuf, result, maxlength - 1); - resultbuf[maxlength - 1] = '\0'; - } - free (result); - return -1; - } - else - return length; - } -} - -DLL_EXPORTED -int -libintl_snprintf (char *resultbuf, size_t length, const char *format, ...) -{ - va_list args; - int retval; - - va_start (args, format); - retval = libintl_vsnprintf (resultbuf, length, format, args); - va_end (args); - return retval; -} - -#endif - -#if HAVE_ASPRINTF - -DLL_EXPORTED -int -libintl_vasprintf (char **resultp, const char *format, va_list args) -{ - size_t length; - char *result = libintl_vasnprintf (NULL, &length, format, args); - if (result == NULL) - return -1; - *resultp = result; - return length; -} - -DLL_EXPORTED -int -libintl_asprintf (char **resultp, const char *format, ...) -{ - va_list args; - int retval; - - va_start (args, format); - retval = libintl_vasprintf (resultp, format, args); - va_end (args); - return retval; -} - -#endif - -#if HAVE_FWPRINTF - -#include - -#define WIDE_CHAR_VERSION 1 - -/* Define auxiliary functions declared in "wprintf-parse.h". */ -#include "printf-parse.c" - -/* Define functions declared in "vasnprintf.h". */ -#define vasnwprintf libintl_vasnwprintf -#include "vasnprintf.c" -#if 0 /* not needed */ -#define asnwprintf libintl_asnwprintf -#include "asnprintf.c" -#endif - -# if HAVE_DECL__SNWPRINTF - /* Windows. */ -# define system_vswprintf _vsnwprintf -# else - /* Unix. */ -# define system_vswprintf vswprintf -# endif - -DLL_EXPORTED -int -libintl_vfwprintf (FILE *stream, const wchar_t *format, va_list args) -{ - if (wcschr (format, '$') == NULL) - return vfwprintf (stream, format, args); - else - { - size_t length; - wchar_t *result = libintl_vasnwprintf (NULL, &length, format, args); - int retval = -1; - if (result != NULL) - { - size_t i; - for (i = 0; i < length; i++) - if (fputwc (result[i], stream) == WEOF) - break; - if (i == length) - retval = length; - free (result); - } - return retval; - } -} - -DLL_EXPORTED -int -libintl_fwprintf (FILE *stream, const wchar_t *format, ...) -{ - va_list args; - int retval; - - va_start (args, format); - retval = libintl_vfwprintf (stream, format, args); - va_end (args); - return retval; -} - -DLL_EXPORTED -int -libintl_vwprintf (const wchar_t *format, va_list args) -{ - return libintl_vfwprintf (stdout, format, args); -} - -DLL_EXPORTED -int -libintl_wprintf (const wchar_t *format, ...) -{ - va_list args; - int retval; - - va_start (args, format); - retval = libintl_vwprintf (format, args); - va_end (args); - return retval; -} - -DLL_EXPORTED -int -libintl_vswprintf (wchar_t *resultbuf, size_t length, const wchar_t *format, va_list args) -{ - if (wcschr (format, '$') == NULL) - return system_vswprintf (resultbuf, length, format, args); - else - { - size_t maxlength = length; - wchar_t *result = libintl_vasnwprintf (resultbuf, &length, format, args); - if (result != resultbuf) - { - if (maxlength > 0) - { - if (length < maxlength) - abort (); - memcpy (resultbuf, result, (maxlength - 1) * sizeof (wchar_t)); - resultbuf[maxlength - 1] = 0; - } - free (result); - return -1; - } - else - return length; - } -} - -DLL_EXPORTED -int -libintl_swprintf (wchar_t *resultbuf, size_t length, const wchar_t *format, ...) -{ - va_list args; - int retval; - - va_start (args, format); - retval = libintl_vswprintf (resultbuf, length, format, args); - va_end (args); - return retval; -} - -#endif - -#endif diff --git a/webcit/intl/ref-add.sin b/webcit/intl/ref-add.sin deleted file mode 100644 index 167374e3c..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/ref-add.sin +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -# Add this package to a list of references stored in a text file. -# -# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -# -# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published -# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) -# any later version. -# -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Library General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public -# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, -# USA. -# -# Written by Bruno Haible . -# -/^# Packages using this file: / { - s/# Packages using this file:// - ta - :a - s/ @PACKAGE@ / @PACKAGE@ / - tb - s/ $/ @PACKAGE@ / - :b - s/^/# Packages using this file:/ -} diff --git a/webcit/intl/ref-del.sin b/webcit/intl/ref-del.sin deleted file mode 100644 index 613cf37f3..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/ref-del.sin +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -# Remove this package from a list of references stored in a text file. -# -# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -# -# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published -# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) -# any later version. -# -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Library General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public -# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, -# USA. -# -# Written by Bruno Haible . -# -/^# Packages using this file: / { - s/# Packages using this file:// - s/ @PACKAGE@ / / - s/^/# Packages using this file:/ -} diff --git a/webcit/intl/relocatable.c b/webcit/intl/relocatable.c deleted file mode 100644 index bf7c70854..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/relocatable.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,449 +0,0 @@ -/* Provide relocatable packages. - Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - Written by Bruno Haible , 2003. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - - -/* Tell glibc's to provide a prototype for getline(). - This must come before because may include - , and once has been included, it's too late. */ -#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE -# define _GNU_SOURCE 1 -#endif - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include "config.h" -#endif - -/* Specification. */ -#include "relocatable.h" - -#if ENABLE_RELOCATABLE - -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#ifdef NO_XMALLOC -# define xmalloc malloc -#else -# include "xalloc.h" -#endif - -#if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ -# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -# include -#endif - -#if DEPENDS_ON_LIBCHARSET -# include -#endif -#if DEPENDS_ON_LIBICONV && HAVE_ICONV -# include -#endif -#if DEPENDS_ON_LIBINTL && ENABLE_NLS -# include -#endif - -/* Faked cheap 'bool'. */ -#undef bool -#undef false -#undef true -#define bool int -#define false 0 -#define true 1 - -/* Pathname support. - ISSLASH(C) tests whether C is a directory separator character. - IS_PATH_WITH_DIR(P) tests whether P contains a directory specification. - */ -#if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined __EMX__ || defined __DJGPP__ - /* Win32, OS/2, DOS */ -# define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/' || (C) == '\\') -# define HAS_DEVICE(P) \ - ((((P)[0] >= 'A' && (P)[0] <= 'Z') || ((P)[0] >= 'a' && (P)[0] <= 'z')) \ - && (P)[1] == ':') -# define IS_PATH_WITH_DIR(P) \ - (strchr (P, '/') != NULL || strchr (P, '\\') != NULL || HAS_DEVICE (P)) -# define FILESYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN(P) (HAS_DEVICE (P) ? 