removed user/host/room masquerade from both clients
[citadel.git] / webcit / static / t / who / section.html
1 <tr class="<?ITERATE:ODDEVEN>">
2         <td class="edit_col">
3                 <??("COND:AIDE", 1)><??("WHO:ISME", 2)>
4                         <a href="terminate_session?which_session=<?WHO:SESSION>?template=who" onClick="return ConfirmKill();"><?_("(kill)")></a>&nbsp;
5                         (<a href="display_edituser?username=<?WHO:NAME("U")>&edit_config_button=Edit+configuration&nonce=<?NONCE>"><?_("Edit configuration")></a>)&nbsp;
6                         (<a href="display_edituser?username=<?WHO:NAME("U")>&edit_abe_button=Edit+address+book+entry"><?_("Edit address book entry")></a>)
7                 <??("X", 2)><??("X", 1)>
8         </td>
9         <!-- link to page this user -->
10         <td><a href="display_page?recp=<?WHO:NAME("X")>">
11                 <img src="static/webcit_icons/essen/16x16/chat.png" alt="(p)" title="chat"></a> 
12         </td>
13         <!-- idle flag -->
14         <td>
15                 <?!("WHO:IDLE", 4)>
16                         <img align="middle" src="static/webcit_icons/essen/16x16/user.png" alt="(<?_("idle since")>s <?WHO:IDLESINCE> <?_("Minutes")>)" title="(<?_("idle since")>s <?WHO:IDLESINCE> <?_("Minutes")>)">
17                 <?!("X", 4)>
18                 <??("WHO:IDLE", 5)>
19                         <img align="middle" src="static/webcit_icons/essen/16x16/activeuser.png" alt="(<?_("active")>)">
20                 <?!("X", 5)>
21         </td>
22         <!--  username (link to user bio/photo page)  -->
23         <td>
24                 <a href="do_template?template=user_show?who=<?WHO:NAME("U")>"><?WHO:NAME("X")></a>
25                 <??("WHO:NSESSIONS", 6, 1)>[<?WHO:NSESSIONS>]<?!("X", 6)>
26         </td>
27         <!-- room -->
28         <td>
29                 <?WHO:ROOM>
30                 <?!("WHO:REALROOM", 7)>
31                         <br><i>  <?WHO:REALROOM("X")>  </i>
32                 <?!("X", 7)>
33         </td>
34         <!-- hostname -->
35         <td class="host_col">
36                 <?WHO:HOST("X")>
37                         <?!("WHO:REALHOST", 8)><br><i> <?WHO:REALHOST("X")></i>
38                 <?!("X", 8)>
39         </td>
40 </tr>