Using your Citadel system as a mailing list server (listserv) ------------------------------------------------------------- Did you know that Citadel makes a great listserv? You can turn any room into a mailing list. Users can then choose how they want to participate -- by logging on to your Citadel, or by having the room's contents mailed to them. It's easy and it's built-in. By default, every room has an e-mail address on the Internet. The address format is "room_" plus the name of the room, with any spaces replaced by underscores, followed by "@" and your hostname. For example, if your system is known as "" on the Internet, and you have a room called "Bubblegum Collectors", you can post to that room from anywhere on the Internet simply by sending an e-mail to "". When the message arrives, it's automatically posted in that room. Setting up the listserv is very easy, but you do have to do it manually; there are no subscribe/unsubscribe facilities (yet). Simply go to the room and enter the command <.A>ide ist-management. Your text editor will open (it's whatever text editor you configured in citadel.rc) and you can simply enter the e-mail addresses of list recipients, one per line. Any messages posted in the room will automatically be mailed out to the recipients on the list, every time the networker runs (by default this is once per hour).