2 : 0) -#else - /* Unix */ -# define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/') -# define IS_PATH_WITH_DIR(P) (strchr (P, '/') != NULL) -# define FILESYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN(P) 0 -#endif - -/* Original installation prefix. */ -static char *orig_prefix; -static size_t orig_prefix_len; -/* Current installation prefix. */ -static char *curr_prefix; -static size_t curr_prefix_len; -/* These prefixes do not end in a slash. Anything that will be concatenated - to them must start with a slash. */ - -/* Sets the original and the current installation prefix of this module. - Relocation simply replaces a pathname starting with the original prefix - by the corresponding pathname with the current prefix instead. Both - prefixes should be directory names without trailing slash (i.e. use "" - instead of "/"). */ -static void -set_this_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix_arg, - const char *curr_prefix_arg) -{ - if (orig_prefix_arg != NULL && curr_prefix_arg != NULL - /* Optimization: if orig_prefix and curr_prefix are equal, the - relocation is a nop. */ - && strcmp (orig_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_arg) != 0) - { - /* Duplicate the argument strings. */ - char *memory; - - orig_prefix_len = strlen (orig_prefix_arg); - curr_prefix_len = strlen (curr_prefix_arg); - memory = (char *) xmalloc (orig_prefix_len + 1 + curr_prefix_len + 1); -#ifdef NO_XMALLOC - if (memory != NULL) -#endif - { - memcpy (memory, orig_prefix_arg, orig_prefix_len + 1); - orig_prefix = memory; - memory += orig_prefix_len + 1; - memcpy (memory, curr_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_len + 1); - curr_prefix = memory; - return; - } - } - orig_prefix = NULL; - curr_prefix = NULL; - /* Don't worry about wasted memory here - this function is usually only - called once. */ -} - -/* Sets the original and the current installation prefix of the package. - Relocation simply replaces a pathname starting with the original prefix - by the corresponding pathname with the current prefix instead. Both - prefixes should be directory names without trailing slash (i.e. use "" - instead of "/"). */ -void -set_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix_arg, const char *curr_prefix_arg) -{ - set_this_relocation_prefix (orig_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_arg); - - /* Now notify all dependent libraries. */ -#if DEPENDS_ON_LIBCHARSET - libcharset_set_relocation_prefix (orig_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_arg); -#endif -#if DEPENDS_ON_LIBICONV && HAVE_ICONV && _LIBICONV_VERSION >= 0x0109 - libiconv_set_relocation_prefix (orig_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_arg); -#endif -#if DEPENDS_ON_LIBINTL && ENABLE_NLS && defined libintl_set_relocation_prefix - libintl_set_relocation_prefix (orig_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_arg); -#endif -} - -#if !defined IN_LIBRARY || (defined PIC && defined INSTALLDIR) - -/* Convenience function: - Computes the current installation prefix, based on the original - installation prefix, the original installation directory of a particular - file, and the current pathname of this file. Returns NULL upon failure. */ -#ifdef IN_LIBRARY -#define compute_curr_prefix local_compute_curr_prefix -static -#endif -const char * -compute_curr_prefix (const char *orig_installprefix, - const char *orig_installdir, - const char *curr_pathname) -{ - const char *curr_installdir; - const char *rel_installdir; - - if (curr_pathname == NULL) - return NULL; - - /* Determine the relative installation directory, relative to the prefix. - This is simply the difference between orig_installprefix and - orig_installdir. */ - if (strncmp (orig_installprefix, orig_installdir, strlen (orig_installprefix)) - != 0) - /* Shouldn't happen - nothing should be installed outside $(prefix). */ - return NULL; - rel_installdir = orig_installdir + strlen (orig_installprefix); - - /* Determine the current installation directory. */ - { - const char *p_base = curr_pathname + FILESYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN (curr_pathname); - const char *p = curr_pathname + strlen (curr_pathname); - char *q; - - while (p > p_base) - { - p--; - if (ISSLASH (*p)) - break; - } - - q = (char *) xmalloc (p - curr_pathname + 1); -#ifdef NO_XMALLOC - if (q == NULL) - return NULL; -#endif - memcpy (q, curr_pathname, p - curr_pathname); - q[p - curr_pathname] = '\0'; - curr_installdir = q; - } - - /* Compute the current installation prefix by removing the trailing - rel_installdir from it. */ - { - const char *rp = rel_installdir + strlen (rel_installdir); - const char *cp = curr_installdir + strlen (curr_installdir); - const char *cp_base = - curr_installdir + FILESYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN (curr_installdir); - - while (rp > rel_installdir && cp > cp_base) - { - bool same = false; - const char *rpi = rp; - const char *cpi = cp; - - while (rpi > rel_installdir && cpi > cp_base) - { - rpi--; - cpi--; - if (ISSLASH (*rpi) || ISSLASH (*cpi)) - { - if (ISSLASH (*rpi) && ISSLASH (*cpi)) - same = true; - break; - } -#if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined __EMX__ || defined __DJGPP__ - /* Win32, OS/2, DOS - case insignificant filesystem */ - if ((*rpi >= 'a' && *rpi <= 'z' ? *rpi - 'a' + 'A' : *rpi) - != (*cpi >= 'a' && *cpi <= 'z' ? *cpi - 'a' + 'A' : *cpi)) - break; -#else - if (*rpi != *cpi) - break; -#endif - } - if (!same) - break; - /* The last pathname component was the same. opi and cpi now point - to the slash before it. */ - rp = rpi; - cp = cpi; - } - - if (rp > rel_installdir) - /* Unexpected: The curr_installdir does not end with rel_installdir. */ - return NULL; - - { - size_t curr_prefix_len = cp - curr_installdir; - char *curr_prefix; - - curr_prefix = (char *) xmalloc (curr_prefix_len + 1); -#ifdef NO_XMALLOC - if (curr_prefix == NULL) - return NULL; -#endif - memcpy (curr_prefix, curr_installdir, curr_prefix_len); - curr_prefix[curr_prefix_len] = '\0'; - - return curr_prefix; - } - } -} - -#endif /* !IN_LIBRARY || PIC */ - -#if defined PIC && defined INSTALLDIR - -/* Full pathname of shared library, or NULL. */ -static char *shared_library_fullname; - -#if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ - -/* Determine the full pathname of the shared library when it is loaded. */ - -BOOL WINAPI -DllMain (HINSTANCE module_handle, DWORD event, LPVOID reserved) -{ - (void) reserved; - - if (event == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) - { - /* The DLL is being loaded into an application's address range. */ - static char location[MAX_PATH]; - - if (!GetModuleFileName (module_handle, location, sizeof (location))) - /* Shouldn't happen. */ - return FALSE; - - if (!IS_PATH_WITH_DIR (location)) - /* Shouldn't happen. */ - return FALSE; - - shared_library_fullname = strdup (location); - } - - return TRUE; -} - -#else /* Unix */ - -static void -find_shared_library_fullname () -{ -#if defined __linux__ && __GLIBC__ >= 2 - /* Linux has /proc/self/maps. glibc 2 has the getline() function. */ - FILE *fp; - - /* Open the current process' maps file. It describes one VMA per line. */ - fp = fopen ("/proc/self/maps", "r"); - if (fp) - { - unsigned long address = (unsigned long) &find_shared_library_fullname; - for (;;) - { - unsigned long start, end; - int c; - - if (fscanf (fp, "%lx-%lx", &start, &end) != 2) - break; - if (address >= start && address <= end - 1) - { - /* Found it. Now see if this line contains a filename. */ - while (c = getc (fp), c != EOF && c != '\n' && c != '/') - continue; - if (c == '/') - { - size_t size; - int len; - - ungetc (c, fp); - shared_library_fullname = NULL; size = 0; - len = getline (&shared_library_fullname, &size, fp); - if (len >= 0) - { - /* Success: filled shared_library_fullname. */ - if (len > 0 && shared_library_fullname[len - 1] == '\n') - shared_library_fullname[len - 1] = '\0'; - } - } - break; - } - while (c = getc (fp), c != EOF && c != '\n') - continue; - } - fclose (fp); - } -#endif -} - -#endif /* WIN32 / Unix */ - -/* Return the full pathname of the current shared library. - Return NULL if unknown. - Guaranteed to work only on Linux and Woe32. */ -static char * -get_shared_library_fullname () -{ -#if !(defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) - static bool tried_find_shared_library_fullname; - if (!tried_find_shared_library_fullname) - { - find_shared_library_fullname (); - tried_find_shared_library_fullname = true; - } -#endif - return shared_library_fullname; -} - -#endif /* PIC */ - -/* Returns the pathname, relocated according to the current installation - directory. */ -const char * -relocate (const char *pathname) -{ -#if defined PIC && defined INSTALLDIR - static int initialized; - - /* Initialization code for a shared library. */ - if (!initialized) - { - /* At this point, orig_prefix and curr_prefix likely have already been - set through the main program's set_program_name_and_installdir - function. This is sufficient in the case that the library has - initially been installed in the same orig_prefix. But we can do - better, to also cover the cases that 1. it has been installed - in a different prefix before being moved to orig_prefix and (later) - to curr_prefix, 2. unlike the program, it has not moved away from - orig_prefix. */ - const char *orig_installprefix = INSTALLPREFIX; - const char *orig_installdir = INSTALLDIR; - const char *curr_prefix_better; - - curr_prefix_better = - compute_curr_prefix (orig_installprefix, orig_installdir, - get_shared_library_fullname ()); - if (curr_prefix_better == NULL) - curr_prefix_better = curr_prefix; - - set_relocation_prefix (orig_installprefix, curr_prefix_better); - - initialized = 1; - } -#endif - - /* Note: It is not necessary to perform case insensitive comparison here, - even for DOS-like filesystems, because the pathname argument was - typically created from the same Makefile variable as orig_prefix came - from. */ - if (orig_prefix != NULL && curr_prefix != NULL - && strncmp (pathname, orig_prefix, orig_prefix_len) == 0) - { - if (pathname[orig_prefix_len] == '\0') - /* pathname equals orig_prefix. */ - return curr_prefix; - if (ISSLASH (pathname[orig_prefix_len])) - { - /* pathname starts with orig_prefix. */ - const char *pathname_tail = &pathname[orig_prefix_len]; - char *result = - (char *) xmalloc (curr_prefix_len + strlen (pathname_tail) + 1); - -#ifdef NO_XMALLOC - if (result != NULL) -#endif - { - memcpy (result, curr_prefix, curr_prefix_len); - strcpy (result + curr_prefix_len, pathname_tail); - return result; - } - } - } - /* Nothing to relocate. */ - return pathname; -} - -#endif diff --git a/webcit/intl/relocatable.h b/webcit/intl/relocatable.h deleted file mode 100644 index 48c5b71e2..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/relocatable.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -/* Provide relocatable packages. - Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - Written by Bruno Haible , 2003. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifndef _RELOCATABLE_H -#define _RELOCATABLE_H - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - - -/* This can be enabled through the configure --enable-relocatable option. */ -#if ENABLE_RELOCATABLE - -/* When building a DLL, we must export some functions. Note that because - this is a private .h file, we don't need to use __declspec(dllimport) - in any case. */ -#if defined _MSC_VER && BUILDING_DLL -# define RELOCATABLE_DLL_EXPORTED __declspec(dllexport) -#else -# define RELOCATABLE_DLL_EXPORTED -#endif - -/* Sets the original and the current installation prefix of the package. - Relocation simply replaces a pathname starting with the original prefix - by the corresponding pathname with the current prefix instead. Both - prefixes should be directory names without trailing slash (i.e. use "" - instead of "/"). */ -extern RELOCATABLE_DLL_EXPORTED void - set_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix, - const char *curr_prefix); - -/* Returns the pathname, relocated according to the current installation - directory. */ -extern const char * relocate (const char *pathname); - -/* Memory management: relocate() leaks memory, because it has to construct - a fresh pathname. If this is a problem because your program calls - relocate() frequently, think about caching the result. */ - -/* Convenience function: - Computes the current installation prefix, based on the original - installation prefix, the original installation directory of a particular - file, and the current pathname of this file. Returns NULL upon failure. */ -extern const char * compute_curr_prefix (const char *orig_installprefix, - const char *orig_installdir, - const char *curr_pathname); - -#else - -/* By default, we use the hardwired pathnames. */ -#define relocate(pathname) (pathname) - -#endif - - -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#endif /* _RELOCATABLE_H */ diff --git a/webcit/intl/textdomain.c b/webcit/intl/textdomain.c deleted file mode 100644 index 8745a8435..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/textdomain.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@ -/* Implementation of the textdomain(3) function. - Copyright (C) 1995-1998, 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif - -#include -#include - -#ifdef _LIBC -# include -#else -# include "libgnuintl.h" -#endif -#include "gettextP.h" - -#ifdef _LIBC -/* We have to handle multi-threaded applications. */ -# include -#else -/* Provide dummy implementation if this is outside glibc. */ -# define __libc_rwlock_define(CLASS, NAME) -# define __libc_rwlock_wrlock(NAME) -# define __libc_rwlock_unlock(NAME) -#endif - -/* The internal variables in the standalone libintl.a must have different - names than the internal variables in GNU libc, otherwise programs - using libintl.a cannot be linked statically. */ -#if !defined _LIBC -# define _nl_default_default_domain libintl_nl_default_default_domain -# define _nl_current_default_domain libintl_nl_current_default_domain -#endif - -/* @@ end of prolog @@ */ - -/* Name of the default text domain. */ -extern const char _nl_default_default_domain[] attribute_hidden; - -/* Default text domain in which entries for gettext(3) are to be found. */ -extern const char *_nl_current_default_domain attribute_hidden; - - -/* Names for the libintl functions are a problem. They must not clash - with existing names and they should follow ANSI C. But this source - code is also used in GNU C Library where the names have a __ - prefix. So we have to make a difference here. */ -#ifdef _LIBC -# define TEXTDOMAIN __textdomain -# ifndef strdup -# define strdup(str) __strdup (str) -# endif -#else -# define TEXTDOMAIN libintl_textdomain -#endif - -/* Lock variable to protect the global data in the gettext implementation. */ -__libc_rwlock_define (extern, _nl_state_lock attribute_hidden) - -/* Set the current default message catalog to DOMAINNAME. - If DOMAINNAME is null, return the current default. - If DOMAINNAME is "", reset to the default of "messages". */ -char * -TEXTDOMAIN (const char *domainname) -{ - char *new_domain; - char *old_domain; - - /* A NULL pointer requests the current setting. */ - if (domainname == NULL) - return (char *) _nl_current_default_domain; - - __libc_rwlock_wrlock (_nl_state_lock); - - old_domain = (char *) _nl_current_default_domain; - - /* If domain name is the null string set to default domain "messages". */ - if (domainname[0] == '\0' - || strcmp (domainname, _nl_default_default_domain) == 0) - { - _nl_current_default_domain = _nl_default_default_domain; - new_domain = (char *) _nl_current_default_domain; - } - else if (strcmp (domainname, old_domain) == 0) - /* This can happen and people will use it to signal that some - environment variable changed. */ - new_domain = old_domain; - else - { - /* If the following malloc fails `_nl_current_default_domain' - will be NULL. This value will be returned and so signals we - are out of core. */ -#if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE_STRDUP - new_domain = strdup (domainname); -#else - size_t len = strlen (domainname) + 1; - new_domain = (char *) malloc (len); - if (new_domain != NULL) - memcpy (new_domain, domainname, len); -#endif - - if (new_domain != NULL) - _nl_current_default_domain = new_domain; - } - - /* We use this possibility to signal a change of the loaded catalogs - since this is most likely the case and there is no other easy we - to do it. Do it only when the call was successful. */ - if (new_domain != NULL) - { - ++_nl_msg_cat_cntr; - - if (old_domain != new_domain && old_domain != _nl_default_default_domain) - free (old_domain); - } - - __libc_rwlock_unlock (_nl_state_lock); - - return new_domain; -} - -#ifdef _LIBC -/* Alias for function name in GNU C Library. */ -weak_alias (__textdomain, textdomain); -#endif diff --git a/webcit/intl/vasnprintf.c b/webcit/intl/vasnprintf.c deleted file mode 100644 index 8a62282d7..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/vasnprintf.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,887 +0,0 @@ -/* vsprintf with automatic memory allocation. - Copyright (C) 1999, 2002-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -/* Tell glibc's to provide a prototype for snprintf(). - This must come before because may include - , and once has been included, it's too late. */ -#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE -# define _GNU_SOURCE 1 -#endif - -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H -# include -#endif -#ifndef IN_LIBINTL -# include -#endif - -/* Specification. */ -#if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION -# include "vasnwprintf.h" -#else -# include "vasnprintf.h" -#endif - -#include /* snprintf(), sprintf() */ -#include /* abort(), malloc(), realloc(), free() */ -#include /* memcpy(), strlen() */ -#include /* errno */ -#include /* CHAR_BIT */ -#include /* DBL_MAX_EXP, LDBL_MAX_EXP */ -#if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION -# include "wprintf-parse.h" -#else -# include "printf-parse.h" -#endif - -/* Checked size_t computations. */ -#include "xsize.h" - -#ifdef HAVE_WCHAR_T -# ifdef HAVE_WCSLEN -# define local_wcslen wcslen -# else - /* Solaris 2.5.1 has wcslen() in a separate library To avoid - a dependency towards this library, here is a local substitute. - Define this substitute only once, even if this file is included - twice in the same compilation unit. */ -# ifndef local_wcslen_defined -# define local_wcslen_defined 1 -static size_t -local_wcslen (const wchar_t *s) -{ - const wchar_t *ptr; - - for (ptr = s; *ptr != (wchar_t) 0; ptr++) - ; - return ptr - s; -} -# endif -# endif -#endif - -#if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION -# define VASNPRINTF vasnwprintf -# define CHAR_T wchar_t -# define DIRECTIVE wchar_t_directive -# define DIRECTIVES wchar_t_directives -# define PRINTF_PARSE wprintf_parse -# define USE_SNPRINTF 1 -# if HAVE_DECL__SNWPRINTF - /* On Windows, the function swprintf() has a different signature than - on Unix; we use the _snwprintf() function instead. */ -# define SNPRINTF _snwprintf -# else - /* Unix. */ -# define SNPRINTF swprintf -# endif -#else -# define VASNPRINTF vasnprintf -# define CHAR_T char -# define DIRECTIVE char_directive -# define DIRECTIVES char_directives -# define PRINTF_PARSE printf_parse -# define USE_SNPRINTF (HAVE_DECL__SNPRINTF || HAVE_SNPRINTF) -# if HAVE_DECL__SNPRINTF - /* Windows. */ -# define SNPRINTF _snprintf -# else - /* Unix. */ -# define SNPRINTF snprintf -# endif -#endif - -CHAR_T * -VASNPRINTF (CHAR_T *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, const CHAR_T *format, va_list args) -{ - DIRECTIVES d; - arguments a; - - if (PRINTF_PARSE (format, &d, &a) < 0) - { - errno = EINVAL; - return NULL; - } - -#define CLEANUP() \ - free (d.dir); \ - if (a.arg) \ - free (a.arg); - - if (printf_fetchargs (args, &a) < 0) - { - CLEANUP (); - errno = EINVAL; - return NULL; - } - - { - size_t buf_neededlength; - CHAR_T *buf; - CHAR_T *buf_malloced; - const CHAR_T *cp; - size_t i; - DIRECTIVE *dp; - /* Output string accumulator. */ - CHAR_T *result; - size_t allocated; - size_t length; - - /* Allocate a small buffer that will hold a directive passed to - sprintf or snprintf. */ - buf_neededlength = - xsum4 (7, d.max_width_length, d.max_precision_length, 6); -#if HAVE_ALLOCA - if (buf_neededlength < 4000 / sizeof (CHAR_T)) - { - buf = (CHAR_T *) alloca (buf_neededlength * sizeof (CHAR_T)); - buf_malloced = NULL; - } - else -#endif - { - size_t buf_memsize = xtimes (buf_neededlength, sizeof (CHAR_T)); - if (size_overflow_p (buf_memsize)) - goto out_of_memory_1; - buf = (CHAR_T *) malloc (buf_memsize); - if (buf == NULL) - goto out_of_memory_1; - buf_malloced = buf; - } - - if (resultbuf != NULL) - { - result = resultbuf; - allocated = *lengthp; - } - else - { - result = NULL; - allocated = 0; - } - length = 0; - /* Invariants: - result is either == resultbuf or == NULL or malloc-allocated. - If length > 0, then result != NULL. */ - - /* Ensures that allocated >= needed. Aborts through a jump to - out_of_memory if needed is SIZE_MAX or otherwise too big. */ -#define ENSURE_ALLOCATION(needed) \ - if ((needed) > allocated) \ - { \ - size_t memory_size; \ - CHAR_T *memory; \ - \ - allocated = (allocated > 0 ? xtimes (allocated, 2) : 12); \ - if ((needed) > allocated) \ - allocated = (needed); \ - memory_size = xtimes (allocated, sizeof (CHAR_T)); \ - if (size_overflow_p (memory_size)) \ - goto out_of_memory; \ - if (result == resultbuf || result == NULL) \ - memory = (CHAR_T *) malloc (memory_size); \ - else \ - memory = (CHAR_T *) realloc (result, memory_size); \ - if (memory == NULL) \ - goto out_of_memory; \ - if (result == resultbuf && length > 0) \ - memcpy (memory, result, length * sizeof (CHAR_T)); \ - result = memory; \ - } - - for (cp = format, i = 0, dp = &d.dir[0]; ; cp = dp->dir_end, i++, dp++) - { - if (cp != dp->dir_start) - { - size_t n = dp->dir_start - cp; - size_t augmented_length = xsum (length, n); - - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (augmented_length); - memcpy (result + length, cp, n * sizeof (CHAR_T)); - length = augmented_length; - } - if (i == d.count) - break; - - /* Execute a single directive. */ - if (dp->conversion == '%') - { - size_t augmented_length; - - if (!(dp->arg_index == ARG_NONE)) - abort (); - augmented_length = xsum (length, 1); - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (augmented_length); - result[length] = '%'; - length = augmented_length; - } - else - { - if (!(dp->arg_index != ARG_NONE)) - abort (); - - if (dp->conversion == 'n') - { - switch (a.arg[dp->arg_index].type) - { - case TYPE_COUNT_SCHAR_POINTER: - *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_schar_pointer = length; - break; - case TYPE_COUNT_SHORT_POINTER: - *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_short_pointer = length; - break; - case TYPE_COUNT_INT_POINTER: - *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_int_pointer = length; - break; - case TYPE_COUNT_LONGINT_POINTER: - *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_longint_pointer = length; - break; -#ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG - case TYPE_COUNT_LONGLONGINT_POINTER: - *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_longlongint_pointer = length; - break; -#endif - default: - abort (); - } - } - else - { - arg_type type = a.arg[dp->arg_index].type; - CHAR_T *p; - unsigned int prefix_count; - int prefixes[2]; -#if !USE_SNPRINTF - size_t tmp_length; - CHAR_T tmpbuf[700]; - CHAR_T *tmp; - - /* Allocate a temporary buffer of sufficient size for calling - sprintf. */ - { - size_t width; - size_t precision; - - width = 0; - if (dp->width_start != dp->width_end) - { - if (dp->width_arg_index != ARG_NONE) - { - int arg; - - if (!(a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) - abort (); - arg = a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].a.a_int; - width = (arg < 0 ? (unsigned int) (-arg) : arg); - } - else - { - const CHAR_T *digitp = dp->width_start; - - do - width = xsum (xtimes (width, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); - while (digitp != dp->width_end); - } - } - - precision = 6; - if (dp->precision_start != dp->precision_end) - { - if (dp->precision_arg_index != ARG_NONE) - { - int arg; - - if (!(a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) - abort (); - arg = a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].a.a_int; - precision = (arg < 0 ? 0 : arg); - } - else - { - const CHAR_T *digitp = dp->precision_start + 1; - - precision = 0; - do - precision = xsum (xtimes (precision, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); - while (digitp != dp->precision_end); - } - } - - switch (dp->conversion) - { - - case 'd': case 'i': case 'u': -# ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG - if (type == TYPE_LONGLONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGLONGINT) - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long long) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ - * 2 /* estimate for FLAG_GROUP */ - ) - + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ - + 1; /* account for leading sign */ - else -# endif - if (type == TYPE_LONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGINT) - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ - * 2 /* estimate for FLAG_GROUP */ - ) - + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ - + 1; /* account for leading sign */ - else - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned int) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ - * 2 /* estimate for FLAG_GROUP */ - ) - + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ - + 1; /* account for leading sign */ - break; - - case 'o': -# ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG - if (type == TYPE_LONGLONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGLONGINT) - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long long) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.333334 /* binary -> octal */ - ) - + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ - + 1; /* account for leading sign */ - else -# endif - if (type == TYPE_LONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGINT) - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.333334 /* binary -> octal */ - ) - + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ - + 1; /* account for leading sign */ - else - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned int) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.333334 /* binary -> octal */ - ) - + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ - + 1; /* account for leading sign */ - break; - - case 'x': case 'X': -# ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG - if (type == TYPE_LONGLONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGLONGINT) - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long long) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.25 /* binary -> hexadecimal */ - ) - + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ - + 2; /* account for leading sign or alternate form */ - else -# endif - if (type == TYPE_LONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGINT) - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.25 /* binary -> hexadecimal */ - ) - + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ - + 2; /* account for leading sign or alternate form */ - else - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned int) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.25 /* binary -> hexadecimal */ - ) - + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ - + 2; /* account for leading sign or alternate form */ - break; - - case 'f': case 'F': -# ifdef HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE - if (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE) - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (LDBL_MAX_EXP - * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ - * 2 /* estimate for FLAG_GROUP */ - ) - + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ - + 10; /* sign, decimal point etc. */ - else -# endif - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (DBL_MAX_EXP - * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ - * 2 /* estimate for FLAG_GROUP */ - ) - + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ - + 10; /* sign, decimal point etc. */ - tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, precision); - break; - - case 'e': case 'E': case 'g': case 'G': - case 'a': case 'A': - tmp_length = - 12; /* sign, decimal point, exponent etc. */ - tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, precision); - break; - - case 'c': -# if defined HAVE_WINT_T && !WIDE_CHAR_VERSION - if (type == TYPE_WIDE_CHAR) - tmp_length = MB_CUR_MAX; - else -# endif - tmp_length = 1; - break; - - case 's': -# ifdef HAVE_WCHAR_T - if (type == TYPE_WIDE_STRING) - { - tmp_length = - local_wcslen (a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_wide_string); - -# if !WIDE_CHAR_VERSION - tmp_length = xtimes (tmp_length, MB_CUR_MAX); -# endif - } - else -# endif - tmp_length = strlen (a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_string); - break; - - case 'p': - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (void *) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.25 /* binary -> hexadecimal */ - ) - + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ - + 2; /* account for leading 0x */ - break; - - default: - abort (); - } - - if (tmp_length < width) - tmp_length = width; - - tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 1); /* account for trailing NUL */ - } - - if (tmp_length <= sizeof (tmpbuf) / sizeof (CHAR_T)) - tmp = tmpbuf; - else - { - size_t tmp_memsize = xtimes (tmp_length, sizeof (CHAR_T)); - - if (size_overflow_p (tmp_memsize)) - /* Overflow, would lead to out of memory. */ - goto out_of_memory; - tmp = (CHAR_T *) malloc (tmp_memsize); - if (tmp == NULL) - /* Out of memory. */ - goto out_of_memory; - } -#endif - - /* Construct the format string for calling snprintf or - sprintf. */ - p = buf; - *p++ = '%'; - if (dp->flags & FLAG_GROUP) - *p++ = '\''; - if (dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT) - *p++ = '-'; - if (dp->flags & FLAG_SHOWSIGN) - *p++ = '+'; - if (dp->flags & FLAG_SPACE) - *p++ = ' '; - if (dp->flags & FLAG_ALT) - *p++ = '#'; - if (dp->flags & FLAG_ZERO) - *p++ = '0'; - if (dp->width_start != dp->width_end) - { - size_t n = dp->width_end - dp->width_start; - memcpy (p, dp->width_start, n * sizeof (CHAR_T)); - p += n; - } - if (dp->precision_start != dp->precision_end) - { - size_t n = dp->precision_end - dp->precision_start; - memcpy (p, dp->precision_start, n * sizeof (CHAR_T)); - p += n; - } - - switch (type) - { -#ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG - case TYPE_LONGLONGINT: - case TYPE_ULONGLONGINT: - *p++ = 'l'; - /*FALLTHROUGH*/ -#endif - case TYPE_LONGINT: - case TYPE_ULONGINT: -#ifdef HAVE_WINT_T - case TYPE_WIDE_CHAR: -#endif -#ifdef HAVE_WCHAR_T - case TYPE_WIDE_STRING: -#endif - *p++ = 'l'; - break; -#ifdef HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE - case TYPE_LONGDOUBLE: - *p++ = 'L'; - break; -#endif - default: - break; - } - *p = dp->conversion; -#if USE_SNPRINTF - p[1] = '%'; - p[2] = 'n'; - p[3] = '\0'; -#else - p[1] = '\0'; -#endif - - /* Construct the arguments for calling snprintf or sprintf. */ - prefix_count = 0; - if (dp->width_arg_index != ARG_NONE) - { - if (!(a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) - abort (); - prefixes[prefix_count++] = a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].a.a_int; - } - if (dp->precision_arg_index != ARG_NONE) - { - if (!(a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) - abort (); - prefixes[prefix_count++] = a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].a.a_int; - } - -#if USE_SNPRINTF - /* Prepare checking whether snprintf returns the count - via %n. */ - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, 1)); - result[length] = '\0'; -#endif - - for (;;) - { - size_t maxlen; - int count; - int retcount; - - maxlen = allocated - length; - count = -1; - retcount = 0; - -#if USE_SNPRINTF -# define SNPRINTF_BUF(arg) \ - switch (prefix_count) \ - { \ - case 0: \ - retcount = SNPRINTF (result + length, maxlen, buf, \ - arg, &count); \ - break; \ - case 1: \ - retcount = SNPRINTF (result + length, maxlen, buf, \ - prefixes[0], arg, &count); \ - break; \ - case 2: \ - retcount = SNPRINTF (result + length, maxlen, buf, \ - prefixes[0], prefixes[1], arg, \ - &count); \ - break; \ - default: \ - abort (); \ - } -#else -# define SNPRINTF_BUF(arg) \ - switch (prefix_count) \ - { \ - case 0: \ - count = sprintf (tmp, buf, arg); \ - break; \ - case 1: \ - count = sprintf (tmp, buf, prefixes[0], arg); \ - break; \ - case 2: \ - count = sprintf (tmp, buf, prefixes[0], prefixes[1],\ - arg); \ - break; \ - default: \ - abort (); \ - } -#endif - - switch (type) - { - case TYPE_SCHAR: - { - int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_schar; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - case TYPE_UCHAR: - { - unsigned int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_uchar; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - case TYPE_SHORT: - { - int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_short; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - case TYPE_USHORT: - { - unsigned int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_ushort; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - case TYPE_INT: - { - int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_int; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - case TYPE_UINT: - { - unsigned int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_uint; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - case TYPE_LONGINT: - { - long int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longint; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - case TYPE_ULONGINT: - { - unsigned long int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_ulongint; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; -#ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG - case TYPE_LONGLONGINT: - { - long long int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longlongint; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - case TYPE_ULONGLONGINT: - { - unsigned long long int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_ulonglongint; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; -#endif - case TYPE_DOUBLE: - { - double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_double; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; -#ifdef HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE - case TYPE_LONGDOUBLE: - { - long double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longdouble; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; -#endif - case TYPE_CHAR: - { - int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_char; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; -#ifdef HAVE_WINT_T - case TYPE_WIDE_CHAR: - { - wint_t arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_wide_char; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; -#endif - case TYPE_STRING: - { - const char *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_string; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; -#ifdef HAVE_WCHAR_T - case TYPE_WIDE_STRING: - { - const wchar_t *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_wide_string; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; -#endif - case TYPE_POINTER: - { - void *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_pointer; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - default: - abort (); - } - -#if USE_SNPRINTF - /* Portability: Not all implementations of snprintf() - are ISO C 99 compliant. Determine the number of - bytes that snprintf() has produced or would have - produced. */ - if (count >= 0) - { - /* Verify that snprintf() has NUL-terminated its - result. */ - if (count < maxlen && result[length + count] != '\0') - abort (); - /* Portability hack. */ - if (retcount > count) - count = retcount; - } - else - { - /* snprintf() doesn't understand the '%n' - directive. */ - if (p[1] != '\0') - { - /* Don't use the '%n' directive; instead, look - at the snprintf() return value. */ - p[1] = '\0'; - continue; - } - else - { - /* Look at the snprintf() return value. */ - if (retcount < 0) - { - /* HP-UX 10.20 snprintf() is doubly deficient: - It doesn't understand the '%n' directive, - *and* it returns -1 (rather than the length - that would have been required) when the - buffer is too small. */ - size_t bigger_need = - xsum (xtimes (allocated, 2), 12); - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (bigger_need); - continue; - } - else - count = retcount; - } - } -#endif - - /* Attempt to handle failure. */ - if (count < 0) - { - if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) - free (result); - if (buf_malloced != NULL) - free (buf_malloced); - CLEANUP (); - errno = EINVAL; - return NULL; - } - -#if !USE_SNPRINTF - if (count >= tmp_length) - /* tmp_length was incorrectly calculated - fix the - code above! */ - abort (); -#endif - - /* Make room for the result. */ - if (count >= maxlen) - { - /* Need at least count bytes. But allocate - proportionally, to avoid looping eternally if - snprintf() reports a too small count. */ - size_t n = - xmax (xsum (length, count), xtimes (allocated, 2)); - - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); -#if USE_SNPRINTF - continue; -#endif - } - -#if USE_SNPRINTF - /* The snprintf() result did fit. */ -#else - /* Append the sprintf() result. */ - memcpy (result + length, tmp, count * sizeof (CHAR_T)); - if (tmp != tmpbuf) - free (tmp); -#endif - - length += count; - break; - } - } - } - } - - /* Add the final NUL. */ - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, 1)); - result[length] = '\0'; - - if (result != resultbuf && length + 1 < allocated) - { - /* Shrink the allocated memory if possible. */ - CHAR_T *memory; - - memory = (CHAR_T *) realloc (result, (length + 1) * sizeof (CHAR_T)); - if (memory != NULL) - result = memory; - } - - if (buf_malloced != NULL) - free (buf_malloced); - CLEANUP (); - *lengthp = length; - return result; - - out_of_memory: - if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) - free (result); - if (buf_malloced != NULL) - free (buf_malloced); - out_of_memory_1: - CLEANUP (); - errno = ENOMEM; - return NULL; - } -} - -#undef SNPRINTF -#undef USE_SNPRINTF -#undef PRINTF_PARSE -#undef DIRECTIVES -#undef DIRECTIVE -#undef CHAR_T -#undef VASNPRINTF diff --git a/webcit/intl/vasnprintf.h b/webcit/intl/vasnprintf.h deleted file mode 100644 index 65f1bc13d..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/vasnprintf.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -/* vsprintf with automatic memory allocation. - Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifndef _VASNPRINTF_H -#define _VASNPRINTF_H - -/* Get va_list. */ -#include - -/* Get size_t. */ -#include - -#ifndef __attribute__ -/* This feature is available in gcc versions 2.5 and later. */ -# if __GNUC__ < 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 5) || __STRICT_ANSI__ -# define __attribute__(Spec) /* empty */ -# endif -/* The __-protected variants of `format' and `printf' attributes - are accepted by gcc versions 2.6.4 (effectively 2.7) and later. */ -# if __GNUC__ < 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 7) -# define __format__ format -# define __printf__ printf -# endif -#endif - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -/* Write formatted output to a string dynamically allocated with malloc(). - You can pass a preallocated buffer for the result in RESULTBUF and its - size in *LENGTHP; otherwise you pass RESULTBUF = NULL. - If successful, return the address of the string (this may be = RESULTBUF - if no dynamic memory allocation was necessary) and set *LENGTHP to the - number of resulting bytes, excluding the trailing NUL. Upon error, set - errno and return NULL. */ -extern char * asnprintf (char *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, const char *format, ...) - __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 3, 4))); -extern char * vasnprintf (char *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, const char *format, va_list args) - __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 3, 0))); - -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#endif /* _VASNPRINTF_H */ diff --git a/webcit/intl/vasnwprintf.h b/webcit/intl/vasnwprintf.h deleted file mode 100644 index d3cef4cbc..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/vasnwprintf.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -/* vswprintf with automatic memory allocation. - Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifndef _VASNWPRINTF_H -#define _VASNWPRINTF_H - -/* Get va_list. */ -#include - -/* Get wchar_t, size_t. */ -#include - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -/* Write formatted output to a string dynamically allocated with malloc(). - You can pass a preallocated buffer for the result in RESULTBUF and its - size in *LENGTHP; otherwise you pass RESULTBUF = NULL. - If successful, return the address of the string (this may be = RESULTBUF - if no dynamic memory allocation was necessary) and set *LENGTHP to the - number of resulting bytes, excluding the trailing NUL. Upon error, set - errno and return NULL. */ -extern wchar_t * asnwprintf (wchar_t *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, const wchar_t *format, ...); -extern wchar_t * vasnwprintf (wchar_t *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, const wchar_t *format, va_list args); - -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#endif /* _VASNWPRINTF_H */ diff --git a/webcit/intl/wprintf-parse.h b/webcit/intl/wprintf-parse.h deleted file mode 100644 index 24a2cfc28..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/wprintf-parse.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -/* Parse printf format string. - Copyright (C) 1999, 2002-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifndef _WPRINTF_PARSE_H -#define _WPRINTF_PARSE_H - -#include "printf-args.h" - - -/* Flags */ -#define FLAG_GROUP 1 /* ' flag */ -#define FLAG_LEFT 2 /* - flag */ -#define FLAG_SHOWSIGN 4 /* + flag */ -#define FLAG_SPACE 8 /* space flag */ -#define FLAG_ALT 16 /* # flag */ -#define FLAG_ZERO 32 - -/* arg_index value indicating that no argument is consumed. */ -#define ARG_NONE (~(size_t)0) - -/* A parsed directive. */ -typedef struct -{ - const wchar_t* dir_start; - const wchar_t* dir_end; - int flags; - const wchar_t* width_start; - const wchar_t* width_end; - size_t width_arg_index; - const wchar_t* precision_start; - const wchar_t* precision_end; - size_t precision_arg_index; - wchar_t conversion; /* d i o u x X f e E g G c s p n U % but not C S */ - size_t arg_index; -} -wchar_t_directive; - -/* A parsed format string. */ -typedef struct -{ - size_t count; - wchar_t_directive *dir; - size_t max_width_length; - size_t max_precision_length; -} -wchar_t_directives; - - -/* Parses the format string. Fills in the number N of directives, and fills - in directives[0], ..., directives[N-1], and sets directives[N].dir_start - to the end of the format string. Also fills in the arg_type fields of the - arguments and the needed count of arguments. */ -#ifdef STATIC -STATIC -#else -extern -#endif -int wprintf_parse (const wchar_t *format, wchar_t_directives *d, arguments *a); - -#endif /* _WPRINTF_PARSE_H */ diff --git a/webcit/intl/xsize.h b/webcit/intl/xsize.h deleted file mode 100644 index 362e24b72..000000000 --- a/webcit/intl/xsize.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -/* xsize.h -- Checked size_t computations. - - Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published - by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, - USA. */ - -#ifndef _XSIZE_H -#define _XSIZE_H - -/* Get size_t. */ -#include - -/* Get SIZE_MAX. */ -#include -#if HAVE_STDINT_H -# include -#endif - -/* The size of memory objects is often computed through expressions of - type size_t. Example: - void* p = malloc (header_size + n * element_size). - These computations can lead to overflow. When this happens, malloc() - returns a piece of memory that is way too small, and the program then - crashes while attempting to fill the memory. - To avoid this, the functions and macros in this file check for overflow. - The convention is that SIZE_MAX represents overflow. - malloc (SIZE_MAX) is not guaranteed to fail -- think of a malloc - implementation that uses mmap --, it's recommended to use size_overflow_p() - or size_in_bounds_p() before invoking malloc(). - The example thus becomes: - size_t size = xsum (header_size, xtimes (n, element_size)); - void *p = (size_in_bounds_p (size) ? malloc (size) : NULL); -*/ - -/* Convert an arbitrary value >= 0 to type size_t. */ -#define xcast_size_t(N) \ - ((N) <= SIZE_MAX ? (size_t) (N) : SIZE_MAX) - -/* Sum of two sizes, with overflow check. */ -static inline size_t -#if __GNUC__ >= 3 -__attribute__ ((__pure__)) -#endif -xsum (size_t size1, size_t size2) -{ - size_t sum = size1 + size2; - return (sum >= size1 ? sum : SIZE_MAX); -} - -/* Sum of three sizes, with overflow check. */ -static inline size_t -#if __GNUC__ >= 3 -__attribute__ ((__pure__)) -#endif -xsum3 (size_t size1, size_t size2, size_t size3) -{ - return xsum (xsum (size1, size2), size3); -} - -/* Sum of four sizes, with overflow check. */ -static inline size_t -#if __GNUC__ >= 3 -__attribute__ ((__pure__)) -#endif -xsum4 (size_t size1, size_t size2, size_t size3, size_t size4) -{ - return xsum (xsum (xsum (size1, size2), size3), size4); -} - -/* Maximum of two sizes, with overflow check. */ -static inline size_t -#if __GNUC__ >= 3 -__attribute__ ((__pure__)) -#endif -xmax (size_t size1, size_t size2) -{ - /* No explicit check is needed here, because for any n: - max (SIZE_MAX, n) == SIZE_MAX and max (n, SIZE_MAX) == SIZE_MAX. */ - return (size1 >= size2 ? size1 : size2); -} - -/* Multiplication of a count with an element size, with overflow check. - The count must be >= 0 and the element size must be > 0. - This is a macro, not an inline function, so that it works correctly even - when N is of a wider tupe and N > SIZE_MAX. */ -#define xtimes(N, ELSIZE) \ - ((N) <= SIZE_MAX / (ELSIZE) ? (size_t) (N) * (ELSIZE) : SIZE_MAX) - -/* Check for overflow. */ -#define size_overflow_p(SIZE) \ - ((SIZE) == SIZE_MAX) -/* Check against overflow. */ -#define size_in_bounds_p(SIZE) \ - ((SIZE) != SIZE_MAX) - -#endif /* _XSIZE_H */ diff --git a/webcit/po/ b/webcit/po/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6ebdc7507 --- /dev/null +++ b/webcit/po/ @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +all: ../locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ ../locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/ + +../locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ de.po + [ -d ../locale/de/LC_MESSAGES ] || mkdir -p ../locale/de/LC_MESSAGES + msgfmt de.po -o ../locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ + +../locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/ it.po + [ -d ../locale/it/LC_MESSAGES ] || mkdir -p ../locale/it/LC_MESSAGES + msgfmt it.po -o ../locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/ + diff --git a/webcit/po/ b/webcit/po/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6ebdc7507..000000000 --- a/webcit/po/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -all: ../locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ ../locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/ - -../locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ de.po - [ -d ../locale/de/LC_MESSAGES ] || mkdir -p ../locale/de/LC_MESSAGES - msgfmt de.po -o ../locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ - -../locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/ it.po - [ -d ../locale/it/LC_MESSAGES ] || mkdir -p ../locale/it/LC_MESSAGES - msgfmt it.po -o ../locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/ - diff --git a/webcit/webserver.c b/webcit/webserver.c index cae15d66e..04ac7c3a3 100644 --- a/webcit/webserver.c +++ b/webcit/webserver.c @@ -382,8 +382,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) char tracefile[PATH_MAX]; char ip_addr[256]; char *webcitdir = WEBCITDIR; +#ifdef ENABLE_NLS char *locale = NULL; char *mo = NULL; +#endif /* ENABLE_NLS */ /* Parse command line */ #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL